Ordinance 526391
ORDII�AlGE I.O.. 526 ✓
An QrdiLar,ce providing for the improvemert of kirst
Ave. Forth in the City of Edmonds from Edmonds Street jortherly
a distarce of 1071 feet, more or less, to a correction with the
I orth Tr -ark Sewer by the, construction of a combired eight to ter_
irch lateral aL d sanitary sewer, and the corstructior, or concrete
curbs and gutters, together with the necessary drainage, manholes,
catch basirs and other appurterarces necessary to make a complete
improvemert, all it accordarce with 3esolutiQr_ Jo. 105 of the
City of Edmonds; creating ar. Assessmert District; creatirg a Local
Iaaprovemert District Fur:d therefor, and providing that payment for
such improvement be made by special assessmert or said District
under the mode of payment by bonds.
VF TLCEii ,S, by Resolution 10. 105, of the City of Edmonds,
the City Council of said Dity has declared its irtertior to order the
improvemert as above outlined and Goirg all other work necessary
in correction therewith to make a complete improvemert it accordarce
with the plans ar.d specifications prepared by the City Ergireer,
1:0IV, THERZ?O tE,
Section 1: That First iiverue Iorth it the City of
Edmonds from Edmop_ds Street Lortherly a distance of 1071 feet,
more or less, to a corr_ectior with the T.orth �rurx Sevier by the
corstruction of a combined eight to ter_ ir-,ch lateral ard sanitary
sewer, and the corstruction of a combired" eight to ter_ irych lateral
and saritary sewer, ar,d the corstruction: of concrete curbs and gutters
together with the recessary drair..age, manholes, catch basic_-s ar.d
other a-opurtenarces necessary to make a complete improvemert, all
in accordarce with the plans ar.A specifications prepared under the
direction of the City Ergireer, which plans and specifications are
hereby adopted and approved.
Section 2: That the costs and exper_.ses of such improvemert
shall be borne by and assessed agairst the property included in the
Assessmert District herein created in accordarce with law.
Section 3: There is hereby established a Local Improve-
mert District to be called Local Improvement District L o. 50 ,
which District shall include the following described prope7ty, to -wit:
Beginrir_.g at an irtersectior with the easterly right
of -way Lire of First Averue Iorth :_ d the center lire
of Edmords -,Street;;.:_.thence Easterly_.alorg the center
lire of Edmonds Street for 120 feet; thence I:ortheast-
erly parallell to and 120 feet easterly of the East
boundary of said First Aver_ue Lorth for 1086 feet;
thence T ortherwesterly-measured at right angles from
the Easterly margir• of first Avenue forth for 340 feet
to the Westerly boundary of the -right-of-way of the
Great lorthern railway Compary; thence Southwesterly
following the Westerly right-of-way boundary of said
Great T ortherr Railway for 1081 feet more or less to
an irterseetior with the center lire of Edmonds Street
produced westerly; thence Southeasterly alohg s&id center
lire of Edmonds Street to the Poirt of Begirrizg.
Section 4: A special fund is hereby created to be called Local
Imprrovement Dis.rrict Furd To 50 , which shall consist in the
aggregate of the several lots ar.d parcels of. land in said Local
Improvemert District a.nd the proceeds of the sale of the bords
of the said District for the purpose of defrayir_g the costs and
expenses of such improvemert. Out of said fur_d shall be paid the
bords, the interest thereon_, and the ertire cost of such improv-
emert., except the cost of labor as- hereinafter provided.
392 11 In
Sectior 5: The costs and expenses of such improvement
shall be defrayed -jy special assessiffer.t payable inter. equal,
arrual irstallmerts; with irterest thereon, at the rate of 5
per cent., per arr.-�n urder the mode of paymert by bords, as
provided by late a.r.dd1 the Oruir_arees of said City. Bords bearirg
ir_terest at the ra�'e of 5 per cent., per arram, payable on
or before twelve yepxs T m date of issue, shall be issued it
paymer_t of the costs and expenses of such improvement, or the City
of Edmonds may, at its election:, sell said bords and make pay-
me.lt ir_� cash it the marrer provided by the Ordir.arces of said
Sectior 6: That the costs and expenses of said improve-
mert to be borre by:-A�hd assessed agairst the property of the
said Assessment Diszrict, and for which bor_ds of said District
are to be issued, shall rot ir..clude the cost of labor upor said
improvement, which labor is to be furrished by Federal funds
urder the VTPk plar bf Federal Goverrmert.
Passed: October, 17, 1939.
ATTEST: Geo. H. Lt �ua
ruy Clerk.
F. A. Fourtrer,
I hereby Certify that the
above and foregoir_g is a true
and Correct copy of Ordinance
526, of z�ie City of Edmoras.
-Vity clftx.