Ordinance 563ORDINANCE NO. 563 AN OiMIYyr;CE adapting and levyi, -she General Taxes for the City of Edmonds, Washington, for the fisoe_l year commencing January 1st, 1947, an all property, both real and personal, in said City, subject to taxation for the purpose of raising sufficent revenue to carry on the several departments of said City for the ensuing year as required by I_w; appropriat- ing the same to the several funds for said fiscal year, and 404 � providing for t1. collection thereof. Whereas, the Cit_- Council of the City of Edmonds, State of Washington, havi:-g heard all persons asking to be heard for and against the preliminary budget, heretof-oreadopted for the ensuing year, due notice having been given as required by law and now this 7th day of October 1946, final budget having been adopted and the Council having determined the amount necessary to be paid on the carrent assessment roll as general taxes for the ensuing year and appropriating the same as in this ordinance described, therefore; THE CITY COUTI CIL '2 THE CITY 02ElildOl,!DS DO OI:LhI ; S �'OLLO'J SECTION 1. That -ihere be and there is hereby levied on all real and personal property of the City of Edmonds, subject to taxation therein, a general tax for municipal purposes for the ensuing year .omrnencing January 1st, 1947, the sum of $12,416.60 CUi3ihd,, T EXtENSE r'[ General Governme;t Mayor's Salary------- -- .---_------ 300.00 Councilmen's Salaries- - ---------- -- 840.00 Clerk's Salary---r---------------- 603.00 .Last. Clerk Salary--- ------------- 540.00 Clerk's Expense 0-d Bond---------- 120.00 �2400.00 Treasurer's Sala.r------------ - - -- 780.00 Treasurer Ex;Qense------------------ 30.00 Treasurer Bond----------- ----------- 30.00 840.00 .Lttorney Salary------------------------- 600.00 .Lttorney Bond---------------------- - 5.00 .Lttorney Expense------------------ 25.00 630.00 City Hall Expense----- - P uel Oil--------------------------- 150.00 Lights---------------------------- 50.00 repairs--------------------------- 150.00 Care of Grounds & City Hall------- 120.00 470.00 Publishing & ndvortising ---------- 200.00 Zee s. of Wa.hir.gton Cities----- 50.00 State Examination ------------------ 300.00 550.00 Protection to per: -on and Property Police a hief Salary -------------- 3000.00 Police Judge Sala.ry--------------- 600.00 Police Salary --------------------- 2700.00 Police Dept. Exp-: se and Bonds---- 100.00 Jail & 1,deals & Y--:i. Insurance----- 100.00 Ilew Equipment, Po --ice car---------1500.00 Car Maintenance, -.olice----------- 600.00 Emergency Ordinan^e, Police------- 700.00 9300.00 Firemens Belief ' d Pension Zur_d-- 195.00 Fire calls-------------------------- 800.00 Fire Deptartmrnt :-_ _ _nse---------- 250.00 New Equipment-------------------- 750.00 Convention Expens::----- - ------ 100.00 Hydrant Rental -------------------- 2400�00 4495�00 Health 'E Sanitat ..on Health Officer Salary------------- 100.00 Health Officer :zpense------------ 50.00 Sevier Repair---------------------- 200.00 Garbage Disposal Expense-------- 150.00 500.00 Par'_ Fund Labor----------------------------- 500,00 materials & Suppl-es-------------- 500.00 1000.00 LIBiUHY 2ULD Payment to Sno. C_-:ty Library per contract of 2 .ni-L-s---------------- 1368.60 Linoleum floor severing--- -------- 500.00 Janitor service & Supplies-------- 178.00 Fuel and Lights------------------- 135.00 Repairs--------------------------- 150.00 Insurance on Bui..ing------------- 100.00 2431.60 405 CITY STEEE'1 FUND Superintendent Salary------------�1500.00 Asst. Supt. Salary- ----------- 1350,00 Street,Lights-------------------- 2200.00 Supr,lies------------------------- 1250.00 Erc-sneer------------------------- 750.00 I� Insurance & Medical Aid----- 75.00 New Equipment-------------------- 1000.00 New Construction ----------------- 8000.00 lei ,125.00 Total Expenditures---------------- U > .b ESTIMATED CUFREY EX? NSE ,,1CLI2TV3 POR 1947 Estimate of cash on hand at the end of year v16000.00 Fines and Fees------ ----------------------- 2000.00 Liquor Revenues----------------------------- 8000.00 Gas Tax Revenues--------------------------- 3000.00 .3.mount to be raised for Current -Expense by 14.17 mills on $686,796 valuation---------- 9741.60 $38,741,60 EXPENDI T UKES 20H BONDS LITLi IN TEH EST : L. I. D. Guarantee Bonds ------------- $1000.00 Trunk Sewer Bonds and Interest------- 1675.00 Total amount to be raised by 3.89 mills on $686.796 valaation- - - -- - 2675.00 Amount to be raised for Bonds and Interest:v:-;--�2675.00 Amount to be raised for Current Expense--------- 9741.60 Grand total to be raised by 18.06 mills on $686,796 valuation ------------------------------ $12416.60 WATER DEPAi1T2EIa T RECEIPTS :1.2TF:NDITTTrES Water Collector, salary---------------1500.00 Saperin-L,�ndent , Salary---------------- 1500.00 Asst. Supt. Salary-------------------- 1350.00 Extra men viages----------------------- 1200.00 Power for pumps----------------------- 2000.00 Repairs-------------------------------- 1000.00 Materia li�------------------------------ 12000.00 Redemption of Bonds and Interest------ 12500.00 Ind. Insurance & Medical Aid---------- 100.00 Emergency Ordinance------------=------ 660.00 Total Expenditures-------------------- N3,800.00 REJVEINES : Hydrant Rental ------------------------ $ 2400.00 Viater revenues, estimated------------- 22000�00 Cash in Bond Aedemption r`und---------- 7000.00 Cash in Operating Fund---------------- 2400.00 Total Receipts------------------------ $33,800.00 Section 2: This Ordinance shall be certified to the proper County Officials as provided by law, and the taxes herein levied shall be collected and paid to the City Treasurer of the.City of Edmonds, at the time and the manner provided, by the laws of the State of Washington for the Collection of taxes for Third Class Cities. Passed this 7th Day of October, 1946 Anita Gust, City Clerk F. A. Pourtner, :Mayor. Published, October 9. 1946 I hereby certify -that the foregoing is a true and correct copy o" 3rik nc No. 563.� City Clerk