Ordinance 543iJ [ r Vl�l�. LaLa V i+ i� l.1 • 4aJ .Ln Ordinance a4endi--a� Section 6 of Ordinance 1 o. 412, of the City of Edmonds, relati-r to t1japping fees for the installa- tion of .cater service by the ;dater I:epartment of said City. THE CITY Oi` L,OiILS DOES O.L L I %: section l: ihat Section 6 of Ordinance No. 412 be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: 1-1 Section 6._ l�.�o service connection less than three - fourth (�D irch in size shall be installed. Tapping; fees for the installation of water service as hereirbefore provided shall be as follows: athree-fourths () inch connection Por a one (1) inch connection---------- 30.Op. Por_sizes larger than one (1) inch, or There it becomes necessary to install service pipe under paving, the actual cost of labor and material used in laying such a service and replacir_:g the pavement shall be charged. upping feea, shall be- paid in advance ar>d iL cases vTL the cost is _:got kno;�3� the a_plica,nt shall pay the es- timated cost and t,e Proper a.djustmer_t shall be made after the actual cost is known to _the Superintnedent. Section 2: This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect upon its passage and p ablication &s provided by law. Passed October '6, 1942 Attest: Ceo.Zeda Oity 0,lerz Published October B, 1942 1' • A. l'ourtner I hereby certify -that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of OrdindTice I0.545 of t e Oity of Iaonds, 114ashingtor,