Ordinance 678ORDINANCE NO. �- A
An ordinance providing for the improvement of Seventh Avenue
from Bell Street north to Casper Street; Casper Street from Third Avenue
west to Sunset Avenue; Daley Street f rom Olympic Avenue west to a point
• approximately 400 feet west of Ninth Avenue; Sprague Street from Olympic
Avenue west to Ninth Avenue; and Tenth Avenue f rom Sprague Street north to
a point 110 feet north of Daley Street, all in the City of Eumonds, Snohomish
County, Washington, by grading and leveling the above-described streets and
avenues and paving said streets and avenues with a bituminous road -type
paving mix, or asphaltic concrete, together with the installation, along said
streets and avenues, of standard curbs, storm sewers and appurtenances
where such do not previously exist, and such other work as may be necessary
to make a complete improvement; providing that the payment for said improve-
ment be made by speci al assessment on the property in said distri ct under the
mode of payment by bonds for material used, fixed estimate and all other
expenses, all in accordance wit h Resolution of Intention No. 124 passed by the
City Council of the City of Edmonds on May 1, 1956; creating an assessment
district; creating a construction fund tnerefor; creating a local improvement
district fund therefor, and providing that payment for such improvement be made
by special assessment on said district under the mode of payment by bonds,
and providing the rate of assessment s,,all be fixed on the basis of the special
benefits conferred as set forth in R. C. W. 35. 44. 040,
• WHEREAS, by Resolution of Intention No. 124 passed by the City
Council of the City. of Edmonds on May 1, 1956, proposing a local improvement
district as shown and outlined above, and doing all other work necessary in con-
nection therewith to make a complete improvement in accordance with the plans
and specifications prepared by the City Engineer, and
- 1 -
WHEREAS, at lice hearing on the Preliminary Assessment Roll on
said local improvement as provided by Resolution of Intention No. 124, two
written objections nad been filed,
Section 1. That Seventh Avenue from Bell Street north to Casper
Street; Casper Street from Third Avenue west t o Sunset Avenue; Daley Street
from Olympic Avenue west to a point approximatel y 400 feet west of Ninth Avenue;
Sprague Street from Olympic Avenue west to Ni nth Avenue; and Tenth Avenue
from Sprague Street north to a point 110 feet ;iorth of Daley Street; all in t e
City of Edmonds, Snohomish County, Wash,ngton, be improved by grading and
leveling the above-described streets and avenues and paving said streets and
avenues with a bituminous road -t ype pa% ing mix, or asphaltic concrete, together
with the installation, along said streets and avenues, of standard curbs, storm
sewers and appurtenan. es where sucii do not previously exi st, and such other
work as nay be necessary to make a , omplete i mprovement.
Section 2. That the cost and expense of such improvement shall be
borne by and assessed against the property included in the assessment district
created in accordance with law, and provided the rate of assessment shall be as
set forth in R. C. W. 35. 44. 040.
Section 3. That there is hereby established a local improvement
district to be called Local Improvement District No. 77, which district shall
• include the following described property, to wit:
Beginning at tiie southwest corner of Lot 30, Block 99, City
of Edmonds, according to tate plat thereof, records of Snohomish
County, Washington; thence north alo g the west line of said
Lot 30 extended to a point on the northerly edge of GI en Street
which is 300 feet west of the westerly edge of Seventh Avenue;
thence north on a line parallel to the westerly edge of Seventh
Avenue and 300 feet west of the said westerly edge of Seventh
Avenue for a distance of 510 f eet, more or less, to the nort:: line
of property owned by J. J. TERRELL; thence east along the north
line thereof to a point 210 f eet east of the west line of said
Seventh Avenue; thence north 140 feet, more or less, to the south
line of property owned by I. O. GERDON; thence east to a point
142. 5 feet west of the westerly margin of said Seventh Avenue;
thence north 76 feet; thence west to a point 286. 58 feet west of
said westerly margin of Seventh Avenue; thence north 76 feet;
• thence east to a point 163 f eet west of said westerly margin of
said Seventh Avenue; thence nort h 76 f eet; t hence east t o a
point 145 feet west of said westerly margin of Seventh Avenue;
thence north 76 feet; thence west to a point 250 feet west of
said westerly margin of Seventh Avenue; thence north 86 feet;
thence west to a point 295.18 feet west of the said westerly margin
of Seventh Avenue; thence north to the north line of the southeast
quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 24, Town ship 27 N. ,
Range 3 E. , W. M. ; thence east along said northerly 1 ine to a
point 301 feet east of the easterly line of Seventh Avenue produced;
thence south 333. 75 f eet; thence west to a point 300 f eet east
of the easteriy margin of said Seventh Avenue; thence south
along a line parallel with and 300 feet easterly of the east margin
of the said Seventh Avenue to the northeast corner of Lot 31,
Block 83, City of Edmonds; thence south along said east margin
of said Lot 31 and said east margin produced to tiie southeast
corner of Lot 31, Block 86, said City of Edmonds; thence west
to the sout;iwest corner of Lot 30, Block 99, and the point of
TOGETHER WITH the following described property: Beginning
at the southeast corner of Lot 20 in Block 42, City of Edmonds,
according to the plat thereof, records of Snohomish County,
Washington; thence west along the south 1 ine of the north half of
said Block 42 and along the south line of the north half of Block 65
to the centerline of Ninth Avenue; thence north to the intersection
with the south line of the north half of Block 81, produced; thence
west along said south line of the north half of Block 81 of said plat
to the southwest corner of Lot 7 in said Block 81; thence north
along the westerly margin of said Lot 7 of said Block 81 to the
northwest corner of Lot 32 of Block 82; thence east along the
northerly boundary of Block 82, 63 and 44 to the northeast corner
of Lot 21 in said Block 44 of said Plat of the City of Edmonds;
thence south to the southeast corner of Lot 20 in said Block 42,
and the point of beginning
TOGETHER WITH the following described property located in
the City of Edmonds and described as follows: Commencing at
a point on the cent erline of Third Avenue, said point being an
• intersection with a line parallel with and south 135 feet from the
southerly margin of Casper St reet; thence northeasterly along
the said centerline of Third Avenue and said centerline produced
to a point on the south margin of Government Lot 1, Section 24,
Township 27 N. , Range 3 E. , W. M. ; thence north 211 feet to the
north boundary line of property owned by J. J. MUELLER; thence
west along the north property line I:iereof to a point 16 feet east
of the west 1 the of the southeast quarter of said Government Lot 1;
thence north to the north line of t ke south half of said southeast
quarter of Lot 1; thence west 16 feet; thence north 15 feet, more
or less, to t he nortneast corner of the property owned by GEORGE
YOST; thence northwest along the northerly boundary line 264 feet,
more or less, to t he easterly right-of-way 1 ine of the
G. N. R. R. ; thence southwesterly along said easterly margin
of the G. N. R. R. right-of-way to a point of intersection with
the nort erly boundary of the plat of MORSE ADDITION to
the City of Edmonds produced westerly; thence east along
the said north margin thereof 210 feet more or less;
• thence northeasterly 15 feet; thence east along a l ine
parallel with and south 135 feet from the southerly margin
of Casper St reet.
Section 4. A special fund is hereby creat ed to be called Construc-
tion. Fund for Local Improvement District No. 77. Into said funds shall be
paid the proceeds frons the sale of int erest-beari ng warrants by the City of
Edmonds to the purchasers of said warrants. Out of said construction fund
shall b , paid, by cash warrants, the costs of the improvement as the same
shall become due.
Section 5. A special fund is hereby created to he called Local
Improvement District Fund No. 77, whi ch shall eonsibt in the aggregate
of ti:e several amounts assessed, levied, and collected on ti,e several lots
and parcels of land in said local improvement district and tree proceeds
of tiie sate of bonds of tine said district. Out of said fund shall be
paid the bonds, the interest thereon, and the entire cost of such improve-
Section G. The cost and expense of such improvement shall be de-
frayed by special assessment payable in ten (10) equal annual installments,
with interest tnereon at no more than tite rate of five per cent (5°p) per annum,
• payable aunuall, , under ti:e mode of payment by bonds, as provided by law
and the ordinances of said City. Bonds bearing interest at t he rate of no
more tnan five per cent (5%) per annum, payable on or before twelve (12)
years from date of issue, shall be issued in payment of the cost s of expenses
of such improvement, or the City of Edmonds may, at its election, sell
said bonds and ma$e payment in cash in the manner provided by law and
ordinances of said City.
City Qerk
Passed: 112x/ S' �jSir
Published: Q���i