Ordinance 572416 M. ORDI%NCE RO. 572 A,IT Ordinance providing for the improvement of Third 1.venue froiA Main Street tolthe North city limits of the City of Edmonds by the construction of heavy duty bituminous road mix of asplaltic concrete purfacing between the existing concrete pavement and curbs together with storm water inlets and sub- drairage, the construction of curbs and gutters, where none now exist, together wit4 all other appurtenances necessary to effect a complete improvement; providing that the payment for said improvement be made by special assessment on the prope '7 in said v 1 r l_� r rL- J_l_ r C lmprovem. _ ; >�ti .ram_ � _c�= ��_c r_ccE of ;payment by bonds. or materials used, fixed estimated, and all other expenses,except that forty per cent (40%) of the cost of pavir:g only, including the preparation for paving, shall u e paid by the City of Edmonds from the Street Pun . UHi, , by ne::olution of Intention No. 121 of the City of Edmonds the gity Council of the City of Edmonds has declared its inten- tion to order the ir_-.._:-ovement, as above outlined, together with the doing and perfo_,=: ce of all other work necessary in connec- tion therewith to .._: e a complete improvement in accordance with the plans and speci." cations prepared by the City Engineer; NOW THEREFORE, THE' CITY COUi;CIL 02 THE CITY Or' EDUO=7DS DOES HEREBY ORDAIN : S'ECtion 1: THEN Third Lvenue from Main Street to the. T.orth city limits of the City of Edmonds be improved by the construct- ion of heavy duty bituminous.road mix or asphaltic concrete surfa.cirg between t-.e existing concrete pavement and curbs to- gether with storm water inlets and subdrainage, the construction of curbs and putters, inhere none now exist, together, with all other appurtenances necessary to effect a complete improvement. Section 2: That the cost and expense of such iraprovment, in- cluding all necessary incidental expenses., shall be borne by and assessed against tho property included in the assessment dis- trict hereir create& in accordance with law; the City of Edmonds shall not be lid in any manner for any portion_ of the costs and expensex of sucl- improvement except that forth per cent (40%) of the cost of paving only, including the preparation for paving, shall be paid by the City of Edmonds, from the street Fur, d. Section 3: There is hereby established a Local Improvement District to be call�d Local Improvement District No. 61, which District shall ircli�de the following described property, to -wit: Beginning at a point on the center line of Main Street oppipsite the center line of the alley in Block No. gyp, Plat of the Edmonds; thence Northeust- terly alone"a line.parallel to'Third Street and ex- tending,through the center If alleys in Blocks 7 and 8, Plat, of Edmonds and Block No. 1. Plat of the City of Edmonds, tq the North City limits, thence East along the north City limits to an intersection; with a line parallel•tc Third Street and extendi'jig through the center of alleys : Block "J" of the Plat of the City of Edmondd and Blocks 5 and 6 of the Plat of Edmonds, thence Southwest i�long said_ line of Main Street; thence Northwesterly along the canter line of Main Street to the point cif beginning. Section 4: L sp ial fund is hereby created to be called Local Improvement --strict Fund No. 61, which shall consist in the aggregate of the several amounts assessed, levied and coll- ected on the seve_,�,! lots and parcels of land in said Local Impro- vement District, and th-e proceeds of the sale of the bonds of said District for the purpose of defraying the cost End expense of such improvement. Out of said fund shallbe paid the bonds, the interest thereyr, and the entire cost of such improvement. 417 Section 5: The costs and aipenses of such improvement shall be defrayed by special assessments payable in ten equal install- ments, with interest thereon at the rate of five (5fo) per cent per annum, payable annually, under the mode of payment by bonds, as provided by law and the Ordinances of said City. Bonds bear- ing interest at the rate of five (5;) per cent per annum, pay- able on or before twelve years from date of issue, shall be issued in payment of the cast and eypemse of such improve ent, or the City of Edmonds may at its election, sell said bonds and make payment in cash in the manner provided by law and the Or- dinances of said City. P. L. Pourtn_er, Yayor Passed by a unanimous vote of the City Council of the City of Edmonds at a special session of said Council an the 29th day of July, 1947 Attest: knita Gust, City Clerk Bublished: August 14, 1947.