Motion 98-395 Master Interlocal Agreement Concerning Annexation Within Citys Urban Growth AreaSNOHOMISH COUNTY COUNCIL
MOTION NO. 95 ,5
WHEREAS, in order to implement the coordinated planning and
annexation of unincorporated portions of urban growth areas encouraged by the
Growth Management Act, the City of Edmonds and Snohomish County desire to
enter into an agreement dealing with various issues related to annexations; and
WHEREAS, the two jurisdictions believe that many of the issues remain
the same for sequential annexations; and
WHEREAS, although each annexation will require modifications to the
attached exhibits and, possibly, minor amendments to the document itself, it is
desirable to adopt a master interlocal agreement to address all future
annexations within Edmonds's growth planning area.
NOW, THEREFORE ON MOTION, the County Council hereby approves
the Master Interlocal Agreement between Snohomish County and the City of
Edmonds concerning annexation within the City's growth planning area and
authorizes the County Executive to sign the agreement.
PASSED this day of , 1995.
Snohomish County, Washington
Ch irperson
109,0111mr.. mz.
This agreement is made by and between the City of Edmonds (herein after referred to as the
City) and Snohomish County (herein after referred to as the County), political subdivisions of
the State of Washington, pursuant to the Interlocal Cooperation Act, RCW 39.34.
WHEREAS, the City of Edmonds' GMA Comprehensive Plan has identified a growth
planning area (GPA) that identifies areas within unincorporated Snohomish County which it
may annex in the future (see Exhibit A); and
WHEREAS, portions of the City's GPA may overlap with growth planning areas
identified by the Cities of Lynnwood, Muld1teo and Woodway; and
WHEREAS, the Growth Management Act (GMA) encourages cities with urban
services to annex unincorporated urban areas within a County; and
WHEREAS, annexations proposed by the City of Edmonds are pursued in accordance
with RCW 35A.14 and intended to be consistent with RCW 36.93.180 and RCW 36.93.157;
WHEREAS, the City of Edmonds and Snohomish County recognize that there is a need
to facilitate the proper transition of services and capital projects from the County to the City at
the time of annexation; and
WHEREAS, the City of Edmonds and Snohomish County recognize that mutual
coordination of land use densities and designations is necessary to reduce urban sprawl,
support urban infrastructure and protect rural areas within the County; and
WHEREAS, the City of Edmonds and Snohomish County recognize that annexations
can have extra jurisdictional impacts and that intergovernmental cooperation is an effective
manner through which to deal with impacts and opportunities that transcend
inter jurisdicational boundaries; and
WHEREAS, the City of Edmonds and Snohomish County believe it is in the best
interest of the citizens of both jurisdictions to enable reciprocal imposition of impact mitigation
requirements and regulatory conditions that effect improvements in the respective jurisdictions;
WHEREAS, the City of Edmonds and Snohomish County desire to develop a
generalized interlocal agreement that will apply to all annexations proposed by the City of
Edmonds. Both jurisdictions also recognize that for each annexation the interlocal agreement
will be amended to include the annexation area and also address any issues that are not
addressed for that particular annexation;
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the terms and conditions contained herein,
the City and County agree as follows:
Section 1. AppIicability and Amendments to this Agreement
The City and the County agree that the contents of this interlocal agreement shall apply to
annexations initiated by the City within its identified growth planning area. See Exhibit A. It
is also agreed that for each annexation, this interlocal agreement shall be amended to include a
description of the annexation area. This annexation amendment should be signed by the City
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and County prior to expiration of the County's 45-day annexation review period. However, if
the City and County can not come to agreement concerning any annexation related issues not
addressed by the subject interlocal agreement, the County may request a Boundary Review
Board hearing or else the City and County may continue'to negotiate annexation amendment
language to this interlocal agreement. The annexation amendment to this interlocal agreement
shall become effective at the time an annexation is approved by the Boundary Review Board
(BRB) and the City has passed an ordinance officially approving annexation of the area.
Amendments to this interlocal agreement shall include the following:
-- the annexation's name and boundary review board number;
-- a map and legal description of the annexation area;
-- the annexation method, resolution number and date of City acceptance of a 60 %
petition or determination to pursue elections for the annexation area;
-- the extent to which the interlocal agreement is applicable to the annexation area
(including whether or not the annexation area is within a watershed management area);
-- annexation related amendments to the interlocal agreement. These related
amendments may include but are not be limited to the following: compensation or
reimbursement formulas for major capital improvements; agreements concerning the
re -allocation of population and employment from an annexation area; capital facilities
and parks maintenance and ownership agreements; and adoption of equivalent or
consistent ordinances to protect resource lands or the natural environment. Agreements
for reciprocal impact mitigation for transportation and for parks and open space.
-- the existing and intended service providers for the area (water, sewer, fire/ems,
police) including any transition agreements; and
-- signatures by the City's mayor and County executive and effective date of the
annexation amendment.
The City and County recognize that other amendments to this interlocal agreement may be
necessary to clarify the requirements of particular sections or uodate the agreement. These
amendments may be pursued as necessary by both parties.
Section2. Annexations within overlapping growth planning areas
The City recognizes that its growth planning area may overlap with the GPAs of adjacent cities
such as Lynnwood, Mukilteo and Woodway. When an annexation is proposed by the City of
Edmonds within a portion of its GPA that overlaps with another city's GPA, the City agrees to
pursue the development of an interlocal agreement with that City that would resolve boundary
overlap issues in the annexation area. If an agreement can not be reached by either party, the
City will participate in a formal non -binding dispute resolution process such as mediation if the
other party is also willing to participate.
Section 3. Land Use
a. _Prezoning. The City agrees to pre -designate and pre -zone a proposed annexation area at
the time of accepting its 60% petition to annex (e.g. adoption of comparable zoning and land
use designations or formal adoption of zoning and comprehensive land use plan, or any other
method deemed acceptable pursuant to Chapter 35A.14 RCW). -These designations and zoning
shall give residents and the County an indication of the City's intentions with respect to land
uses for the area. Should the City wish to reassess the appropriateness of these land use
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designations and zoning within one year following the annexation, the City agrees to notify the
residents in the annexation area and the County of this intent prior to annexation.
b. Minimum urban densities. The City agrees to adopt and maintain land use designations for
annexation areas that will not create permanent (non-plattable) low density residential areas (of
less than a net average density of four (4) dwelling units per acre) unless such areas are part of
an open space separator, park, or a critical area.
c. Com ara le densities. The City agrees to consider adoption of land use designations and
densities for an annexation area which are comparable to the County's. -Where the City
proposes or will later pursue differing land use designations which reduce density or intensity
of land use, the City agrees to accommodate any losses in County population, employment and
fair share housing allocations which have been assumed for the annexation area within the City
or else in other unincorporated areas which the City intends to annex. The area in which
and/or methods by which the City intends to accommodate these losses will be specified by the
City as part of the annexation amendment to this interlocai agreement.
Section 4. Transfer of Building Pennit Applications and Development Permits in Ih oc
by the Count
The County shall refer applicants to the City for processing any building and development
permit applications in an annexation area on or after the effective date of the annexation. The
County also agrees to continue processing permit applications filed before the effective date of
an annexation through the calendar year in which the annexation has become effective, as
provided below. This agreement is contingent upon the City's adoption of legislative measures
listed in Exhibit C to this agreement.
a. Building Permits. As the agent of the City, the County shall continue to process under
County codes and building permit requirements to completion any building permits for which
it received a fully complete permit application and accompanying fee prior to the effective date
of the annexation. In addition, the County shall accept, process, issue, and inspect any
associated permits for which it receives an application and accompanying fees through the end
of the year in which an annexation was effective. At the end of that year, associated permit
responsibility will be transferred to the City. Associated permits shall be defined as
mechanical, plumbing, and access related to those projects currently being processed by the
County. Completion shall mean final administrative approvals except in the case of action
required by the legislative body, in which case the City legislative body shall give final
legislative approval.
Except as provided below for permit renewals, in the case of building permits issued prior to
the date of an annexation, the applications and permits shall be processed through final
inspection and/or issuance of an occupancy permit by the County. Performance and
maintenance bonds and insurance releases received by the County prior to the effective date of
the annexation shall be assigned to the City on a case by case basis. The final inspection for
building permits shall be a joint City/County inspection with the City in attendance for
information purposes only.
b. DiscretionaEy Permits. As the agent of the City, the County shall continue to process to
completion any development permits for which it received a fully complete permit application
and accompanying fee prior to the effective date of an annexation. Completion shall mean
final administrative or quasi-judicial approvals except in the case of action required by the
legislative body, except for appeals, in which case the City legislative body shall give final
legislative approval.
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c. Permit renewal. Any request for renewal of a permit issued by the County prior to the
effective date of an annexation which is received after the annexation date shall be made to and
administered by the City.
d. Code Enforcement. Code enforcement cases will be turned over to the City on the
effective date of an annexation, and code enforcement activities after the effective date will be
completed and/or initiated by the City. The County will make its employees available as
witnesses in code enforcement actions (civil or criminal) at no additional cost.
e. Enforcement of Conditions imposed by the County on land use and development permits.
The City agrees to enforce any conditions imposed upon the issuance of land use and
development permits within an annexation area by the County. The County will make its
employees available to provide assistance in enforcement action on cases originally prepared
by County personnel. The County will provide the City with the opportunity to review and
comment on all development permit applications within the City's growth planning area (see
Exhibit A) which are subject to a public notice provision.
f. Year-end review. At the end of the year in which an annexation has become effective, the
City and County shall discuss the status of all the permits in an annexation area remaining
under review by the County and determine whether or not responsibility for continued
processing should be transferred to the City. Any change in permit processing responsibility
shall be provided by written agreement, acceptable to both parties, amending the annexation
amendment section.
g. Monthly Permit Report For all aruis within the City's growth planning area (see Exhibit
A), the County shall provide to the City at the end of each month, a report which lists the file
numbers and addresses of all discretionary permits, code enforcement cases, and building
permits under review as issued in the preceding month, beginning one year after this
agreement is signed.
Section 5. Records Transfer
The City staff will copy necessary County records prior to and following annexation as
necessary. County records to be copied will include, but not be limited to: records from
Public Works and Planning and Development Services, including all original permit records
and files, inspection reports and approved plans, approved zoning files, code enforcement
files, fire inspection records, bonds, easements, plats, utility data bases for land use, drainage,
street lights and streets, regulatory and animal license records, and other items identified
during the transfer process. The City will reimburse the County for the costs of any county
materials necessary for duplication or transfer, including microfilming. The City may arrange
for off -site duplication of records under appropriate safeguards for the protection of records as
approved by the County.
Section 6. Roads
a. Maintenance and Ownership responsibilities. The City will annex the entire right-of-way
of County roads adjacent to an annexation boundary and will assume full maintenance
responsibility for those roads upon the effective date of the annexation.
h. Unhudgeled mitigation payments. Funds for road mitigation payments and road related
SEPA mitigation payments received by the County from property within an annexation area
which remain unbudgeted or unexpended as of the effective date of the annexation will be
transferred to the City within 90 days following the effective date of the annexation.
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Any such mitigation payments which were imposed by the County within an annexation area
prior to an annexation but which remain unpaid on the effective date of the annexation shall be
transferred to the City within 90 days of receipt by the County.
The amount of road mitigation funds transferred shall be equal to the proportion of annexed
roads measured against all roads listed within the Transportation Service Area Road Needs
Report. Mitigation funds must have been imposed for impacts on annexed roads which are
listed in the Road Needs Report to be considered for transfer. The County will provide
documentation of such mitigation funds by defining the time periods for expenditure of the
funds under the requirements of RCW 82.02.020 and will assist the City in auditing mitigation
payment records.
c. Reciprocal impact mitigation. The City and County agree to pursue a separate interlocal.
agreement for reciprocal road impact mitigation between the City and .County. Within ninety
(90) days of the date of execution of this agreement, the parties shall produce a draft of a
reciprocal impact mitigation interlocal agreement to be executed as soon as possible thereafter.
d. Compensation for capital road construction projects. The City recognizes the need to
reimburse the County for certain expenditures on capital road construction projects, including
overlays, at the time the roads are annexed into the City, and the County recognizes that a
certain portion of these roads will still be used by unincorporated County residents. If the City
annexes territory encompassing all or a portion of a County capital road construction project
(except for overlay projects completed prior to the date of this document), the City agrees to
reimburse the County for County road fund costs incurred by the County in implementing
these projects, including assumption of debt incurred by the County for the road construction
Actual reimbursement amounts and timing of payments shall be negotiated between the City
and County at the time of annexation. The agreement shall be included as part of the
annexation related amendment. Exhibit D lists the County capital road construction projects,
including overlays, that have been completed within five years prior to the effective date of
this agreement. Exhibit D will be updated as necessary as part of the annexation related
amendment. These projects are to be included within the reimbursement mentioned in this
section. Reimbursement shall not include routine maintenance expenditures. A project listed
on Exhibit D shall be automatically removed from the list at the end of the fifth budget year
following final acceptance of the project.
The County also agrees to consult with the City in planning for new capital road construction
projects within the City's growth planning area, a map of which is attached as Exhibit A. At
the time of consulting with the City, both parties will discuss the need for shared
responsibilities in implementing a project, including the potential for indebtedness by bonding
or loans. Any agreements related to shared responsibilities for road projects within the City's
planning growth area shall be added as amendments to exhibit D of this interlocal agreement.
Section 7.Surface Water Management (only when annexation within a County.
Watershed Management Area
a. Fees. The City recognizes that fees are collected by Snohomish County for unincorporated
areas that lie within County designated Watershed Management Areas (WMAs) (see map
Exhibit B). These fees are collected at the beginning of each year through real property tax
statements. These fees are also to be used within the year in which they were collected. Upon
the effective date of an annexation which occurs within a County WMA, the City hereby
agrees that the County will continue to apply the fees collected pursuant to Chapter 25.20 SCC
in providing watershed management services and activities through the end of the year in
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which an annexation became effective. These services shall be the same as those provided to
other fee payers in the County, including drainage complaint response.
b. Maintenance and Ownership responsibilities. If an annexed area includes major drainage
improvements or facilities as listed in Exhibit E, the City and County shall agree to the
disposition of maintenance and ownership responsibilities within 15 months of the effective
date of an annexation. The responsibilities resulting from such discussions shall be included as
part of an annexation related amendment to this agreement. If the County's current Annual
Construction Program includes major drainage improvements in the area to be annexed, the
City and the County shall discuss how funding, construction, and subsequent operational
responsibilities will be assigned for these improvements.
c, Improvement responsibilities. The revenues for any surface water management activity
which were collected by the County from within the territory annexed to the City shall be
completely expended as part of any surface water management activity for which the revenues
were designated in that year.
Any interlocal agreements between the City and County for surface water management
activities within an annexation area at any time after the conclusion of the calendar year in
which the annexation became effective shall be adjusted to reflect the changed percentages of
the City's territory with the Watershed Management Area upon the effective date of an
Section S. Parks, Open Space and Recreational Facilities,
a. Maintenance and Ownership responsibilities. If an annexed area includes park, open space
or recreational facilities listed in Exhibit E, the City and County shall agree to the
maintenance, operation and ownership responsibilities within 36 months of the effective date
of an annexation. The responsibilities resulting from such discussions shall be included as part
of an annexation related amendment to this agreement.
b. Unbudgeted mitigation payments. Funds for park mitigation payments and park/open
- space related SEPA mitigation payments received by the County from property within an
annexation area which remain unbudgeted, unencumbered or unexpended as of the effective
date of an annexation will be transferred to the City within 90 days following the effective date
of the annexation.
Any such mitigation payments which were imposed by the County within an annexation area
prior to an annexation but which remain unpaid on the effective date of the annexation shall be
transferred to the City within 90 days of receipt by the County.
The amount of park mitigation funds transferred shall be equal to those funds collected within
the annexation area which are attributable to local parks only. Mitigation funds must have
been imposed for impacts on parks which are listed in the Snohomish Countywide
Comprehensive Park and Recreation Plan to be considered for transfer. The County will
provide documentation of such mitigation funds by defining the time periods for expenditure
of the funds under the requirements of RCW 82.02.020 and will assist the City in auditing
mitigation payment records.
c. Reciprocal impact mitigation. The City and County agree to discuss reciprocal park impact
mitigation between the City and County. These discussions shall consider recommendations
of the Snohomish Countywide Comprehensive Park and Recreation Plan and the City's Parks
and Recreation Open Space Plan.
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Section 9. Police Services
a. Transfer of communications. The County agrees to transfer jurisdictional authority for
dispatching from SnoPac to SnoCom within 10 days of the effective date of an annexation
provided that notice of the proposed annexation is transmitted to the Emergency Services
Coordinator immediately following adoption of the ordinance of certification of the election.
b. Contracting of Police Service. As necessary, the City and County shall discuss the needs
for contracting or transfer of police services within an annexation area. Agreements between
the City and County shall be made consistent with RCW 41.14.250 through 41.14.280 and
RCW 35.13.360 through 35.13.400.
The decisions and responsibilities resulting from such discussions shall be included as part of
an annexation related amendment to this agreement.
Section 10. Fire and Emergency Medical Services
The City commits to work with Fire District No. 1 to address and resolve issues related to
maintaining adequate fire suppression and emergency medical services within an annexation
area prior to the effective date of an annexation. If necessary, in order to resolve this issue
prior to the effective date of an annexation, the City will participate in a formal dispute
resolution process such as mediation with Fire District No. 1.
Section 11. Honoring existing agreements, standards and studies
The City and County mutually agree to honor all existing mitigation agreements, interlocal
agreements, appropriate inter urisdictional studies and agreed upon standards affecting an
annexation area to which the City or County is a party.
Scctian 12. Relationship to Existing laws and statutes
This agreement in no way modifies or supersedes existing State laws and statutes. In meeting
the commitments encompassed in this agreement, all parties will comply with the requirements
of the Open Meetings Act, State Environmental Policy Act, Annexation Statutes and other
applicable State or local law. The ultimate authority for land use and development decisions is
retained by the County and City within their respective jurisdictions. By executing this
agreement, the County and City do not purport to abrogate the decision making responsibility
vested in them by law.
Section 13. Hold Harmless
The City shall protect, save harmless and indemnify at its own expense, the County, its elected
and appointed officials, officers, employees and agents, from any loss or claim for damages of
any nature whatsoever arising out of the City's performance of this agreement. The County
shall protect, save harmless and indemnify at its own expense, the City, its elected and
appointed officials, officers, employees and agents from any loss or claim for damages of any
nature whatsoever arising out of the County's performance of this agreement.
Section 14. Dispute Resolution
The City and County mutually agree to use a formal dispute resolution process such as
mediation if agreement cannot be reached on any provision of this agreement.
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Section 15. Effective date, iration and Termination
This agreement shall be effective five (5) days after passage by the Snohomish County Council
and the City Council of the City of Edmonds and shall remain in full force and effect until
terminated by both the County and City. Any amendments and termination shall be in writing
and executed in the same manner as provided by law for the execution of this agreement.
Section 15. Severability
If any provision of this ordinance or its application to any person or circumstance is held
invalid, the remainder of the provisions and/or the application of the provisions to other
persons or circumstances shall not be affected.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have signed this agreement, effective
date indicated below.
Date _.IiI135
Approved as to form:
Office of the City Attorney
Page 8
County E
Approved as to form:
Snohomish County Prosecutor
s: \dataiik1LAEDM. DOC
OcrO49G& 14 i99
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Exhibit A
City of Edmonds
Growth Planning
Area Boundary
City of Edmonds
Urban Growth Area (UGA)
ghboring Cities
er Uniccrporated Areas
19 th St
stEdm nds
try StSVW
220th St
Norma BreacTi
&Picnic -Point
168th St SV
-- --- - - - ------ - - Page 9
EXHIBIT B -- SNOHOMISH UOUNrY Milt' OF Dh;SlGNXf 1) WAt•l;Itbt" @1ANAL;rh V-NI pact•, ) kWM1HSI
Eu rats
• I
� rip - �' �ti';. • •-- ,t
L ]cif ood
Mou t Lake
� - z, r
lod y Tor ail,`
"Disclaimer; The Watershed
Management Area Boundary lines displayed
on this mop should be used for general planning purposes only.
NMajef Roadr
— Sunnyvide
Ni4ivars• Streams
Marshland Tributaries
Beer/Uttle Bear
Muth Creek
Swamp Creek
Snohoanish Uplands Puget Sound Tributaries
Lake Stevens
Chase Lake/Lake Ballinger
• wwae.e� a� (WYA1 ae f�r�are � A(-:V �6.41 ud ma1S.'1M �� r a4fds
i GLA ]pities 4 is 1sd a Cis P/rrDitia d i. ward adrl5an 75A � ACNr 76.9e � a1.T2.
0 1 2 3
Scale = 1:90000
Atedginal scale 1 111 represents 1.5 miles.
W —, 0 — E �.
Snohomish County
State Ran eZone 5601, NAD 83
Units Feet, 9194
[Somme.: Sa.iomiah Cx usy 1:24=reedv%aunAy. WaDOW 1:100001)rive WWm, SWM Wider
Mreopxamr 8amdrrier foam 1':40ortMacwa !14 nctlaa m.p..p ud.1p+�+n'mpeoi+�ww L -� -'1
EXHIBIT C -- County legislative measures and contractual agreements
Snohomish County Land Use and Development Codes as follows:
A. SCC Title 13 entitled ROADS AND BRIDGES, Section 13.01.020 and Chapters
13.10 through 13.70, 13.95, 13.110 and 13.130;
B. SCC Title 16, entitled FIRE CODE, Chapter 16.04;
C. SCC Title 17, entitled BUILDINGS, Chapters 17, 17.04, 17.16, 17.18, and 17.40;
D. SCC Title 18, entitled ZONING CODE;
E. Ordinance 80-28, entitled ROAD DESIGN STANDARDS AND
G. SCC Title 24, entitled DRAINAGE;
I. SCC Title 26A, entitled PARKS MITIGATION
L. SCC Title 27, entitled FLOOD HAZARD
M. Ordinance 93-036 entitled SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM
N. SCC Chapter 32.10 Critical Areas Regulations
All applicable state building and construction codes as adopted and amended by Snohomish
County, including, but not limited to:
a) 1985 Uniform Building Code
b) 1982 Uniform Plumbing Code
c) 1982 Uniform Mechanical Code
d) Washington State Energy Code adopted April 1, 1990
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EXHIBIT D -- County road projects requiring potential reimbursement
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EXHIBIT E -- County owned facilities within the Edmonds GPA
Esperance Park
Chase Lake Drainage improvements
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Sno-Line/Forshee Annexation (BRB 25-94)
Gate/Eaton Annexation (BRB 26-94)
Approximately 251 acres with 2000 people
Map and Legal Description are attached
Election Method. City of Edmonds Resolution #801 and #802, November 15, 1994
All sections of the interlocal agreement apply to these annexations including Section 6 on
watershed management. The annexation areas lie within the Puget Sound Tributaries
Watershed Management Area.
No amendments to the interlocal agreement are necessary for these annexations. It has been
found that:
there is no need for reimbursement for major road projects;
there are no parks, open space or recreational facilities in the area;
there are no major drainage facilities in the area; and
- the City has adopted zoning equivalent to the County's zoning.
Water and Sewer Services will continue to be provided by the Olympic View Water
and Sewer District.
Fire and Emergency Medical Services will be transferred from Fire District No.1 to the
City of Edmonds. Agreement was reached on —?" /FY 5.
Police Services will be transferred from Snohomish County to the City of Edmonds
The City of Edmonds will adjust the eastern boundary line of the Gate/Eaton
annexation area to include all of 92nd Ave West.
The City of Edmonds will annex all territory to the Snohomish County boundary line in
the Sno-line/Forshee annexation area.
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Planning Division
Agenda Memo
For Action: X
Item #:_ .?
For Information:
Clearances: Department/initials nn
Agenda Time: 5 minutes Admin Svcs/Finance _ Community Svcs
City Attorney
Agenda Date: November 6, 1995 City Clerk
Exhibits Attached:
1. Annexation Interlocal Agreement
Parks & Rec
Plannin t J mot/
Public Works
Expenditure Amount Appropriation
Required: $ 0 Budgeted: $ 0 Required: $ 0
Funding Source:
Not Applicable.
History And Summary Statement:
This item was briefly discussed at the November 1st City Council meeting. Due to an.incomplete packet,
no action was taken.
The City and County staff have been working together for the past year to develop a model annexation
interlocal agreement to cover issues of transition between the County and the City upon the completion of
an annexation. This effort was initiated by the County in response to the approved Aurora Marketplace
annexation, and the pending "Snoline-Forshee" and "Gate -Eaton" annexations. The City and County
jointly agreed that it made sense to pursue one interlocal to cover all future annexations the City may have,
rather than completing an interlocal for each annexation.
The original efforts of the City and County were to attempt to complete this task prior the recent elections
on the "Snoline-Forshee" and "Gate -Eaton" annexations. Because these elections have passed, the County
desires that the interlocal be completed prior to the upcoming elections on the "Sherwood" and "Forest
Glen" annexations. As part of the County's good faith toward this effort, the County did not request
review of any of the annexations before the Boundary Review Board. This gesture most certainly helped to
speed-up the annexation election process for both the "Sherwood" and "Forest Glen" annexations.
Paget of2
The attached interlocal agreement (see Exhibit 1) is the culmination of many meetings and draft revisions.
The County staff has been very cooperative in preparing an agreement which protects the rights of both
jurisdictions, and provides for a very clear and consistent transition process from County to City upon the
completion of an annexation.
This document (see Exhibit 1) has been accepted by staff for both jurisdictions. Review of the draft by the
City was undertaken by multiple Departments/Divisions (Finance, Fire, Police, Planning, Engineering,
Parks and Public Works) to ensure that all the affected Departments/Divisions contributed to the final
product, and were in agreement.
In response to Council's inquiry regarding `Minimum Urban Densities" as discussed in paragraph 3.b of
the interlocal (see Exhibit 1), there are currently no permanent residential areas in the annexation areas with
an average density less than 4 dwelling units per acre. Therefore, if the City maintains its current practice
of adopting comparable zoning upon annexation, this will not be an issue.
In response to Council's inquiry about the legislative measures noted in Exhibit C, the City's adoption of
these measures allows the County to continue to complete building permit reviews for projects initiated in
these areas prior to annexation.
In response to Council's inquiry about regional facilities such as the Wastewater Treatment Plant and
water system, these facilities will continue to operate under their existing agreements.
Recommended Action:
Authorize the Mayor to sign the "Annexation Interlocal Agreement" with Snohomish County (see Exhibit
Council Action:
This agreement is made by and between the City of Edmonds (herein after referred to as the
City) and Snohomish County (herein after referred to as the County), political subdivisions of
the State of Washington, pursuant to the lnterlocal Cooperation Act, RCW 39.34.
WHEREAS, the City of Edmonds' GMA Comprehensive Plan has identified a growth
planning area (GPA) that identifies areas within unincorporated Snohomish County which it
may annex in the future (see Exhibit A); and
WHEREAS, portions of the City's GPA may overlap with growth planning areas
identified by the Cities of Lynnwood, Muld1teo and Woodway; and
WHEREAS, the Growth Management Act (GMA) encourages cities with urban
services to annex unincorporated urban areas within a County; and
WHEREAS, annexations proposed by the City of Edmonds are pursued in accordance
with RCW 35A.14 and intended to be consistent with RCW 36.93.180 and RCW 36.93.157;
WHEREAS, the City of Edmonds and Snohomish County recognize that there is a need
to facilitate the proper transition of services and capital projects from the County to the City at
the time of annexation; and
WHEREAS, the City of Edmonds and Snohomish County recognize that mutual
coordination of land use densities and designations is necessary to reduce urban sprawl,
support urban infrastructure and protect rural areas within the County; and
WHEREAS, the City of Edmonds and Snohomish County recognize that annexations
can have extra -jurisdictional impacts and that.intergovemmental cooperation is an effective
manner through which to deal with impacts and opportunities that transcend
inter jurisdicational boundaries; and
WHEREAS, the City of Edmonds and Snohomish County believe it is in the best
interest of the citizens of both jurisdictions to enable reciprocal imposition of impact mitigation
requirements and regulatory conditions that effect improvements in the respective jurisdictions;
WHEREAS, the City of Edmonds and Snohomish County desire to develop•a
generalized intcrlocal agreement that will apply to all annexations proposed by the City of
Edmonds. Both jurisdictions also recognize that for each annexation the interlocal agreement
will be amended to include the annexation area and also address any issues that are not
addressed for that particular annexation;
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the terms and conditions contained herein,
the City and County agree as follows:
Section 1. AnnUrnhility and Amendments to this Agreement
The City and the County agree that the contents of this interlocal agreement shall apply to
annexations initiated by the City within its identified growth planning area. See Exhibit A. It
is also agreed that for each annexation, this interlocal agreement shall be amended to include a
description of the annexation area. This annexation amendment should be signed by the City
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and County prior to expiration of the County's 45-day annexation review period. However, if
the City and County can not come to agreement concerning any annexation related issues not
addressed by the subject interlocal agreement, the County may request a Boundary Review
Board hearing or else the City and County may continue to negotiate annexation amendment
language to this interlocal agreement. The annexation amendment to this interlocal agreement
shall become effective at the time an annexation is approved by the Boundary Review Board
(BRB) and the City has passed an ordinance officially approving annexation of the area.
Amendments to this interlocal agreement shall include the following:
-- the annexation's name and boundary review board number;
-- a map and legal description of the annexation area;
-- the annexation method, resolution number and date of City acceptance of a 60%
petition or determination to pursue elections for the annexation area;
-- the extent to which the interlocal agreement is applicable to the annexation area
(including whether or not the annexation area is within a watershed management area);
-- annexation related amendments to the interlocal agreement. These related
amendments may include but are not be limited to the following: compensation or
reimbursement formulas for major capital improvements; agreements concerning the
re -allocation of population and employment from an annexation area; capital facilities
and, parks maintenance and ownership agreements; and -adoption of equivalent or
consistent ordinances to protect resource lands or the natural environment. Agreements
for reciprocal impact mitigation for transportation and for parks and open space.
-- the existing and intended service providers for the area (water, sewer, fire/ems,
police) including any transition agreements; and
-- signatures by the City's mayor and County executive and effective date of the
annexation amendment.
The City and County recognize that other amendments to this interlocal agreement may be
necessary to clarify the requirements of particular sections or update the agreement. These
amendments may be pursued as necessary by both parties.
Section 2. Annexations within overlapping rowth planning areas
The City recognizes that its growth planning area may overlap with the GPAs of adjacent cities
such as Lynnwood, Mukilteo and Woodway. When an annexation is proposed by the City of
Edmonds within a portion of its GPA that overlaps with another city's GPA, the City agrees to
pursue the development of an interlocal agreement with that City that would resolve boundary
overlap issues in the annexation area. If an agreement can not be reached by either party, the
City will participate in a formal non -binding dispute resolution process such as mediation if the
other party is also willing to participate.
Section 3. Land Use
a. Prezoning The City agrees to pre -designate and pre -zone a proposed annexation area at
the time of accepting its 60% petition to annex (e.g. adoption of comparable zoning and land
use designations or formal adoption of zoning and comprehensive land use plan, or any other
method deemed acceptable pursuant to Chapter 35A.14 RCW). These designations and zoning
shall give residents and the County an indication of the City's intentions with respect to land
uses for the area. Should the City wish to reassess the appropriateness of these land use
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designations and zoning within one year following the annexation, the City agrees to notify the
residents in the annexation area and the County of this intent prior to annexation.
b. Minimum urban densities. The City agrees to adopt and maintain land use designations for
annexation areas that will not create permanent (non-plattable) low density residential areas (of
less than a net average density of four (4) dwelling units per acre) unless such areas are part of
an open space separator, park, or a critical area.
c. Comparable densities. The City agrees to consider adoption of land use designations and
densities for an annexation area which are comparable to the County's. Where the City
proposes or will later pursue differing land use designations which reduce density or intensity
of land use, the City agrees to accommodate any losses in County population, employment and
fair share housing allocations which have been assumed for the annexation area within the City
or else in other unincorporated areas which the City intends to annex. The area in which
and/or methods by which the City intends to accommodate these losses will be specified by the
City as part of the annexation amendment to this interlocal agreement.
Section 4, Transfer of Building Permit Applications and Development Permits in Process
by the County
The County shall refer applicants to the City for processing any building and development
permit applications in an annexation area on or after the effective date of the annexation. The
County also agrees to continue processing permit applications filed before the effective date of
an annexation through the calendar year in which the annexation has become effective, as
provided below. This agreement is contingent upon the City's adoption of legislative measures
listed in Exhibit C to this agreement.
a. Building Permits_ As the agent of the City, the County shall continue to process under
County codes and building permit requirements to completion any building permits for which
it received a fully complete permit application and accompanying fee prior to the effective date
of the annexation. In addition, the County shall accept, process, issue, and inspect any
associated permits for which it receives an application and accompanying fees through the end
of the year in which an annexation was effective. At the end of that year, associated permit
responsibility will be transferred to the City. Associated permits shall be defined as
mechanical, plumbing, and access related to those projects currently being processed by the
County. Completion shall mean final administrative approvals except in the case of action
required by the legislative body, in which case the City legislative body shall give final
legislative approval.
Except as provided below for permit renewals, in the case of building permits issued prior to
the date of an annexation, the applications and permits shall be processed through final
inspection and/or issuance of an occupancy permit by the County. Performance and
maintenance bonds and insurance releases received by the County prior to the effective date of
the annexation shall be assigned to the City on a case by case basis. The final inspection for
building permits shall be a joint City/County inspection with the City in attendance for
information purposes only.
b. Discretionaa Permits. As the agent of the City, the County shall continue to process to
completion any development permits for which it received a fully complete permit application
and accompanying fee prior to the effective date of an annexation. Completion shall mean
final administrative or quasi-judicial approvals except in the case of action required by the
legislative body, except for appeals, in which case the City legislative body shall give final
legislative approval.
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c. Permit renewal. Any request for renewal of a permit issued by the County prior to the
effective date of an annexation which is received after the annexation date shall be made to and
administered by the City.
d. Code Enforcement. Code enforcement cases will be turned over to the City on the
effective date of an annexation, and code enforcement activities after the effective date will be
completed and/or initiated by the City. The County will make its employees available as
witnesses in code enforcement actions (civil or criminal) at no additional cost.
e. Enforcement of Conditions imppsed by the CounV on land use and development Mrmits.
The City agrees to enforce any conditions imposed upon the issuance of land use and
development permits within an annexation area by the County. The County will make its
employees available to provide assistance in enforcement action on cases originally prepared
by County personnel. The County will provide the City with the opportunity to review and
comment on all development permit applications within the City's growth planning area (see
Exhibit A) which are subject to a public notice provision.
f. Year-end review. At the end of the year in which an annexation has become effective, the
City and County shall discuss the status of all the permits in an annexation area remaining
under review by the County and determine whether or not responsibility for continued
processing should be transferred to the City. Any change in permit processing responsibility
shall be provided by written agreement, acceptable to both parties, amending the annexation
amendment section.
g. Monthly Permit Re art For all areas within the City's growth planning area (see Exhibit
A), the County shall provide to the City at the end of each month, a report which lists the file
numbers and addresses of all discretionary permits, code enforcement cases, and building
permits under review as issued in the preceding month, beginning one year after this
agreement is signed.
Section 5. Records Transfer
The City staff will copy necessary County records prior to and following annexation as
necessary. County records to be copied will include, but not be limited to: records from
Public Works and Planning and Development Services, including all original permit records
and files, inspection reports and approved plans, approved zoning files, code enforcement
files, fire inspection records, bonds, easements, plats, utility data bases for land use, drainage,
street lights and streets, regulatory and animal license records, and other items identified
during the transfer process. The City will reimburse the County for the costs of any county
materials necessary for duplication or transfer, including microfilming. The City may arrange
for off -site duplication of records under appropriate safeguards for the protection of records as
approved by the County.
Section 6. Roads
a. Maintenance and Ownership responsibilities. The City will annex the entire right-of-way
of County roads adjacent to an annexation boundary and will assume full maintenance
responsibility for those roads upon the effective date of the annexation.
b. UnbudVted mitigation payments. Funds for road mitigation payments and road related
SEPA mitigation payments received by the County from property within an annexation area
which remain unbudgeted or unexpended as of the effective date of the annexation will be
transferred to the City within 90 days following the effective date of the annexation.
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Any such mitigation payments which were imposed by the County within an annexation area
prior to an annexation but which remain unpaid on the effective date of the annexation shall be
transferred to the City within 90 days of receipt by the County.
The amount of road mitigation funds transferred shall be equal to the proportion of annexed
roads measured against all roads listed within the Transportation Service Area Road Needs
Report. Mitigation funds must have been imposed for impacts on annexed roads which are
listed in the Road Needs Report to be considered for transfer. The County will provide
documentation of such mitigation funds by defining the time periods for expenditure of the
funds under the requirements of RCW 82.02.020 and will assist the City in auditing mitigation
payment records.
c. Reciprocal -impact mitigation. The City and County agree to pursue a separate interlocai
agreement for reciprocal road impact mitigation between the City and County. Within ninety
(90) days of the date of execution of this agreement, the parties shall produce a draft of a
reciprocal impact mitigation interlocal agreement to be executed as soon as possible thereafter.
d, Compensation for capital road construction proiects. The City recognizes the need to
reimburse the County for certain expenditures on capital road construction projects, including
overlays, at the time the roads are annexed into the City, and the County recognizes that a
certain portion of these roads wili still be used by unincorporated County residents. If the City
annexes territory encompassing all or a portion of a County capital road construction project
(except for overlay projects completed prior to the date of this document), the City agrees to
reimburse the County for County road fund costs incurred by the County in implementing
these projects, including assumption of debt incurred by the County for the road construction
Actual reimbursement amounts and timing of payments shall be negotiated between the City
and County at the time of annexation. The agreement shall be included as part of the
annexation related amendment. Exhibit D lists the County capital road construction projects,
including overlays, that have been completed within five years prior to the effective date of
this agreement. Exhibit D will be updated as necessary as part of the annexation related
amendment. These projects are to be included within the reimbursement mentioned in this _
section. Reimbursement shall not include routine maintenance expenditures. A project listed
on Exhibit D shall be automatically removed from the list at the end of the fifth budget year
following final acceptance of the project.
The County also agrees to consult with the City in planning for new capital road construction
projects within the City's growth planning area, a map of which is attached as Exhibit A. At
the time of consulting with the City, both parties will discuss the need for shared
responsibilities in implementing a project, including the potential for indebtedness by bonding
or loans. Any agreements related to shared responsibilities for road projects within the City's
planning growth area shall be added as amendments to exhibit D of this interlocal agreement.
Section 7. Surface Water Management (on1v when annexation within a Count
Watershed Mana ement Area
a. Fees. The City recognizes that fees are collected by Snohomish County for unincorporated
areas that lie within County designated Watershed Management Areas (WMAs) (see map
Exhibit B). These fees are collected at the beginning of each year through real property tax
statements. These fees are also to be used within the year in which they were collected. Upon
the effective date of an annexation which occurs within a County WMA, the City hereby
agrees that the County will continue to apply the fees collected pursuant to Chapter 25.20 SCC
in providing watershed management services and activities through the end of the year in
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which an annexation became effective. These services shall be the same as those provided to
other fee payers in the County, including drainage complaint response.
b. Maintenance and Ownership responsibilities. If an annexed area includes major drainage
improvements or facilities as listed in Exhibit E, the City and County shall agree to the
disposition of maintenance and ownership responsibilities within 15 months of the effective
date of an annexation. The responsibilities resulting from such discussions shall be included as
part df an annexation related amendment to this agreement. If the County's current Annual
Construction Program includes major drainage improvements in the area, to be annexed, the
City and the County shall discuss how funding, construction, and subsequent operational
responsibilities will be assigned for these improvements.
c. Improvement respgnsibilities. The revenues for any surface water management activity
which were collected by the County from within the territory annexed to the City shall be
completely expended as part of any surface water management activity for which the revenues
were designated in that year.
Any interlocal agreements between the City and County for surface water management
activities within an annexation area at any time after the conclusion of the calendar year in
which the annexation became effective shall be adjusted to reflect the changed percentages of
the City's territory with the Watershed Management area upon the effective date of an
Section 8. Parks, Open Space and Recreational Facilities
a. Maintenance and Ownership resppnsiWities. If an annexed area includes park, open space
or recreational facilities listed in Exhibit E, the City and County shall agree to the
maintenance, operation and ownership responsibilities within 36 months of the effective date
of an annexation. The responsibilities resulting from such discussions shall be included as part
of an annexation related amendment to this agreement.
b. Unbudgeted mitigation payments. Funds for park mitigation payments and park/open
space related SEPA mitigation payments received by the County from property within an
annexation area which remain unbudgeted, unencumbered or unexpended as of the effective
date of an annexation will be, transferred to the City within 90 days following the effective date
of the annexation.
Any such mitigation payments which were imposed by the County within an annexation area
prior to an annexation but which remain unpaid on the effective date of the annexation shall be
transferred to the City within 90 days of receipt by the County.
The amount of park mitigation funds transferred shall be equal to those funds collected within
the annexation area which are attributable to local parks only. Mitigation funds must have
been imposed for impacts on parks which are listed in the Snohomish Countywide
Comprehensive Park and Recreation Plan to be considered for transfer. The County will
provide documentation of such mitigation funds by defining the time periods for expenditure
of the funds under the requirements of RCW 82.02.020 and will assist the City in auditing
mitigation payment records.
c. Reciprocal impact mitigation. The City and County agree to discuss reciprocal park impact
mitigation between the City and County. These discussions shall consider recommendations
of the Snohomish Countywide Comprehensive Park and Recreation Plan and the City's Parks
and Recreation Open Space Plan.
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Section 9. Police Services
a. Transfer of communications. The County agrees to transfer jurisdictional authority for
dispatching from SnoPac to SnoCom within 10 days of the effective date of an annexation
provided that notice of the proposed annexation is transmitted to the Emergency Services
Coordinator immediately following adoption of the ordinance of certification of the election.
b. Contracting of Police Service. As necessary, the City and County shall discuss the needs
for contracting or transfer of police services within an annexation area. Agreements between
the City and County shall be made consistent with RCW 41.14.250 through 41.14.280 and
RCW 35.13.360 through 35.13.400.
The decisions and responsibilities resulting from such discussions shall be included as part of
an annexation related amendment to this agreement.
Section 10. Fire and Ernemency Medical Services
The City commits to work with Fire District No. 1 to address and resolve issues related to
maintaining adequate fire suppression and emergency medical services within an annexation
area prior to the effective date of an annexation. If necessary, in order to resolve this issue
prior to the effective date of an annexation, the City will participate in a formal dispute
resolution process such as mediation with Fire District No. 1.
Section 11. Honoring existing agreements, standards and studies
The City and County mutually agree to honor all existing mitigation agreements, interlocal
agreements, appropriate inter urisdictional studies and agreed upon standards affecting an
annexation area to which the City or County is a party.
Section 12. Relationship to Existing taws and statutes
This agreement in no way modifies or supersedes existing State laws and statutes. In meeting
the commitments encompassed in this agreement, all parties will comply with the requirements
of the Open Meetings Act, State Environmental Policy Act, Annexation Statutes and other
applicable State or local law: The ultimate authority for land use and development decisions is
retained by the County and City within their respective jurisdictions. By executing this
agreement, the County and City do not purport to abrogate the decision making responsibility
vested in them by law.
Section 13. Hold Harmless
The City shall protect, save harmless and indemnify at its own expense, the County, its elected
and appointed officials, officers, employees and agents, from any loss or claim for damages of
any nature whatsoever arising out of the City's performance of this agreement. The County
shall protect, save harmless and indemnify at its own expense, the City, its elected and
appointed officials, officers, employees and agents from any loss or claim for damages of any
nature whatsoever arising out of the County's performance of this agreement.
Section 14. Dispute Resolution
The City and County mutually agree to use a formal dispute resolution process such as
mediation if agreement cannot be reached on any provision of this agreement_
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11/03/96 FRI 10:20 FAA' 206 447 0215 OGDEN MURPHY WALLACE
tea.- caurrI zbd CITY CLERK
f,jMtipn 15. EMMUYSe` Dulmdan and Te
This agrrement shall be effective five (5) days after lmsage by the Snohomish County Council
and ttte City Council of the City Of FdmOnds and sbalf rem4h in full force and &-Ffect until
terminzted by bath the County and City. Any amendments and tesminati0n shall be in writing
and ex=u= in the same manner as provided by law for the execration 0f this agrft--rnent.
If any provision of this ordittaatce or its application la any person or cittumsWwc is held
invalid, the remainder of the ptovisiont and/or die application of the provisions to other
perwns or cimurnsmnces shy,! not be afferctrd.
IN WTTWE.SS WNEREOP, the. paMcs have signed this agreement, effective on the
date indicated Wow.
Laura H
Approved n2 w form
Offiic■ of the City Arorney
IU 3lJr`95
County Executive
Approved as to form-
Srwhvrudsl] County pruswutor
e: Wwiil IAMM MW
C a I
ity of Edmonds
L *Oban Gro w,"'th- A rea
City of Edrnopd�"T,
Urban Growth Ar6a`(-(J6Aj
Neighboring. Cities
Other Unicorporaled�Areas
168th St
Pe anvifle
19 th St SW
220th St SW
EXHIBIT B - Snohomish County Map of
Designated Watershed Management Areas (WMAs)
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10/30/95 s:\dataii\ILAEDM.DOC
EXHIBIT C — County legislative measures and contractual agreements
Snohomish County Land Use and Development Codes as follows:
A. SCC Title 13 entitled ROADS AND BRIDGES, Section 13.01.020 and Chapters
13.10 through 13.70, 13.95, 13.110 and 13.130;
B. SCC Title 16, entitled FIRE CODE, Chapter 16.04;
C. SCC Title 17, entitled BUILDINGS, Chapters 17, 17.04, 17.16, 17.18, and 17.40;
D. SCC Title 18, entitled ZONING CODE;
E. Ordinance 80-28, entitled ROAD DESIGN STANDARDS AND
G. SCC Title 24, entitled DRAINAGE;
I. SCC Title 26A, entitled PARKS MITIGATION
L. SCC Title 27, entitled FLOOD HAZARD
M. Ordinance 91-xx entitled SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM
N. SCC Chapter 32.10 Critical Areas Regulations
All applicable state building and construction codes as adopted and amended by Snohomish
County, including, but not limited to:
a) 1985 Uniform Building Code
b) 1982 Uniform Plumbing Code
c) 1982 Uniform Mechanical Code
d) Washington State Energy Code adopted April 1" 1990
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EXHIBIT D — County road projects requiring potential reimbursement
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EXHIBIT E -- County owned facilities within the Edmonds GPA
Esperance Park
Chase Lake Drainage improvements
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Sno-Line/Fotshee Annexation (BRB 25-94)
Gate/Eaton Annexation (BRB 26-94)
Approximately 251 acres with 2000 people
Map and Legal Description are attached
Election Method. City of Edmonds Resolution #801 and #802, November 15, 1994
All sections of the interlocal agreement apply to these annexations including Section 6 on
watershed management. The annexation areas lie within the Puget Sound Tributaries
Watershed Management Area.
No amendments to the interlocal agreement are necessary for these annexations. It has been
found that:
there is no need for reimbursement for major road projects;
there are no parks, open space or recreational facilities in the area;
there are no major drainage facilities in the area; and
the City has adopted zoning equivalent to the County's zoning.
Water and Sewer Services will continue to be provided by the Olympic View Water
and Sewer District.
Fire and Emergency Medical Services will be transferred from Fire District No.1 to the
City of Edmonds. Agreement was reached on
Police Services will be transferred from Snohomish County to the City of Edmonds
The City of Edmonds will adjust the eastern boundary line of the Gate/Eaton
annexation area to include all of 92nd Ave West.
The City of Edmonds will annex all territory to the Snohomish County boundary line in
the Sno-line/Forshee annexation area.
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Page 15
County Executive
s: \data i i\u..AEDM.DOC
•Disclaimer: The Watershed Management Area Boundary lines displayed
on this map should be used for general planning purposes only.
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