Ordinance 31240006.030.003A WSS /gjz 12/04/96 R:12 /05 /96gjz R:12 /09 /96gjz R: 12/ 10 /96srf R:12 /11 /96gjz ORDINANCE NO. 3124 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS, WASHINGTON, AMENDING ORDINANCE 3082 TO AMEND THE FINAL BUDGET AS PREVIOUSLY ADOPTED FOR THE CITY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING JANUARY 1, 1996, AND FIXING A TIME WHEN THE SAME SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE. WHEREAS, the City Council is required to adopt the budget for fiscal year 1996 prior to the commencement of said year, and WHEREAS, final determination of unexpended fund balances can only be estimated at the time of the adoption of said budget, and revenues actually received oftentimes exceed conservative fiscal estimates, and WHEREAS, unanticipated needs for expenditures of funds which could not have reasonably been anticipated at the time of the formulation of the budget arise from time to time, and WHEREAS, the amendments set forth in this ordinance supplement Ordinance 3082, NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 149195.10 -1- Section 1. Section 1 of Ordinance 3082 adopting the final budget for the fiscal year 1996, is hereby amended to reflect the following changes: A. General Fund #001 - Decrease various revenues due to unanticipated shortfall $567,550, increase transfer revenues from the Council Contingency Fund #119 $60,440, increase revenues from Stevens Healthcare program by $24,000, decrease beginning cash by $10,270; increase the appropriations from said General Fund are hereby amended to reflect the following authorized expenditures; 1. City Council Division - Increase appropriations for a partial claims settlement $5,000. 2. Non - Departmental Division - Increase appropriations by $40,440 for comprehensive human resource study, $15,000 for Edmonds Alliance for Economic Development; decrease appropriations for Medic 7 by $94,950; decrease interfund transfers out by $168,150; increase ending cash by $68,140. 3. Police Department - Increase appropriations for salaries related to the Stevens Healthcare program $24,000. 4. Planning Department - Increase appropriations for housing study carried over from 1995 budget $8,030. 5. Various Departments - Decrease appropriations due to intergovernmental revenue shortfall $390,890. B. Cumulative Reserve Fund #002 - Increase revenues and appropriations by $10,000 for unanticipated interest earnings and transfers out to the Capital Improvement Fund #325. C. Street Fund #111 - Decrease Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax revenues by $31,200 due to shortfall and increase beginning cash due to unanticipated cash carryover $2,940; increase appropriations for comprehensive human resource 149195.10 -2- plan study $2,940; decrease street equipment by $25,000 and ending cash by $6,200. D. Combined Street Construction Fund #112 - Decrease Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax and Registration Fee revenues due to shortfall and decrease ending cash by $27,000; increase interfund transfer revenues from the General Fund #001 and projects by $65,650 for County Road taxes received. E. Municipal Acts Acquisition Fund #117 - Increase appropriations for program 100 and decrease ending cash by $5,000 due to concerts in the park being solely supported by this fund; increase program 200 interfund transfer revenues and ending cash reserve by $1,000 for future public art purchases. F. Council Contingency Fund #119 - Increase the transfer from said fund by the sum of $60,440 and decrease ending cash by $60,440; said transfer to be set forth in this ordinance. G. Hotel /Motel Tax Fund #120 - Increase appropriations and decrease ending cash by $1,500 for the Advanced Technology International Trade Forum sponsorship. H. Youth Scholarship Fund #122 - Increase appropriations and decrease ending cash by $2,000 for unanticipated youth scholarships. Park Acquisition /Improvement Fund #125 - Increase appropriations and decrease ending cash balance by $55,000 for transfer to street fund #111. J. Capital Improvement Fund #325 - Increase revenues and ending cash balance by $10,000 due to operating transfer from Cumulative Reserve Fund #002; increase revenues for LID #214 Bond proceeds and appropriations for transfer to Fund #412 by $73,500 for telemetry at the Public Works facility. K. Public Safety Building Construction Fund #326 - Increase bond revenues by $9,275,000 and interest earnings by $50,000; increase appropriations by $200,000 for bond 149195.10 -3- issue costs and ending cash by $9,125,000 due to 1996 Public Safety Bond Issue. L. Combined Utility Qperating Fund #411 - Increase appropriations for comprehensive human resource plan study by $8,240 and $178,800 for storm drainage transfer to Street Fund #111; decrease ending cash by $187,040. M. Combined Utility Construction Fund #412 - Increase revenues and projects by $73,500 due to transfer from Capital Improvement Fund #325. N. Combined Utility Bond Reserve Fund #413 - Increase appropriations and decrease ending cash by $3,000 due to accrued interest payments. O. Equipment Rental Fund #511 - Increase appropriations for comprehensive human resource plan study and decrease ending cash $980. Section 2. The Finance Director is hereby authorized and instructed to effectuate the necessary changes to the 1996 budget and make all necessary and appropriate line item entries and adjustments to Ordinance 3082 as previously amended and as set forth in Section 1 of this ordinance. Section 3. Severbility. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance. Section 4. Effective Date. Subject to the requirements of state law, this ordinance requires the affirmative vote of a majority plus 1 (5 votes) of the City Council. This 149195.10 -4- ordinance, being an administrative action, is not subject to referendum and shall take effect five (5) days after publication of an approved summary thereof consisting of the title. APPROVED: MAYOR BARBARA S. FAHEY ATTEST /AUTHENTICATED: r nM-� . -- - -W--- - -9 CITY CLERK, SANDRA S. CHASE APPROVED AS TO FORM: OFFICE OF THECITY ATTORNEY: FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: 12/12/96 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. 12/17/96 PUBLISHED: 12/22/96 EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/27/96 ORDINANCE NO. 3124 149195.10 -5- EXHIBIT A BUDGET SUMMARY 1996 TOTALS $15,823,180 $44,399,810 $39,857,260 $20,365,730 EXBTASS.XIS 1996 1996 FUND FUND BEGINNING + REVENUE - EXPENDITURES = ENDING NO. DESCRIPTION CASH CASH 001 General Fund $752,170 $16,273,370 $16,857,400 $168,140 002 Cumulative Reserve /Gen. Fund 250,000 25,000 25,000 250,000 005 Reserve Fire /Aid Vehicle Fund 301,390 143,500 0 444,890 006 Emergency Financial Reserve Fund 793,570 89,130 13,860 868,840 007 Criminal Justice Activity Fund 0 389,160 381,410 7,750 008 Travel/Training & Equipment Fund 3,600 0 3,600 0 009 LEOFF- Medical Insurance Reserve Fund 66,400 73,600 0 140,000 104 Drug Enforcement Fund 63,470 56,570 52,500 67,540 111 Street Fund 143,270 1,170,540 1,300,050 13,760 112 Combined Street Const. /Imprv. Fund 862,790 1,068,100 876,380 1,054,510 113 Mulitimodal Transportation Fund 326,230 1,102,000 891,200 537,030 114 Street Beautification Fund 14,350 500 10,000 4,850 115 Underground Wiring Fund 90 0 0 90 116 Building Maintenance Fund 24,750 109,670 109,000 25,420 117 Municipal Arts Fund 81,830 64,910 82,180 64,560 118 Memorial Street Tree Fund 7,490 360 3,000 4,850 119 Council Contingency Fund 123,270 162,220 174,010 111,480 120 Hotel /Motel Tax Fund 12,240 47,060 55,500 3,800 122 Youth Scholarship Fund 2,730 1,500 3,000 1,230 123 Tourism Arts Comm. Promotional Fund 6,960 29,000 30,200 5,760 124 Off Street Parking Fund 85,270 11,500 63,000 33,770 125 Park Acquisition /Improvement Fund 1,150,390 625,000 1,514,000 261,390 126 Special Capital Fund 816,360 643,900 1,121,570 338,690 127 Gift Catalog Fund 41,640 5,000 18,000 28,640 130 Cemetery Improvement Fund 141,970 109,760 211,350 40,380 191 Shared Revenue -Comm. Dev. Fund 0 121,000 121,000 0 325 Capital Improvement Fund 205,320 101,500 222,260 84,560 326 Public Safety Building Const. Fund 0 9,325,000 200,000 9,125,000 411 Combined Utility Operation Fund 2,252,300 8,355,080 10,268,080 339,300 412 Combined Utility Const. /Imprv. Fund 1,792,080 1,738,500 2,433,500 1,097,080 413 Combined Utility Bond Reserve Fund 2,207,530 1,599,100 1,583,680 2,222,950 414 Capital Improvements Reserve 53,830 20,600 0 74,430 511 Equipment Rental Fund 2,505,680 854,870 1,184,030 2,176,520 610 Cemetery Maintenance Fund 300,290 34,200 0 334,490 617 Firemen's Pension Fund 426,700 35,080 32,700 429,080 621 Special Library Fund 1,940 130• 100 1,970 623 Sister City Commission Fund 5,280 _ 13,400 15,700 2,980 TOTALS $15,823,180 $44,399,810 $39,857,260 $20,365,730 EXBTASS.XIS SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE NO. 3124 of the City of Edmonds, Washington On the 17th day of December , 1996 , the City Council of the City of Edmonds, passed Ordinance No. 3124 A summary of the content of said ordinance, consisting of the title, provides as follows: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS, WASHINGTON, AMENDING ORDINANCE 3082 TO AMEND THE FINAL BUDGET AS PREVIOUSLY ADOPTED FOR THE CITY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING JANUARY 1, 1996 AND FIXING A TIME WHEN THE SAME SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE. The full text of this Ordinance will be mailed upon request. DATED this 18th day of pecember , 1996. CITY CLERK, SANDRA S. CHASE Affidavit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON, ss. COUNTY OF SNOHONISH, 112 Combined Street C 113 Multim0dal Trans?p 114 Street Beaulificali 115 Underground Wirir 116 Building Maintenar 117 Municipal Arts Fun 118 Memorial Street Ti 119 Council Contingen 120 Hotel /Motel Tax Fi 122 Youth Scholarship 123 Tourism Arta Com. 124 Off Street Parkin 125 Park Acquisition /Pr 126 Special Capital Fu 127 Gift Catalog Fund 130 Cemeteryy Improve 191 S her ed Revanue-C 325 Capitallmproveme 326 Public Safety Bidp 411 Combined Utility C 412 Combined Utility C 413 Combined Utility B 414 Capital lmproveme 511 Equipment Rental 610 Cemetery Mainlen 617 Firemen's Pension 621 Special Library Fu 623 Slater City Commi: The full text of this Ordir DATED this 18th day of Published: December 22, 1 RECEIVED J A N - 2 1997 EDMONDS C17Y CLERK The undersigned, being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says that she is Principal Clerk of THE HERALD, a daily newspaper printed and published in the City of Everett, County of Snohomish, and State of Washington; that said newspaper is a newspaper of general circulation in said County and State; that said newspaper has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of Snohomish County and that the notice ......... ............................... Summary of Ordinance No. 3124 ............................................................................. ............................... . ................ ....................................................................................................... ............................... a printed copy of which is hereunto attached, was published in said newspaper proper and not in supplement form, in the regular and entire edition of said paper on the following days and times, namely: i December 22, 1996 ....................................................................................................... ............................... .. ............................... ........................... v issttrib"uted to its subscribers B -2 -1 ... ............................... Principal Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this......... ...r a......... December ............................... 19.96... d of .............. ............ ......................... .............. ....... ................ .... ... ........ . ..................... Notary Public In and for a St a of Washington, residing at Everett, Snoh mis ounty. �O ��c,S10N EfiP �.c U19 2 0 \OF W ASN�/ STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF SNOHOASISH, On the NO. FUND DESCRIPTION _ �tft enerai and 002 Cumulative Reserve /Gen. Fund 005 Reserve Fire /Aid Vehicle Fund 006 Emergency Financial Reserve fund 007 Criminal Justice Activity Fund 008 Travel/Training & Equipment Fund 009 LEOFF - Medical Insurance Reserve Fund 104 Drug Enforcement Fund 111 Street Fund 112 Combined Street Const. /Im rv. Fund 113 Multimodal Transportation Fund 114 Street Beautification Fund 115 Underground Wiring Fund 116 Building Maintenance Fund 117 Municipal Arts Fund 118 Memorial Street Tree Fund 119 Council Contingency Fund 120 Hotel /Motel Tax Fund 122 Youth Scholarship Fund 123 Tourism Arts Comm. Promotional Fund 124 Off Street Parking Fund 125 Park Acquisition /Improvement Fund 126 Special Capital Fund 127 Gilt Catalog Fund 130 Cemeteryy Improvement Fund 191 Shared Revenue -Comm. Dev. Fund 325 Capital Improvement Fund 326 Public Safety Bldg Construction fund 411 Combined Utility Operation Fund 412 Combined Utility Const. /Imprv. fund 413 Combined Utility Bond Reserve Fund 414 Capital Improvement Reserve 51 1 Equipment Rental Fund 610 Cemetery Maintenance Fund 617 Firemen's Pension Fund 621 S ecial Library Fund 623 Seater City Commission Fund _ TOTALS The full text of this Ordinance will be mailed upon reque DATED this 18th day of December, 1996. Published: December 22, 1996. B_2 -1 1 141 Affidavit of Publication ss, fASHINGTON_ NCE NO. 3124 f Edmonds, passed Ordinance No. 3124. A summary of the AMENDING ORDINANCE 3082 TO AMEND THE FINAL FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING JANUARY 1, 1996, AND 1996 ENDING • REVENUE - EXPENDITURE CASH SANDRA S. CHASE, Edmonds City Clerk I . RECEIVED EDMONDS CITY CLERK ly sworn on oath deposes and says THE HERALD, a daily newspaper y of-Everett, County of Snohomish, said newspaper is a newspaper of Ity and State; that said newspaper ewspaper by order of the Superior thatthe notice ......... ............... ................ o. 3124 ..................................... I...,... .................... ......................... ............................... ................ unto attached, was published, in said Iupplement form, in the regular and :he following days and times, namely: to its subscribers .............................. Principal Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this.......... r d . December 19.96... dof .............. ............................... .......... ... .... ................ .............. ...................... Notary Public In and for a St a of Washington, residing at Everett, Snoh , ounty. ee.0;0E j 4b ��5$1QN f r U � z �