1020 ALDER ST.PDFiiiiiiiiii lill 10030 1020 ALDER ST N N ADDRESS:+��N o . TAX ACCOUNT/PARCEL NUMBER: BUILDING PERMIT (NEW STRUCTURE): COVENANTS (RECORDED) FOR: CRITICAL AREAS: DISCRETIONARY PERMIT DRAINAGE PLAN DATED: PARKING AGREEMENTS DATED: EASEMENT(S) RECORDED FOR: PERMITS PLANNING DATA CHECKLIST DATED: SCALED PLOT PLAN DATED: SEWER LID FEE $: SHORT PLAT FILE: SIDE SEWER AS BUILT DATE SIDE SEWER PERMIT(S) #:_ GEOTECH REPORT DATED: Irb, STREET USE / ENCROACHMENT PERMIT #: FOR: WATER METER TAP CARD DATED: DETERMINATION: ❑ Conditional Waiver ❑ Study Required ❑ Waiver LID #: LOT: BLOCK: L:\TEMP\DSTs\Forms\Street File Checklist.doc APPLICATION The City of Edmonds for EASEMENT NO- ----- -------------- .------------------------ SIDE SEWER PERMIT 103-05000 NEW CONSTRUCTION ❑ REPAIRS ❑ LID NO.------------------ ASMT. NO. ----------------- OWNER ----------•- Arnold Joyce CONTRACTOR--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- PERMIT NO. ------ JOB ADDRESS...1020 Alder Street -- - -- - -------------------------------------------- A- LU LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT NO - ------- --------- ------------- --------- BLOCK NO. ----------- .---------------- .--- -.-. NAMEOF ADDITION -------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DYE TESTED ON SETTER - February 21, 1976 By Jim Jensen Approved: DATE-------------------------------------------- By -•-----•••--•--• ------------------------------------------- 1 1 /7 5 r STREIV CITY OF EDMONDS �Z- 250 - 5TH AVE. N. • EDMONDS, WA 98020 • (206) 771-3202 COMMUNITY SERVICES: f Public Works • Planning • Parks and Recreation • Engineering 890.�9 CERTIFIED MAIL April 4, 1991 Joyce Arnold 1020 Alder St. Edmonds, WA 98020 FILE LARRY S. NAUGHTEN MAYOR RE: Problems with venting of your plumbing fixtures at 1020 Alder St. Dear Resident: PETER E. HAHN DIRECTOR The City's sewer cleaning records show that the home at this address is experiencing problems with the venting of some of your plumbing fixtures when the City crew is conducting cleaning operations of the City sewer line in front of this address. The City's cleaning operation is essential for both you and your neighbors. It cleans debris in lines to prevent plugs, prevents corrosion and potential future collapse, and achieves a better flow characteristic in the public sewer lines. We need to do this often -- perhaps even 3 times a year -- in some critical areas. The City's cleaning operation typically involves the utilization of a high pressure water jet. The problem which occurs at the home is the result of a high pressure surge through your internal plumbing system. A properly constructed plumbing system is designed to easily vent this additional pressure without any visible impact at your residence. An undersized venting pipe (or not having enough vents) cannot handle the pressure surge, and the only release that's available is then through your toilet (or another fixture). The Uniform Plumbing Code typically requires a 2" vent, and further requires a separate vent for each plumbing fixture which is connected to the sewer (a toilet, a sink, a shower). Your home clearly does not have an adequate venting system (you either have a 1-1/4" vent, or not enough of them), and you therefore may continue to experience the pressure surges. The City does not have a choice as far as discharging its responsibility in cleaning the public sewer line. It is therefore up to you to take corrective measures as to how to properly vent your own plumbing system. The City has come up with two options that will remedy your problem: Option 1: Upgrade stack vents for toilets and other fixtures which are experiencing problems to required sizes. • Incorporated Atjoust 11, 1890 0 Sister Cities International — Hekinan, Japan • • Page 2 Option 2: Install a clean -out -outside of house per attached specifications. Enclose box so it can vent properly when excess pressure is put on house lines. This option would be the cheapest and simplest way of correcting this problem. At the same time, it would allow access to sanitary sewer lines if stoppage should occur. This vent clean -out would allow a place for backup in lines to go before entering your house and causing costly damage. The City would appreciate your expeditious cooperation in this matter. The City must continue proper maintenance of its sewer lines, but we obviously do not wish to see continued problems occurring on your property because of poorly designed vents. It is your responsibility to correct these deficiencies. We cannot keep notifying you each time up to you to have a plumbing system relatively simple one to construct. we come out to clean the line. It's that conforms to code. Option 2 is a Should you have any questions on these options, please call Everett Akau, Scott Highland or myself at 771-3202, extension 317 or 318. Sincerely, �,Z, gy�4j Ron Holland Water/Sewer Supervisor Enclosure SEWERVEN/TXTSEWER SvyT MA4-4EA-�1 S (I� x `i r v� ����GAsVx�es>> (a�x y" PVC ys° 3z..n 'well x sp�lo-t dr- i�eR cS.rw.r�1 i) x vV,e,-VII 3 o yc� N eu.ae p.pe Fe�Nw 00mOT puc p\vo /L# P u rXess, Air I C� El