Ordinance 5821 Ordinance No. 582 AN ORDIIT.-NCL+' PROV IDING FOR THE, ISSU TOE -OF EMRGENCY WARRANTS IN THE AMOUNT U 03630.00 DRAWN ON THE STREET FUND IN THE CITY 02 EDMONDS? AND DECKING .0 EldliZGENCY. BE IT ORDLI?TED by the City Ooaricil of the City of Edmonds: Section, 1: That the Oity of Edmonis isaae ether-e.ncy 'r rrants drawn on the street fund up to the amo-u-it of �7630.00, bearing interest not to exceed (five per oe_zt) ,per n-_-XI and payable not later than one,year from date hereof, for the purpose o= letting a contract for the seal -coating of 2ront Street, etc. in the Gity of Edxonds. Section 2: An emergency is hereby leclnreato -exiat, with reference to said expenditure, which could rot reEteonably have been foreseen at the tine o� iciakirg the last annual budget, in - as much as that due to the increased traffic on Front Strettt etc. it is necessary that said streets be seal -coated immediate- ly in order to preserve its surface and thus protect the work and expenditures that have heretofore been made on said streets. Section force and by law. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full effect upon its passage and publication, as provided F. A. Passed: august 3, 1948 Att est : i2:gi.ta Gust Busch, City Clerk. Fourtner, Mayor I hereby certify the t the above and foregoing is a true and correct 30py i