Ordinance 34820006 90000 WSS/gz t2ltt/03 ORDINANCE NO. 3482 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS, WASHINGTON. REZONING PROPERTIES COMMONLY KNOWN AS CHASE LAKE ELEMENTARY, MAPLEWOOD SCHOOL. SEAVIEW ELEMENTARY, SHERWOOD ELEMENTARY AND WESTGATE ELEMENTARY FROM PUBLIC ZONE TO RESIDENTIAI ZONING. AND FIXING A TIME WHEN THE SAME SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE WHEREAS, a closed record reue!! rlas held on December 2. 2003, and WHEREAS. based upon the record ofthe proceedmg, the arguments ofthe paltles and the recommendatron ofthe Crty's Planmng Board, the Crty Councrl finds the change to be ln the pubhc mterest and 1rr conformance u,lth the cnte a establlshed for zorung changes by the Edmonds Communlty Development Code. to wlt The propertres have been used for many y ears as schools and the zomng change ls consrstent wlth and recognlzes not onl] the ongolng character and use of the properhes bltt also the fact that the change complles not only wlth the Ctty's Comprehensrve Plan but wrth the School Dlstnct's plan, whlch rs lncorporated m the Clty's Comprehenslve Plan, and WHEREAS. the change rn zomng to resldentlal mole acculately reflects the underlyrng land use, the surroundmg resldentlal nelghborhoods and recent modlficatrons to Clty zonmg codes rvhrch make these schools applopllate permltted usis wlthln restdentlal zones. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COTINCIL OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS I $'SS558qt6 rX)C l/00006 90n0004 -1 lgqlpql The propertres are shown on the attached Exhlblt A, and rncorporated by thrs reference as fully as rfherern set forth, are hereby zoned as follous Chase Lake Elementary RS-8 Mapleqood School ..RS-8 Seavlew Elementary . . RS-12 Sherwood Elementary RS-8 Westgate Elementary . RS-8 Sechon 2 The Commumty Servlces Dlrector rs herebl authorrzed to effectuate such changes on the Clty's zonmg map Sechon 3 Effectlve Date Thrs ordrnance, berng an exercise of a power specrfi- calll delegated to the Clty leglslatlve body. rs not sublect to referendlun, and shall take effect file (5) days after passage and pubhcahon of an approved summarv thereof conslstrng of the trtle APPROVED MAYOR GARY HAAKENSON ATTEST/AI]THENTICATED CITY CLERK, SANDRA S CHASE APPROVED AS TO FORM OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY BY W SCOTT SNYDER FILED WITFI THE CITY CLERK I2II2/2003 PASSED BY THE CITY COLINCIL 1211612003PUBLISHED 12/21/2001EFFECTIVEDATE I2D6/2003 ORDINANCE NO 3482 lwsss58ot6 Doc l]00006 9u0000/)-2- SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE NO. 34E2 of lhe Clt-v olFdmonds. Washrngton On the 16th day of December, 2003, the Crty Councrl of the Crty of Edmonds. passed Ordmance No -1482 A summary ofthe content of sald ordmance, consrstlng ofthe trtle. provldes as follows AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS. WASHINGTON, REZONING PROPERTIES COMMONLY KNOWN AS CHASE LAKE ELEMENTARY. MAPLEWOOD SCHOOL. SEAVIEW ELEMENTARY, SHERWOOD ELEMENTARY AND WESTGATE ELEMENTARY FROM PUBLIC ZONE TO RESIDENTIAL ZONING. AND FIXING A TIME WHEN THE SAME SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE The full te\t ofthls Ordrnance wrll be marled upon request DATED thls lTth day of December, 2003 CITY CLERK. SANDRA S CHASE iw555s8e2t DOa,l /00006 9000004 -3-