Ordinance 566OBDINME NO. 566 An Orainance providing for the construction of a twenty-four inch sewer outfall line at the foot of Dayton Street and for the construction of a 30 inch overflow line from the manhole in Dayton Street to approximately the mean tide line, and, for such other necessary additions, appurtenances and repairs to said outfall as may be necessary; providing for the issuance of emergency warrants in the amount of not to exceed $6120.00 against the General Fund, such funds to be used together with the State Development Board Grant in the amount of $12,221.00 in payment thereof, and declaring an emergeneSr. BE IT OBDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FDPdO1 S: Section l: That the City of Edmonds shall construct a 24 inch sewer outfall line at the foot of Dayton Street extending approximately 700 feet from shore to a depth of 30 feet below mean lower low water and a 30 inch overflow line from the manhole in Dayton Street to approximately the mean tideline. Section 2: That by reason of the condition of desrepair of the present outfall for said Dayton Street trunk sever and the nec- essity for renewing same immediately an emergency is hereby de-- elared to exist with reference thereto which could not reasonably have been foreseen at the time of the making of the last annual budget. Section 3: That the estimated cast and, expendityre required for the construction of such outfall and overflow line is the sum of $ 18,341.00, of which cost $12221.00 shall be paid out of matching money granted to the City by the Development Board of the State of Wa hir_gton., and the remaining portion of said cost, in the amount of $6,120.00% shall be paid by the issuance of emergency warrants drawn on the General Fund of said City. Section 4: This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect upon its passage and publication as required by law. F. A. Fourtner, Mayor Attest: Anita Oust, City Clerk, passed: March 4, 1947 I hereby -certify that the above Published: March 13, 1947. and foregoing is a true and Correct copy of Ord' anc No. 566. City Clark