Ordinance 545EMERGENCY ORDII+A TCE 110. 545.
An Ordinance providing for the pu*,chase of material for, and the
construction of, an aircraft warning observation post, or tower,
and the maintenance thereof during 1943, in the City of Edmonds;
providing for the issuance of emergency Warrants in payment there-
of , and declaring an emergency.
Section 1: That the City of Edmonds shall purchase the necessary
material for and shall construct' wn aircraft warning observation.
post, or tower, in said City of �umonds, for use bytheaircraft
warning observers of the Civilian Defense during the present war
emergency, and shall maintain sage daring 1943.
Section 2: That by reason of the existing war emergency and the
necessity for maintaining such an aircraft warning post for -the
observation and reporting of approaching enemy.aircraft an em-
ergency is hereby declared to exist with reference thereto which
could not reasonably have been foreseen at the time of the making
of the last annual budget.
Section 3: That the estimated cost and expenditure required for
the material and labor, in connection with the constr-action of
sach observation post and for the maintenance of such post during
1943) is the sum of 'hree Hundred fifty (p350.00) Dollars, which sum
shall be paid by the issuance of emergency warrants drawn therefor.
Section 4: This Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage and
publication as required by law.
Dated this 26the day of January, 1943.
Attest: George 11. Le da
City Clerk
'. &. 20a-rtner
I hereby certify that the
above and foregoing is a true
and correct copy of Ordinance
Ito. 545 of the City of Edmonds
George M. Le da.
City Clerk