2019-07-29 Disability Board MinutesEDMONDS' DISABILITY BOARD
Meeting Minutes
Regularly Called Meeting
. Ib,
Ken Jones, Chair
Gary McComas, Board Member
Dave Teitzel, Council Member
Diane Buckshnis, Council Member
Jim Distelhorst, Citizen -At -Large
Emily Wagener, Human Resources Analyst
Chair Ken Jones called the meeting to order at 10:35 am.
Chair Jones indicated that the included updated terms list identified that he was elected to serve another
two-year term as the LEOFF 1 police representative. HR Analyst Emily Wagener confirmed this was
correct and congratulated him.
Council Member Diane Buckshnis moved for approval of the minutes with the suggested changes
submitted via email by Citizen -At -Large Jim Distelhorst. Chair Ken Jones seconded the motion. The
motion carried.
There was some discussion among the Board regarding the comment of Richard Warbrouck at the last
meeting and his strong recommendation that the City direct pay for claims. Council Member Dave
Teitzel asked if it was known which other Disability Boards (if any) directly reimbursed for claims. Chair
Jones confirmed that this was covered at the LEOFF conference. Chair Jones continued, explaining
that a questionnaire had been distributed but the results had not been released by the LEOFF
association or by Mr. Warbrouck. Chair Jones confirmed that when or if the results of the survey
become available he would share them with the Board.
Chair Jones introduced the claims summary report for the second quarter of 2019. Council Member
Teitzel indicated that the Fireman's Pension Fund — Premium Benefits was significantly over budget and
asked if a budget amendment was necessary for the overage. It was agreed to defer this discussion until
the review of the 2019 Budget where it was set to be discussed.
Ms. Wagener shared that there were significantly more long term care claims this year versus last year
(a continuing trend) and that there are currently 3 members who are using approved long term care
services. Council Member Teitzel moved to approve the claims summary report, Council Member
Buckshnis seconded. The motion carried.
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Summary of Current Costs
04/01/2019- 06/30/2019
Number of Claims
Total Paid for Service
Co -Insurance
$ 922.78
Dental Expenses
$ 619.00
Hearing Aid Batteries
$ 16.98
Long Term Care
$ 76,398.08
Medical Services
$ 826.13
Medicare Premium
$ 3,216.00
$ 32.54
1 $ 3,614.42
Grand Total
1 $ 85,645.93
Ms. Wagener explained that included in the packet was an estimate for the rest of 2019 representing
the two high -ticket reimbursement items. Ms. Wagener explained that the Long Term Care expenses
would end at under budget due to the unfortunate passing of one of the LEOFF 1 members using those
services. Ms. Wagener further explained that as was mentioned before by Council Member Teitzel, the
fireman's pension fund was currently showing as over budget due to a settlement agreement that was
approved by Council and also an annual increase to excess pension payments that took effect in April
of 2019. Ms. Wagener mentioned that Finance had confirmed a budget amendment was submitted but
was not yet showing in the budget. Council member Buckshnis also confirmed that the budget
amended had been submitted.
The Board was thankful for the clarification on the 2019 budget. There was no need to make a motion
on this informational item.
E. Discuss LEOFF 1 Member's passing
Ms. Wagener explained that she wasn't sure if there was anything official that needed to be discussed
but wanted to make sure this was officially announced to the Board. An email had been sent to notify
Board members on June 26, 2019 as well.
Chair Jones indicated that nothing officially needed to be discussed but noted that bills may continue to
come in to cover the last few months of this member's care. After some discussion, Chair Jones agreed
that he would send the family a card expressing the Board's condolences.
F. Review of the original quotes provided at the 1/30/19 meeting from a LEOFF 1 retiree
requesting continued long term care service cost reimbursement [per Board request at 4/17/19
Ms. Wagener explained that at the last meeting the Board had requested to review the original quotes
provided for this member's long term care request. After some discussion it was determined that the
member had chosen one of the lesser expensive options. Chair Jones brought up the previous concern
of the payment, specifically its timeliness. Ms. Wagener indicated that while the payments were still
being sent via early release they were not being overnighted and there had been no feedback
indicating that the reimbursements were not being received timely. Ms. Wagener also indicated that
early release was not intended to be a long term procedure and because it is approved each time by
the Finance Director it could be denied at any point in the future. The board agreed if that occurs the
Board would need to review the situation.
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There was some discussion regarding issues with parity in regards to early release. Ms. Wagener
confirmed this is not something that is routinely done for other members but if requested by others may
be something the Board would need to look into.
The Board agreed a motion was not necessary for this item.
G. Follow up from the 4/17/19 meeting regarding a LEOFF 1 member requesting reimbursement
of Medicare Part B premiums paid from 1996-2017.
Ms. Wagener clarified that there was a calculation error in the original submitted amount for the
reimbursement that has been corrected in the current packet. Ms. Wagener also indicated that at the
previous meeting it was noted that the member had not yet submitted or been reimbursed for 2018
Medicare Part B premiums but as of the current meeting, the member had been reimbursed for 2018
Medicare Part B premiums.
The Board reviewed historical meeting minutes related to a similar situation in the past. Ms. Wagener
clarified that the Board had asked if there had ever been an exception made to the 12 month rule or if
there were ever exceptions made to reimbursements submitted prior to the policy's creation. After some
discussion referencing the fact that the reviewed minutes indicated some member's had been
retroactively reimbursed in the past, Chair Jones indicated that the decision was most likely due to the
fact that the policy was new and it was likely a one-time exception. Ms. Wagener confirmed that HR
notifies members when policies are created or changed.
The Board was in agreement that no further action was needed on this item and that the
reimbursements beyond City Policy (12 months) would not be reimbursed.
H. Review/discussion LEOFF 1 member's prior reimbursement request for equipment, new
monthly facility charges and a new request for approval for reimbursement of the "community
fee" billed at move in.
Ms. Wagener confirmed that this portion of the packet included the updated invoice for the long -term -
care services for a member who moved facilities just prior to the last meeting. Ms. Wagener further
explained that no further information or reimbursement request had been received to date for the bed
that was discussed at the last meeting and that if something is received it would be brought to the
Board for consideration.
Ms. Wagener explained that the new monthly charge in the facility will be about $5,500 per month
which was well below the maximum amount of $7,000 per month that was approved by the Board. Ms.
Wagener also explained that the member was requesting reimbursement for a "community fee" that
was charged at move -in. There was some discussion among the Board on what exactly the community
fee might be for. Ms. Wagener indicated that there was not any information submitted that would
explain what the fee specifically covers but that it was a "one-time fee to establish residency".
Chair Jones explains that it is important to consider who would get these funds back if the Board was to
reimburse them. Council Member Teitzel agreed. Ms. Wagener explained that she was not aware if the
fee was refundable or not. There was some discussion among the Board regarding the history of
paying refundable fees and also if the Board has paid similar fees for residence in the past.
Council Member Buckshnis recommended that more information be requested to include whether or
not the fee is a refundable expense and what exactly the fee covers. The Board was in concurrence
with this request. Ms. Wagener confirmed that she would request the additional information the Board is
looking for from the member and will bring anything received to the next Board meeting.
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I. Consumer Reports — Hearing Aid Rating
Citizen -At -Large Distelhorst introduced this item, which he had had asked Ms. Wagener to include in
the packets for the Board's review. Citizen -At -Large Distelhorst indicated this was a consumer report
ranking Costco as number one for hearing aids which may be helpful when considering the Board's
policy to use Costco's rates for reimbursement. Board Member Gary McComas indicted that the one
voiced issue with Costco was the selection and some other companies may provide products with
additional features. The Board discussed the hearing aid policy and that members can pay the overage
to obtain a more desirable hearing aid if a medical need is not there to support full reimbursement.
LEOFF Conference
Chair Jones indicated that he had attended the Annual LEOFF Conference and there were a few things
that were very interesting. Chair Jones explained that there was one presentation that was particularly
interesting, from DSHS, which talked about senior scams with healthcare/Medicare fraud. Chair Jones
said that the purpose of this information at the LEOFF Conference was important because the Board
should remember that the members who are receiving these reimbursement benefits may be subjected
to these fraudulent circumstances and to be aware.
Chair Jones confirmed that the City is more than likely not required to reimburse for Medical Marijuana
(per the attorney general) which has been a subject with quite a few Boards whose members have
submitted reimbursements for Medical Marijuana. Chair Jones further explained that this continues to
be a battle between the state and federal government. The Board had brief discussion regarding the
effectiveness of Medicinal Marijuana and CBD oils and the "placebo affect". Chair Jones confirmed that
this has not been an issue for the Edmonds Board at this time or in the past.
Chair Jones also commented on a presentation about arthritis, one on Parkinson's disease, and one on
dementia indicating that were interesting and relatable to the types of claims the Board receives.
Chair Jones also discussed that Matt Smith, the State Actuary, reports on the financial health of the
pension system and that our pension system is in great shape with enough money to last through 2059,
which is about 115% funded and above many other pension systems. Chair Jones indicated that DRS
spoke and confirmed nothing that occurred in the prior year that effected legislature for LEOFF 1
members going forward.
After some discussion, the next Board meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, October 29, 2019 at 10:00
Chair Jones Adjourned the meeting at 11:17 am.
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