Ordinance 544ORDI NASCE NO 544. An Ordinance poovid�ing for the purchase of material necessary for, and for the construction of, a eater main along Ninth Street, in the City of Edmonds, from Hir Street to Maple Street: provid- ing for the issuance of emergency warrants against the Water Yana in payment thereof and declaring an emergency. BE IT ORDAINED B f THE CITY COUNCIL 02 THE CITY OF EDT1 O DS : SEction 1: That the Oity of Edmonds shall purchase the necessary materiel for the construction of and shall construct a water main along Ninth Street,, in the city of Edmonds, from fir Street to Maple Street, together with all necessary appurtenances thereto. 305 Section 2: That by reason of the necessity for the continued fur- nishing of W4ter to the residents along Iiinth street, in said City of Edmonds, from 2ir street to Maple Street, ana by reason. of the fact that the present pipeline, along said, Street, is worn out and requires immediate replace-qent, an emergency is hereby declared to exist, with reference thereto, which could not reasonably have been foreseen at the time of the making of the last annual budget. 3ectidn 3: That the estimated cost and expenditnre, required for the material and labor to be used. in connection with said pipe- line and the installation thereof, is the sun of Twenty-five Hundred (02500.00) Dollars, which sum shall be paid by the issuance of emergency warrants drawn on the Water 2und of said City. Section 4: This Ordinance shall take effect and be in fall force and effect upon its passage and publication as required by law. Passed by the City COuncil of Ldmonds this 15 day of oecember, 1942. A'. L. .o'ourtnrr lvi¢yo r Attest. Geo. I. Le da C ty Clerk Pa,lished: December 17, 1942.