Ordinance 542OP.LI:.1:CE 0. 542 All OsMI LIC1' adopting and levying the general taxes for the City of Edmonds, ushington., for the fiscal year conmencinf; January lst, 1943, on all property, both real ana personal, in said Qity, subject to . taxation for the purpose of raising sufficient revenue to carry on the several departments of said City for the ensuing year a§ required 5y la.+:; appropriating the same to the several funds for said fiscal year, and providing for the collection thereofl 'R--t1Ec r.fi.5 the Oit7 Council Of the City of Edmords, State of Washington, having heard all persons asking to be. heard for and against the preliminary budget, heretofore adopted for the ensuing year, due notice havir;g been given as reauired by law and now this 5th day of October 1942, final budget having been adopted and the Council having determined the amount necessary to be paid on the 4urrert assessment roll as general taxes for the ensuing year and appropriatitg the same as in this OrdinanIce described therefore; THE CITY COLT OIL 0�' THE GI2Y O.i' DO Oit LI1, 4i r'OLLU,-,S: SECTICIT: 1. That there be a,r,d the , e is hereby levied on all real and personal property of the ;;ity of Edmonds, subject to taxation therein, a general tax for municipal purposes for the ensai_,g year commencing January 1st, 1943, the sum of 010911.00 Current Expense ,,und. Mayor, salary -------------------------- �240.00 Councilmen, salary--------------------- 420.00 City Glerk, salary ---------------------- 600.00 "sista.nt City Clerk, salary----------- 360.00 Printing and Pos tE.,,;e------------------- 66.66 Supplies-------- ------------- 20.00 - Phone calls ---------------------------- 15.00 3ond----------------------------------- 5.00 Electionsw_-------__--------- ---------- 150.00 4890.00 City treasurer, salary ----------------- 600.00 Expenses------------------------------- 30.00 Pond----------------------------------- 30.00 660.00 City Attorney, salary ------------------ a ^60OD Expense. ------------------------------- 100.00 Bond----------------------------------- 5.00 Membership in Lsso. of ,:ash, 50.00 Health Officer, salary------------------ 75.00 515.00 Expenses------------------------------- 50.00 Care of Garba`e Dump------------------- 120.00 State Inspeeti0n----r------------------- 200.00 Polic445.00 eofePolient Chief i ,---------------- Salary 1500.00 Tight Patrol, salary------------------- 1200.00 Extra 2olicemen, w4ges----------------- 100.00 .xoense of the Department-------------- 100.00 Police Judge fees-- ------------------- Ind. Ins, & Lledicallhid---------------- 300.00 30.00 Pon ds--------------------------------- 15.00 Phone Oa11s---------------------------- 15.00 w3260.00 303 CITE H:LL City Hall Lights----------------------- 25.00 Fuel Oil------------------------------- 125.00 iepairs-------------------------------- 50.00 Cure of Grounds------------------------ 100.00 300.00 Z ire Department: Volunteer Firemen, viages--------------- 600.00 Supplies and repairs------------------ - 500.00 Expenses of 2iremen's convention------- 100.00 Storage-------------------------------- 110.00 Firemens Insurance--------------------- 45.00 Hydrant mental------------------------- 2400.00 3755.00 Park Department Wages for labor------------------------ 120.00 Improvements--------------------------- 120.00 240.00 Library Department Librarian, salary---------------------- 600.00 Supplies------------------------------- 300.00 Hepairs------------------------------- 150.00 Fuel and Lights------------------------ 160.00 Insurance------------------------------ 45.00 1255.00 Street Department Superintendent,: salary----------------- 1500.00 Extra men, wa.ges----------------------- 600.00 Street Lights ---------------------- 1260.00 U ---- Supplies and repairs------------------- 1500.00 Yew Construction----------------------- 000.00 Ind Insurance & Kedica.l aid------------ 36.00 Materials------------------------------ 200.00 5396.00 T0'2iiL CJ�IE%?T r;Y�tLl-1ST: EX2EiiiilTu � : ,------------- 17 16. u0 F„STJ;I TED COa. R.,T - F LPE rSE iIEGEIpTS_-1943 - Estimate pf cash 6300-aO Pines anti- Pees--------------------- 1200. ZD Liquor- pev-enues--------------------- 40006.:0 Gas tag Revenues-------------------- 30(1.D�3 .Amount t-ob-e rais-ecl for Current Expense by 10.6 mills on 554,991.00 valuation- 5916.00 TOTAL. =, IMATE Or: RECEIPTS------------- '17716.00 .F,XPENDITU,ftES FOE- BoJJDS--�Li�D- 1-11TE3EST: 'L.-I.D. G:Uarant e-e Bonds----------------- 100.0­00 Trunk Sevier Bonds= and--Imteret---------- 1495.00 Gen. Obligat caa --Bon-ds T i t x�s#�----� ,. 2500.00 Total amount to be ralz ed by 9 mills on �3554991-40 -4alua-t-zvn---------------- 0995.0.0 Amount to be raised for bonds and interest ------- 0995.00 Amount -to be raised for Current Expense---------- 5916.00 Grand total to be raised by 19.6 mills 410911.00 - -o- 45549 91. 00- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - tllAT DIr-�•'1'�i�:i7T 1:i�CIPS nT1D E--=.PET1DIi'JHES 17ater Revenue Collector, salary -------- 0 1000.00 Superintendent, sa.lary----------------- 1500.00 Extra ;den, wages----------------------- 1500.00 Supplies and lie sir -------------------- 500.00 Materials------------------------------ 3000.00 41 power for pumps--------------- 1800.00 :iedemption of Bonds and Interest------- 15000.00 TOTAL L---------------------- ;24300.00 aeTr enues : Hydrant Kentvl from Current Expennse---- 02400.00 later Revenues, es imated---------------18000.00 Cash in Blind redemption Pund----------- 14735.00 Cash iOperating rund----------------- :3000.00 00 TOT:1L` -LL OY'I2T------------------------- 304 C, 0 Section 2: This grdinance shall be certified to the proper 0ounty Official a . provided _ ; law, and the taxes herein levied shall be c llected arid. paid into the Oity Treasurer of the city of Ldrmonds, at the time and the manner provided by the laws of the State of Washington for the collection of taxes for 'Third oiass Cities. Passed this 5th day of actob.er 1942. Geo. M. Ley4E city clerk. Mayor Published 8th of October, 1942. I hereby certify that Ordinance 1;0. 542 is a true and correct copy passed by the Couricil October 5, 1942.