Seafirst Bank - Kravanga TrustANNEXATION CHECKLIST Code Cities %�X Petition Method See Chapter VII, Section III, for detailed reference for each step. Action 1. Notice of intent filed (signed by persons representing owners of not less than 10% of assessed value) 2. Signatures certified as sufficient 3. SEPA compliance (see local ordinance & SEPA Rules) Environmental checklist filed Threshold determination made Negative declaration procedures or Environmental impact statement procedures 4. Date set by city council for meeting with initiating parties (within 60 days of filing of petition) 5. Meeting held and council action on: Whether to accept proposed annexation: Whether simultaneous adoption of zoning regulation required? Whether assumption of indebtedness required? Council action recorded in council minutes 6. Notice of intention filed with boundary review board (where applicable) utilizing its procedures 7. Legally sufficient petition of 15r of valuation filed 8. Commencement of determination of sufficiency of petition (within 3 working days after filing) and filing with city council a certificate containing this date 9. Planning Board meeting to recommend preannexation zoning 10. 1st City Council Hearing on Planning Board recom- mendation Hearing Notice Published 11. 2nd City Council Hearing on Planning Board recom- mendation Hearing Notice Published 12. Council adopts ordinance establishing zoning (Consent Agenda) 13. Zoning Ordinance and Map recorded with Auditor 14. Signatures certified as sufficient 15. Date set by City Council for public hearing explanation and statu Date Completed 6 6 " 7 � 9 IVEVJ r l LE- 09Nx -a-1 a oSEpFiksr —&tj k/ 1CA4Vh9•) 4 -QU ST 6A)A) E'X J4:-r16 A �E Colo Ejc D r 74 * Ave. �►- D LYM #16 V1'g W hR . 16. Notice of hearing Submitted to newspaper Published - one or more issues of newspaper Affidavit of publication received Posted in 3 public places within area proposed for annexation Actual notice (optional) to: Petitioners Other property owners Neighbors 17. Hearing held and council action: Approved as proposed? Approved portion of proposal? Disapproved? 18. Annexation Ordinance No. Presented to council Adopted Either: Submitted for publication Published Affidavit of publication received 19. Effective date of annexation (as fixed in ordinance) 20. Three copies of ordinance and map filed with county legislative authority (Notice to county auditor, assessor and other officers requesting notice where county legislative authority may not readily forward information.) 21. Certificate of annexation filed with state Office of Financial Management (as soon as possible, not later than 30 days of effective date of annexation. 22. Notice to: Washington State Department of Revenue U.S. Bureau of Census (optional) City departments Public Works Fire Police Park and Recreation Other 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 RECEIVED MAY 2 7 1997 EDMONDS CITY CLERK C-1, 00 F)y IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF SNOHOMISH SEATTLE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, as trustee under the Will of Anton T. Kravagna, and as Agent under agreement with Dorothy C. Kravagna, Appellant, V. WASHINGTON STATE BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD FOR SNOHOMISH COUNTY, Respondent. NO. 95-2-06285-5 ORDER OF VOLUNTARY DISMISSAL PURSUANT TO CR 41(a)(1)(B) THIS MATTER came before the court on the appellant's motion for voluntary dismissal of its action under CR 41 (a) (1) (B). The court considered the pleadings filed in this action, the motion of Seattle First National Bank and the Declaration of Michael K. Murray. Based upon the pleadings and the Declaration of Michael K. Murray, the court finds that the appellant has not yet rested its case and that the respondent has not filed a counterclaim in this matter. Based upon the above findings, it is hereby ORDER t OF VOLUNTARY L A S H E R " 2600 TWO UNION SQUARE DISMISSAL - 1 HQLZAPFEL 601 UNION STREET R_R Y & SEATTLE, WA 98101-4000 E B B E R S O N7 (206) 624-1 230 FAX (206) 340-2563 PLLC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that this action is dismissed without prejudice. It is further ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that no party shall be entitled to an award of costs or attorney's fees. DONE IN OPEN COURT this day of May, 1997. Judge Presented by: LASHER HQLZAPFEL SPERRY & EBBERSON, P.L.L.C. TM-chael K. Murray, P. WSBA #5920 Attorneys for A ellw ORDER OF VOLUNTARY - DISMISSAL - 2 L ASy qH r-E R 2600 TWO UNION SQUARE f C)LZA E601 UNION STREET S P E R R Y& i SEATTLE, WA 98101.4000 E B B E R S O N 12061 624-1230 FAX (206) 340.2563 PLLC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 RECEIVED MAY 2 7 1997 EDMONDS CITY CLERK OPY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF SNOHOMISH SEATTLE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, as trustee under the Will of Anton T. Kravagna, and as Agent under agreement with Dorothy C. Kravagna, Appellant, 0 WASHINGTON STATE BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD FOR SNOHOMISH COUNTY, Respondent. NO. 95-2-06285-5 SEATTLE FIRST NATIONAL BANK' S MOTION FOR VOLUNTARY DISMISSAL PURSUANT TO CR 41 (a) (1) (B) COMES NOW, appellant Seattle First National Bank, and moves the court for a voluntary dismissal of the above -captioned action without prejudice before resting its case. This motion is made pursuant to CR 41(a)(1)(B) and is supported by the subjoined declaration of counsel. SEAFIRST NATIONAL BANK'S MOTION FOR VOLUNTARY DISMISSAL - 1 LASHER 2600 TWO UNION SQUARE HOLZAPFEL 601 UNION STREET S P E R R Y L SEATTLE. WA 98101.4000 E B B E R S O N 12061 624. 1 230 FAX (206) 340.2563 - PL'_C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 DATED this day of May, 1997. LASHER HOLZAPFEL SPERRY & FaBERSON, P.L.L.C. SEAFIRST NATIONAL BANK'S MOTION FOR VOLUNTARY DISMISSAL - 2 Michael K. Murray, P Attorneys for App 9ka WSBA No. 5920 L /i .7 r1 G M 2600 TWO UNION SQUARE HOLZAPFEL 601 UNION STREET S P E R R Y& SEATTLE. WA 90101-4000 _ EBB E R S O N 12061 624-1230 FAX 12061 340-2563 PLLC 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 DECLARATION OF MICHAEL K. MURRAY IN SUPPORT OF APPELLANT'S MOTION FOR DISMISSAL I, Michael K. Murray, hereby declare as follows: 1. I am one of the attorneys of record for Seattle First National Bank, as trustee under the Will of Anton T. Kravagna and as Agent under agreement with Dorothy C. Kravagna, in the above -captioned action. 2. This is an action appealing a decision of the Snohomish County Boundary Review Board pursuant to RCW 36.93.160. 3. There have been no proceedings in this appeal of the decision of the Boundary Review Board. And, Appellant has not rested its opening case in this action. 4. No counterclaim has been pleaded by a respondent prior to service of appellant's motion for dismissal. 5. The basis of the appeal was to contest the exclusion of Appellants' property from an annexation approved by the Snohomish County Boundary Review Board (`BRB"). 6. Due to RCW 36.93.160 (5), the entire annexation approved by the Snohomish County Boundary Review Board was stayed due to the filing of this Notice of Appeal and a concurrent appeal by the City of Edmonds of the BRB's decision. Appellants and the City of Edmonds have found another means of seeking redress for the exclusion of Appellants' property at issue and wish to dismiss this appeal. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing declaration is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. EXECUTED thisZTday of May, 1997 at Seattle, Washington. SEAFIRST NATIONAL BANK'S MOTION FOR VOLUNTARY DISMISSAL - 3 LASHER 2600 TWO UNION SQUARE HOLZAPFEL 601 UNION STREET S P E R R Y& SEATTLE, WA 98101-4000 E B B E R S O N (206) 624.1 230 FAX (206) 340-2563 PLLC City of Edmonds 505 Bell Street, Edmonds, WA 98020 I&T-MAXII, To: Phil Olbrechts Ogden, Murphy, Wallace Phone: Fax phone: 447-0215 CC: Date: 5/28/97 Number of pages including cover sheet: 6 From: Sandy Chase City Clerk Phone: (206)771-0245 Fax phone: (206) 771-0266 REMARKS: Ej Urgent For your review Reply ASAP Please comment I received the following two documents in the mail: Seattle First National Bank's Motion for Voluntary Dismissal and Order of Voluntary Dismissal Jeff Wilson asked that I fax you a copy of both documents. TRANSMISSION VERIFICATION REPOR' TIME: 05/28/1997 14:37 NAME: CITY CLERK FAX 2067710266 TEL 2067710245 DATE, TIME 05/28 14:34 FAX NO.INAME 94470215 DURATION 00:02:19 RESULT OK MODE STANDARD ECM RECEIVED . 4sit N O V 5 s 1996 Snohomish County r Assessor's Office Gail S. Rauch County Assessor Cindy S. Portmann Chief Deputy CERTIFICATE OF SUFFICIENCY M/S #510 3000 Rockefeller Avenue Everett, WA98201-4046 (206) 388-3433 Snohomish County Deputy Assessor, in accordance with the requirements of RCW 35A.01.040, hereby certify that the Petition for C A �,� �-,! ,,� x(.�,� submitted to the Assessor on yl is signed by the owners of property comprising /oo?, of the total assessed value within the area described in the petition, according to the records of the Snohomish County Assessor. The determination of sufficiency was begun on Dated this- this- / day of Ko\a,la , 199 ( . By ::1:k4& Deputy Assessor MAR-11-1997 17:42 FROM SNO CO PLANNING TO 97710221 P.O? II `� � 7 � 7 � PA BON SOGB L':TJN'iY,0Q0. WA 90D46-5000 rKONE (d()S) 75.1971 March 7, 1997 OU�,9 Ms. Mary Hale, Chair NDARY gWk SNOHOMISH CatJ'.~=BOU1,MARY R,EVIC,W BOARD MAR - i 1997 MIS 409 First Floor, County Administration Annex Fell stIoNOMt5H emu" Everett, WA 98201 Re: File No. 9-97, City of Ldinewid r Pmposad A w-nxa6oF? Seafrrst,'Krawara, 761hAve, W, Dear Ms. Hale. Azi you knvw, Lim plwpert)- irI this winexation is part of another pending awicexatiorl (Perrinville Area, SAD File 11-95, BRB decision dated July 31, 1995, and currently on appeal). Tile City of Lynnwood questions the authority of the owners to petition for this annexation, Edmonds' tight to process this annexation, and the BRB taking action, until the pending annexation is resolved.. Until the appeal is resolved, the En decision in the Perrinville Area annexation by law is not final. RCW 3�6.93.160. It is illogical for another annexation erioompassing .same of the same tcrtiwty �sliii�h is the subject of a Peildhig BRB decision to proceed- The result could be two conflicting BRB decisions pending at the same time. The ERB should not consider the Seafirst/Kravagna proposed annexation until the Perrinville Annexation is resolved or withdrawn. If the BRB considers the SeerstfK,ravagna annexation, the City of Lynnwood, as a govemmcn-W unit affected by the proposed annexation, invokes the jurisdiction of the Board and requests a hearing on the proposed annexation. Furthermore, the City requests that you not exercise the authority granted to you by RCVS '3)6.93.110 to exempt this proposed annexation from review. Lynnwood does this without w'aivinsz any objection it has to continued prmeedin-s while the Perrinville Annexation remains unresolved. In the 11errinvilie Annexation decision by the BF3, the BRB deleted these parcels ftorn €he Ferrinville Area annexation, skating that. The Board fords that although the boundaries of the [Periinaille Area] proposal generally follow road rights -of -way and city boundaries, estahlishment of the northern barrtrda7y of (Olympic View Drive would result In a more logical physical boundary bemven the Cities ofLynmvood and Edmand.v, czvoiding the creation of an ahilormally i?r108u1rzr aPtd lino 7Y HALL / COUNCIL CHAh10Cf'tS PANNING FART ADA•tr; FIRE DEFT. McACOVAFITEF15 POLICE' MUNICIPAL GOUF7 RECREAVON CENTER 1910D 44TH AVENUE WEST 19=44TH AVENUE YIE$" t8800 447K AV#NG'E µ;Eg7 1e321 14TH AVENUE WEB' 19400 41TN AVcNU'c Yl=5T FAX =6) 7 1.1144 PAX ME) I r 1.55a3 r ac canal 771 7C77 PM1 IC" C GAY (20% 67',3-RVA #AY t2W-) 771.136, COURT FAIT (20e) t14.703! MAR-11-1997 17:42 FROM 5NO CO PLANNING TO 97710221 P.oe Ms. *nary Hg1e, Chair Mudh 7,1997 Page a bowidwy between the two c:Xe,). In addition, die Eourd f►nZ, thul mveliji'culion of the boundaly excluding the area south of Olympie Vie►v 17rive would adjust a poly ndal unpractical city boUn dory, andpreserve the natural community of Perrinville located north of C3lvmpic Vies .give. Approval of this proposal as modified would result in decreasing the size of an existing unincorporated island area and allow amie=lion to the CitYwhich can more logically provide oily acrilkes. Findings and Decision of the Boundary F eview Board, da:ed July 31, 1995, at p. 4. For the reasons stated by the BRB in.its decision, the proposed annexation is inconsistent with both the statutes y factors and vbjec.-tives the BRB must attempt to achieve in its decision. It is the position of the City of Lyrmwood now, as it was then, that tht BRB in its prcvivu5 decision correctly applied the statu my factors and objectives to deny this area annexation into Edmonds- A public hearing on this matter will allow all parties to present relevant information to assist the Board in again considering this matter. sincerely, CITY OF LYN1`IWOOD TINA ROBERTS Mayor Enclosure - Lynnivwd's CheCk for $200 TOTAL P.OB CITY OF EDMONDS CIVIC CENTER • EDMONDS, WA 98020 • (206) 775-2525 CSt.1S9v October 31, 1996 Linda M. Hjelle Land Segregation Supervisor Snohomish County Assessor M/S #510 3000 Rockefeller Avenue Everett, WA 98201-4046 Subject: City of Edmonds Petitions for Annexation (Seafirst Bank/Kravagna Trust) Dear Ms. Hjelle: BARBARA FAHEY MAYOR I would like to request that the Assessor's Office consider providing a certificate of sufficiency on the above -referenced annexation petitions as they are currently presented. You indicated a concern that the form of the petition does not meet the current requirements. Specifically, that the "warning" statement is not up-to-date, and there is not a specific date after each signature. "Warning" Statement The "warning" statement on the forms submitted reads as follows: "Every person who sign this petition with any other than his/her true name, or who knowingly signs more than one of these petitions, or who sign this petition when he/she is not a legal owner, or who makes herein any false statement, shall be punished by fine or imprisonment or both." The updated "warning" statement should read: "Every person who signs this petition with any other than his or her true name, or who knowingly signs more than one of these petitions, or signs a petition seeking an election when he or she is not a legal voter, or signs a petition when he or she is otherwise not qualified to sign, or who makes herein any false statement, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor." Although the verbiage has changed, I believe the intent is still the same. ® Incorporated August 11, 1890 Y Sister Cities International — Hekinan, Japan Linda M. Hjelle October 31, 1996 Page Two Date After Each Signature Regarding the issue that there is not a date after each signature, each petition is dated. One of the petitions has only one signature, and the other petition has two individuals signing on behalf of Seafirst Bank. Because the petitions are dated and there are so few signatures, we are hoping this would be acceptable. We are updating our forms before any further petitions are accepted. However, we would like you to consider providing a certificate of sufficiency on these petitions as they have been submitted. Please let me know if this is not possible. In that event, it will be necessary to have the petitions re -signed. Thank you for your consideration of this request. Please call me at 771-0245 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Sandra S. Chase, CIVIC Edmonds City Clerk :sc cc: Jeff Wilson, Current Planning Supervisor CITY OF EDMONDS CIVIC CENTER • EDMONDS, WA 98020 • (206) 775-2525 St. 189u October 24, 1996 Linda M. Hjelle Land Segregation Supervisor Snohomish County Assessor M/S #510 3000 Rockefeller Avenue Everett, WA 98201-4046 Subject: City of Edmonds Petition for Annexation (Seafirst Bank/Kravagna Trust) Dear Ms. Hjelle: BARBARA FAHEY MAYOR I have enclosed a certificate verifying that the two Seafirst Bank officers who signed the petition for annexation have the requisite corporate authorization to sign the annexation petition. I am working with our City Attorney's Office to see if there is a way to address the other concerns you raised with regard to the petition. Specifically, the language in the "warning" statement, and the lack of a date following each signature. I will contact you as soon as possible. Thank you, Sandra S. Chase City Clerk :ssc Enclosure cc: Jeff Wilson, Current Planning Supervisor Scott Snyder, City Attorney m Incorporated August 11, 1890 A Sister Cities International — Hekinan, Japan L A S H E R HOLZAPFEL SPERRY & EBBERSON PLLC ATTORNEYS AT LAW 2600 TWO UNION SQUARE HAND DELIVERED 501 UNION STREET SEATTLE, WA 96101-4000 f (206) 624-1230 FAX (206) 340-2563 October 22, 1996 RONALD E. BRALEYWILL AM T. CORNELL jam, J Wilson Telll ey Wilson LIND LINDA KELLEY EBBERSON ANTHONY J.W. GEWALD Acting Planning Director RICHARD R. HACK, JR. KEVIN P. HANCHETT City of Edmonds DELNEY N. HILEN GEORGE S. HOLZAPFEL Edmonds, WA MARGO T. KELLER _ LISA ANN KOKENGE BROOKS M. LARSEN EARL P. LASHER III, P.S. JOE MENTOR, JR, Re: Annexation of Kravagna Trust DEAN A. MESSMER DONALD R. MORRISON Perrinville Property DANIAL D. PHARRIS ROBIN WILLIAMS PHILLIPS SHANNON SPERRY Dear Jeff: DAVID J. SPRINKLE PAUL A. TONELLA Here, as requested by you for delivery to Snohomish County to verify the MI CHAEL K. MURRAY, P.S COUNSEL authorization of the Seafirst Bank officers who signed the petition for annexation to the TODD R. TARBERT City of Edmonds on behalf of the Kravagna Trust, is a true and correct copy of a "Certificate" executed by the Assistant Secretary of SeattleFirst National Bank, together with the "General Signature Resolution of the Bank" described in subparagraph " OY of the Certificate. Please note that the Certificate also verifies the signatures of the two Bank officers who signed the petition for annexation. The original of the Certificate is being retained in our office's file for the Trust. The Certificate verifies that the two Seafirst Bank officers who signed the petition for annexation did have and continue to have the requisite corporate authorization to sign the annexation petition on behalf of the Kravagna Trust, for which Seafirst Bank is the trustee, and that they have the requisite corporate authorizations to sign such further documents on behalf of the Trust as may be necessary or appropriate in connection with the annexation. I understand you will forward the Certificate to Snohomish County immediately, so that it can certify the petition which will allow this petition to move forward to the _ Boundary Review Board. If you need anything further or if you have any questions or October 22, 1996 Page 2 wish to discuss the foregoing, please call. Thank you for your consideration and assistance. Very truly yours, LASHER HOLZAPFEL Y ERS ON, P L.L.C. Michael K. Murray, P.S. Of Counsel cc: John T. Margeson _ MM - c'MaT2LW gMmvlo22.&c CERTIFICATE The undersigned, the duly elected and acting Assistant Secretary of Bank of America NW, N. A., doing business as Seafirst Bank, successor by name change to SeattleFirst National Bank (the "Bank"), hereby certifies as follows: (1) Attached to this certificate is a true and complete copy of the General Signature Resolution of the Bank as adopted by its Board of Directors and as currently in full force and effect. (2) The individuals listed below have been elected to and are currently serving in the positions shown, have been granted Level D signing authority under the General Signature Resolution, and the signatures appearing opposite their names are their genuine signatures. John T. Margeson, Assistant Vice President James E. Strock, Vice President Dated this 16th day of October, 1996. t 4-4 Joy A. Wilkerson, Assistant Secretary 10 .q GO P9 l 1 -,L SEAFIRST BANK DIVISION BANK OF AMERICA NW, N. P General Signature Resolution RE5 WED MC: C: ttxstruacaents, documents Or agreements relating to cc affecting the property or business and affairs of this C,cgxmi ion, or of this CArporation when acting in any representative or fiduciary capacity, mffy be executed in its name, with or without its corporate sal, by the following Offices or Officers within the acope of the signing authority described hereon. The general composition of the signature groups used is: Ghw A: bcecidiw OfiWr Cbeirman of the Board. President, Vice Cbairman of the Board. Executive Vice President. Corporate S=vtary and Cashier, or arty officer w designated by the Chief Executive Officer. Group A signers have full signing authority for the Corporation. GioW B. Bwdtb g Officer All officers involved in general commercial and �?n+rner bwddng who are granted Group B signing authority by the appropriate supervisory officer pursuant to the procedures set forth in the Carporstion,s Management and Staff Guide may execute the following: a. Checks, drafts, money orders, bills of lading, udekeepiag receipts, releases of collateral and receipts for securities, money or property paid or delivered: esndorwinent of notes and other inst ummts referred to in this section ia); letters of credit. beakers acceptances; autbcri=dcm to trandEr or receive securities for account of the Corporation at Federal Reserve or oorregxadant beriks, in. eluding authority to charge or credit its account. to sign certificates of deposit and to artiffy checks: also to guarantee signatures, to aoaept the msiganxnt of registered securities. to sign ralevsat ogre~ spondence. b. Satisfactions of mortgages and other tuns, requests for recoaveyaaces of property held under deeds of trust, and reassignments of any stocks. bonds, notes, kase+s or any other property held by this Car• poratioa as security for indebtedness. C. I.Dan agreements. loan commitments. standby letters of credit, participation agreements. card icates of participation. and rgnuchase agreements involving arc bunts not is edc ew of delegated lending or apprmnd Broils unless praptrly approved by the mardagement of the Corporation. d. Extensions of the time for payment of any note or other oblipxtian held by this Cairpwation. e. Notices of default and of electim to sell or cause to be sold the property described in any deed of trust held by this Corporation, execute notices to the Trustee named in any such deed of trust. and do any other act or sign any other document provided for by law, or which may be wary. expedient or proper in order to protect or enforce the rights of this Corporation under any larch deed or trust. C Claims: of this Corporation as a creditor of any decedent, or of a pcmm who is a party to any form of proceeding In bankruptcy, irnsoivmey or similar proceeding, sir any other claim of this Corporation in any other type of action or proceeding. g. Prosdes to vote stork held by this Corporation. h. Pleadings and documents to be filed in any court or other proceeding involving this Ccrrporatiard, in- cluding verifications of any such pleading or documents. L Tin "Oeth of Officer of Incorporated Company" required by 46 US.C.A. U8 and other documents in favor of or affecting this Corporation in connection with the recording of preferred mortgages. j. Approval of Employee Reimbursement Memo, Sundry Expanse Memo, Sundry Rmovery Memo, Sundry Lags Memo, invoices, and other internal documents necessary to discharge the duties of their poeitxms. It. Agreements, oontractx, purchase orders, and leases involving amounts Dot in excess of the approval level delegated by acecutive management of the Ca? radon, except as limited by the need for two . Grow C staff Offc All officers involved in general staff activities who are granted Group C signing authority by the appro- priate supervisory officer pursuant to the procedures set forth in the C.nrpor*ti='$ Management and Staff Guide may aotetnte the following: A. Approval of Employee Reiinhasesnent Memo, Sundry Facpm:re Memo. Sundry Recovery Memo, Sundry Lass Memo, invoices, and other internal documeszts necessary to discharge the duties of their positions. b. Agreements, cozktraicts, purchase orders, and leases involving amounts not in excess of the approval level delegated by tmecutive nmanagement of the C'u oratiaa, except as limited by the need for two Signatures Gow D.- That Officer Ali officers involved in truest activities who are granted Group D signing authority by the appropriate super- visary oSfieex pursuant to the procedures set forth its the Corporation's Mena ==t cad Staff Guide may execute the following. a. Acceptances of trust and agencies: Petitions for the appointment of this Corporation in any represen- tative or fiduciary capacity: Ca'tifu*es of ownership in and to any trust }mod by this Cvrpomc n. Certificates of sutienb aation with respect to bonds. notes, debentures and other obligations issued under corporate mortgages, trust agreements urd other indentures: safekeeping rerripks; authoriza- lion to transfer or receive securities for account of the Corporation at Federal Rrerve B=k or Cor- regxmdent Banns, including authority to charge at aced t its acwunt; Cat&wes of ftmntm deposited, interim certificates and other certificates for and on behalf of this Corporation as dgx3aitory or agent: CDunter-zigastures of bands, notes. Cerff= tes of stock, voting trust cer ificates or porticodion catifimes on behalf of this Carponttion as transfer aMu or regLiba . Certificates of cancellation and of cremation of stocks, bonds, or other securities: gun =tees d sagasdturr checks: proxies to vote stock, all its necessary f►x the purchase, #musics and delivery of an bonds, gpital stock and other pe musil property held its any Sstumary capacity; or other fists. docUments and papers in OmneCt= with the proper MnWlnent of any fiduciary acco=t; and resignations of this CarpWdi= in any representative err fides► capacity; plugs and doturnents to be filed in any own or other proceeding involving this Corporation; iDdtx ing verifications of any such pleadinng or documcmts. Also, deeds to real property described in any deed of trust which naugs this Corporation as 'trustee, after a Trustee's safe thereunder in the mmum provided by later, or rem veyaaxs of any property meld under any deem of trust which names this Clrxpotibm eras Thigee, and resit of the C:or. porabo n as Trustee under Deed of 'trust. b. Approval of Employee Reimbarserrnent M=w, Sundry Expense Memo, Sunday Recovery Memo, Sundry Ears Memo, invoices, and other internal docwnents necessary to discharge the duties of their positions. C. Agreements, contracts, purchase orders, and leases involving a:aausts not in excess of the approval level delegated by acecutive man:gement of the C;oporation. except as limited by the need for two signnatures. GroW E: Aredrt/&ramrnM UMcer All officers involved in t' Yuditing or examining activities of the ON tfi= who are granted Group E signing authority by the sj;proprine sxtpexviaory OEScer pursuant to the procedures act forth in the Cor. porabon's Management and Staff Guide may execute the following. a. Receipts for statements, verifications of aceouats. Correspondence and documents related to func- tions pertaining to auditors and examiners. b.' Approval of Employee Reimbursement Mono, Sundry Expense Memo, Sundry RectvM Memo. Sundry Loos Memo, invoices, and other internal documents necessary to discharge the duties of their positions. c. Agreements, contracts. purcbaw orders, and leases involving amounts not in excess of the approval Level delegated by executive management of the Corporation, except as limited by the need for two Gr oW F. ft Jdfawgers All staff members designated Pro Manager who are granted Group lF signing authority by the appropriate supervisory offices pursuant to the procedures set forth in the Corporation's Management and Staff Guide may execute the some documents as listed its Group 8, paragraph a, or Group H, paragraph b. Grtxap G: Rail Estate 019icer All officm involved in garnered real estate leading or mortgage 'banking activibm who are granted Group G aign'ng authority by the appropriate supenristxy officer pursuant to the procedures set forth in the CWPo. ration's Management and Staff Guide may execute the following: a. Loan commitments, loan agreements. standby letters of credit, interim loan participation s eesnants, mad certificates of pwt=Tation involving amounts not in excess of delegated lending or approval limits unless properly approved by the nmage meat of the Corporation. b. Extension of the time for payment of any note or other obligation held by this Corporation. C. Finn ciai futures Contacts not in access of delegated limits. d. Agreements to purchase, loans. investor commitments and sales wWa GNMA securities and eaten• stone of time relating thereto solely on final residential loans not is excess of del"ad limits. C. Loan servicing ogre enmts, per =%ent loan participatm agxesments and certificates of putcipation. L Feeds, leases, asngnrnents and conveyances of any real or pe%wral property; assignments of loans secured by real property and the related collateral. bills of side and assignments of pem-wra l property, stocks, bands, or any interest therein. X. Assignments and satidactions of mortgages and Bother hexer. requests for reconveyance of property head under deeds of trust and reassignments of any stocks, bands, notes. leases or any other property held by the Corporation as swurity for any indebtadnrss. h. Notices of default and of election to sell or cause to be sold property de='bed in any deed of trust held by this Corporation, notices to the trustees named in any such deed of trust, and do any other act or sign any other document provided for by law, tee whim may be necessary. expedient or proper in order to protect or enforce the rights of this Corporation under such dead of trust. i. C'U&w of this C.arporation as aechtor of any demdentt, or the persOn who is a party to any form of proceeding in bankruptcy, insolvency or similar proceeding or any other claim of this Corporation is any Other type of action or proceeding. j. Pleadings and documents to be filed in any court or other proceeding involving this Corporatic m, in- cluding verifications of any such pleading or documents. k. Checks, drafts, bills of Wig, receipts for money or property paid or delivered to this Ccapormou. 1. Approval of Emplar, l4enrnbursement Memo, Sundry Expe= - .moo. Sundry Recovery Memo, Sundry Loos Me no, Invoices and other internal dom ments necessary to discharge the duties of their pc6tioons- m. Agreemmts, contracts. purchase orders, and leases involving amounts net in excess of the agprovai level delegated by executive management of the Corparatiern, aWW as limited by the need for two signahues. GroW R. Rid Ewe A&=Wm" Orlmr All officers involved m mortgage servicing activities who are granted Group H stp ag authority by the ap" ptvpriate: supervisory officer pursuant to the procaiures set forth in the Corporation's Marurmesnt and Stad[f Guide may execute the fdlawinF a. Assignrnents and sadsfiK-6c s of mortgages and other Bens, requests for reconveyance of property held under deeds of trust and reassignmcats of any stocks, bands, notes, kasm, or other prop" held by this Corporation as security for any indebted, b. Notices of def us3t and of election to sell or cause to be said property described in my deed of trust held by this Corporation, notices to the trustees named in any such deed of trust, and do any other act or sign any other document provided for by law, or winch may be necessary, expedient or proper in order to protect or enforce the rights of this Corporation under sorb deed of but. C. L'14= of this Corporation as creditor of any decedent, or the person who is a pu to any form of proceeding in bankruptcy. imwlvcncy or similar proceedings. or nay other claim of this Corporation in any other type of action or proceeding. d. Pleadings and documents to be filed in any court or other pracee&ng involving this Corporation. in. cluding verifiartion of any such pleadings or documents. e. Checks, drafts, bills of lading, receipts for money or property paid or delivered to this Corparxtiaa. L Approval of Employee Reimbursement Memo, Sundry Expmw Mp�o, Sundry gwvery Memo. Suxiry Lana Memo, invoices and other internal docvnaents necessary to discharge the duties of their poaitians. S. Agreements, varntracts. purchase orders, and leases invohving amounts not in excess of the approval level delegated by executive management of the CorpurldO n, except as limited by the need for two signatures, f'hwaftw Ofte All officers involved in investment banking, securities sales and trading, treasury or fundnng activities who are granted Group I signing authority by the appropriate supervisory office pursuant to the procedures set forth is the Corporation's Management and Staff Guide may execute the hAk wiag" a. Any and all agreements, dxunmitments. notes of other obligations or documents required to transact the investment !yanking, handing or securities business of this corpormion or any and all ether agree- ments, comrrnitments, rates. obligations or documents that are related to arndl r an intVal part of such businesses, and are not in excess of the limits established by the Chief Executive Officer. b. Approval of Employee Reimburser neat Memo, SurscirY Expense Memo, Sundry Recovery Memo. Sundry Doss Mann, invoices and other internal documents necessi ry to discharge the duties of their Positions. C. Agreements, contracts, purchase orders, and kases (other than thaw desrn'bed is paragraph a. above}, involving anno=ts not in excess of the approval level delegated by executive management of the Corporation, except as limited by the need for two sipnatrur s. Facsipr& Sismitms Cashier's Checks. Dividend Checks, Expem Checks, and drafts may be signed by a facsimile signature under such terms and conditiow as are authorized by the Management Committee. Dorunwnb Aegwm 7W Svwttmcs - 'hsveJer's Letters of credit troy not exceed 525,000.00 each (unless specially advised to Co respondentsl and regsrdlrss will require two signatures. Real property deeds, contracts, leases, assignments and other conveyances require two signatures. excerpt two aignuures shall not be required on deeds to real property described in any deed of ttust which names this Corpo. ration as Trustee after a Trustee's sale thereunder in the manner provided by law or recoaveyances of any prop. erty held under any deed of but which names this Carpomadon as Trustee, and resignations of the Corporation as Trustee under Deed of Trust. AM contracts, agreements, or other xommitmmts which obligate the Corporation to a total acpmditure in excess of VZ.000.00 and which involve acquisition by the Corporation of real personal property, services, or third -party financing for its own ac=mt require two signatures_ Ail contracts, agreements, assignments, bills of sale, or other commitments involving the disposition by the Cor• potation of personal property held for its own account and assigned a book, appraised, or fair Make value in ex- cess of t25,000.00 require two signatures. Offmm of subd&WY Corporutiow The Chairman, President, Vice Chairman. or any Executive Vice President may grant signing authority for the Corporation of officers of wholly -owned subsidiary competes m accordance with the signing groups {other than Croup A) designated herein. FURTHER RESOLVED, that all signing resolutions author=ng Officers or others to sign any documents for or on behalf of this Corporation, beretafore adopted by the Board of Directors, which are incormstent or in ooetilict with the fcaegoing Resolutions, be and they are hereby amended as of September 20. 1984. City of Edmonds FAX To: Scott Snyder Ogden, Murphy, Wallace Phone: Fax phone: 447-0215 CC: 505 Bell Street, Edmonds, WA 98020 Date: 10/8/96 Number of pages including cover sheet: 3 From: Sandy Chase City Clerk Phone: (206) 771-0245 Fax phone: (206) 771-0266 REMARKS: Urgent ❑ For your review ❑ Reply ASAP ❑ Please comment Subject: Petition for Annexation (Seafrst Bank/Kravagna Trust) and the County Auditor's Office! Please refer to the attached memo. Date: To: From: Subject: MEMORANDUM October 8, 1996 Scott Snyder, City Attorney Sandy Chase, City Clerk At/ Petition for Annexation (Seafirst Bank/Kravagna Trust Annexation) This memo is a follow-up to a voice mail message I left for you this morning. The County Auditor's office has the following concerns that need to be addressed before they will provide a certificate of sufficiency for the Petition for Annexation: 1. The "Warning" statement on the petition does not match the current required statement in the RCW. 2. They are also concerned that there is no date next to each signature (indicating the date signed). The petition itself is dated, however, each signature is not. The law states: "Signatures followed by a date of signing which is more than six months prior to the date of filing of the petition shall be stricken." 3. Finally, the law states: "Any officer of a corporation owning land within the area involved who is duly authorized to execute deeds or encumbrances on behalf of the corporation, may sign on behalf of such corporation, and shall attach to the petition a certified excerpt from the bylaws of such corporation showing such authority." I have requested this documentation from the attorney working with Seafirst Bank. How do we proceed? Does the petition need to be "rewritten" and "resigned"? Or, can these issues be addressed in another manner? Thanks for your help. cc: Jeff Wilson, Current Planning Supervisor City of Edmonds c�3 Administrative Services 01 4. S. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 11. 13. 14. is. Id. 17. is. 19. 10. • 01.A City of Edmonds 7 1996 Planning Division f EDMONDS CITY CLERK File No. AX-96-65 890-Iol 'T CITY OF i;D TO: EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL, SNOHOMISH COUNTY, WASHINGTON The undersigned, who conaiitulo at lout sixty (60) percent of the assessed valuationof the heminallar described area, raspeetfully petition the Mayor and City Council of The city of Edmonds, Snohemlah Counly, Washington, for the anttexntioo of such area info said municipal eorporslinn upon the following showing; (Pursuant to RCW 52,04.011) I That the area prop oscd to be annexed into said city is des. ri tied as shown ou Exhibit A on reverse side of this document II Thal the above described area is not within the boundaries of any other city or town. That the above dcscrihc i area sbaB be wiled in a,xordn»�e with the map shown ae t?xhihi t B on the reverse side of this document. IV That the above deroril,ed area shall be subject to the indebtedness, bonded or otherwise, of City in like manner as the territory of said City. V That tha purpose o€aucit annotation would be to obWo the full range o f manic 1pal services and fdeilities and [1[e rights and bens fi is enjoyed by a ili zen' a of thacity ofEdmoads. Furthermore, the proposed annexation would be coadueive to the public health, saray, welfare, and ccnvenience of the populIIion of be Area and would be of 1 anerd to the pmperly and rasidente inoluded [hewn, W11ERIiFORB, the potillonera ask that said City Council approve such annexation and they cause that said petition(s) be filed with the Auditor of Snohomish County, Washington, for ay'sminotion of the validity of the signalure'9 hereon pursuant to RCN+ 35A.14.160. DATED THIS 17 A DAY OF , 19 9 Y.. .-.. -'-,i. �:'i14.6... • s fltz t](11TTr7 LilFS[11:11' rrir[[S: v tr3 e� iu � •ii . li oiu, lien iFcr,Sy {r�w:rxr,ic iti en ihrn+: 10 ,r �, "1.�I[rif�f,yi. ,•; .;- '-; _azt:. timT3i�d�;i1'VaBfiingtii�:�.9BiYCU WARNING Bvary person who sign this petition with spy other [ban bid/bar true bname, ar who knowing on ly signs more lban coo of tbaaa potiliova, or who sign this petitiwheat dahe is not a legal owner, or who makes he any falls stateroom, alull be punlalicd by fine or imprisonnant or bath. P11•171TIONDS SIGNATURE PRINT NN1461t&RE STRESI' ADDggSS/CITY/STATFJZIP COD& TA7f AS8S.90R'S N0h7lfEk STfoC'a 1(Jt5 %" 3go"Qq r.Cr.• 9 Page _ or._ TRANSMISSION VERIFICATION REPORT TIME: 10/25/1996 10:31 NAME: CITY CLERK FAX 2067710266 TEL 2067710245 DATE, TIME 10/25 10:30 FAX NO./NAME 94470215 DURATION 00:01:20 PAGE(S) 03 RESULT OK MODE STANDARD ECM CITY OF EDMONDS CIVIC CENTER - EDMONDS, WA 95020 - (206) 775-2525 A�-St. 18)u September 20, 1996 Gail S. Rauch, County Assessor Snohomish County Assessor's Office M/S #510 3000 Rockefeller Edmonds, WA 98201 Subject: Determination of Sufficiency of Petitions Dear Ms. Rauch: BARBARA FAHEY MAYOR RCW Chapter 35.21 § 6 requires the County Auditor to determine the sufficiency of petitions that are signed by property owners. On July 18, 1996, the Edmonds City Clerk provided petitions to your office for this purpose (two petitions for annexation plus one petition for street or alley vacation). Because this is a new law, your office stated that it was necessary for you to receive an opinion from the County's Prosecuting Attorney before you would be able to meet this request. It is of concern that two months have passed, and we have still not received a response. We believe this is an unreasonable period of time and is causing delay to projects being pursued by the public. We would like to suggest that every effort be made to effectively work together to determine a policy to address these requests with reasonable promptness. We would appreciate it if you would contact the Edmonds City Clerk at 771-0245 at your earliest convenience in order to resolve this matter. Sincerely, Barbara S. Fahey Mayor cc: Bob Drewel, County Executive James Krider, Prosecuting Attorney Scott Snyder, City Attorney • Incorporated August 11, 1890 Sister Cities International — Hekinan, Japan CITY OF EDMONDS CIVIC CENTER • EDMONDS, WA 98020 • (206) 775-2525 1 St. 189) August 21, 1996 Linda Hjelle Land Segregation Supervisor Snohomish County Assessor's Office M/S #510 3000 Rockefeller Everett, WA 98201 BARBARA FAHEY MAYOR Subject: City of Edmonds Petition for Annexation - Certificate of Sufficiency Dear Ms. Hjelle: On July 18, 1996, my office submitted a Petition for Annexation to the City of Edmonds to your office in order to certify the sufficiency of the petition. The annexation is referred to as the "Seafirst Bank/Kravagna Trust Annexation". Per your request, a revised legal description for this petition is enclosed. You also expressed concern about the form of the petition and whether or not it meets all requirements. I spoke with Jeff Wilson, Edmonds Planning Supervisor, and he indicated the petition in its present form has been used for previous annexations and has been reviewed and accepted by the City Attorney as well as the Boundary Review Board. Because the requirement to have your office certify petitions is a new requirement, understand you are requesting an opinion from the Prosecuting Attorney. We are hopeful this will be received soon, as four weeks have already passed since the petitions were given to your office. If there is anything I can do to help with the process, please let me know. Sincerely, Sandra S. Chase City Clerk :ssc Enclosure cc: Jeff Wilson, Planning Supervisor * Incorporated August 11, 1890 e Sister Cities International — Hekinan, Japan LEGAL DESCRIPTION AX-96-65 revised 8/20/96 Beginning at the intersection of the northerly right-of-way margin of Edmonds - Beverly Park Road and the easterly right-of-way margin of 76th Ave. W.; thence southerly along the southerly prolongation of said easterly margin to its intersection with the centerline of said Edmonds -Beverly Park Road (Olympic View Drive); thence westerly along said centerline to its intersection with the centerline of 76th Ave. W.; thence southerly along said centerline to its intersection with a line 184 feet north of and parallel with the southerly line of Tract 102, Edmonds Sea View Tracts, as recorded in Volume 3 of Plats, Page 76, records of Snohomjsb County, Washington; thence easterly along said parallel -line a distance of eet; thence southerly along a line parallel with the westerly line of Tract 102 to its intersection with the northerly line of Tract 101; thence easterly along said northerly line to the northeast corner of said Tract; thence northerly along the easterly line of Tracts 102 and ,104 of said plat to its intersection with the northerly right-of-way margin of Edmonds Beverly Park Road (Olympic View Drive); thence westerly and northwesterly along said northerly margin to the point of beginning. r�- I}/ r �✓ AX9665R1.DOC MEMORANDUM Date: August 5, 1996 To: Jeff Wilson From: Sandy Chase, City Clerk Subject: Annexation Petition On Thursday, August 1, Lynne went to the Assessor's Office at the Courthouse and spoke with Linda Hjelle, Land Segregation Supervisor, about the progress they were making on certifying sufficiency on the Seafirst Bank/Kravagna Trust petitions for annexation. Ms. Hjelle explained that the legal description we provided to them is not correct. She stated that the legal description describes the area which the Seafirst Bank/Kravagna Trust wishes to be annexed to rather than describing the area which is to be annexed. Please have a corrected legal description prepared and send it to my attention. I will be sure it is forwarded to the Assessor's Office. Ms. Hjelle said that as soon as the corrected legal description is received, and at such time as their office receives clarification from the prosecuting attorney as to their liability and responsibilities in certifying sufficiency, they will be taking action on our requests. City of Edmonds CITY OF EDMONDS CIVIC CENTER • EDMONDS, WA 98020 • (206) 775-2525 �St. 1 S 9 U Hand Delivered July 18, 1996 Gail S. Rauch, County Assessor 3rd Floor, Administration Building 3000 Rockefeller Everett, WA 98201 Subject: Petition - Certificate of Sufficiency Dear Ms. Rauch: BARBARA FAHEY MAYOR On July 12 and July 17, 1996, my office received Petitions for Annexation to the City of Edmonds. Pursuant to RCW Chapter 35.21 the Petitions are to be given to the County Assessor to determine the sufficiency of the petitions. Therefore, I have enclosed the Petitions along with the legal description of the property. We ask that you provide a certificate of sufficiency at your earliest convenience. Please call my office at 771-0245 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Sandra S. Chase Edmonds City Clerk ssc Enclosure Incorporated August I1, 1890 Sister Cities International — Hekinan, Japan WARNING Every person who sign this petition with any other than his/her true name, or who knowin 1 signs this petition when he/she is not a legal owner, or who makes herein any false statement, shall be punished by ne oroimre than is onnmeent of these btphetitions, or who sign PETITIONERS SIGNATURE PRINT NAME HERE STREET ADDRESS/CITY/STATFJEIP CODE TAX ASSESSOR'S NUMBER 1. 2. 3. 4. S. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Page of 11�i7 Ab RECEIVED .IUD 12 1996 City of Edmonds EDMOND5 CITY CLERIC Planning Division PLkvi*vtj+,L . File No. AX-96-65 TO: EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL, SNOHOMISH COUNTY, WASHINGTON The undersigned, who constitute at least sixty (60) percent of the assessed valuation of the hereinafter described area, respectfully petition the Mayor and City Council of the City of Edmonds, Snohomish County, Washing 52.04.011) ton, for the annexation of such area into said municipal corporation upon the following showing: (Pursuant to RCW I That the area proposed to be annexed into said city is described as shown on Exhibit A on reverse side of this document. II That the above described area is not within the boundaries of any other city or town. III That the above described area shall be zoned in accordance with the map shown as Exhibit B on the reverse side of this document. IV That the above described area shall be subject to the indebtedness, bonded or otherwise, of City in like manner as the territory of said City. V That the Purpose ofsuchannexation would be to obtain the full range of municipal services and facilities and the rights and benefits enjoyed by citizen's of the City of Edmonds. Furthermore, the proposed annexation would be conducive to the public health, safety, welfare, and convenience of the population of the area and would be of benefit to the property and residents included therein. WHEREFORE, the Petitioners ask that said City Council approve such annexation and they cause that said petition(s) be filed with the Auditor of Snohomish County, Washington, for examination of the validity of the signature's hereon pursuant to RCW 35A.14.160. DATED THIS /a'� DAY OF , 19 96 WARNING Every person who sign this petition with any other than his/her true name, or who knOwinglY signs this 1`0ition when he/she is not a Iegal owner, or who makes herein any false statement, shall be punished by fine or impthan onment or both.��onsone of these or who sign PETITIONERS SIGNATURE PRINT NAME HERE 2 Vice Pres. Or erica oF5(3 4. S. 6. 7. S. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. is. 19. 20. Page of STREET ADDRESSICITYISTATEMP CODE I TAX ASS&WR-S NUMBER a d90 9q— RECEIVED - M 1 7 1996 EDMpNDS CITY CLERK City of Edmonds Planning Division File No. AX-96-65 TO: EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL, SNOHOMISH COUNTY, WASHINGTON The undersigned, who constitute at least sixty (60) percent of the assessed valuation of the hereinafter described area, respectfully petition the Mayor and City Council of the City of Edmonds, Snohomish County, Washington, for the annexation of such area into said municipal corporation upon the following showing: (Pursuant to RCW 52.04.011) I That the area proposed to be annexed into said city is described as shown on Exhibit A on reverse side of this document. II That the above described area's not within the boundaries of any other city or town. III That the above described area shall be zoned in accordance with the map shown as Exhibit 13 on the reverse side of this document. IV That the above described area shall be subject to the indebtedness, bonded or otherwise, of City in like manner as the territory of said City. V That thepurpose ofsuch annexation would be to obtain the full rangeofmunicipal services and facilities and the rights and benefits enjoyed by citizen's of the City of Edmonds. Furthermore, the proposed annexation would be conducive to the public health, safety, welfare, and convenience of the population of the area and would be of benefit to the property and residents included therein. WHEREFORE, the petitioners ask that said City Council approve such annexation and they cause that said petition(s) be filed with the Auditor of Snohomish County, Washington, for examination of the validity of the signature's hereon pursuant to RCW 35A.14.160. DATED THLS / 7'`4 DAY OF , 19 9L Councilmember Petruzzi did not want to reopen the public hearing and recommended Mr. Masters make his comments to the newspaper and not directly to the Council. Mr. Masters acknowledged the Council's wish not to reopen the public hearing but encouraged the Council to look at their options for reopening the issue as important information had not been heard from constituents in Kitsap County. Mayor Fahey commented regarding the adult entertainment issue. She noted there would be additional opportunity for public input as public hearings will be held when the proposed ordinance is reviewed by the Planning Board and also when it is considered by the Council. Mr. Snyder noted the recent forum revealed citizens preferred future ordinances refer to adult entertainment as "sexually oriented businesses". 4. HEARING RESOLUTION NO. 848 AUTHORIZING CIRCULATION OF 6M��XATION Petition UNINCORPORATED AREA LOCATED IN 1HE SQUTHEAST CORNER QF 76T]a AVENUE WEST AND OMYNTIC VIEW DRIVE. THE RESOLUTION WILL ALSO ESTABLISH THE B011DWARIES OF THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION, ESTABLISH ZQNING FOR THE PROOOSED ANNEXATIO-N--AREA AND DEJERMINE WHETHER OR NOT THE ANNEXATION WILL BE SUBJECT TO THE EXISTING BONDED INDEBIEDNESS QF THE (Proponeintsm SeafirstHank,10iKravagna; i i r + 's + Planning Manager Rob Chave indicated this was a two part action by the Council, 1) to hold a meeting with the petitioner to discuss their annexation proposal, and 2) to hold a public hearing. At the conclusion of the hearing, the Council is asked to take action as outlined in staffs recommendation. Mr. Chave displayed the annexation proposal, noting this is an attempt to complete annexation of unincorporated areas in and around Perrinville. This property (southeast of the intersection) was left out by the Boundary Review Board (BRB) in the pending annexation effort northeast of the Perrinville intersection. Michael Murray, 2600 Two Union Square, 601 Union Avenge, Seattle, an attorney representing Seattle First National Bank as Trustee and agent for Dorothy Kravagna, explained both property owners, who own 100% of the assessed valuation of the property, have petitioned the City to complete the annexation as presented. Councilmember Petruzzi recalled an appeal had been filed on the BRB's decision concerning the proposed Perrinville Annexation, and inquired about the status. Mr. Murray explained there are two appeals, one by the City of Edmonds and one by SeaFirst National Bank and Dorothy Kravagna. The appeals are pending, therefore he could only state, as contained in the record, that the appellants believe the contest of the original annexation proposal by the City of Lynnwood of Edmonds' annexation was incorrect and fatally flawed as was the BRB's decision. The decision seemed to be based on the assumption that if this area was excluded from the balance of the annexation, it would be annexed into the City of Lynnwood. There was neither a factual or legal basis for this which was pointed out to the City of Lynnwood, the BRB, and Snohomish County Council following the BRB's action. Further, there was no opportunity for the property owner to comment on the affect this would have. In the absence of annexation and the fact that the City of Lynnwood cannot force the annexation of the property without Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes July 2, 1996 Page 3 the consent and participation of the property owner, an eight acre island of unincorporated Snohomish County would be created. City Attorney Scott Snyder explained there cannot be two annexations pending for the same property but that issue does not arise until the Council's action to accept the annexation petition The issues addressed by Mr. Murphy should be considered by the Council before its final decision, but this action is only to begin the process. Mr. Murray noted as part of this process, the annexation petition would be submitted to the BRB for its action. Mayor Fahey opened the public participation portion of the hearing. There was no public participation. Mayor Fahey closed the public participation portion and remanded the matter to Council for action. COUNCILMEMBER HAAKENSON MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER MYERS, FOR THE RECOMMENDED ACTION (ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION NO. 848 AUTHORIZING THE PREPARATION AND CIRCULATION OF "60%" ANNEXATION PETITIONS FOR SIGNATURE). MOTION CARRIED. DivisionRezone - St. SPI THE SU BJECT PROPERTY IS -CURRENTLY DEVELOPED WITH A 3INf jr, I LE AM L RESIDENCE AND LOCATED AT 8629 238TH STREET Planning / File ' 1' ATORM-1. Planning Manager Rob Chave explained when the annexation of this property was completed, the comparable existing zoning in the County was adopted. The rezone of this property from RS-8 to RM- 1.5 is supported by the existing zoning and development pattern as well as the Comprehensive Plan. Therefore, staff recommends the change in zoning. Mayor Fahey opened the public participation portion of the hearing. Estella Radu, 8629 238th St. SW, Edmonds, said they believe the property should be rezoned as all surrounded property is multi -family. She urged the Council to approve the rezone. In response to Council President Earling's question, she answered the Villa Royale is adjacent to their property. 5 Mayor Fahey closed the public participation portion and remanded the matter to Council for action. COUNCILMEMBER PETRUZZI MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER NORDQUIST, TO APPROVE THE REZONE REQUEST AND AUTHORIZE THE CITY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE THE NECESSARY ORDINANCE FOR COUNCIL ADOPTION. MOTION CARRIED. 6. HEARING ON PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO EDMONDS COMMUMTY DEVELOPMENT Ord. 3100 CODE SECTIONS 16.50.010.A.7 AND 16.60.010.D.1 TO DELETE A SUPERSEDED $U1ySET Delete sunset I CLAUSE (Applicant, Edmonds Planning Division 1 Filc No ,CDC-96-57] Clause Planning Manager Rob Chave explained this was primarily a housekeeping matter. The original ordinance for Saturday Markets contained a Sunset Clause which permitted the markets for only one year. When the ordinance to allow Saturday Markets permanently was adopted, the reference to the Sunset Clause was not deleted. Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes July 2, 1996 Page 4 MEMORANDUM Date: July 9, 1996 To: Jeff Wilson, Current Planning Supervisor From: Sandy Chase, City Clerk All Subject: Resolution No. 848 - Seafirst Bank/Kravagna Trust Proposed Annexation I have attached two certified copies of Resolution No. 848 passed by the City Council on July 2, 1996. The resolution states that a certified copy, together with copies of the written notices of intention to commence annexation proceedings, shall be filed with the Snohomish County Boundary Review Board (BRB). It is my understanding that you will be filing one of these certified copies with the BRB. Please let me know if there is anything else you need. Attachments City of Edmonds RESOLUTION NO. R- 848 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS APPROVING THE INITIATION OF PROPOSED ANNEXATION PROCEEDINGS PURSUANT TO RCW 35A.14.120, AS TO THE AREAS DESCRIBED IN THE NOTICES OF INTENT TO COMMENCE ANNEXATION PROCEEDINGS FILED WITH THE CITY, BY OWNERS OF NOT LESS THAN TEN PERCENT IN ASSESSED VALUE OF THE PROPERTY FOR WHICH ANNEXATION IS SOUGHT. WHEREAS, there have been filed with the City of Edmonds, certain notices of intention to commence annexation proceedings pursuant to RCW 35A.14.120, as to the areas described in said notices. Said areas taken together are contiguous with the existing Edmonds city limits, and lie within that portion of unincorporated Snohomish County, bounded on the north by the northern edge of the Olympic View Drive right-of-way , on the west by the eastern City limits of the City of Edmonds, on the south by the northern City limits of the City of Lynnwood, and on the east by the western City limits of the City of Lynnwood, all as more specifically hereinafter described in Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, said notices have been found to contain, as required by law, the signatures of owners representing not less than ten percent in value according to the assessed valuation for general taxation of the property for which annexation is sought; and WHEREAS, pursuant to RCW 35A.14.120 and not later than sixty (60) days after the filing of such notices, the Edmonds City Council on July 2, 1996 did in open meeting, meet with said initiators and other interested persons then in attendance; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edmonds as follows: Sectioii 1. The City Council of the City of Edmonds approves in principle the initiation of annexation proceedings pursuant to RCW 35A.14.120 for the area hereinafter specifically described and petitions for annexation may be circulated within said area sought to be annexed in accordance with the requirements of RCW 35A.14.120. Said area in which petitions for annexation may be circulated, being that area of unincorporated Snohomish county, contiguous to the existing boundary line of the City of Edmonds is described in Exhibit A to this resolution which Exhibit A by this reference is incorporated herein as though fully set forth. Section 2. The area described in Exhibit A, if annexed, shall be required to assume the general indebtedness of the City existing at the time of the effective date of such annexation. Section 3. The area described in Exhibit A, if annexed, shall be zoned under the zoning and land use regulations of the City of Edmonds (see Exhibit B), including the Comprehensive Plan, with a classification the same as or as nearly comparable as possible with the land use classification or zone that the property was zoned immediately prior to its annexation to the City of Edmonds. Page 1 of 2 AX96.65A. DOG27-J UN-96 F1LEVES-ORMES Section 4. A certified copy of this resolution, together with copies of the written notices of intention to commence annexation proceedings, shall be filed with the Snohomish County Boundary Review Board in accordance with its procedures. Section 5. Petitions for annexation to be circulated as authorized by this resolution shall set forth clearly, the decisions of the Edmonds City Council in Sections 2 and 3 hereof, together with the minute entry of such requirement(s) regarding the assumption of existing indebtedness and the zoning of the properties upon annexation. Section 6. Pursuant to RCW 35A.14.120, there shall be no appeal from this decision of the City Council. PASSED by majority vote of the Edmonds City Council in regular, open meeting on the 2nd day of July, 1996. SIGNED in authentication thereof on the 8th day of Jul y _, 19 96 Attest: City Clerk Page 2 of 2 a x Mayor AX96-65A.DOG27-IUN-96 FILESIES-ORMES EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION AX-96-65 revised 5/20196 from AX-2-91 Beginning at the northeast corner of Tract 161, Meadowdale Beach, as recorded in Volume 5 of Plats, Page 38, records of Snohomish County, Washington; thence westerly along the northerly lines of said Tract 161 and Tract 160 of said plat to its Intersection with the easterly right-of-way margin of 72nd Ave. W.; thence southerly along said easterly margin to its intersection with the easterly prolongation of the southerly line of Lot 1, Homeview Addition No. 1, as recorded in Volume 13 of Plats, Page 91; records of Snohomish County, Washington; thence westerly along said easterly prolongation and the southerly lines of Lots 1 and 50 of said plat to the southwest comer of said Lot 50; thence westerly to the southeast corner of Lot 51 of said plat; thence westerly along the southerly line of said Lot 51 to its'common corner with Lot 79, Homeview Addition No. 2, as recorded in Volume 16 of Plats, Page 3, records of Snohomish County, Washington; thence westerly along the southerly line of said Lot 79 to its southwest corner; thence southwesterly to the southeast comer of Lot 8 of said plat; thence westerly along the southerly lines of Lots 8 through 1 of said plat to the Southwest corner of said Lot 1, being a point on the easterly boundary of Block 3, Admiralty Acres, as recorded In Volume 12 of Plats, Page 48, records of ? Snohomisfh County, Washington; thenciD southerly along the easterly boundary of said Block 3 to the southeast corner of.Lot 6, said Block 3; thence westerly.along the southerly line of said Lot C a distance of 168.00 feet; thence southerly along a line parallel with the easterly line of said Black 3 to its intersection with the southerly line of Lot 7, said Block 3; thence westerly along last said southerly line to its intersection with the easterly right-of-way margin of 76th Ave. W.; thence southerly along said easterly margin to its €ntersection with the northerly right -of way margin of Edmonds Beverly Park Road (Olympic View Drive); thence southeasterly, easterly, northeasterly, and northerly along said northerly margin to the point of beginning. AX96065.DOC Vicinity Map and ComparableZoning Current Snohomish County Zoning NB Neighborhood Business Comparable City of Edmonds Zoning BC Community Business EXHIBIT B Originator: EDM ONDS CITY COUNCIL, Agenda Memo PliinnM2 Division For Action: X Item #:� For Information: Subject: HEARING ON PROPOSED RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CIRCULATION OF 60% ANNEXATION PETITION FOR THE "SEAFIRST BANK/KRAVAGNA TRUST" ANNEXATION OF THE UNINCORPORATED AREA LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF 76TH AVENUE WEST AND OLYMPIC VIEW DRIVE. THE PROPOSED RESOLUTION WILL ALSO ESTABLISH THE BOUNDARIES OF THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION, ESTABLISH ZONING FOR THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION AREA AND DETERMINE WHETHER OR NOT THE ANNEXATION WILL BE SUBJECT TO THE EXISTING BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF THE CITY. (PROPONENTS: SEAFIRST BANK, TRUSTEE FOR ANTON KRAVAGNA AND AGENT FOR DOROTHY KRAVAGNA AND DOROTHY KRAVAGNA / FILE NO. AX-96-65) Clearances: Department/initials j;�y,,, Agenda Time: 20 minutes Admin Svcs/Finance Community Svcs 6-� Agenda Date: July 2, 1996 Exhibits Attached: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Certificate of Sufficiency 3. Comparable Zoning Designation Map 4. Proposed Resolution City Attorney _ Engineering City Clerk _ Parks & Rec Court Pla ' t'.1 Personnel Public arks Fire City Council Police Mayor Reviewed by Council Committee: Approved for Consent Agenda: Recommend Approval by Full Council. - Expenditure Amount Appropriation Required: $ 0 Budgeted: $ 0 Required: $ 0 Funding Source: Not applicable. History And Summary Statement: The Cite has received two petitions indicating interest in annexation to the City of Edmonds. To consider these portions, the City Council must, by law, meet with the petitioners to discuss the request. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the boundaries of the proposed annexation, whether or not the proposed annexation will be subject to the existing bonded indebtedness of the City, and whether to require the simultaneous adoption of proposed zoning regulations for the area. The "Intent to Annex" petitions submitted by the proponents, representing 100% of the assessed valuation of the subject area (see Exhibit 2), are intended to include all of the remaining unincorporated area located in the southeast corner of 96-65C 1.DOCM-7UN-96 Page 1 of 2 REPORTS/COUNCIL Olympic View Drive and 76th Avenue West (see Exhibit 1) which is not currently included in the pending "Perrinville" annexation (File No. AX-2-91). The format for tonight's meeting will allow the Council to both meet with the petitioners as part of the initial staff presentation on the annexation proposal and then hold a public hearing on the annexation proposal. At the conclusion of the hearing, the Council must decide on the four questions listed below. The Council action on each of the four questions must be clearly indicated, as they will become part of the formal 60% annexation petition which will be circulated for signature. 1. Decide whether to accept, reject, or modify the proposed annexation boundaries. 2. Decide whether or not to require the simultaneous adoption of proposed zoning regulations for the subject area. 3. Decide whether or not to require the assumption of the existing city indebtedness by the area to be annexed. 4. Authorize the staff to prepare the required "60%" petitions for circulation. Upon review of the proposed annexation, staff has reached the following conclusions: 1. The proposed annexation boundaries represent the remaining unincorporated lands in the Perrinville area which are not currently included in a pending annexation proposal. 2. The most appropriate action on zoning for the proposed annexation area is to adopt "comparable" zoning for the subject area (see Exhibit 3) as an interim measure. IN this particular instance, the subject area would be zoned "Community Business" (BC). Final zoning and land use classification should occur prior to the end of 1998 as part of the City's amendment process to it's Comprehensive Plan under the requirements of the Growth Management Act. 3. With the recent passage of the public safety bond, the most equitable manner to treat the question of "bonded indebtedness" would be to require the proposed annexation area to assume the City's existing bonded indebtedness. 4. Authorize the City to circulate the "60%" petitions for signature (see Exhibit 4). Recommended Actions: In response to the meeting with the proponents, the Council adopts the following: 1. The proposed annexation boundaries as shown in Exhibit 1 are accepted. 2. The City shall not simultaneously adopt zoning regulations for the area. The zoning designation for the area shall be "Community Business (BC)" (see Exhibit 3) as comparable zoning permitted by ECDC Section 17.0.020.e. 3. The proposed annexation area shall be subject to the existing bonded indebtedness of the City. In response to the public hearing on the proposed annexation, the Council adopts the proposed resolution authorizing the preparation and circulation of "60V annexation petitions for signature (see Exhibit 4). Council Action: 010" N-q*� Vicinity and Zoning Map 1Nq EXHIBIT 1 <.St.189`7 CITY OF EDMONDS CIVIC CENTER • EDMONDS, WA 98020 • (206) 775-2525 CERTIFICATE OF SUFFICIENCY BARBARA FAHEY MAYOR I, Sandra S. Chase, City Clerk of the City of Edmonds, Washington, do hereby certify that on June 6, 1996 and June 11, 1996, 1 received Petitions for Notice of Intention to Commence Annexation Proceedings for the area described in the attached legal description. immediately commenced the process to make a determination of the sufficiency of the petitions. After verification against the Real Property Roll of the Snohomish County Assessor, a determination of sufficiency of the petitions was completed. The assessed valuation (based on the Assessor's Real Property Roll dated September 30, 1995) of the entire area within the proposed annexation is $1,654,700, and the assessed valuation of the properties represented by signatures on the petition is $1,654,700 representing 100% of the assessed valuation of the properties within the annexation area. SIGNED AND SEALED this 26th day of June, 1996. SANDRA S. CHASE Edmonds City Clerk Attachment: Legal Description Copy of Petitions Ownership Report RE: "Seafirst Bank/Kravagna Trust" Annexation, located in the southeast corner of 76th Avenue West and Olympic View Drive. Planning File No. AX-96-65. A Incorporated August 11, 1890 . EXHIBIT 2 Sister Cities International — Hekinan, Japan EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION AX-96-65 revised 5/20196 from AX-2-91 Beginning at the northeast corner of Tract 161, Meadowdale Beach, as recorded in Volume 5 of Plats, Page 38, records of Snohomish County, Washington; thence westerly along the northerly lines of said Tract 161 and Tract 160 of said plat to its intersection with the easterly right-of-way margin of 72nd Ave. W.; thence southerly along said easterly margin to its intersection with the easterly prolongation of the southerly line of Lot 1, Homeview Addition No. 1, as recorded in Volume 13 of Plats, Page 91, records of Snohomish County, Washington; thence westerly along said easterly prolongation and the southerly lines of Lots 1 and 50 of said plat to the southwest corner of said Lot 50; thence westerly to the southeast corner of Lot 51 of said plat; thence westerly along the southerly line of said Lot 51 to its*common corner with Lot 79, Homeview Addition No. 2, as recorded in Volume 16 of Plats, Page 3, records of Snohomish County, Washington; thence westerly along the southerly line of said Lot 79 to its southwest corner; thence southwesterly to the southeast corner of Lot 8 of said plat; thence westerly along the southerly lines of Lots 8 through 1 of said plat to the Southwest corner of said Lot 1, being a point on the easterly boundary of Block 3, Admiralty Acres, as recorded in Volume 12 of Plats, Page 48, records of Snohomish County, Washington; thence southerly along the easterly boundary of said Block 3 to the southeast corner of Lot 6, said Block 3; thence westerly along the southerly line of said Lbt 5 a distance of 168.00 feet; thence southerly along a line parallel with the easterly line of'said Block 3 to its intersection with the southerly line of Lot 7, said Block 3; thence westerly along last said southerly line to its intersection with the easterly right-of-way margin of 76th Ave. W.; thence southerly along said easterly margin to its intersection with the northerly right-of- way margin of Edmonds Beverly Park Road (Olympic View Drive); thence southeasterly, easterly, northeasterly, and northerly along said northerly margin to the point of beginning. I:ril � . . • R 0 IV ;iUN 6 A • ��t�' �.QNli�iER. TO: EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL, SNOHOMISH COUNTY, WASHINGT - ON RECEIVED J U N 0 6 i996 EDMONDS CITY CLERK City of Edmonds Planning Division File No.-yk-96-f 5. The uadersigeed, who ere the nwnora of not lean than ten percent (10%) in value- Accerding to the ■meawd valuattan for general taxation of the property for Which annaxetien is sought, hereby advise the City Council of the City of $dmonds that it is the desire of the andersigacd residents of the following area to commence annexation proceedings: The property commonly kaownas5eafirst Bank/KEjy any Tr tfSS �, herein referred to is described an Exhibit A on reverse side of this document. I is rcyucsted that the City Council of the City of Edmonds set a data not laterthan�slxty days after the filing of this request for a meeting with the undersigned to det Cnhliv E: (1) Whether the City Council will accept the proposed annexation, ` (2) Whether the City Council will require the simultaneous adoption of proposed zoning regulations for the proposed area to be annexed. (3) Whether the City Council will require the assumption of existing City Indebtedness by the area to be annexed. (4) This page is one of a group of pages contaiuing idwdW text materifil and is intended by the signers of the Armice of Ir+rartrlarr to bo preacntcd end considered ga one Norfce pf Irttcrrfton and zany be Cued with other pages containing add ilioael aigu tiu ea which cumulltively m y be coneidercd as a single Nufice of fareunlot. - W1iEB73lrORB, Lbe petitioners ask that said City validate this petition and cause it to be placed before the City Council of the City of Edmonds in accordance with R.CW 35A.14.150. RECEIVED BY THE CITY OF EDMONDS THIS DAY OF r 199 Page of *"9� RCCE1�lED s°V'_'J U N 1 1 1ggg JUMy11996 EDMONbS CITY CLERK RL►1rtltiassafs �EAt Ity of Edmonds 9 0.194 Planning Division File No. _AX-96-65 i { INIENTIDN i {• TO: EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL, SNOHOMISH COUNTY, WASB INGTON The undersigned, who nro the owuars of not teas than ten percent (10%) is valuoisccording to the assosaed vaioallau for$enernl t+ucation Ofthe re which Lrunc eannon is sought hereby advise the City Council of the City, of Edmonds that it is the desire of the undersigned residents of the following area for commence annexation proceedings: The property commonly known as Seat irst: Bank lKr Vao _� + herein referred to is described on Exhibit A on reverse side of this document. It is requested that the City Council of the City of Edmonds set a•data not later than`eixty days after the filing of this request for a meeting with the undersigned to determine. (1) Whether the City Council will acceptthsProposed annexation. (2) Whether the City Council will require the simultaneous adoption of proposed zoning regulations for the proposed area to be annexed. (3) Whether the City Council will require the assumption of existing City Indebtedness by the area to be annexed. (4) This page is oue of a group of pages cootRining identical text material and is Intended by the signers of the Notice of injenrion 10 be pmaented add considered as ens Notice ClfAtendon Bud may he Gird with otherpagm contRiniug additional sigaotorea which cumulatively may be coasldr.•ed as a siugio Nonce ofTtuenelan. WHEMV DIM, the petitioners ask that said City validate this petition and cause it to be planed before the City Council of the City of Edmonds in accordance with RCW 35A.14.150, RECEIVED BY THE CITY OF EDMONDS THIS DAY OF , 199 Mli OMMSSTCNATIrnR +yr t'M%iUa NW3 N.A. doing 9. 10. It. 12. 19. 14. 15. 17. is, 19. "SEAFIRST BANK/KRAVAGNA TRUST" ANNEXATION Planning File No. AX-96-65 PARCEL OWNER SITE NUMBER SITE STREET SITE CITY SITE ZIP ASSESSED VALUATION 4346 000 102 02 KRAVAGNA DOROTHY Q SEATTLE FIRST 18605 76th Ave W Edmonds 98026 $ 595,600 4346 000 104 01 KRAVAGNA DOROTHY Q SEATTLE FIRST 7526 Olympic View Dr Edmonds 98026 1 $ 326,000 4346 000 104 02 KRAVAGNA DOROTHY Q SEATTLE FIRST 18525 76th Ave W Edmonds 98026 $ 64,700 4346 000 104 04 KRAVAGNA DOROTHY Q SEATTLE FIRST 1 7526 Olympic View Dr Edmonds 98026 $ 668,400 Total Assessed Value: , a'i,6M 7'00 Vicinity Map and Comparable Zoning Current Snohomish County Zoning NB Neighborhood Business Comparable City of Edmonds Zoning BC Community Business EXHIBIT 3 RESOLUTION NO. R- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS APPROVING THE INITIATION OF PROPOSED ANNEXATION PROCEEDINGS PURSUANT TO RCW 35A.14.120, AS TO THE AREAS DESCRIBED IN THE NOTICES OF INTENT TO COMMENCE ANNEXATION PROCEEDINGS FILED WITH THE CITY, BY OWNERS OF NOT LESS THAN TEN PERCENT IN ASSESSED VALUE OF THE PROPERTY FOR WHICH ANNEXATION IS SOUGHT. WHEREAS, there have been filed with the City of Edmonds, certain notices of intention to commence annexation proceedings pursuant to RCW 35A.14.120, as to the areas described in said notices. Said areas taken together are contiguous with the existing Edmonds city limits, and lie within that portion of unincorporated Snohomish County, bounded on the north by the northern edge of the Olympic View Drive right-of-way , on the west by the eastern City limits of the City of Edmonds, on the south by the northern City limits of the City of Lynnwood, and on the east by the western City limits of the City of Lynnwood, all as more specifically hereinafter described in Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, said notices have been found to contain, as required by law, the signatures of owners representing not less than ten percent in value according to the assessed valuation for general taxation of the property for which annexation is sought; and WHEREAS, pursuant to RCW 35A.14.120 and not later than sixty (60) days after the filing of such notices, the Edmonds City Council on July 2, 1996 did in open meeting, meet with said initiators and other interested persons then in attendance; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edmonds as follows: Section 1. The City Council of the City of Edmonds approves in principle the initiation of annexation proceedings pursuant to RCW 35A.14,120 for the area hereinafter specifically described and petitions for annexation may be circulated within said area sought to be annexed in accordance with the requirements of RCW 35A.14.120. Said area in which petitions for annexation may be circulated, being that area of unincorporated Snohomish county, contiguous to the existing boundary line of the City of Edmonds is described in Exhibit A to this resolution which Exhibit A by this reference is incorporated herein as though fully set forth. Section 2. The area described in Exhibit A, if annexed, shall be required to assume the general indebtedness of the City existing at the time of the effective date of such annexation. Section 3. The area described in Exhibit A, if annexed, shall be zoned under the zoning and land use regulations of the City of Edmonds (see Exhibit B), including the Comprehensive Plan, with a classification the same as or as nearly comparable as possible with the land use classification or zone that the property was zoned immediately prior to its annexation to the City of Edmonds. Page 1 of 2 FILE 65 -ORD 7•lUN•96 EXHIBIT 4 FILE3�ES-ORDIRES Section 4. A certified copy of this resolution, together with copies of the written notices of intention to commence annexation proceedings, shall be filed with the Snohomish County Boundary Review Board in accordance with its procedures. Section 5. Petitions for annexation to be circulated as authorized by this resolution shall set forth clearly, the decisions of the Edmonds City Council in Sections 2 and 3 hereof, together with the minute entry of such requirement(s) regarding the assumption of existing indebtedness and the zoning of the properties upon annexation. Section 6. Pursuant to RCW 35A.14.120, there shall be no appeal from this decision of the City Council. PASSED by majority vote of the Edmonds City Council in regular, open meeting on the 2nd day of July, 1996. SIGNED in authentication thereof on the day of Mayor Attest: City Clerk 1 19 Page 2 of 2 AX96-65A.DCN=7-NN-96 F1LEVES-ORMES M EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION AX-96-65 revised 5/20196 from AX-2-91 Beginning at the northeast corner of Tract 161, Meadowdale Beach, as recorded in Volume 5 of Plats, Page 38, records of Snohomish County, Washington; thence westerly along the northerly lines of said Tract 161 and Tract 160 of said plat to its intersection with the easterly right-of-way margin of 72nd Ave. W.; thence southerly along said easterly margin to its intersection with the easterly prolongation of the southerly line of Lot 1, Homeview Addition No. 1, as recorded in Volume 13 of Plats, Page 91; records of Snohomish County, Washington; thence westerly along said easterly prolongation and the southerly lines of Lots 1 and 50 of said plat to the southwest corner of said Lot 50; thence westerly to the southeast corner of Lot 51 of said plat; thence westerly along the southerly line of said Lot 51 to its•common corner with Lot 79, Homeview Addition No. 2, as recorded in Volume 16 of Plats, Page 3, records of Snohomish County, Washington; thence westerly along the southerly line of said Lot 79 to its southwest corner; thence southwesterly to the southeast corner of Lot 8 of said plat; thence westerly along the southerly lines of Lots 8 through 1 of said plat to the Southwest corner of said Lot 1, being a point on the easterly boundary of Block 3, Admiralty Acres, as recorded in Volume 12 of Plats, Page 48, records of Snohomisfi County, Washington; thence southerly along the easterly boundary of said Block 3 to the southeast comer of.Lot 6, said Block 3; thence westerly along the southerly line of said Lot 6 a distance of 168.00 feet; thence southerly along a line parallel with the easterly line of said Block 3 to its intersection with the southerly line of Lot 7, said Block 3; thence westerly along last said southerly line to its intersection with the easterly right-of-way margin of 76th Ave. W.; thence southerly along said easterly margin to its intersection with the northerly right-of- way margin of Edmonds Beverly Park Road (Olympic View Drive); thence southeasterly, easterly, northeasterly, and northerly along said northerly margin to the point of beginning. AX96065.DOC ITEM #4 HEARING ON PROPOSED RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CIRCULATION OF 60% ANNEXATION PETITION FOR THE "SEAFIRST BANK/KRAVAGNA TRUST" ANNEXATION OF THE UNINCORPORATED AREA LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF 76TH AVENUE WEST AND OLYMPIC VIEW DRIVE. THE PROPOSED RESOLUTION WILL ALSO ESTABLISH THE BOUNDARIES OF THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION, ESTABLISH ZONING FOR THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION AREA AND DETERMINE WHETHER OR NOT THE ANNEXATION WILL BE SUBJECT TO THE EXISTING BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF THE CITY. (Proponents: Seafirst Bank, Trustee for Anton Kravagna and Agent for Dorothy Kravagna; Dorothy Kravagna / File No. AX-96-65) J U LY 211996 PLEASE INDICATE BELOW IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK ON THE ABOVE ITEM: NAME (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY) ADDRESS RECEIVED J U N 2 41996 Affidavit of Publication EDMONDS CITY CLERK STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF SNOHOIVZISH, ss. kEARlNt3 NOTICE EDMONO'CrTY COUNCIL Iglerastad ppersona are hereby notlflod Ihsl: The followinp h¢arin belor¢ fha Edmonds City Council has boon achadufed for ISEsoay. JULr a ,Aaa: The undersigned, being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says HEARING ON P AUTHORIZING 8lEAFIFIST BANK BKRAVAGNAATR ST ANNIEXATIONTOF that she is Principal Clerk of THE HERALD, a daily newspaper THE UNINCORPORATED AREA LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF 76TH AVENUE WEST AND OLYMPIC VIEW DRIVE. THE PROPOSED RESOLUTION printed and published in the City of Everett, County of Snohomish, WILL ALSO ESTABLISH THE SOUNDARIEg OF THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION, ESTABLISHMENT dF ZONING FOR THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION AREA and State of Washington; that said newspaper is a newspaper of AND DETERMIANNEXATION WHETHER BE SUBJECTOTO THE SUBJECT EXISTING BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF THE CITY. (Proponents: general circulation in said County and State; that said newspaper Seeliral Bank, Trustee for Anion Kravagna and Agent lot Dorothy Kravagns; and Dorothy Kravagna 1 File No, A%-96= has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior e) The City Council Mooling will begin at 7-Do p.m. In the Plaza: Meotkng Room Libre%y Buildingg [S000nd Floor) 65D Main' Street, Edmona. Waahingldn. Rt the time Court of Snohomish County and that the notice---------------------------------------- and place stated) above all interested parties will be heard; however, there wild be a Irma restriction tar oral comment. Written comments are welcomed to or atthe ublic hearing• II the hearing Edmonds City Council HearinNotice y------ -------------'g -------------------- •.............._................................- ring is Cortllnue !¢ anDther datp because it is not cam ieted, or further Information is needed, the data of the COW ion Oust wi11 bu announ¢6d and at Ilia meAdditieting. Clarkonalinr llSirool may be obtained no at Ih¢OI{). of the city Clark. 565 Soli SIreAt, Edmonds Phon¢ 77t-D?45}. SANOR S. CHASE Seaf irst Bank Trustee for Anton Kravappna .............................. ..........."............ ............ ............ ......... ........... ........- ---- .................. Edmonds City Clark Published: June 17, 1996. File.No.: AX-96-65 a printed copy of which is hereunto attached, was published in said newspaper proper and not in supplement form, in the regular and entire edition of said paper on the following days and times, namely: June 17, 1996 t said newspaper was re y distributie to its subscribers all of said period. J Principal Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this ........... 19 t h ayof..... June .......................•...•.............. 19..-96 ................V"- %andor ........................... ........ -..... Notary Public inState of Washington, residing at Eversh County, J A`,r �4�Sstn>v Ex, f B - 2 - I AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING STATE OF WASHINGTON } COUNTY OF SNOHOMISH ) HUDA E. OLSEN deposes and says: ss. , being first duly sworn, on oath That on the 18TH day of DUNE , 1996, X.Ke/she posted the NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING regarding: File No. Ax-96-65 DARING ON PROPOSED RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CIRCULATION OF 60% ANNEXATION PETITION FOR THE "SEAFIRST BANK/KRAVAGNA TRUST ANNEXATION OF THE UNINCORPORATED AREA LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF 76TH AV WEST AND OLYMPIC VIEW DRIVE. more particularly described in said Notice of Hearing, attached herewith, in three public places in the City of Edmonds. Posting was done in the following locations: 1. In the Edmonds Civic Center (Public Safety Building entry) ; 2. In the Edmonds Library; 3. In the United Stated Post Office branch in Edmonds; 4. Vached 'cable, �i 3 cons uous p in e are or hhear Signature SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this day of 1996. 9t:f - e�4�6� Ndtary Public Signature My appointment expires: // i ii 01/05/93 cAwordata\forms\posting HEARING NOTICE EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT: THE FOLLOWING HEARING BEFORE THE EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL HAS BEEN SCHEDULED FOR TUESDAY, JULY 2, 1996: HEARING ON PROPOSED RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CIRCULATION OF 60% ANNEXATION PETITION FOR THE "SEAFIRST BANK/KRAVAGNA TRUST" ANNEXATION OF THE UNINCORPORATED AREA LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF 76TH AVENUE WEST AND OLYMPIC VIEW DRIVE. THE PROPOSED RESOLUTION WILL ALSO ESTABLISH THE BOUNDARIES OF THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION, ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONING FOR THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION AREA AND DETERMINE WHETHER OR NOT THE SUBJECT ANNEXATION WILL BE SUBJECT TO THE EXISTING BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF THE CITY. (Proponents: Seafirst Bank, Trustee for Anton Kravagna and Agent for Dorothy Kravagna; and Dorothy Kravagna / File No. AX-96-65) THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING WILL BEGIN AT 7:00 P.M. IN THE PLAZA MEETING ROOM, LIBRARY BUILDING (SECOND FLOOR), 650 MAIN STREET, EDMONDS, WASHINGTON. AT THE TIME AND PLACE STATE❑ ABOVE, ALL INTERESTED PARTIES WILL BE HEARD; HOWEVER, THERE WILL BE A TIME RESTRICTION FOR ORAL COMMENT. WRITTEN COMMENTS ARE WELCOMED PRIOR TO OR AT THE PUBLIC HEARING. IF THE HEARING IS CONTINUED TO ANOTHER DATE BECAUSE IT IS NOT COMPLETED, OR FURTHER INFORMATION IS NEEDED, THE DATE OF THE CONTINUATION WILL BE ANNOUNCED ❑NLY AT THE MEETING. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION MAY BE OBTAINED AT THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, 505 BELL STREET, EDMONDS (PHONE 771-0245). SANDRA S. CHASE EDMONDS CITY CLERK Published: June 17, 1996 Mailed and Posted: June 18, 1996 WARNINGI THE REMOVAL, MUTILATION, DESTRUCTION, OR CONCEALMENT OF THIS NOTICE BEFORE THE DATE OF THE MEETING IS A MISDEMEANOR PUNISHABLE BY FINE AND IMPRISONMENT. THIS NOTICE MAY BE REMOVED AFTER JULY 3, 1996 Parking and meeting rooms are accessible for persons with disabilities. Contact the City Clerk at 771-0245 with 24 hours advance notice for special accommodations. HEARING NOTICE EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT THE FOLLOWING HEARING BEFORE THE EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL HAS BEEN SCHEDULED FOR TUESDAY, JULY 2, 1996: HEARING ON PROPOSED RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CIRCULATION OF 60% ANNEXATION PETITION FOR THE "SEAFIRST BANK/KRAVAGNA TRUST" ANNEXATION OF THE UNINCORPORATED AREA LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF 76TH AVENUE WEST AND OLYMPIC VIEW DRIVE. THE PROPOSED RESOLUTION WILL ALSO ESTABLISH THE BOUNDARIES OF THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION, ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONING FOR THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION AREA AND DETERMINE WHETHER OR NOT THE SUBJECT ANNEXATION WILL BE SUBJECT TO THE EXISTING BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF THE CITY. (Proponents: Seafirst Bank, Trustee for Anton Kravagna and Agent for Dorothy Kravagna; and Dorothy Kravagna / File No. AX-96-65) THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING WILL BEGIN AT 7:00 P.M. IN THE PLAZA MEETING ROOM, LIBRARY BUILDING (SECOND FLOOR), 650 MAIN STREET, EDMONDS, WASHINGTON. AT THE TIME AND PLACE STATED ABOVE, ALL INTERESTED PARTIES WILL BE HEARD; HOWEVER, THERE WILL BE A TIME RESTRICTION FOR ORAL COMMENT. WRITTEN COMMENTS ARE WELCOMED PRIOR TO OR AT THE PUBLIC HEARING. IF THE HEARING IS CONTINUED TO ANOTHER DATE BECAUSE IT IS NOT COMPLETED, OR FURTHER INFORMATION IS NEEDED, THE DATE OF THE CONTINUATION WILL BE ANNOUNCED ONLY AT THE MEETING. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION MAY BE OBTAINED AT THE OFFIr:F nP TUC: t- l-rxz ^' =RK, 505 BELL STREET, EDMONDS (PHONE 771-0245). (00 `_A0 �h o t� Published: June 17, 1996 Mailed and Posted: June 18, 1996 WARNING! THE REMOVAL, MUTILATI NT OF THIS NOTICE BEFORE THE DATE PUNISHABLE BY FINE AND IMPRISONMEI THIS NOTICE MAY BI Parking and meeting rooms are accessible for pe _ _.., ,, a� 771-0245 with 24 hours advance notice for special accommodations. fist. 189u CITY OF EDMONDS CIVIC CENTER • EDMONDS, WA 98020 • (206) 775-2525 CERTIFICATE OF SUFFICIENCY BARBARA FAHEY MAYOR I, Sandra S. Chase, City Clerk of the City of Edmonds, Washington, do hereby certify that on June 6, 1996 and June 11, 1996, 1 received Petitions for Notice of Intention to Commence Annexation Proceedings for the area described in the attached legal description. I immediately commenced the process to make a determination of the sufficiency of the petitions. After verification against the Real Property Roll of the Snohomish County Assessor, a determination of sufficiency of the petitions was completed. The assessed valuation (based on the Assessor's Real Property Roll dated September 30, 1995) of the entire area within the proposed annexation is $1,654,700, and the assessed valuation of the properties represented by signatures on the petition is $1,654,700 representing 100% of the assessed valuation of the properties within the annexation area. SIGNED AND SEALED this 26th day of June, 1996. SANDRA S. CHASE Edmonds City Clerk Attachment: Legal Description Copy of Petitions Ownership Report RE: "Seafirst Bank/Kravagna Trust" Annexation, located in the southeast corner of 76th Avenue West and Olympic View Drive. Planning File No. AX-96-65. • Incorporated August 11, 1890 • Sister Cities International — Hekinan, Japan EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION AX-96-65 revised 5/20/96 from AX-2-91 Beginning at the northeast corner of Tract 161, Meadowdale Beach, as recorded in Volume 5 of Plats, Page 38, records of Snohomish County, Washington; thence westerly along the northerly lines of said Tract 161 and Tract 160 of said plat to its intersection with the easterly right-of-way margin of 72nd Ave. W.; thence southerly along said easterly margin to its intersection with the easterly prolongation of the southerly line of Lot 1, Homeview Addition No. 1, as recorded in Volume 13 of Plats, Page 91; records of Snohomish County, Washington; thence westerly along said easterly prolongation and the southerly lines of Lots 1 and 50 of said plat to the southwest corner of said Lot 50; thence westerly to the southeast corner of Lot 51 of said plat; thence westerly along the southerly line of said Lot 51 to its'common corner with Lot 79, Homeview Addition No. 2, as recorded in Volume 16 of Plats, Page 3, records of Snohomish County, Washington; thence westerly along the southerly line of said Lot 79 to its southwest corner; thence southwesterly to the southeast comer of Lot 8 of said plat; thence westerly along the southerly lines of Lots 8 through 1 of said plat to the Southwest corner of said Lot 1, being a point on the easterly boundary of Block 3, Admiralty Acres, as recorded in Volume 12 of Plats, Page 48, records of Snohomish County, Washington; thence southerly along the easterly boundary of said Block 3 to the southeast corner of Lot 6, said Block. 3; thence westerly along the southerly line of said Lot 6 a distance of 168.00 feet; thence southerly along a line parallel with the easterly line of said Block 3 to its intersection with the southerly line of Lot 7, said Block 3; thence westerly along last said southerly line to its intersection with the easterly right-of-way margin of 76th Ave. W.; thence southerly along said easterly margin to its intersection with the northerly right-of- way margin of Edmonds Beverly Park Road (Olympic View Drive); thence southeasterly, easterly, northeasterly, and northerly along said northerly margin to the point of beginning. AX96065.DOC i t] N 6 - 1356 RECEIVED J U N 0 6 t996 EDMONDS CITY CLERK 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 9. le. It. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 1s. 19. a 8 9 0 19 9 City of Edmonds Planking Division File No. _{X-96-65 Cf - - �► ► �►r►� ► - ` -►TM .._ ; - I.1. TO: EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL, SNOHOMISH COUNTY, WASHINGTON I The undersigned, who am the owners of not less than ten percent (10%) in value, according to the assessed valuation for general laxa ties of the property for which annexation is sought, hereby advise the City Council of the City of Edmonds that it is the desire of Iha undersigncd residents of Ibis following area to coremrnce amlcxa(ion proceedings: II The property commonly known as Sea first E3anklKrayaatla TrtIS herein referred to is described on Exhibit A on reverse side of this document. III 11 n requested that the City Council of the City of Edmonds set a data not later than sixty days after the filing of this request for ameeting with the undersigned to determine: (1) Whether the City Council will accept the proposed annexation. (2) Whether the City Council will require the simultaneous adoption of proposed zoning regulations for the proposed area to be annexed. (3) Whether the City Council will require the assumption of existing City Indebtedness by the area to be annexed. (4) This page is one of a group of pages containing identical text material and is intended by the signers of the Notice of Intension to bo presented and corisid—d as mrr. M011ce Of Intention and may be filed with other pages containing additional Cigna tures which cumulatively may be considcred as a siuglc Nafice of hwenilon. . WHEREFORE, the petitioners ask that said City validate this petition and cause it to be placed before the City Council of the City of Edmonds in accordance with RCW 35A.14.150. RECEIVED BY TIC CITY OF EDMONDS TMS DAY OF , 199. W A NIN U: Eresy person who dge, this petition with say other than hhfher true name, or who Imowfi* signs more than one of these petitions, or signs a petition seddaIt an election when he/she Is not a legal owner, or who makes herein any raise statement, aball he punished by fine or Imprisoned or both. PE1'PPIGNER'S SIGNATURE IPRINT NAME HERE I PRINT STREET A60RE5$1CTT5'ISTATPRIp COD& TAX ASSEL�40R'S NUMBER -94 Page or. RECEIVED JUN 1 1 1996 JUm 1 1 i996 EDWIONbS CITY CLERK PLA,,t,etti &hprity of Edmonds I o Planning Division B 9 0' L 9 9 File No. AX-96-65 NOTICE OF DUE, 4' i' 4 TO: EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL, SNOHOMISH COUNTY, WASHINGTON I The undersigned, who are the owners of not less than ten percent (10 %) in value, according to the assessed valuation For general taxation of tha property for which annexation is sought, hereby advise the City Council of the City of Edmonds that it is the desire of the undersigned resideals of the following ■rea to comulence annexation proceedings: H The property commonly known as 5eaf i rst Bank/Kray_agn8 Trustherein referred to is described on Exhibit A on reverse side of this document. III It is MgWWed that the City Council of the City of Edmonds set a date not later than sixty days after the filing of this request for a meeting with the undersigned to determine: (1) Whether the City Council will accept the proposed annexation. \ (2) Whether the City Council will require the simultaneous adoption of proposed zoning regulations for the proposed area to be annexed. (3) Whether the City Council will require the assumption of existing City Indebtedness by the area to be annexed. (4) This page is one of a graug of pages Containing idealicai text matadml sad is intended by Ilia signers of the Narita• of lnfenrlolt to he ptaseoted and considered as one 11'orioe of larenfien and may be filed with QdWFages containing additional signatures which cumulatively may be comsiderdl as a aiagie Naflce of h7lapkon. Iir MEi'ORE, the petitioners ask that said City validate this petition and cause it to be placed before the City Council of the City of Edmonds in accordance with RCW 35A.14.150. RECEIVED BY THE CITY OF EDMONDS TMS DAY OF , 199 W ARNIlVG: Every person who dpu this petition with any other than his/her true name, or who knowingly ages more than one of these petitions, or iigns a petition seeking an election when hdshe is not a legal owner, or who manes herdn soy false statement, sha he punished by fine or imprisoned or both. PETIiION&R'S SIG NATURE PRINT NAME HERE PRINT STREET ADDR WC[Ty1STATMU- CODE TAX ASSESSOR'S NUMDER t BANK OF ARERICA NW, N.A. doing business P. 0. 34029 CSC-9 2 as Seafirst Bank, Trustee for taton Kravagna Seattle, Wa. 98124 _ 3. and AgqnV for DAMthIL KrzWaftma 4. B = zt:G� James E. Strock, V.P. 5, 33 John T. Margeson, A.V.P 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 14. 15. 16. 17. Is. 19. 20. Page of_� ' "SEAFIRST BANK/KRAVAGNA TRUST" ANNEXATION Planning File No. AX-96-65 PARCEL OWNER SITE NUMBER SITE STREET SITE CITY SITE ZIP ASSESSED VALUATION 4346 000 102 02 KRAVAGNA DOROTHY C; SEATTLE FIRST 18605 76th Ave W Edmonds 98026 $ 595,600 4346 000 104 01 KRAVAGNA DOROTHY C; SEATTLE FIRST 7526 Olympic View Dr Edmonds 98026 $ 326,000 4346 000 104 02 KRAVAGNA DOROTHY C; SEATTLE FIRST 18525 76th Ave W Edmonds 98026 $ 64,700 4346 000 104 04 KRAVAGNA DOROTHY C; SEATTLE FIRST 7526 Olympic View Dr Edmonds 98026 $ 668,400 Total Assessed Value: $1,654,700 -I ...--- -- _ _.� •�_��,'s"S�- ^fit" A�L f" E R r Y it 0 L_ L 0 F i C F' V3 s] s .1 4 9 3 .. .` — — — — -- — — — — — — — — —— — — — DWNERSHIP — — — — — ---- -------------------------------------------.-------------------•--- NAME STMT LEGAL 3ESCRIPTION LEVY Yk ----------------- --- S CATEGORY ASSESSED VALUE G SPL ASSMTS CHANGE Nk L LAND USE T AUDIT PTY CODE T ACRES ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- TAP ON E LN OF W1/2 LIT 91 TH S ALG E LN OF W1/2 OF TRS 91 E 92 80 FT TO TP6 TH NWLY 153.3 FT TAP ONLN OF TR 92 134 - __W FT S OF NW COR TR 91 TH S ALG W LN OF TR 92 TO NLY BDY IF CO RD TH SELY ALG - NLY BUY OF CJ RD TO E BUY OF W1 /2 TR - 92 TH N ALG E AUY OF W.1/2 TR92 TO TPR LESS PTN LY SLY IF A LN DkWN PLW f. 301FT NLY_ OF WHEN MEAS AT R/A TO C/DR RADIALLY FR SR 524 LN SURV OF SR 524 EDMONDS JCT SR 104 TO 76TH AVE W ?ER WD 1703-1240 3/24/81 PAR ND 1-11603 4346-000-101-DO03 S940101 EDMONDS SEA VIEW TRACTS O452 96 T LAND BLDG 2339400 S940101 53000 WIELTSCHNIG CAROL JEAN BLK 000 D-00 - TR 101 LESS_ W IOFT_THOF TOT _.477r100 710r500 4150 32N� AVE S N - AS DEEDED TO SNO CO PER AF NO'S SEATTLE W4 9B126 2187965 C 2187967 G EKG W 190FT OF N 24FT OF SD TR PER B-A REC AF N--- -- - 9112190537 4346-000-102-0101 43367-63 EDMONDS SEA VIEW TRACTS O452 96_ T LAND _- - - ___1629200 2679900 5940101 53000 NIELTSCHNIS WILLIAM P � BLK 000 D-01 - BLDG TOT 430r100 4150 32ND AVE S W BEG SW GOR TR 102 TH N ON ELY LN CO RD SEATTLE AA 98126 184FT TH E PLT__S LN_190FT TH S PLY TO E_.— LN 184FT TO S LN TH W TO POB TGW W 190FT OF N 24FT OF TR 101 PER BLA REC AF 9112190537 - -- 4346-000-1G2-0200 01-30-94 129 EDMONDS SEA VIEW TRACTS 2446 96 T LAND 211r100 38tir500 L710181 63000 SEAFIRST BANK REIS BLK 000 D-02 - - ''-- ON ....- -- -- -- BLDG ---- -- --- - TOT ___-_____- _ 595r600 KRAVAGNA DDROTHY C 6621080 TR 102 LESS BEG SW GDR TR 102 TH N SWO1 2.50 PO BOX 34D29 ELY LN CO RD 184FT TH E PLY S LN 20OFT SEATTLE WA 98124 TH S PLY E L_N 184FT T3 S LN TH W TO POB - - -- -- _ LESS W IOFT WD 469/737 TO SNO CO 4346-000-103-D209 A901210 EDMONDS SEA VIEW TRACTS - ^T�"" - 0217 96- — T LAND — 75r400 � 73r500 721 63007900 63000 MARTIN JA4ES = BLK 000 D-02 N 1DOFT _OT 103 LESS ELY BLDG TOT 148■900 9514 228TA S W 1DFT THDF DEEDED TO CITY JF EDMONDS EDMONDS Wk 98020 PER QCD 486-517 4346-000-104-D109 01-30-94 129 EDMONDS SEA VIEW TRACTS 2446 96 T LAND BLDG 131v800 194*200 D772236 63000 SEAFIRST 3ANK REIS BLK 000 D-01 - S 98FT TRACT 104 TOT 326,000 KRAYA6NA �OROTHY C 6621080 LESS W lOFT WD 469/737 TO SNO CO SWO1 1.00 PO BOX 34D29 SEATTLE WA 98124 0, wj 3 AUDIT PTY CODE T E ACRES SPL ASSMTS 4346-000-1D4-D208 01-30-94 129 EDMONDS SEA VIEW TRACTS 2446 96 T LAND 46*0DO SEAFIRST SANK REIS BLK 000 D-02 - BLDG 169700 kRAVAGNA )--RDTflY C 662108D N 50FT OF S 148FT OF 4 125FT TR 104 TOT 64r700 P3 BCX 34029 LESS W 10FT WD 459/737 TO 540 CD SWD1 .13 SEATT_E- Wk 98124 434b-UD_0-lD4-0307 93-7051 EDMONDS SEA VIEW TRACTS 2446 96 R TOT KRAVAGNA JDRDTHY C BLK 000 D-03 - 8616 182-ND PLACE S W TH PTN TR 104 LY N DF CO RD EDMONDS W4 98026 COMB TO 4346-000-105-DO09 4346-000-104-D406 01-30-94 129 EDMONDS SEA VIEW TRACTS 2446 96 T LAND 2339700 SEAFIF.ST BANK REIS BLK 000 D-04 - bLDG 4349700 KRAVAGNA DDRDTHY C 662108D TH PTN TR 104 LY S OF CO RD LESS S 98FT TOT v68#400 ?D 6GX 34D29 E LESS N 50FT OF S 145FT'UF W 125FT SWO1 1.25 SEATTLE W4 98124 E LESS W 1OFT WD 469/737 TO SNO CD 4346-000-1D5-0009 93-7051 EDMONDS SEA VIEW TRACTS 2446 96 T LA14D 30590DO KRAVASNA DUROTHY C BLK 000 D-00 LOT 3 BLDG 2489000 8516 182N3 PLACE S W OF SP 217(5-79) REC AP OD02260270 E TOT 5539000 ESKDNDS WA 98D26 BEING PTN LOT 1D5 G 1D4 EXST PLAT SWO1 2.53 4346-DOD-lD5-0106 01-31-95 52 EDMONDS SEA VIEW TRACTS 2446 96 T LAND 62*O00 W3RLD S 6 L BLK 000 D-01 LOT 2 BLDG 1189300 YE QI / TSAO YUEH 0346965 OF SP 217(5-79) REC AF N3 BOD2260270 TOT 1809300 212C S 1300 EAST 4105 E BEING PTN DF L3T 105 EXST PLAT SWO1 .33 SALT LAKE CITY UT 84106 4346-000-105-0207 04-13-95 52 EDMONDS SEA VIEW TRACTS 2446 9b T LAND _ __ 64*5UO WORLD S C L BLK 000 D-02 LOT I BLDG 1239000 YE / TSAD 0346965 DF SP 217(5-79) IEC A= N3 B002260270 TOT 1870500 2120 S 130D EAST 9105 E BEING PTN OF LOT 1D5 EXST P-AT SWOl .39 SALT LAKE CITY UT B4106 4346-00D-106-D107 07-15-90 261 EDMONDS SEA VIEW TRACTS 0217 96 T LAND 1769200 BANK OF A4LRICA BLK 000 D-01 - TOT 176*200 PARK HAN Z 7DB717 PTN OF TR 106 LY SWLY OF BEV PARK RD 3500 W C LESS E 212FT C LESS C3 RD DRANGE C 92668 4346-000-1D6-0206 08-30-93 EDMONDS' SEA VIEW TRACTS 0217 96 T LAND 1509000 GILLET DANA M BLK 000 D-02 - BLDG 12*6D0 ?D BOX 7026 E 212FT OF LOT 1D6 LY S OF BEVERLY PK TOT 16296U0 LYNNWOOD WA 98046 RD AS MEAS ALB S LN TSW TH PTN LOT__107____ DAF BEG NE CDR LOT 107 TPB TH W ALG NLY LN 170FT TH S PLT E LN SO LOT TAP 52FT N OF S LN SD LOT TH E PLT S LN E 52FT _ _ LANU U5L L710170 53000 5931224 00001 D772234 53000 L932053 53000 S940879 11101 S940879 11101 U001354 91000 C721314 63790 - r � �. .+...+ iit � yc=$�y 3, :c;.� _ _ ; �- _-r -.±r-o .a, '-_ac".�_. � - RECEIVED 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. JU?4 6 199u ?MT T ANTE 0190-199- J U N 0 6 t996 EDMONDS CITY CLERK City of Edmonds Planning Division File No. NOTICE OF INTF.NTiON TO COMM1'N NNFXATION PRO WGS TO: EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL, SNOHOMISH COUNTY, WASHINGTON I 'Ilse undersigned, who are the owners of not less than ten percent (10 %) in value, according to the assessed valuation for general taxation of the property for which annexation is sought, hereby advise the City Council of the City of Edmonds that it is the desire of the undersigned residents of the following area to commence annexation proceedings: II The property commonly known as Seaf 1 r st $a n k /Kr a vagn a Trust , herein referred to is described on Exhibit A on reverse side of this document. III It is requested that the City Council of the City of Edmonds set a date not later than sixty days after the filing of this request for a meeting with the undersigned to determine: (1) Whether the City Council will accept the proposed annexation. (2) Whether the City Council will require the simultaneous adoption of proposed zoning regulations for the proposed area to be annexed. (3) Whether the City Council will require the assumption of existing City Indebtedness by the area to be annexed. (4) This page is one of a group of pages containing identical text material and is intended by the signers of the Notice of Intention to be presented and considered as one Notice Of Intention and may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures which cumulatively may be considered as a single Notice of Intention. WHEREFORE, the petitioners ask that said City validate this petition and cause it to be placed before the City Council of the City of Edmonds in accordance with RCW 35A.14.150. RECEIVED BY THE CITY OF EDMONDS THIS DAY OF PETITIONER'S SIGNATURE i PRINT NAME HERE I PRINT STREET ADDRESS/CITY/STATE/ZIP CODE ITAX ASSESSOR'S NUMBER �S,6,4 Page of EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION AX-96-65 revised 5/20/96 from AX-2-91 Beginning at the northeast corner of Tract 161, Meadowdale Beach, as recorded in Volume 5 of Plats, Page 38, records of Snohomish County, Washington; thence westerly along the northerly lines of said Tract 161 and Tract 160 of said plat to its intersection with the easterly right-of-way margin of 72nd Ave. W.; thence southerly along said easterly margin to its intersection with the easterly prolongation of the southerly line of Lot 1, Homeview Addition No. 1, as recorded in Volume 13 of Plats, Page 91, records of Snohomish County, Washington; thence westerly along said easterly prolongation and the southerly lines of Lots 1 and 50 of said plat to the southwest corner of said Lot 50; thence westerly to the southeast corner of Lot 51 of said plat; thence westerly along the southerly line of said Lot 51 to its'common corner with Lot 79, Homeview Addition No. 2, as recorded in Volume 16 of Plats, Page 3, records of Snohomish County, Washington; thence westerly along the southerly line of said Lot 79 to its southwest corner; thence southwesterly to the southeast corner of Lot 8 of said plat; thence westerly along the southerly lines of Lots 8 through 1 of said plat to the Southwest corner of said Lot 1, being a point on the easterly boundary of Block 3, Admiralty Acres, as recorded in Volume 12 of Plats, Page 48, records of Snohomish County, Washington; thence southerly along the easterly boundary of said Block 3 to the southeast corner of Lot 6, said Block 3; thence westerly along the southerly line of said Lot 6 a distance of 168.00 feet; thence southerly along a line parallel with the easterly line of said Block 3 to its intersection with the southerly line of Lot 7, said Block 3; thence westerly along last said southerly line to its intersection with the easterly right-of-way margin of 76th Ave. W.; thence southerly along said easterly margin to its intersection with the northerly right-of- way margin of Edmonds Beverly Park Road (Olympic View Drive); thence southeasterly, easterly, northeasterly, and northerly along said northerly margin to the point of beginning. Vicinity and Zoning Map AX96065.DOC EXHIBIT "B" °-90-19`- RECEIVED J U N 1 1 lggg MOOS CITY CLERK ity of Edmonds Planning Division File No. NOTICE OF INTFN'I'ION TO COMMENCE 'ANVEXATION PROCEEDINGS TO: EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL, SNOHOMISH COUNTY, WASHINGTON I The undersigned, who are the owners of not less than ten percent (10 %) in value, according to the assessed valuation for general taxation of the property for which annexation is sought, hereby advise the City Council of the City of Edmonds that it is the desire of the undersigned residents of the following area to commence annexation proceedings: II The property commonly known as SCa1=1 rst 6ar11< Kra V8 na Trust , herein referred to is described on Exhibit A on reverse side of this document. III It is requested that the City Council of the City of Edmonds set a date not later than sixty days after the filing of this request for a meeting with the undersigned to detemline: (1) Whether the City Council will accept the proposed annexation. (2) Whether the City Council will require the simultaneous adoption of proposed zoning regulations for the proposed area to be annexed. (3) Whether the City Council will require the assumption of existing City Indebtedness by the area to be annexed. (4) This page is one of a group of pages containing identical text material and is intended by the signers of the Notice of Intention to be presented and considered as one Notice Of Intention and may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures which cumulatively may be considered as a single Notice of Intention. WHEREFORE, the petitioners ask that said City validate this petition and cause it to be placed before the City Council of the City of Edmonds in accordance with RCW 35A.14.150. RECEIVED BY THE CITY OF EDMONDS THIS /f DAY OF , 199, C WARNING: Every person who signs this petition with any other than his/her true name, or who knowingly signs more than one of these petitions, or signs a petition seeking an election when he/she is not a legal owner, or who makes herein any false statement, shall be punished by fine or imprisoned or both. PETITIONER'S SIGNATURE PRINT NAME ]SERE 1 BANK OF AMERICA NW, N.A. doing usiness 2 as Seafirst Bank, Trustee for ton Kravagna 3 and /Agc;.nt/ for 5. by: 6. 7. S. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. James E. Strock, V.P. John T. Margeson, A.V.P PRINT STREET ADDRESS/CITY/STATE/ZIP CODE P. 0. 34029 CSC-9 Seattle, Wa. 98124 ASSESSOR'S NUMBER Page of EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION AX-96-65 revised 5/20/96 from AX-2-91 Beginning at the northeast corner of Tract 161, Meadowdale Beach, as recorded in Volume 5 of Plats, Page 38, records of Snohomish County, Washington; thence westerly along the northerly lines of said Tract 161 and Tract 160 of said plat to its intersection with the easterly right-of-way margin of 72nd Ave. W.; thence southerly along said easterly margin to its intersection with the easterly prolongation of the southerly line of Lot 1, Homeview Addition No. 1, as recorded in Volume 13 of Plats, Page 91; records of Snohomish County, Washington; thence westerly along said easterly prolongation and the southerly lines of Lots 1 and 50 of said plat to the southwest corner of said Lot 50; thence westerly to the southeast corner of Lot 51 of said plat; thence westerly along the southerly line of said Lot 51 to its'common corner with Lot 79, Homeview Addition No. 2, as recorded in Volume 16 of Plats, Page 3, records of Snohomish County, Washington; thence westerly along the southerly line of said Lot 79 to its southwest corner; thence southwesterly to the southeast corner of Lot 8 of said plat; thence westerly along the southerly lines of Lots 8 through 1 of said plat to the Southwest corner of said Lot 1, being a point on the easterly boundary of Block 3, Admiralty Acres, as recorded in Volume 12 of Plats, Page 48, records of Snohomish County, Washington; thence southerly along the easterly boundary of said Block 3 to the southeast corner of Lot 6, said Block 3; thence westerly along the southerly line of said Lot 6 a distance of 168.00 feet; thence southerly along a line parallel with the easterly line of said Block 3 to its intersection with the southerly line of Lot 7, said Block 3; thence westerly along last said southerly line to its intersection with the easterly right-of-way margin of 76th Ave. W.; thence southerly along said easterly margin to its intersection with the northerly right-of- way margin of Edmonds Beverly Park Road (Olympic View Drive); thence southeasterly, easterly, northeasterly, and northerly along said northerly margin to the point of beginning. Vicinity and ,Zoning Map AX96065.DOC EXHIBIT "B" 4 -4 P s ;< State of Washington 'rxn a ANNEXATION CERTIFICATE Office of Financial Management, Forecasting Division, 450 Insurance Building, PO Box 43113, Olympia, WA 98504-3113 IMPORTANT: The following documents must be attached with this certificate (RCW 35.13.260 and 35A.14.700): 1. Three copies of the final ordinance containing the legal description of the annexed area; 2. Three copies of a map clearly showing annexed area and existing city limits on an 8'/2"xl l" or an 8'/z"x14" size paper. Outline the annexation boundaries in red; outline former city limits in green. Maps should conform to acceptable engineering standards, including directional arrow, scale, street designations, rivers, and other relevant physical characteristics; and, 3. The original, handwritten Special Population Census Sheets used to enumerate the population and housing of the annexed area and all census summary sheets. Census procedures and definitions must follow the Office of Financial Management's (OFM) Enumerator's Manual. Duplicate copies of the census are not needed. Please contact OFM for census manuals and forms at (360) 753-1853. Ci4VTown Name of the Annexation (if any) Ordinance Number Date Passed Date Published Ordinance Effective Date Annexation Effective Date Statute(s) Authorizing Annexation: RCW County Amending Ordinance Number (if applicable) Date Passed Date Published Ordinance Effective Date Annexation Effective Date Was a Boundary or Annexation Review Board Hearing Required? Yes No If yes, date of hearing Annexation Area (in acres) Population and Housing Census: Housing Units Occupied Housing Units Population CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that, to effect the above annexation, all legal requirements have been satisfied, and that the data set forth in this certificate, including the attached documents, are true and correct. (Mayor) Date [CITY SEAL] Attest: (City/Town Clerk) Date (White) Office of Financial Management No Carbon Paper Needed (Canary)Departrnent of Transportation Do Not Separate Form (Pink) Return to City/Town Return All Three Copies SPECIAL POPULATION CENSUS SUMMARY SHEET Year: Total Population: City/Town: (Lines 8 + 14) Units Per Structure 11 (1) (2) Total Vacant Housing Housing Units Units (3) Occupied Housing 1— 2 (4) Population (5) (6) M Pop Per Percent Percent Occ. HU Occupied Vacant 4 /(3) (3)/ 1 2 J 1 1. 1—Unit Structures 2. 2—Unit Structures 3. 3—Unit Structures 4. 4—Unit Structures 5. 5 or More Units 6. Mobile Homes 7. S cial** S. Totals **Special Housing: Unusual living quarters not generally considered a housing unit (e.g., boats, boxcars, tents, etc.). Only counted when occupied by person(s) meeting "resident criteria. Specify pe of housing In comments section below. Group Quarters f Number of Facilities Population 9. Nursing/Convalescent Homes 10. College Dormitories 11. Mental/Correctional Institutions 12. Military Installations (e.g. barracks, BEQ) 13. Other S c' : 14. Total Group Quarters Comments: Office of Financial Management State of Washington Revised 2(94 MINI r mlllm� e I � SN■YI■I�NI■11� W. W. 1*1 BLOCK SUMMARY SHEET TABULATION OF POPULATION BY STRUCTURE TYPE Year City/Town E.D./Tract Block _ Page _ of UnitTyp p memmmm tea. C::�. IMMIM HIM MMMIMMIM MIMMIMM mmm mom IMMMMMM, MMMIMMIMM 11M MIMMMIMMI MIMMMIMMIMM 11M Imm.mmm mmmm MIMMIMMMIMM m mmmmmmmmm IIMMMIMIMM MMIMMMIM MIM M M MMMMIMMIMIN MMMMM mmmmms Em MIMMMMM mmm �o . 0. Population Total Housing Unit Total Vuanc y_Total BLOCK TOTAL* *(If Block Needs More Than One Page) Population Tot Housing Unit Total Vacancy Total Office of Financial Management State of Washington (Revised 6/92) BLOCK SUMMARY SHEET TABULATION OF POPULATION BY STRUCTURE TYPE Year City/Town E.D./Tract Block page — of HU Seq. # Unit Type HU Unit Type 1 2 3 4 5+ MH/r Spec. GQ Seq. # 1 2 3 4 5+ MH/T Spec. GQ PAGE TOTAL BLOCK TOTAL* *(If Block Needs More Than One Page) Population Total Housing Unit Total Vacancy Total Population Total Housing Unit Total Vacancv Total Total 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5+ 1MWr Office of Financial Management State of Washington (Revised 6/92) SPEL�AL POPULATION CENSk.,S SHEET One Entry Only 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Street Housing No. of Mobile or Unit Units in H. Road Howe Address Apt. NO Sea. No. Structure Trailer Special** havm Spec M]wM Spec h&M Spec. ham Spec M[VM Spec. MH/IR Spec. M[VM Spec MH M Spec. ham Spec MIM Spec. MH/IR Spec. M. Seem / Spec Spec JMHlrR Spec. MIM Spec. 11 / Spec. MHrIR Spec. ham Spec. M!VM Spec. h*= Spec. MHfM Spec MHrm Spec MIM Spec By using this form, city agrees to keep all data collected confidential. ' Each housing unit in structures having only one house address, but more than one unit, should be separately identified by the letter or number appearing on the mail box and/or door. "Special Housing: Unusual living quarters not generally considered a housing unit (e.g., boats, boxcars, tents, recreational vehicles, etc.). Only counted when occupied by person meeting "residertt" criteria. Specify type of housing. Office of Financial Management State of Washington Enum. Area/Tract No.: Block No.: Page No.: Enumerator: Name of Each Person Whose Usual Place of Residence on the Date of Enumeration Was In This Household (Enter Last Name First) Page Totals Total Persons: Total Housing Units Vacant Housing Units. Occupied Housing Units: Revised February 1994 SPEC tAL POPULATION CENSUS SHEET t 1 z Street or Road House Address One Enti Onl 3 4 5 6 7 Housing No. of Mobile Unit Units in Home/ No. ■ Seq No. Structure 'trailer special** MHrrR Spec LEM Spec ]% l Spec Ml R Spec MHIIR Spec. hom Spec. MFM Spec KOM Spec MFM Spec X41M Spec. MH/rR Spec. < MHlI'R Stferl� Enum. Area/Tract No.. Block No.: Page No.: Enumerator: 8 Name of Each Person Whose Usual Place of Residence on the Date of Enumeration Was In This Household (Enter Last Name First) / ` / Spec Spec KOM Spec. MHrIR Spec MH/IR Spec MHrrR Spec hairm Spec Nam Spec. MH/rR Spec MHrM Spec MH/IR Spec MHrrR Spec By using this form, city agrees to keep all data collected confidential. Page Totals ` Each housing unit in structures having only one house address, but more than one unit, should Total Persons: be separately identified by the letter or number appearing on the mail box and/or door. Total Housing Units: a` Special Housing: Unusual living quarters not generally considered a housing unit (e.g., boats, Vacant Housing Units: boxcars, tarts, recreational vehicles, etc.). Only counted when occupied by person meeting Occupied Housing Units: "resident" criteria Specify type of housing. Office of Financial Management State of Washington Revised February 1994 SPECIAL POPULATION CENSUS SHEET Enum. Area/Tract No.: Year: 1 Block No.: Page No.: City/Town: Enumerator: One Entry Onl 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 g Street Housing No. of Mobile Name of Each Person Whose Usual Place of Residence on the or Unit Units in Home/ Road House Address Apt, No • Seq. No Structure Trailer Special** Date of Enumeration Was In This Household nter Last Name First Line No hem Spec I hem Spec 2 MH/IR Spec- 3 MH/IR Spec- 4 MH/IR Spec. 5 MH/rR Spec. 6 MH/IR Spec 7 KOM Spec 8 MH/rR Spec. 9 bl / Spec. 10 MH/IR Spec. 11 hom Spe 12 13 \ Spec 14 Spec 15 MH/rR Spec 16 MH/fR Spec 17 MH/IR Spec. 18 ham Spec 19 MH/IR Spec 20 MIM Spec. 21 MH/IR Spec. 22 ham Spec 23 MFM Spec 24 MH/IR Spec. 25 By using this form, city agrees to keep all data collected confidential. Page Totals ' Each housing unit in structures having only one house address, but more than one unit, should Total Persons: be separately identified by the letter or number appearing on the mail box and/or door. Total Housing Units: a• Special Housing: Unusual living quarters not generally considered a housing unit (e.g., boats, Vacant Housing Units: boxcars, tents, recreational vehicles, etc.). Onlv counted when occupied by person meeting Occupied Housing Units: "resident" criteria Specify type ofhousing. Office of Financial Management State of Washington Revised February 1994 SPEk.iAL POPULATION CENS V S SHEET Enum. Area/Tract No.: Year: Block No.: Page No.: City/Town: Enumerator: One EnfirTyOnl 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 g Street Housing No. of Mobile None of Each Person Whose Usual Piece of Residence on the or Unit Units in Home/ Road House Address Apt. No. • Sea. No. Structure Trailer Special**(Enter Date of Enumeration Was In This Household Last Name First Line No h*M Spec I ham Spec 2 MFIfrR Spec 3 h*M Spec 4 hom Spec 5 hdnrm Spec. 6 MH/rR Spec 7 ROM Spec 8 Moran Spec. 9 havm Spec. 10 MH1TR Spec. 11 MH/rR S 12 13 \ Spec 14 Spec 1s N*M Spec 16 MHlrR Spec 17 ham Spec. is hom Spec 19 MWTR Spec 20 Nffm Spec 21 hollm Spec 22 K*M Spec 23 MHTM Spec 24 Kffm Spec 25 By using this form, city agrees to keep all data collected confidential. Page Totals Each housing unit in structures having only one house address, but more than one unit, should Total Persons: be separately identified by the letter or number appearing on the mail box and/or door. Total Housing Units: •' Special Housing: Unusual living quarters not generally considered a housing unit (e.g., boats, Vacant Housing Units: boxcars, terns, recreational vehicles, etc.). Onlv counted when occupied by person meeting Occupied Housing Units: "resident" criteria. Specify type of housing. Office of Financial Management State of Washington Revised February 1994 ;rnre c llf 4 fdK•� r.C7Y STATE OF WASHINGTON OFFICE OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Insurance Building, PO Box 43113 • Olympia, Washington 98504-3113 • (360) 753-5459 ANNEXATION CENSUS Changes in Submittal „for Certification Process Due to a markedly increased annexation workload, annexations with a population of 2,500 or more should not be submitted for the May 31 filing date. Population staff are developing annual April 1 population estimates from April through June and annexations with large populations may not be processed in time for the May 31 filing. Please plan accordingly. Requirements The purpose of an annexation census is to enumerate all residential housing units and residents in the annexed territory. The count of population in annexed territory is conducted exactly the same way as in a standard city or town census. Annexations may include no residences, a few houses, or a population of 17,000 or more. Regardless of size, cities and towns are required to file all annexations with the Office of Financial Management (OFM) for certification. Until the annexations are certified by OFM, population in annexed areas is not considered for determining the population of cities and towns, and hence are not used for revenue distribution. The accuracy and completeness of population and housing count in an annexation census is as important as in any standard special city censuses. Annexed population must be accurately determined because it impacts the revenue distribution to all cities and towns. Census procedures must meet the certification requirements set forth by OFM. These procedures are outlined in the Enumerator's Manual, which include: • Complete systematic canvass of the census area by block; • Contacting each household and listing the names of all persons meeting the census definition of resident; • A listing of all housing units by structure type, both occupied and vacant; and • Summary tabulation of population by structure type. Timing of the Annexation Census and Meeting Filing Deadlines An annexation census should be conducted within 30 days of the effective date of the annexation. Census mapping and preparation may begin prior to the annexation's effective date, but actual enumeration should not begin until the annexed parcel officially becomes a part of the city. Cities often want to begin the enumeration early, sometimes before all county and city legal processing requirements have been completed. This cannot be done. OFM will, however, allow cities to begin the enumeration a week or two prior to the annexation's effective date if all legal annexation requirements are completed. This is usually done when a quarterly filing deadline is approaching and there is a large population to be enumerated. Any enumeration in a newly annexed area prior to the effective date of the annexation should be pre -approved by OFM. All censuses are office checked. Field checks are also done by OFM if considered necessary. On the basis of approved annexation censuses, OFM makes a quarterly adjustment of city populations for state revenue distributions. Any problems found in the census and other documentation need to be resolved prior to the certification. To allow sufficient time for processing, OFM must receive the completed census forms and other annexation documentation by the following required filing deadlines. Please note that any annexations filed after the recommended dates may not get processed in the same quarterly period. Such annexations will be processed in the next quarterly period. See first page for a discussion of large annexations and the May 31 filing deadline. Required Filing Dates Population of Annexed Area Quarterly Annexation Period 0 -- 99 100 -- 499 500 -- 2,499 2,500 - 4,999 5,000 + September 1 - November 30 November 23 November 15 November 1 November 1 October 15 December 1 - February 28 February 21 February 15 February 1 February 1 January 15 March 1 - May 31 May 24 May 15 May 1 Call OFM Call OFM June 1 - August 31 August 24 August 15 August 1 August 1 July 15 UncooUrative Residents and Other Enumeration Problems Annexation censuses may contain uncooperative persons who are unhappy about becoming a part of the city. In such cases, uncooperative residents make the enumeration more difficult by refusing to provide required census information. Some of the hostility may be managed by carefully worded census publicity and enumerator training. The name and the number of persons living in an uncooperative household may often be obtained from a neighbor. Sometimes it is only possible to obtain the number of persons living in the house from the neighbors (not the names). It is permissible for a limited number of houses. Obtaining the names of residents is a census control tool and the accuracy of the census is very important. For the census to be considered acceptable, names must be obtained for the residents in at least 98 percent of the occupied housing. In addition, supplemental census information, entered on the census schedules, must indicate the source of the information obtained about the number of individuals in the uncooperative household. This supplemental information is subject to verification by OFM. Large apartment complexes with difficult to contact residents and uncooperative apartment managers may also create count problems. Often, there is very little time to resolve unanticipated problems, given quarterly filing deadlines. It is advisable to contact the managers of large apartments in advance of the enumeration to identify problems. It is sometimes necessary to contact the owner(s) of an apartment building to secure the manager's cooperation. All suitable methods have to be utilized to get first-hand information from such difficult to contact residents, whether in large apartment complexes or elsewhere. If a telephone notice is left at the door, the telephone needs to be attended by the staff or some other arrangements, like voice -mail or answering machine, have to be made for use by those residents who return home late. OFM Assistance OFM will assist you in meeting annexation certification requirements. It is to your advantage to inform OFM of forthcoming annexations that contain large populations (1,000 or more), so the timing of the census can be arranged to meet quarterly filing deadlines. OFM will provide manuals and census forms for all annexation censuses, and census administrator and enumerator training for large annexation censuses. To schedule a training session, please contact Lawrence Weisser at (360) 586-2808. A request for training should be received at least a week in advance of the intended training date. OFM conducts Census Administrator Training in February of each year. Any city intending to annex areas with large populations may send a representative to the training session. Cities need to send a notice in advance in order to participate in the training. For Administrator's and Enumerator's Training Manuals, census forms, Annexation Certificates, and annexation certificate filing procedures, please contact Diana Brunink at (360) 753-1853. Mail all the annexation documents to: Office of Financial Management Forecasting Division 450 Insurance Building PO Box 43113 Olympia, WA 98504-3113 OFM, Forecasting Division, 3/1996