Ordinance 680EMERGENCY ORDINANCE NO. 080 AN ORDINA CE PROVIDING FOH ThE FAYMF.RT OF' THE SUM OF ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS FOR THE PUBLICATION ArM PRINTING OF THE ZONING CODE AND THE S'BDIVISIOH CODE FOR THE CITY OF EDMONDS, TOGETHER WITH ZONING MAPS PRINTED IN CONJUNCTION THEHEWITE, PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF AN EMERGEFCI WARRAYT 0.? WARRANTS FOP, PAIII-LA.T THEHEOF, AND DE- CLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHIiEAS, at the time the present annual budget for the City • of Edmonds was passed, it was not known when the zoning and subdivi- sion codes would be completed for publication and printing, and WHEREAS, even had it been known that the same would be ready for printinf- and publication, no estimates had been obtained for the cost of the same at the time the present budget was passed, and WHEREAS, it is now necessary that the city obtain a :gum not to exceed One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars for the publication and printing of the zoning and sui(?ivision codes and the printing of the zoning maps in con.lunction therewith, and W?'EF'.EAS the City of Edmonds could not reasonably fonsee the said sum of One Thousand ($1000.00) Dollars as being necesse-y at the time the present budget was passed, and WHEREAS there are no funds provided to pay for such publi- cation and printing, NOW, TH& EFCRL, T'rM CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS i)OES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the City of Edmonds shall pay to the Edmonds Tribune Review a sum for the publication and printing o one thousand (1,000) copies of the subdivision code and one thousand (10000) copies to the City Engineer of the zoning code, and an additional sumjor the printing of five Hundred (500) zoning maps to be used in conjunction therewith, the • total sum not to exceed One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars, and the City Trea..urer of the City of Edmonds is hereby directed to issue an emergency Warrant or Warrants totalling not more than One Thousand Dollars ($'1000.00) to pay for the same from any funds available. Section 2. An emergency is hereby declared to exist with re- gard to the printing and publication of the said codes and maps as there are no funds budgeted to pay the cost of the same. Section 3. That the funds to repay the same shall be bud - gated in the year 1957. Section 4. That this Ordinance shad take effect upon its passage and publication as required by lax. ATTEST: Cite Clerk PASSED: 17. PUBLISHED• 19 • Mayor