Engineering Comments 1Date:
August 18, 2017
Michelle Szafran, Associate Planner
Jeanie McConnell, Engineering Program Manager
PLN20170035, Fedje Properties, LLC — Lot Line Adjustment
15805 72°d Ave W
Engineering has reviewed the subject lot line adjustment application. As shown on the survey
prepared by Darren Riddle of Pacific Coast Surveys, Inc. and dated July 18, 2017, Parcel B is
encumbered by a sanitary sewer easement. In reading the legal description for the easement
(AFN 9009280512) the easement should be shown centered on the sanitary sewer line as it
may exist now or in the future. On the survey document, the easement has been shown to be
centered on the parcel boundary line of Parcel B, which places the easement on adjacent
properties and within City right-of-way. I was not able to find record of a sanitary sewer line,
however, an easement would not typically exist within City right-of-way, so it does not
appear to have been shown correctly.
Please review the easement legal description and revise as necessary or provide an
explanation as to why it has been depicted as such on the survey. Please also note that I was
unable to view the recording document referenced — AFN 8306230261. I'm not sure if this
document provides additional clarity?
Thank you.
City of Edmonds