Ordinance 3279/ ^,. 0006,900000 WSS/gz tv8/99 ORDINAI{CE NO. 3279 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS, WASHINGTON, REPEAIING AND REENACTING CHAPTER 2.10 OF THE EDMONDS CITY CODE, AMENDING THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 2.35030 VACATIONS TO CLARIFY THE VACATION ACCRUAL RATES FOR CERTAIN DIRECTOR POSITIONS 2 35 O4O COMPENSATING IIME TO CLARFY THE POLICIES IN PLACE FOR CERTAIN DIRECTOR POSITIONS, 2 35.060 SICK LEAW TO ADD NEW SUBSECTIONS E AND F. ESTABLISHING A SICK LEAVE INCENTWE PROGRAM FOR NONREPRESENTED EMPLO\EES, AND FIXING A TIME WHEN THE SAME S}IALL BECOME EFFECTIVE THE CITY COT]NCIL OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS 4ect19d The Edmonds Crty Code rs hereby amended by the repeal and reenactnent of Chapter 2 10 Confimatron and Duhes of ClLv C)fflcers to read as fo1lows. Chrpt.r 2.10 CONFIRMATION AND DUTIES OF CITY OFFICERS Scctiotrs: 2.10.010 CotrIirmrtionProccss 2.10.020 Assignmcntof Dutics 2.10.030 Policc Chicf 2.10.040 Firc Chicf 2.10.050 Rcfrrctrccs to Dircctor of Commulity Dcvclopmcnt 2.10.060 Coutrcil Exccutivc Assistatrt 2.10.070 Mryor's ExccutivcAssistrnt 2.10.010 ConlirEl.tior Proc.ss. A. Whenever a vacancy occurc m of,e ofthe posrtlons ltsted lll thls sechon, the crty councrl will renew the specrficahons of that poslhorl and rev$e it as needed before the vacancy rs filled -liwss415575 DOC,V00O06 900000/t B The mayor or luVher desrgnee wrll revtew all appllcahons and determrne the persons wlth the hlghest quahfioatrons Any ctty councrl member, upon requ€st to the mayor, may revlerx the apphcatrons recerved for the vacant posltron C The mayor shall appomt, subJect to crty councll conflmahon, the poslhons ofludge and heanng examrner The heanng examrner may be removed ftom lucttet posltlon for cause, as determlned by the Mayor The ludge may be removed ftom hrs/her office for cause, as speqfied m RCW 3 50 095 D The mayor shall appomt, subject to counctl confirmahon, the deparh[ent drector poslhols of pohce che{ fire chrei communrty servlces drector, admmtshatlve servlces dlrector, development servrces dfector, parks and recreatlon duector, pubhc works drector, and human resouces director The crty councrl shall mtervlew the top three candtdates for each posltlon pnor to the mayor's final selechon 2.10,020 AssigtrmctrtofDutics The depaiment drectors shall be responuble for carqaag out all drechves as assrgned by the Mayor rncludng but not llmrted to, plarmrng and drectmg the actrvthes and staff m theu assrgned departlent, supervisng aod evaluahng the work processes and asslgned stall conholhng the financtal mtegnty of the assrgned budget, ard rnsrmng the dehvery of quallty pubhc servrces, All deparhnent dfectors serye at the pleasue ofthe Mayor 2.10.030 Policc Chicf. PulsuaIlt to the authonty of RCW 41 12 050, the poslnon ofpohce cluef has been removed fiom c1v1l servrce. The polce chlef shall be appornted by the mayor subj ect to confimatlo[ by majonty vote of the clty councll. 2.10.040 Firc Chicf. Pusuant to RCW 41 08.050, the posrtron of fire cluef has been rcmoved from cr'"rl servrce. The fire cluefshall be appomted by the mayor subJect to confirmatlon by majonty vote ofthe crty councll. {wss4r55?5 DOC l/00006 9000004 2.10.050 Rcfcrcnccs to DcYGlopm.nt. Dircctor of Community Wherever references are made n the Edmonds Crty Code or any or&narce of the clty to the drector of commuruty development, sard refercnce shall hereaffer be construed to mean the development servlces depatment duector or deslgnee 2.10.060 ExccutircCouncilAslistant. The execuhve councll asslstant shall be a contract employee h[ed on an annual basrs by the clty councrl The terms and condrtlons of emplol.rnent for the executtve councll ass$tant as well as all benefits shall be govemed by the provrsrons of the contract The contract shall provrde for the delegatton by the mayor of the dlrecho[ of thrs lndlvrdual to the clty counc presldent- In the event that the mayor elects m hs or he! dlscretron not to delegate that fiuctlon, the councrl reserves the nght to rmmedtately ehmmate the posltron 2.10.070 Mayor'sExccutiycAssistatrt The posrtron of mayor's execuhve assrstarlt shall be ar at-w l posrhon wrth the executlve asslstant serv[rg at the pleasue of the mayor The salary for the posltlon ls estabhshed by the annual salary ordmance. The terms and condrtrons of employnent as well as Job dutles bemg set forth m alob descnptrol developed by the mayor with the concurrence of the crty counc Sechon 2 Sectron 2 35 030 Vacahons shall be amended to read as follows' 2.35.030 Vacations. A Regular employees shall accrue the followmg amount of vacatlon leave wlth pay based o[ the length of conhnuous servrce, as that term 1s defined rn the personnel policres I Nonexempt, represented employees shall recelve vacatrofr leave rn accordalce mth the apphcable collectrve bargammg agreement, 2 Nonexempt and exempt noffepresented employees below the level of &vrsion malager shall accrue annual vacahon m accordance wlth the followrng schedule {wss4 15575 DOC,I /00006 9000004 Ycars of Employmcnt After the first srx months of contmuous emploJanent Second sx months Two years through five years Slx yearc through 11 years 12 years tkough 19 years 20 years and thereafter Y.ars ofEmploymeut After the fiIst slx montis of co[tnuous emplo]Tnent Second srx months Two years through 5 years Srx years through I I years 12 years and thereafter Days ofVacation Slx days of credlt Flve days ad&tlonal 11 days per year l6 days per year 2 1 days per year 22 days per year Deys ofVacation Erght days of credrt Erght days addrtronal 16 days per year 2 I days per year 22 days pet year 3 DlvNlon Maragers (conslshng of the plarntng manager, assrstant f1le chref, fire marshal, assNtant pollce chlef(s), burldrng officral, coult admmrstator, cultural and reqeattonal manager, parks marager, factlltles manager, steet mauager, wate/sewer manager, teaiment plant manager, fleet manager, clty engmeer, accountmg manager, and the crty clerD shall accrue annual vacatron m accordance wrth the followmg schedule 4 The Pohce Chref, Fre Chref, Admmrshatrve Servlces, Duector, Community Seryrces Drector, Pubhc Works D[ector, Parks and Reqeahon Drector. Huma[ Resoulces Drrector and Development Servrces Drrector shall dccn)e 22 days per year Such accruals shall be credtted on a semFmonthly basts wth each employee's paycheck, except as provtded above The rate of accrual shall be reflected by a credrt equal to the proporhonate share of vacatron eamed for the penod iwss415575 DOC,V00006 900000r)-4- B Employees are encouraged to use ther accumulated vacahon tlme wthtn the year rn rvhrch rt rs eamed Vacaion acsuals ofup to one year's accumulahon may be carned over from one year to the next. Employees who grve notrce of rehrement wrthm 24 months are authonzed to accumuiate two years accrual at any hme pnor to retrement C Vacatron schedules must be submttted by each departnent Ilot later thar March I st of each year D Any ernployee whose serylce N honorably termmated after the completlo[ of slx months of conhnuous servrce shall be pard for any vacatron tlme accumulated pnor to the effectrve date of ternmatlon - Sectlon 3 Sechon 2.35 040 Compensatmg T1me, Sechon A rs hereby amended wlth respect to certamJob htles and classlficatrons 2.35.040 Compctrsating Tim.. A The followmg pohcres shall rct apply to the department drrectots and drnsron managers hsted below Accountmg manager AdmmEtatrve servlces dtector Assrstant fire chref Assrstant pohce che(s) Crty cle* Crty engrneer Commumty sernces duector Development serulces drector Frre chref Frre marshal Human rcsoulces d[ector Parks ard recreahol director Planfing manager Pohce cluef Pubhc works drrector Wastewater teahnent plant manager Burldtng Oflioal Cultulal arld Recreahonal Manager Parks Manager Street Manager Facrlrtres Manager Water/Sewer Manager Fleet Mamger {wss415575 DOC,V00006 9000004 -5- / Sechon 4 The Edmonds Crty Code Sectron 2.35 060 Srck Leave rs hereby amended by the addthon of new sectlons E. ard F. relahng to a slck leave rncenhve program to read as follows' 2.35.060 Sick Lcavc. E. As an mcenhve to the appropnate use of stck leave, nomeprcsented employees may eam ad&tlonal leave hows oo an lnverse bas1s to the amount of slck leave used dunng the calendaJ y€.rr, m accordance wrth the followmg schedule Hours ofSick Lcavc Uscd Antrual Lcayc Ilours Eartrcd Arnual leave eamed under tlus program shall be rn the calendar year rn wluch the leave was eamed Absences compensated though the State Workers' Compensahon llhess or m.;ury program shall not be taken mto consldsrahon when applyng the eltgrbrlrty stardards. The leave eamed shall be pro-rated to the nearest firll hour on the basrs of srck leave used F Nonreprcse[ted employees who have acqued m excess of erght hun&ed (800) hours of slck leave may convert the excess hours to a cash pa],ment at the rate of three hours ofsrck leavc for ofle hour of compensahon at the employee's current Iate of pay, up to a maxmum of One Thousadd ($1,000) Dollars per year The Human Resources Departmelt shall nohry the employee of brs or her accrued slck leave hous with the last paycheck m August of each year. The slck leave payout shall be pard wrth the first paycheck rn Jaauary. Employees must rcquest the optronal stck leave payout wrthm tsrr (10) workrng days fiom the date notrce of accrued slck leave was provrded Sechon 5. Effechve Date Tlus ordrnarrcc. bemg an exerclse of a power speqfically delegated to the Clty legrslattve body, rs not sublect to referendum, and shall take 24 16 8 0 0 8 t6 24 {wss415575 DOC,trc0006 9000004 -6- effect five (5) days after passage and pubhcaton of arl approved summary thereof conslstrng of the tltle APPROVED ATTEST/AUTHENIICATED APPROVED AS TO FORM. OFFICE OF W Scott Snvder BY FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK PASSED BY THE CITY COII.ICI PUBLISHED EFFECTNE DATE ORDINANCE NO 3279 lt/t9/99 rr/23/99 12/05/99 12/t0/99 MAYOR, BARBARA S FAHEY CITY CLERK, SANDRA S CHASE {wss4155?5 DOC,1/00006 S00000n -7 - SUMMARY OF OF.DINANCE NO. 3279 of the Crty ofEdmonds. Washrngton On the 23rd day of Novembet 1999, the Clty Councll of the Clty of Edmonds, passed Or&nance No. 3279 A summary of the content ofsatd or&nance, consrstlng ofthe trtle, provrdes as follows AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS, WASHINGTON, REPEALING AND REENACTING CHAPTER 210 OF THE EDMONDS CITY CODE, AMENDING TIIE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 235030 VACATIONS TO CLARIFY THE VACATION ACCRUAI RATES FOR CERTAIN DIRECTOR POSITIONS 2,35 O4O COMPENSATING IIME TO CLARIFY THE POLICIES IN PLACE FOR CERTAIN DIRECTOR POSITIONS, 2.35 060 SICK LEAVE TO ADD NEW SUBSECTIONS E AND F ESTABLISHING A SICK LEAVE INCENTIVE PROGRAM FOR NONREPRESENTED EMPLOYEES. AND FIXING A TIME WHEN THE SAME SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE The full text of tlus Ordrnance wrll be marled upon request DATED thls 24th day ofNovember, 1999 SANDRA S CHASECITY CLERK, twss, 5575 Doc.r/00006 aooooo/t- 8 - Alfidavit of Publication Th. und.rs,gned, berng frrst duly swolD oD oath deposes and says that lhe rs P ncrpal Clerk of THX HERALD, a darly newsp.per pnnted and publBhed rn the Crty or Evereti, County of SnohomNh, and State of Washrngton, that sard newlpapcr l! e Dewspapc! oJ Eeneral crrculshon D sard Couhty eDd Stat., that sard n.wspaper ha! been app.oved as a l.Eal newspap.r by ord.r of the Superro. Court of Snohomrsh County and lhat the nohce Sutomary of ordrnance No. 3279!f,a noN accRUAL MrEs FENS^T N6 TIME TO CI,AFIFY OERT^IN D RECTOR IO3I. ro ^riD.Ntu srrfsEall66l<E ^NO F EST^IIISHING ASrcK SETIE NCENlVE EFOGFAM EOR NONFE'FE. FIXLNG A 'IIME WHEN IHE DArEo 'h i 2afi d.y or a plrnted copy of whrch E nevsp.pc! prop.r end ,ot Decenber 5, 1999 h.leunto atiech.d, was publBh.d m sard m lupplem.nt form, rn th. legulu aDd .nnre edrtron of s.rd prpe! on th. followmg days and hm.s, nu.Iy ""4*", ".,*"*\"*. l{. 1.!t $.crlycoonc or rh. cLrr fs6rdE or u. fih, pBdB G II^N oFDIN^NoE oF THE Cjry, IOF EOtrloNDS W^SHINCTON, EDMONDS CITY COUE,AMENDING THE'ROVISION8 lreFlr..ry dttDbuted to ,ts .ubscnbc..t\t\ hr-atN'r'- JI --L Pnnctprl Cl.rk /._.iworn h 6.10r. m. thB Notary Pubhc rn rnd {+}rGrdrng at Ev.r.tt, Sioh