Ordinance 565ORDINANCE NO. 565. An Ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assess- ment roll of Local Improvement District No. 58 for the improvement of Main Street in the City of Edmonds from Fifth Street to Sixth Street by paving the center strip of said Street with hot plant - mixed asphaltic concrete, and such other work as may be necessary to make a complete improvement all in accordance with Resolution of Intention No. 115 of the City of Edmonds, levying an assessment on account thereof against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land as shown on said roll; providing for the issuance of Bonds therefor and fixing the date of the issuance thereof. THE CITY OF EDXOIWS DOES ORDAIN: Section 1: That the assessment and assessment roll of Local Im- provement District No• 58 for the improvement of Main Street, in the City of Edmonds, from Fifth Street to Sixth Street by paving the center strip of said Street with hot plant -mixed asphaltic con- crete, and such other work as may be necessary to make a complete improvement, all in accordance with de&olution of intention No. 115 of the City of Edmonds, as the same now stands, be and the same is hereby in all things approved. Section 2: That each of the lots, tracts and parcels of land, or other property shown on said Roll, is hereby declared to b,e specially benefited by said improvement in at least the amount charged against the same, and that the assessment appearing against the same is' in proportion to the several assessments ap- pearing upon said Roll, and there is hereby levied an assessment against each lot, tract and parcel of land and other property Eppearing upon said Roll in the amount finally charged against the same thereon., Section 3: That the lot day of April., 1947 is hereby fixed as the date of the issuance of the Bonds required to be issued on account of said improvement. F. A. Fourtner, Mayor Attest: Anita Gust, City Clerk Passed:` Feb. 18, 1947 I hereby cert if y that the above Published: Feb. 5 and 19.1947 ar_d foregoin-a is a true and correct copy of Crdi nce/'No.56 City Clerk