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16006 75TH PL W (4).PDF
16006 75TH PL W mm RZ & w 0 TAX ACCOUNTMARCEL NUMBER: WJ / OJ % 00/00 BUILDING PERMIT (NEW STRUCTURE): I f l (460 ; /11 -036 Z COVENANTS (RECORDED) FOR: I-lold Hnim, /csf # 2000041240116 CRITICAL AREAS: ! 6- Z? DETERMINATION: ❑ Conditional Waiver Study Required ❑ Waiver DISCRETIONARY PERMIT #'S: (/ — [-C. 514 ! 7-40 DRAINAGE PLAN DATED: z2714 r PARKING AGREEMENTS DATED: EASEMENT(S) RECORDED PERMITS (OTHER): PLANNING DATA CHECKLIST DATED: b SCALED PLOT PLAN DATED: 1—/2--le SEWER LID FEE $: SHORT PLAT FILE: LID #: LOT: BLOCK: SIDE SEWER AS BUILT DATED: ! �� SIDE SEWER PERMITS) #: '7®l� GEOTECH REPORT DATED: < HZ— 6 STREET USE / ENCROACHMENT PERMIT #: "-� d���C �"t/'✓�� /U �d 1 1 Z 2oz31 n .. _. ® « 200Z511a-72-33 WATER METER TAP CARD DATED: r� L:\TEMP\DSTs\Fortns\Street File Checklist.doe ✓ 0L+a11.. Majto— 1-' �,{ TERECEIVED�D 1 o/NICS�''r t��pdd&�ERMiT EXPIRES V�p 4,. _ CITY OF EDMONDS USE PERMIT ZONE I V % NUMBER 201.00 . �u !�// CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION AQB SUITE/APia ADDRESS /& 0�6 J v (�, OWNER ME/NAME OF BUSINESS PL�NAMIUBDVISION�O. �SJJ LOT NO. LID NO. �•�-L_' LID FEE $ a MAILING ADDRES PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY PER OFFICIAL STREET MAP TESCP Approved Q RW Permit Raqulretl Q = O t/' �/J (./ ✓ v G.i N y , /%Y Street Use PermitReq'd CITY ZIP TELEPHONE EXISTING PROPOSED Inspection Required ❑ Sidewalk Required Q ' l yo I - REQUIRED DEDICATION FT Wiring Underground Wiring requlretl 13 NAME METER SIZE LINE SIZE NO. OF FIXTURES PRV REQUIRED cs T /fin/- l—) /e YES NO ❑ = ~ / •• � W W ADDRESS REMARKS OWN /CONTRACT R RESPONSIBLE FOR EROSION CONTROL/DRAINAGE Z w o / M /�G CIT ZIP TELEPHONE hipw NAME ENGINEERING': .REVIEWED/DATE ADDRESS` ir U FIRE REVIEWED BY DATE W CIT '^ 21P TELEPHONE UU. = VARIANCE OR CU RELINE OR ADBa -' ''SHIO,, INSPECTION RE BOND IPOSTED STATE LICENSE NUMBER •' '- EXPIRATI N DATE ., CHECKED,BY.. � �� ,.2 97 ✓►N�, 7 - 49 �C3 YESQ'D�0 SEPA REVIEW • SIGN AREA HEIGHT PR ERTY TAX ACCOUNT PARCEL NO. ` COMPLETE EXEMPT ALLOWED PROPOSED ALLOWED PROPOSED I NEW RESIDENTIAL' .: ❑ 17Q .PLUMBING/MECH LOT COVERAGE WALLOWED PROPOSED REQUIRED SETBACKS (FT) FRONT,',;• SIDE ;'REAR PROPOSED SETBACKS (FT.) FRONT L101 REAR Q AUDITION COMMERCIAL ❑ ❑ CHOMPLIANCE ANGE OF UOSE- I� ro `S, GO' 'LS; 32 7' LO r Z . PARKING PLANNING REVIEWED BY '-' DATE S ❑ REMODEL - 'APARTMENT ❑ SIGN READ - `PROVIDED UOTAREA,,,, �2V7/2�m a 3 T9V o T GQADLNG FENCE.. ❑ REPAIR r. CYDS ❑ ( X' . FT) _.. , REMARKS /V O'T .. a ac AnACesl ❑ DEMOLISH TANK, ❑ OTHER z ❑GARAGE CARPORT ❑ RETAINING WALL .; ' ❑ RENEWAL a (TYPE OF USE, BUSINESS OR ACTIVIT XP,LAIN, CHECKED BY TYPE OF C NSTRU TION OCCUPANT " ` H GROUP NUMBER OF 0? STORIES (� NUMBER.OF DWELLING f UNITS CRITICAL AREAS NUMBER o m O SPECIAL INSPECTOR REQUIRED YES A i D OCCUPANT t7 Ad /Ll LOAD 'DESCRIBE WORK TO BE DONE' REMARKS O PROGRESS"INSPECTIONS'''PER UBC'108/FINAL INSPECTION REQ'D o ,� f 2 $1� rj,�✓14� . n ptlpc rYI � IT � c-oo - Q 5 °° P/t w4_ WQ lowtPte` >P^ /uo a-nqw rzsfimly* ,ye ddwt O I 41. VALUATION FEE AM` Qv� v' t PLAN CHECC K FEE /r'� 17 HEAT SOUR160t5CE GLA'e G fy ��S�P�%a 490 BUILDING lT�l !I (J�f L PLAN CHECK N0: VESTED DATE PLUMBING 70 / / / MECHANICAL THIS PERMIT AUTHORIZES ONLY THE WORK NOTED. THIS PERMIT COVERS WORK TO BE DONEON PRIVATE PROPERTY ONLY. ANY CONSTRUCTION ON THE PUBLIC GRADING/FILL f �.?�'� 9 DOMAIN(CURBS, SIDEWALKS, DRIVEWAYS, MARQUEES, ETC. WILL REQUIRE • _ J SEPARATE PERMISSION. STATE SURCHARGE .�LH�� e �O cc tu PERMIT APPLICATION: 180 DAYS a PERMIT LIMIT: 1 YEAR - PROVIDED WORK IS STARTED WITHIN 180 DAYS ENG. REVIEW FEES SEE BACK OF PINK PERMIT FOR MORE INFORMATION N "APPLICANT, ON BEHALF OF HIS OR HER SPOUSE, HEIRS, ASSIGNS AND SUCCESORS W IN INTEREST, AGREES TO INDEMNIFY, DEFEND AND.HOLD HARMLESS THE CITY OF LFB88iePFMG y EDMONDS, WASHINGTON, ITS OFFICIALS, EMPLOYEES, AND AGENTS FROM ANY AND IN6PEGT4Q4-FEE a ALL CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES OF WHATEVER NATURE, ARISING DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY R!•9E1*T x FROM THE ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT. ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT SHALL NOT BE P DEEMED TO MODIFY, WAIVE OR REDUCE ANY REQUIREMENTOF ANYCITY ORDINANCE 1H�iit. 0 NOR LIMIT IN ANY WAYTHE CITY'S ABILITY TO ENFORCE ANY ORDINANCE PROVISION." RECEIPT x TOTAL AMOUNT DUE I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE READ THIS APPLICATION; THAT THE INFORMATION APPLICATION APPROVAL GIVEN IS CORRECT; AND THAT I AM THE OWNER, OR THE DULY AUTHORIZED AGENT OF THE OWNER. I AGREE TO COMPLY WITH CITY AND STATE LAWS REGULATING CONSTRUC• CALL This application is not a permit until signed by the TION; AND IN DOING THE WORK AUTHORIZED THEREBY, NO PERSON WILL BE EMPLOYED Building Official or his/her Deputy: and Fees are paid. and IN VIOLATION QF THE LABOR CO E OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON RELATING TO FOR INSPECTION receipt is acknowledged in space provided. WORKMEN'S MPENSATI N ANCE AND RCW 18.27. - OFFICIALS SIGNATURE ATE DATE SIGNED(425) � �Z Ott ��eOIP4�•�O 771-0220 ELEASED DATE ATTENTION EXT 333 Z 0� IT IS UNLAWFUL TO USE OR OCCUPY A BUILDING OR STRUCTURE UNTIL 771-0221 A FINAL INSPECTION HAS BEEN MADE AND APPROVAL OR A CERTIFI- ORIGINAL • FILE " YELLOW • INSP CTOR CATE OF OCCUPANCY HAS BEEN GRANTED. UBC SECTION 109 FAX PINK • OWNER " GOLD ° ASSESSO� IF464-0,014110WIC &fMS/ 6AIIC AWA 120O PERMIT EXPIRES �/ O0 CITY OF EDMONDS USE PERMIT ZONE Z NUMBER 990362 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION JOB SUITE/APT# ADDRESS -�/�%� OWNER NAME/NAME l F BUSINESS • ��� �� OO� 7 /! v(/ 'Q tCr LEGAL DESCRIPTION CHECK SUBDIVISION NO. LID NO. w _ G ADDRE MAILINy-2 S 9 l O 8 ��20� ❑ PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY PER OFFICIAL STREET MAP EXISTING REQUIRED DEDICATION TESCP Approved RW Permit Required ❑ Street Use Permit Req'd ❑ Inspection Required ❑ CITY n ///ZtttIP P TELEPHONE Y /� , i +� � L.) t 1 9 � 1 L I ' V —T�[ / PROPOSED Sidewalk Required ❑ NAME_ AME NCOp METER SIZE LINE SIZE NO. OF FIXTURES PR REQUIRED p S p� I L YES ❑ NO ❑ ., U ¢ a ADDRESS aj ZZ F is Wit.. WREMARKS Z ¢ Z CITY ZIP TELEPHONE 5 8� $ W ��. ✓L /� 6 v NAME - ' y...'.: .• „J/� (��1 G.D I"' ENGINEERING MEMO DATED REVIEWED BY J ADDRESS ¢ 0 FIRE MEMO DATED REVIEWED BY ¢ CI �1 �i �O� a - ¢ CITY ZIP (� ej�l '$ (� -ilSTATE TELEPHON yz�.� 4'�—�4�9 � ; Z O LL VARIANCE OR CU ADS# SHORELINE # LICENSE NUMBER i E NDATTE CHECKED BY / Ta, SEPA REVIEW..'SIGN AREA "ALLOWED';' HEIGHT COMPLETE EXEMPT . PROPOSED ALLOWED PROPOSED O LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY - INCLUDE ALL EASEMENTS I f EXP COT,COVERAGE ) REQUIRED SETBACKS (FT) PROPOSED SETBACKS (FT.) M rn ALLOWED PROPOSED FRONT SIDE `REAR `FRONT UR SIDE REAR r7 o r Or I PROPERTY TAX ACCOUNT PAR EL NO., - ��, �:. S 131 OS •'�� 1. �.Ob� Q J ¢ a ,COT"AREA .;PLANNING REVIEW . :DATE �F-NEW .RESIDENTIAL:'- C2111PLUMBING / MECH REMARKS ❑ ADDITION ❑ COMMERCIAL ❑ CMPLIANCE COANGE OF O p� �/41eAf77&J 4 ❑ REMODEL ❑, APARTMENT ? ❑`.. SIGN vv �� ❑ REPAIR .GRA_DIf�G a FENCE X FT) CHECKED BY TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION, C E , OCCUPAN�j /C OTHER.GROUP ❑ DEMOLISH ❑ TANK= ❑ SPECIAL INSPECTOR AREA REQUIRED-❑ YES OCCUPANT - LOAD GARAGEROC ((�� RETAINING WALL ' RENEN/AL 91619,5W ❑ = L�CARPORT ` ERY, a(TYPE OF USE, BUSINES R ACTIVITY) EXPLAIN: REMARKS O F� PROGRESS INSPECTIONS PER. UBC 108 0 w m NUMBE Q, OF �. } ! %t-�S 'C� NUMBER OF, DWELLING. 71 :� [NUMBER ��Z p- 09 5 m UNITS (J AREASAL G/D O STORIES DESCRIBE WORK TO BE DONE S F 2- o SI o t fINAL INSPECTION REQUIRED •fj0 V91, ALUATION FEE PLAN CHECK FEE JOEAT SOURCE /LET ClS 1�ING ' LOT SLOPE BUILDING PLAN CHECK NO: ^ -. SMECHANICAL VESTED DATE PLUMBING THIS PERMIT AUTHORIZES ONLY THE WORK NOTED. THIS PERMIT COVERS WORK TO BE DONE ON PRIVATE PROPERTY ONLY. ANY CONSTRUCTION ON THE PUBLIC GRADING/FILL M DOMAIN (CURBS,SIDEWALKS, DRIVEWAYS, MAROUEES,ETC.) WILL REQUIRE SEPARATE PERMISSION. STATE SURCHARGE PERMIT APPLICATION; 180 DAYS W a PERMIT LIMIT: 1 YEAR - PROVIDED WORK IS STARTED WITHIN 180 DAYS STORM DRAINAGE FEES Cn w 'APPLICANT, ON BEHALF OF HIS OR HER SPOUSE, HEIRS, ASSIGNS AND SUCCESORS ENG. INSPECTION FEE E IN INTEREST, AGREES TO INDEMNIFY, DEFEND AND HOLD HARMLESS THE CITY OF a EDMONDS, WASHINGTON, ITS OFFICIALS, EMPLOYEES, AND AGENTS FROM ANY AND a x ALL CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES OF WHATEVER NATURE, ARISING DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY O FROM THE ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT. ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT SHALL NOT BE PLAN CHECK DEPOSIT 0 DEEMED TO MODIFY, WAIVE OR REDUCE ANY REQUIREMENT OF ANY CITY ORDINANCE x NOR LIMIT IN ANY WAY THE CITY'S ABILITY TO ENFORCE ANY ORDINANCE PROVISION." TOTAL AMOUNT DUE 1 HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE READ THIS APPLICATION; THAT THE INFORMATION GIVEN IS CORRECT; AND THAT I AM THE OWNER, OR THE DULY AUTHORIZED AGENT OF APPLICATION APPROVAL THE OWNER. I AGREE TO COMPLY WITH CITY AND STATE LAWS REGULATING CONSTRUC- TION; AND IN DOING THE WORK AUTHORIZED THEREBY, NO PERSON WILL BE EMPLOYED Building Official or his/her Deputy: and Fees are paid, and IN LATION OF THE LABOR CODE OFT STATE OF WASHINGTON RELATING TO FOR INSPECTION receipt is acknowledged in space provided. R MEN'S COMPENSATION INSURAACE A D RCW 18.27. WNE RAG DATE SIGN D OF ICIALS S GNATURE DATE (425 9� -�_ 771-0220 RELEAS Y DATq TION —/ tANAL WFUL TO USE OR OCC PY A BUILDING OR STRUCTURE UNTIL NSPECTION HAS BEE MADE AND APPROVAL OR A CERTIFI- ORIGINAL - FILE - YELLOW - INSPECTOR OCCUPANCY HAS BEE GRANTED. UBC SECTION 109 PINK OWNER • GOLD • ASSESSOR 5/98 CITY OF EDMONDS ZONE t�'S CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION f JOB, OWNER NAMEE OF BUSI ESP ADDRESS .0'0®J/N MG� � q` �';.tr,4'��„ .0- Ilk) PERMIT NUMBER 9 C) / � �, J )/ /, j SUITE/APT N MAILING ADDRESS t r I , , LEGAL DESCRIPTION CHECK SUBDIVISION NO. LID NO. i ) W AADDRESS + I � U a CITY j NAME i ADDRESscc 01 tr i Q r i r i zU4.61,11+ 'il STATE LICENSE M ZIP I TELEPHONE NUMBER a ZIF _ TELEPHONE NUMBER UAj ~Gig i t� Itant )r ZIP TE H � € M ER 10 1 t 3ER n ..-. ..� EXPIRATION DATE - include (g— � Prope►ty • Tax Account Parcel No. AI I — o G r'0ol — 00014 O NEW RESIDENTIAL " PLUMBINGIMECHNCE ADDITION OR El COMMERCIAL CHANGLE OF USE REMODEL APT. BLDG. SIGN ?' REPAIR GRADING r t - CYDs. I � FENCE _5 _ I__x_FT) DEMOLISH ❑ WOODSINSERT SWIM a TPOOL HOT UB SPA GARAGE CARPORT RETAINING WALL/ � ❑ Z ROCKERY RENEWALS O (TYPE OF USE, BUSINESS OR ACTIVITY) EXPLAIN: U _ w NUMBER NUMBER OF CRITICAL DWELLING M ,Of a {y � a STORIES UNITS NUMBER �+Z/ I DESCRIBE WORK TO BE DQJE(ATTeCH PLOT PLAN) I kr _Volk .-�/..z 9 /r) , I 5- tgo-?.. 1 b PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY PER.OFFICIAL STREET MAP, TESCP Approved ❑ •• EXI$;WNG REQUIRED DEDICATION ;, yeti-. � RW Permit Required Yyi, Street Use Permit Req'tl Inspection Required PROPOSED (.,� Sidewalk Required METER SIZE LINE SIZE�NO.IRES PRV REQUIRED YES NO❑ IEMARKS •: , Ov • .f 1,k�} j 5a� `' � ✓ 1..�l ei� i Jj 3 V I rPt W I nee fo °It.ypwkc _NGIN6ERING MEMO DATED �1- 9 REVIEWEQ,BY All. VARIANCE OR CU ADB a '' SH�O,rRELINE N lb SEPA REVIEW SIGN AREA HEIGHT EXEMPT ALLOWED PROPOSED ALLOWED PROPOSED �C�OM,PLETE EXP 30, LOT COVERAGE REQUIRED SETBACKS (FT.) PROPOSED SETBACKS (FT', ALLOWED PROPOSED FRONT SIDE REAR FRONT L/R SIDE REAR 3S% 1 —7. 25' to' 1,5 3Z, LOT AREA PLANNING REVIEW BY DATE & -f ' I IE(MAARKS 1 / r�<�f.na'Y,•Mo yl (1 -4, CiR S 14 ! 9c"P 64, RQ��S .M1 K S /- 66,500 Askd 1/,� kl T SPECIAL INSPECTOR. ARE9 � y C: OCCUPANT REQUIRED ryrYES /JlAsz9v,3 REMARKS T c PROGRESS INSPECTIONSL-1PER UBC 108 t] hit ,So/zS ,�,r r- � y, ��x , , Q n d,4 s, FINAL INSPECTION REQUIRED '" VALUATION I FEE PLAN CHECK FEE Y�.�rt= T,� • -r .fir=� HEAT SOURCE: GLAZING BUILDING <} 7 IN) PLUMBING Plan Check No. .'/ ). MECHANICAL This Permit covers work to be done on private property ONLY. GRADINGIFILL Any:,donstruction on the public domain (curbs, si ewalks, srnrE driveways, marquees, etc.) will require separate p#tnisslon. SURCHARGE Permit Application: 180 Days - Permit Limit: 1 Year - Provided Work Is Started within 180 Days STORM DRAINAGE FEE "Applicant, on behalf of his or her spouse, heirs, assigns and ENG.,INSPECTION FEE N W successors in interest, agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City of Edmonds, Washington, its officials,, employees, and agents from any and all claims for damages'Is /�D �fl(i/✓i} f i whatever nature, arising directly or indirectly from the issuance PLAN CHECK DEPOSIT 0 of this permit. Issuance of this permit shall not be deemed to o modify, waive or reduce any requirement of any city ordinance x nor limit in any way the City's ability to enforce any ordinance provision." TOTAL AMOUNT .DUE I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application; that the information given is correct; and that I am the owner, or the duly ATTENTION authorized agent of the owner. I agree to comply with city and state laws regulating construction; and in doing the work authoriz• THIS PERMIT ed thereby, no person will be employed in violation of the Labor ONLYTHECode of J> a State of Washington relating to Workmen's Compensa• WORK NOTED tion Insdranc sand RC :27. SIGN TU E I AGEN WNER R Ta ^ Q DATE SIGNEDf INSPECTION DEPARTMENT ( ' j j CITY OF EDMONDS ATTENTION LJ CALL FOR IT IS UNLAWFUL TO USE OR OCCUPY A BUILDING OR STRUCTURE INSPECTION UNTIL A FINAL INSPECTION -HAS CEEN MADE AND APPROVAL OR 7�°� ®22O A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY HAS BEEN GRANTED. UBC a SECTION toy 1 2.61 /960 ,- Ib & 2 a 1110 ML APPLICATION APPROVAL This application is not a permit until signed by the Building Official or his/her Deputy; and fees are paid, and receipt is acknowledged in space provided. ICIAL'S SIGNATURE _ _ DA E ,.. -1 I IGINAL — File YELLOW — InsPector PINK — Owner GOLD -- Assessorl r 41 a cu • a 6. � P° °�- _ 1 u � 70 o c'< p ��\ 70LAL a. w 70 Lo o \ o Q� (,5 0 d° Y O� li Oil 3 99-1 Ull m M > e a y \OS g2 I in w m CS 2' 09 D 9 fn CO 9s y 48--- a - 9 t�rr l! V' a u w S � +n'2b 46 1s 0 0 — �� 48 z ~ a 46 AA !J c�a AA N 6.ON�- 4-j - ^fir ,�u���4 � 2b I � — � ,v sa « \\\�� /\� ^ � � // � / RM I .5 .• l' ,, ',� � yf: .. ;' " �-1. , / -! , 1 .,^Y��.7R:/ _.;,.: l J MSC .'r�^` ° r tom:-;/cr"" + r MCI wo f %f� � . ,��'r�•F ..'"-' ..;�` li � __rl c �' _.�--- r slt'r � FE+vcce j„fjT jr�� ' ,r —�-, / ' � � •� �� ��`� • � � i i%./' � /E-S•5y!?1.3�' L?�.�j .�yy' i 1' l + f a'j�.�J rE 54.lG'�' !P ,NEB. /� r /:, •'�' � � ! •• }_ I K. '.DRJv - of l !1 �ltO% tI ✓ ) 1: f�N��� rfjl- GARAGE SLAB EL7U 0 r i' is 1 J � ��, e-tjQ,IYE � . /� f` • , • � � � � �• � ��:y+' rr- � ` h r, � ', • s ER FLOOR FLOOR MAIN.FLOOR EL. SLAB EL. 55.0: O { OP,USED.* :IESIDEN'CE !f. '::!' • I, •, ,�+�( � . J • ! '(. � .. � i eta-' ac���" �i t y'�h�`dC � v ) ; ' � � ' I . ( � f; • • •f 1. i / ( � P �-'t �` �� ' � k,- ; { to ,aK '`' 'I 1I. _ I•,�4 �� �.� \� t `,`� /a �;•'�! �, s' fC�^���%_. -� i r'-.•^j/.,� `�.fy�l+,.7�'� ✓, . I, I I � �, I fir; ,j +t,, � `,,-/, i . �i'/r••J^ � .' ± +I � �'�� ��421tJG . r 71 R -:errr .:� �� � r /--r-.•-----�=� " .�- i � , ! ✓' Y' rL?" �{O /1�IC— j Z A CAA��1(,'}(TCINE' ,r '7 f�(�� � 1 � r!' �• �q � it /. 04 GARAGE , SLAB EL. 70.0 / / A ;�j' , •/././ - .f�' � / //. <��.. fir." '. � .� If LOWER FLOOR MAIN FLOOR SLAB EL. 55.0. +j4f EL. 67.5 -� PROPOSED RESIDENCE / f ; J+r •l �,, If r. ell 71L= I GLF Rtwa U 1 1 a jLFM IST:,lgTpCrm Kr1:ORP:t1.► r YZ rc, 5 1',�. ��•O /Y,�/.S t �, •'!r 1� :� I+: � �� ��1J .. r,+ 1 I• I 1 / � �1 (`` JAN-08-98 10:38 AM MICHAEL A GEORGE AIA 360 568 1930 P.05 �$uftditsg t ici�hk G sire Ftlw molt .5mlom Loo�� •� r I r I„� I 4 , Ban UI� �Iv GORN�72: 4 7, CAR' `7a cRii/ lA � i I E p 5w r ottr+sFl �\ per — -- ,�, , ,r + I IRi''„u $ N� LuD 1-4 J.o r / ! .v rj• r I 1 .s uj;(P�>:, vl�/tr1.r.(r vgT'R) ,�. •t pA. '� / // r ivy Y,+,a/ ,� , e ' t / ` � rr� � {••...M � � /9 // //y�;~ �� ,meµ , / ' �� -` '/ i 'roe Pt�S �' :� r `ti 1 Id 1 iMA�t✓L�Y. �I,i:A JLIr •1 y l l 1 t i t 1 yl'..,/ / i / /� , 1 � J r� 1 I r 1 1 t t 1 I�/ �• / fi� 1 J^ // // , , f ii tll 11 ! tt i 1., 1 ,' 1:, tta• .a 4a� v. i 1 1 t y`• lly jf� 7y e C t I yl L ! ,�c� ' D�;'� ; •I I ' �� 1 I I 4 � i 1✓ + � q � 1 �!"y I �i in�gtl+n`Ac / I \ JJ sfo IL rl -•. / f.. I�v��"• , . i I as ( / � � f � tq. V1 6,75 j' 1 • f 1 1 t I \ r larn ���� � I•} � �t 1 .,Call p...5:. � � l .O •� I ( 4,1 ( { r�r�• I 1 I ' I alLy�ai° t l /j 1J A IL r r ! r ''a' `tNfit I if t 1 I I i I !`r r r r I I ( _' -� e>'�'(•'• J i t �' 1: ! 1 h`I 1 V r I I 1 � 1 II 1 / ,' !( rr l i ol+✓�'� r ! � r r I I I�.! i I I l ( i 62 r� , i !•!.: i (, r�. �' °`^i r !r i I •�� ! 1 oiii l ! I I i ► J 1 \\ c9_J'� , Mill { ;i I it + i 1, • '/.7,3 s� �9 ! i i i I �i l �� JPL ANNI�APPROVE D r'I Sl 1 E PLAN r#IU I'LI Y---- r Fri ` I I p NORT14 JFiIY O 1.990 CITY.OF EDMONDS J 8 9 p l 9 qp Address of Construction: Property Legal Description (Include all easements): :j y �'R i i t= xP�i4c'S't 90 A 5 SIDE SEWER PERMIT PERMIT �42 0,067 U V_A e V, es,2�, Owner and/or Contracto'. Q e L L C-- 6JState License No'_0 \ Building Permit No. Single Family Family ❑ Multi -Family (No. of Units ) ❑ Commercial ❑,Public 1* LYNNWpQp LIME Invasion into City Right -of -Way; [)(No ❑ Yes RW Construction Permit No:_ Cross other Private Property:, -No ❑ Yes r Attach legal description and copy of recorded easement" C� V1 t, IIIa�f I I I er ify that I have rea and sha comply with all city requir ents Date as in icated on the back of the Permit Card. * CALL DIAL -A -DIG (1-800-424-5555) BEFORE ANY EXCAVATION * OFFICE USE ONLY * FOR INSPECTION CALL 771-, PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. . / �? 0a3S Permit Fee: `� Issued By Trunk Charger Date Issued: Assessment Fee: Receipt No.:� Lid No.: Partial Inspection: Date Initial I Comments Reason Rejected: Final Inspection Approved: Date' Date Initial ** PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOB SITE ** White Copy: File Green Copy: Inspector Buff Copy: Applicant Revised 3/90 QD MR OD LM AkJRP!AojdFcnqpni,,p Din -luiv. f-tu P!12 aABLU la 3301 q� OJ PC, �,'Mp IOU Pa."Jul ..,Oj AIR" 10 4 !j" a ;'-1.; 10* low Sb spuowInjo) p La 10 aq) ;)on tol ,rcuoa t; ,!X3 MM daw PO4» - J'AA ON -joy_ m ;, 0 0 ALI I n 0 O C-41 El rrL CD CD cn m to Z Z r n z~ n M 4 ° 9 r -0 m PIP d :o n. �. a 9 -i PROP. o z w o z l � o^ p r r TS T" PL, W. -P- i r Z cn O CCD z cn �. CD C n 0. (D o CQ to 9 N PLANNING DATA NAME: pion�N e-\,wQ m I -(-(- SITE ADDRESS: &(Zt, - %5" Pi. W DATE: K/ I'; / 2oao ZONING: (�S - 12 �� /- 90) PLAN CHK#: 06 - 1� PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Gse.�,.a-' s.►�4 nc rr,�c�i� �+ 5 CORNER LOT N. (Yes/No) FLAG LOT No (Yes/No) SETBACKS: �a, SW„ (30' Required Setbacks. Front:Left Side: L O• a " Right Side: 10 - Rear: ZS' Actual Setbacks: Front: 32-.-7' Left Side: io, 0' Right Side:. t s. 3' Rear: E 7 Street map checked for additional setback required? Yk -z (Yes/No) ;o, P� �' � �}.--6f- wor, +6+�1�. 1 �ii►i..i.-._ C � to f-0.�U""d. lu L►r� — ��`''�`'�'°' LEGAL NONCONFORMING LAND USE DETERMINATION ISSUED n/ (Yv) . per as . 2:799 3orZ LOT COVERAGE: 32o Maximum Allowed: 3517 Actual: - }-a-0�--i ,- v� �, �4 = 19% BUILDING HEIGHT: b v-97-2- Maximum Allowed: 7-S,' 3° ' � rwc�e, JActual Height: g 30 -v-97• Z Datum Point: cvw, o-f sAn!, saw ftw6. Datum Elevation: 50. l -7 ' • --t A.D.U. CREATED?: ,(bow, L,a,, 4 JAW 6� ,h c-&-4.4T.. ra&, a,,,,, ti �c►r�•, - wa,.a� 6< "A& A n.)t m, (Oh r •Ive— -Yk orha„ u"L E., e, Rflwi SUBDIVISION: a„ 4,4 No - CRITICAL AREAS ate,,, 4—PlAc _sip s bo-c , j/ typ e, q 7i' 4,n b ruk h� s.z b 5 ' • s SEPA DETERMINATION: On '� 5cn 4m,4ng - 5E 4 - Aq, >��., ��b` All VV"'Q- !o/S /9 7. .^A staff ,.39091 �y, tuff LOT AREA: �19io ,wrc+ =+p^`'• 1 32$g0 : a1 b» It � S�.r," ii 61 C. A 1047; -Aii �l �.74. r!f'� y�! OTHER: ,Mats PAti,uA S* PIAn +—)k,. cK-, t tavb,cr4- C_„ A-, — lu 9-4.$Z G...... — r4A-w, SFEN ry w, [fin-9Vi2. - -6-p 411 sae-VL; k.(- �� - Plan Review By:--J c:U'uuXpertnid^plandaLdoc wary - altawea Q (9' IL WbAft) by of S6pel �- 3' rF �%`� b u -r� G. h",�► Q` r� r/ro+ ..�L'1 4+ �vt w t11 IY s ikN% GY (nU i to k "V-.46d , d' PLANNING DATA NAME: Ro6,_ r Cote SITE ADDRESS: 1 &od 6 - 79- P1. 1„/, DATE: 7 ZONING: - P5- I Z PLAN CHK#: 7- PROJECT DESCRIPTION: CORNER LOT (Yes/No) -N SETBACKS: , 30' Required Setbacks - Front: 2-15' LeftSide: 10, Right Side: 1 0 ' Rear: ? �` Actual `Setbacks: Front: 32.32-'Left Side: o' Right Side: 1S,93' Rear: 5� Street map checked for additional setback required?res - (Yes/No) ryP yews ald.hanM /rg�r-cam �cr - At"eA 11 to 6WC- n 44 4Nt-�ea"tit n�t.r. FFt btta+.K G �i1c ,i saw d s nevrtetd Plat .�,V 1�9a scr .v�^cd tM�eF Ltc —r c�.h .,Z. rre�a4 scn.cr.V LEGAL NONCONFORMING LAND USE DETERMINATION ISSUED (Y/N) LOT COVERAGE: 414-2 Maximum Allowed: 35� Actual: 44 9b % °� BUILDING HEIGHT: Maximum Allowed: 30' (pLrl- 97- -20 Actual Height: 23 `1L (ass, - :f - f,k pra, Datum Point: :50-4".se— rnnfwl, - /Po Datum Elevation: T 75^ pi. A.D.U. CREATED?: 3 N I bNhraar., � S uYe, �� o b � � n �Y.2 i h /C • -., / SUBDIVISION: S - Z 4-► `G - 1� Goa > c �o I _r,rk�ri.�u�r��r, w��, S - 90 - 24 CRITICAL AREAS --Zzl ` 2-' e&vAch (.on 4p,.'"`f, , { !?,fw_eotr oft ps pyrJ� S� rwv,o D+k� la/LH/�r, t"41IV J �y*-%dti- d /S br .S-3 w/ inawt (r•rcwi geev.-r .)� SEPA DETERMINATION: LOT AREA: 2l V- 9-7-L -- _V4 �j Plan Review By:i c cAfi les\perm it\^plandaGdoc 30' G.>; e4 i _ f f SL.tin' M ,K , a• • � lr.6Jt M bw b4_ cam..•) — c�� �- 0.t� � 1�i 1^r►f Gs'.ifL1C/ ed i\ , b m! Sm 97- 4i err L .7 0 3 G aq S*'r r*� f ObwcS / c r A e &4. Can rl-�' �InM'1 Jl- o. '�7�'� ( �,�1'.e SG../� �.F�'Yn.f-l) 6..�J- /�•�I" �ta+�f r( �+�C ve( �6/'a Gam. Wr'�"�ir+., U fig, aln., 7rd�wr�tc Z O % 3 v7�.� w�L not r.� aCIGSI ea�tmuw C�k A", PraP�t Q-s e•-1 7Ae Ca Frr+ �af.�i F6Dc 20, 1�Y3. /t o . 1�. 2. .ua✓1 �/bRr 1, Lc 'J'A W f, c r o h r�"vc vurUL ,wn, AeI�.N /cG r7 AA _ sa` G,t r~.6 tw..- (' A r�-M•►^ti-rv, �F 3 %' Z 7 • w" ` �J 52L^2t hYl 8 1 r.,111:}rwv� of �}L �,��lr�'`�,t �►� 4z° V4. EcOc . 1,0 1(u.3. 44 r 4 . - r- 0 . 0 City of Edmonds Critical Areas Determination Applicant: Robert Cole Determination #: CA-96-221 Project Name: Permit Number: Site Location: 16006 75th PL W Property Tax Acct #: 5131-059-001-0006 Project Description non -project specific A site inspection and review of the submitted survey map has revealed a slope of 40% or more with a vertical gain of 20 feet or more within the 40% slope on and adjacent to the subject property. This slope is a Critical Area. The. critical area is found near the western property line and the Burlington Northern Railroad tracks. The surveyed map indicates the top of the critical area slope is the 42 foot contour, and the bottom is the 20 foot contour line. Based on the above findings, it is determined that there is a steep slope critical area on or adjacent to the site. A Critical Areas Study prepared by a licensed land surveyor locating the critical area is normally required. In this case the surveyed map submitted at the time of . application for Critical Area Review completes the required Critical Area Study with the top of the critical area being the 42 foot contour line, and the bottom of the critical area being the 20 foot contour line. The steep slope critical area requires a 50 foot buffer, which may be reduced to 10 feet if a Licensed Geotechnical Engineer prepares a study which clearly demonstrates that that the proposed buffer alteration will have no adverse impact upon the site, the public or any private party (ECDC 20.15B. I 10). If the property owner wishes to apply for a specific development permit -which they feel would not impact the Critical Areas located on the site, they may submit their proposal to the Planning Department for review. If the Planning Department finds that the proposed development permit will not adversely impact a Critical Areas or, its buffers, a conditional waiver may be issued on a project by project basis. John Bissell October 29, 1996 Name � �---...._,..-..___-.. ignature Date STREET FILE CA FILE NO. «tical Areas Checklist WA - qe� -ZI Site Information (soils/topography/hydrology/vegetation) 1. Site Address/Location: �.� �_ S'�• ���^ ? pew' 2. Property Tax Account Number: 5131 05d 601 3. Approximate Site Size (acres or square feet):. Zl 4AIK F 4. Is this site currently developed? yes; no. If yes; how is site developed? 5. Describe the general site topography. Check all that apply. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 Flat: less than 5-feet elevation change over entire site. O C T 2 ; 1996 PERMIT COUN :R -Rolling: slopes'on site generally less than 15% (a vertical rise of 10-feet over a horizontal distance of 66-feet). ✓ Hilly: slopes present on site of more than 15% and less than 30% ( a vertical rise of 10-feet over a horizontal distance of 33 to 66-feet). Steep: grades of greater than 30% present on site (a vertical rise of 10-feet over a horizontal distance of less than 33-feet). Other (please describe): Site contains areas of year-round standing water: JW ; Approx. Depth: Site contains areas of seasonal standing water: WAO ; Approx. Depth: What season(s) of the year? Site is in the floodway hAo floodplain lAA of a water course. Site contains a creek or an area where water flows across the grounds surface? Flows are year- round? bL0 Flows are seasonal? _ (What time of year? no Site is primarily: forested meadow ; shrubs ✓ ; mixed ; urban landscaped (lawn,shrubs etc) 11. Obvious wetland is present on site: Ma For City Staff Use Only 1: :Site is Zoned? IZ �' � 2 2:: •� SMmapped sotl types)? ini ,���cX>� ,��Lcatl�L�i �,�10� &47., _7U� VNetland inventory or C.A. map indicates wetland present on site?. 7 A/0 4 >: ritical Areas inventoryor C.A° inap indicates Critical Area on site? �= 5 5 Site within designated 'earth subsidence landslide hazard area? Site designated on the Environmentally Sensitive Areas Map? :DETERMINATION . t • a90 i9q- CRY of Edmonds Critical Areas Checklist. The Critical Areas Checklist contained on this form is to be filled out by any person preparing a Development Permit Application for the City of Edmonds prior to his/her submittal of a development permit to the City. The purpose of the Checklist is to enable City staff to determine. whether any potential Critical Areas are or may be present on the subject property. The information needed to complete the Checklist should be easily available from observations of the site or data available at City Hall (Critical Areas inventories, maps, or soil surveys). An applicant, or his/her representative, must fill out the checklist, sign and date it, and submit it to the City. The City will review the checklist, make a precursory site visit, and make a determination of the subsequent steps necessary to complete a development permit application. With a signed copy of this form, the applicant should also submit a vicinity map or plot plan for individual lots of the parcel with enough detail that City staff can find and identify the subject parcel(s). In addition, the applicant shall include Other pertinent information (e.g. site Plan, topography map, etc,) or studies in conjunction with this Checklist to assist staff in completing their preliminary assessment of the site. I have completed the attached Critical Area Checklist. and attest that the answers provided are factual, to the best of my knowledge (fill out the appropriate column below). Owner / AppIicant: Name Lkkz � �. .0. Street Address t'.1 KW w� q$037 C ,State, ZIP Phone .� fna� 1oZg ( a . Date Applicant Representative: L CW T, Name Low 4. 4;�� Street Address Phone �o ?) ate • cr r w v v) o M n�'M .� .��� }�* ei�` "Jt, f f277 rNrJ1z� -1Y ^ �~ t! .J . .n'• ;�,;:. u � ?;?- ,.:., .�.,'. i p� .7.:: �•� `4 in to 1p Iwo Id lild cu Oi 0 LS ° IQ pNidO lON a 3 A V ON Z L b t N Ip Co 19-91 5 ClJ toO N Mtn. ozg�.; d N � t0 + , CDP o W o N r• N 2 N o M 10 LO N tio o M O, O v �%} ' t0 N Iq O t0 N t0 Q. \ CM cli IV)\ Q \ / N CID Z6 �� v M O t0 10 311, '.t H Z ► IL cn \ OD i O vLO 40 1O .` ►�, S ^O m- III ` 1: m N cp ' O 1 ► cm �p O N �!( N OD t OD 70 q .� `Y ' - w� r J �: C:y'!t f �s.• w�`d.+ , s a '{{isr,•�'� +w o S a o 7i!4 f JS � t _ N IIiii11 I ! nr Ir lu u8 � 7b��jP 1 A, b I .'v1= 1N \9 98 1 Q fU P 6 c�u 1 o 70 b _ J 0 a C) w wo w 0! 0C'Do. Imo, Y 0 OD 9 3 09 awinw �0) g 0 b N O m in n " m oa mLn p . .a u n. a Z N SOS 52 i% w 09 CD nt D C1J 9 w CO C \ >>y u in 48 ��� 13b QX: Ab A \ 0 (� 41 \. APPROVED LT PLANNING 4k -if o 7AIN "PVC' D TI H INE '� - _.� • �) ' '' _ __r ^. ,',' f � • ; � VNE:COLE \ML2(L JT�"PV F100+11+'® 2.00°l� TIN��'! t'-_- f/,�F.'f!r yr �y_ STA. 7. Or IE I r --'O♦ It Rl may: L J / `1C1 !O N 88 V9,7 / CB 2 1rYPE i 1 L 6 Q 1 hT 70 PAVED DRIVE' Q' S '~ :/'` (\ - _ _ '1 .�' � r 1i ,• �• •-, V12 y„ af.,f' t,. �1 ry.- ./ _a :i'/.d° ��y. s ^ , �VVJJ y }.y `` Y f4�}' �.y� fib ull ' , 1 ,4 1`o11i�g• / �' / � yet,{/ l ,.. 1 , �� ``� li / �' .q�" �!'7 �> SEE ' CB 1 TYPE1L), _. � r ►` � ., : /`� � - INLET 4 NOS -------- ' 33--L-- TOP -67.1 Dt8 BASEMENT I 6;� ( Ir c CONNECT TO DOWN' FF$ 'I r! 3 TIGHTUNE SYSTEM PEDE�TRIAfV ?HANDRNL; ; , ;;' I^ / �, • �d I t : � _ ;6"SANITARY SI i i; •' ` �' � ------- ; moo• l -- - - -WER 2 f NLET : SEE N 0 Al.) � ,7 ?TOP -67.00 „ I.*--- DIAECTION ,0F ; INV., 64.50(8 OVERLAND' FLOW ONNECT TO DOWNSPOWT r' err' .) TIGHTLINE SYTEM: I l tnP 2 O O ..._. _ 1. I: — +. /`M s •r- .�. i 1 / ' -. / 14 - 1� 1a-- -7 L BILE Hydrology Report RPPplOVED AS NOTED � Y LC�DMPunl�l %� 4 i e,�w 0 � Itr Cr jVE® DEC ® 9 1997 pERMIT COUNTER Meadowdale City of Edmonds, Washington GROUP FOUR JOB No. 96-3036 CROUP FOUR, Inc. 16030 Juanita -Woodinville Way NE Bothell, WA 98011 FAX (206) 362-3819 (206) 775-4581 . (206) 362-4244 r � ' Hydrology Report Meadowdale City of Edmonds, Washington � -NA EXP'i» &06-f'S June 3, 1997 Prepared For: Lakeside Seawood Group 7500 212th S.W. Edmonds, WA 98020 (206) 672-4702 Prepared By: Group Four, Inc. 16030 Juanita -Woodinville Way N.E. Bothell, WA 98011 (206) 362-4244 -,Me) adowdale 0 Hydrology Report Job No. 96-3036 r.a PROJECT: LOCATION: SOIL TYPE: SITE AREA: EXISTING LAND USE: PROPOSED DEVELOPED LAND USE: EXISTING DRAINAGE Meadowdale Meadowdale Beach area in City of Edmonds, 75th Place W., near intersection with North Meadowdale Road #3, Alderwood gravelly sandy loam; #4, Alderwood-Everett gravelly sandy loam, Sheet 50, Snohomish County Soil Survey, 1983 Approximately 0.62 acre (26,860 S.F.) to be disturbed Vacant; scattered brush with a few maple trees. An 8' wide asphalt recreational path runs through the western third of the site. One single family residence The general slope of the site is to the west at 30%. Runoff from about half of the site sheet flows to the west, entering Puget Sound by a ditch/culvert system in the Burlington Northern R.O.W. The asphalt recreational path traversing through the western third of the site directs the remaining runoff to the south. This runoff is collected and conveyed in a closed system that outfalls to the beach by the entrance to Laebugton Wharf. The site receives a negligible amount of off -site drainage. PROPOSED DRAINAGE Drainage from the site will be directed into the closed storm system that passes through the site and empties Into the Sound by a 36" concrete pipe near Laebugton Wharf (see Downstream Analysis). The upstream/downstream systems have been analyzed using the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) Method for the 100-yr/24-hr design storm (see attached analysis). There is an approximate 0.35% flow increase in the 100-yr/24-hr peak rate due to the proposed development. Due to this small flow increase, it is concluded that this development will have a neglibible impact on the downstream conveyance systems. Since the proposed drainage will not enter the Burlington Northern R.O.W. (i.e. the ditch), and the negligible increase in flow due to the proposed development, no detention for the,site is proposed. An exemption from detention is being sought from the City of Edmonds. Group Four, Inc. 16030 Juanita -Woodinville Way, N.E. Bothell, WA 98011 (206) 3624244 `-v?dead&wdale • Hydrology Report Job No. 96-3036 ►' 1 DOWNSTREAM ANALYSIS The asphalt path in the western third of the site essentially creates a split line for the downstream. The site may be divided into a "north" and "south" basin for the downstream analysis. The north basin sheetflows directly to the west, traveling past the west property line for 35' down a 50% sloped brushy bank, and enters a ditch in the B.N. R.O.W..(2' wide gravel/mud base, III: IV side slopes, 2.5' deep with a longitudinal slope of 1%). The runoff travels a maximum of 70' in this ditch before entering an 18" concrete culvert which passes under the railroad tracks, and outfalls to the beach. The south basin is created by the turning to the southwest/south by the existing asphalt path. The path is sloped such that runoff stays on the east side of the path, although there is no ditch present. Runoff from the site does not enter the catch basin in the bike path just south of the site. Instead, runoff travels to the south via overland flow, staying on the east side of the bike path. At the time of the downstream visit (June 2, 1997) a new house with a piped drainage system was under construction in the lot to the south of the site. There are two new catch basins about 10- 15' feet east of the bike path, which is the detention system for the new house according to Lyle Chrisman at the City of Edmonds. In the current partially -complete state of this house, some runoff from the site enterswthe two new catch basins. Otherwise, runoff continues to flow overland over -hard pack rock and dirt of the construction entrance to this house (slope —_ 8-10%). The water travels another 150' or so and reaches the access road to Laebugton Wharf. Here the runoff enters a catch basin which is about 320' (scaled) to the south of the site. There may be intermediate catch basins between this catch and the first catch just south of the property, but none were found at the time of the downstream inspection, due to the condition of the path/road in the vicinity of the new house. This last catch basin also receives piped inflow from other directions. This final catch basin has a 36" concrete pipe that outfalis in about 100' to the beach on the south side of the entrance to Laebugton Wharf. In summary, the downstream path from the south portion of the site is not well defined, due to the lack of an obvious drainage course such as a ditch. Since runoff from the developed site will enter the closed drainage system that passes through the site, it will clearly outfall through the 36" culvert and bypass the B.N. ditch. Group Four, Inc. 16030 Juanita -Woodinville Way, N.E. Bothell, WA 98011 (206) 3624244 s, ,Meadbwdale Y e 0 Hydrology Report 9 Job No. 96-3036 Vicinity Map Figure 1 Group Four, Inc. 16030 Juanita -Woodinville Way, N.E. Bothell, WA 98011 (206) 3624244 Not to Scale `,iL'.eazldwdale Hydrology Report Job No. 96-3036 Meadowd le.i ! 7, Basin Map Figure 2 Scale: 1" = 2000' USGS Edmonds East,1981 Group Four, Inc. 16030 Juanita -Woodinville Way, N.E. Bothell, WA 98011 (206) 362-4244 .,-Mea d6dale Hydrology Report Job No. 96-3036 Soils Map 0, Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, #4, Aldenvood-Everett gravelly sandy loam (Joins sheet 44) z Vd, COAs,r Figure 3 Scale: 1 "= 2000' Shoh. Cty. Soil Survey, Sheet #50, 1983 Group Four, Inc. 16030 Juanita -Woodinville Way, N.E. Bothell, WA 98011 (206) 3624244 Figure 4. Downstream Map Scale: 1" = loop LL . `• _. ram, Q 7 8 D a z 1 Z ; - ......._ ,A, I n T r r 40 ef' 40 Id LIJqto p v' 3 tQ r I S E E g' 1 c� •... bvc /I� � Y� (• s ® V rq s E T Uj' CD w - 59- --5 g 3� ,J "=a yNcvr hou 6 v •►— m ndcr u 't s o' — T � Cr � � RNow c `��• J to ! •-E� Q—_. _.. s � � 47 ���`'�'�•—.. door ;;12P It Poil+� o ; _17\�i r �. - ' 0 he. hIA�'� 1 ` v •'\ J '' 10 N � 11 ----� 1 16 2 N 0 AVj� . 1N . l 17 • .' i :> 7r--� 0 ,Mead+bwdale Hydrology Report Job No. 96-3036 HYDROLOGIC ANALYSIS Group Four, Inc. 16030 Juanita -Woodinville Way, N.E. Bothell, WA 98011 (206) 362-4244 a Job No. 96-3036 'Mea&wdale Hydrology Report The project is seeking exemption from detention, and will discharge into the City of Edmonds piped storm drain system that goes through the property near the bike trail. Based on a site visit and various maps, the existing upstream tributary areas are divided into a North and a South basin. Developed and existing basins will be created for the site, and then added to the North and South offsite basins, to calculate the peak rate increase to the point of interest from the proposed development. The "point of interest" for the analysis is the catch basin near the Laebugton Wharf entrance which has a 36" concrete outfall to the beach, as described in the Downstream Analysis section. This catch basin receives runoff from the piped system which goes through the site, as well as closed storm systems south of the site. Group Four, Inc. 16030 Juanita -Woodinville Way, N.E. Bothell, WA 98011 (206) 3624244 •Mead6wdale Hydrology Report Job No. 96-3036 Mite North Basin Input Parameters Precipitation: 100yr-24hr 3.0" Soils/Hyd. Group Area, Ac. Alderwood (C) 62 Alderwood/Everett (C) 8 Alderwood/Everett (A) 8 Everett (A) 15 Area Total 93 Ac Inspection of the aerial photo with the soils map reveals that the forested ravines are the Hydrologic Group A soils. For the remaining areas, a density of 2.7 DU/GA (32% impervious) is used, based on a field inspection and Kroll maps. Description Area, Ac. CN Pervious Forested Ravine 23 55 Pervious Lawns (conservative) 48 86 Pervious total 71 76 Impervious Roofs, roads Time of Concentration: Segment Type 1 sheet 2 shallow 3 channel 22 98 Condition Length (ft) Slope (%) Factor lawn 300 3.33 n, 0.15 lawn 600 3.33 k, 11 pipe 3200 13 k, 42 T, 36.6 min. Group Four, Inc. 16030 Juanita -Woodinville Way, N.E. Bothell, WA 98011 (206) 362-4244 4 • �"Meadbwdale Hydrology Report Job No. 96-3036 Mite South Basin Input Parameters Precipitation: 100yr-24hr 3.0" Soils/Hyd. Group Area, Ac. Alderwood (C) 12.25 Alderwood/Everett (C) 4.5 Alderwood/Everett (A) 4.5 Everett (A) 2.75 Area Total 24 Ac Inspection of the aerial photo with the soils map reveals that the forested ravines are the Hydrologic Group A soils. For the remaining areas, a density of 2.7 DU/GA (32% impervious) is used, based on a field inspection and Kroll maps. Description Area, Ac. CN Pervious Forested Ravine 7.2 55 Pervious Lawns (conservative) 11.4 86 Pervious total 18.6 74 Impervious Roofs, roads 5.4 98 Time of Concentration: Segment Type Condition Length (ft) Slope (%) Factor 1 sheet lawn 300 13 n, 0.15 2 shallow forest 800 15 k, 5 3 channel ravine 400 30 k, 10 4 channel pipe 600 10 kc 42 TC 25.2 min. f Group Four, Inc. 16030 Juanita -Woodinville Way, N.E. Bothell, WA 98011 (206) 362-4244 ,_,,,Meaddale • Hydrology Report • Job No. 96-3036 Existing Site Conditions Input Parameters (Includes the portion of the basin tributary to the point of interest.) Precipitation: 100yr-24hr 3.0" Soils/Hyd. Group Area, Ac. Alderwood/Everett (C) 0.32 Pervious Impervious Time of Concentration: Segment Type 1 sheet 2 shallow/channel Description brush bike path Area Total Area, Ac. 0.3 0.02 0.32 Condition Length (ft) Slope (%) brush 110 25 brush 90 21 T, Group Four, Inc. 16030 Juanita -Woodinville Way, N.E. Bothell, WA 99011 (206)362-4244 CN 81 98 Factor n, 0.15 k, 5 6.28 min. '-flAeacitwdale Hydrology Report Job No. 96-3036 Developed Site Conditions Input Parameters Precipitation: 100yr-24hr 3.0" Soils/Hyd. Group Area, Ac. Alderwood/Everett (C) 0.59 Description Area, Ac. CN Pervious Lawn, landscaping 0.36 86 Impervious House, patios, walkways, asphalt, rockeries, 0.23 98 bike path Area Total 0.59 Time of Concentration: Segment Type Condition 1 sheet lawn, landscaping A Length (ft) Slope (%) Factor 110 25 n, 0.15 T, 5.62 min. Group Four, Inc. t 16030 Juanita -Woodinville Way, N.E. Bothell, WA 98011 (206) 362-4244 z ;n Mea owdale Hydrology Report Job No. 96-3036 c The 100 year/24 hour peak rates of runoff are summarized here: 1 Mite, North Basin 20.63 cfs 2 Offsite,South Basin 5.0 cfs 3 Site, Existing 0.09 cfs 4 Site, Developed 0.29 cfs Total 100 year/24 hour peak rates at point of interest: Existing 25.48 cfs 1+2+3 Developed 25.57 cfs 1+2+4 There is an approximate 0.35% increase in the 100 year/ 24 hour peak rate due to the proposed development. Due to this small flow increase, it is concluded that this development will have a neglibible impact on the downstream conveyance systems. Consequently, a detention system is not proposed as part of this project. I Group Four, Inc. 16030 Juanita -Woodinville Way, N.E. Bothell, WA 98011 (206) 3624244 0 6/19/97 GROUP FOUR, Inc. page 1 Meadowdale 96-3036 City of Edmonds File: ww31\data\96-3036\offsite.* design HYDROGRAPH SUMMARY PEAK TIME VOLUME HYD RUNOFF OF OF Contrib NUM RATE PEAK HYDRO Area cfs min. cf\AcFt Acres 520 535500 cf 117.32 �o0yr, QXiS�ryaf �17ini ornf�✓�St 1 25.475 2 25.573 520 538185 cf 117.59 /Opyr devel�P'� 10 10.264 520 255860 cf 93.59 25yr north a FED Seri UryuMce Vbu�i1, 15 20. 784 520 436388 cf 93.59 l oo q r I -6' 1119 / 9 7 GROUP FOUR, Inc. page 1 Meadowdale 96-3036 City of Edmonds File: ww31\data\96-3036\offsite.* design HISTORY OF HYDROGRAPH ACTIVITY Date of Session: 6/12/97 CLEARHIS ZERO 1 20 ZERO 1 1 ADD 100es 1 1 0.0897 cfs 0.0355 ac-ft ADD 100n 1 1 20.6867 cfs 9.9565 ac-ft ADD 100s 1 1 25.4755 c s 12.2934 ac-ft ZERO 2 2 ADD 100ds 2 2 0 0.2873 cfs 0.0972 ac-ft ADD 100n 2 2 20.7840 cfs 10.0181 ac-ft ADD 100s 2 2 .5728 fs 12.3550 ac-ft Date of Session: 6/19/97 MOVE 25n to 10 10.1635 cfs 5.8091 ac-ft MOVE 100n to 15 20.6331 cfs 9.9209 ac-ft 8.33 hrs 8.67 hrs 8.67 hrs 8.33 hrs 8.67 hrs ,Fx,S71N& a, poin4 of in�e(e4 8.67 hrs DEVELO PE.D Cq;E ail+ O f IYj�?V'-5-- 8.67 hrs 2 S yr -ro r c,o-^ vQ y et rice 8.67 hrs I o o y r -(; r` Cmyi veya'"Ce ROUTE HYDROGRAPH 10 THROUGH REACH Line1 (25year conveyance) Network Line1 Reach <AREA> <Act 0> <G FuLL> % Full Ndepth <Diam> <NVeL> <FVeL> Carea p2b 93.00 10.16 23.16 43.88 8.70 18.00 12.01 12.18 p2a 93.00 10.16 34.47 29.49 6.97 18.00 16.09 18.13 p2 93.59 10.26 28.03 36.61 7.85 18.00 13.87 14.75 25ds p1 93.59 10.26 12.18 84.27 13.43 18.00 7.26 6.41 HGLINE hgL1 Hydraulic Gradeline for Reach hgL1 <-FROM-> <--TO--> <FLOW> floss Ent HGL EntLoss ExtLoss OutLet Inlet AppHead BndHead JunHead HeadWtr-cb/mh- 997 GROUP FOUR, Inc. page 2 Meadowdale 96-3036 City of Edmonds File: ww31\data\96-3036\offsite.* design HISTORY OF HYDROGRAPH ACTIVITY ---------------- cfs -loss- -Elev-- --loss- --toss---Elev---Etev- --loss- --toss- --loss---Etev- --Rim-- cbla 36.64 cb1 cbla 10.26 0.64 tw & do <dc: Inlet Ctrl Assumed 38.25 0.52 0.70 0.00 38.42 38.75 cb2 cb1 10.26 0.41 38.83 0.10 0.52 39.46 40.88 0.51 0.11 0.00 40.48 43.32 cb2a cb2 10.16 0.50 40.97 0.10 0.51 41.59 45.79 0.51 0.01 0.00 45:28 50.52 cb2b cb2a 10.16 5.62 50.90 0.26 0.51 51.67 71.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 71.17 76.09 ROUTE HYDROGRAPH 15 THROUGH REACH linel (100year conveyance) Network tinel Reach <AREA> <Act G> <0 Full> % Full Ndepth <Diam> <NVel> <FVet> Carea p2b 93.00 20.63 23.16 89.09 14.12 18.00 13.87 12.18 p2a 93.00 20.63 34.47 59.86 10.51 18.00 19.26 18.13 p2 93.59 20.78 28.03 74.14 12.15 18.00 16.37 14.75 10Ods pt 93.59 20.78 -r ------ Pressure Flow-------- 11.76 HGLINE hgll Hydraulic Gradeline for Reach hgll <-FROM-> <--TO--> <FLOW> floss Ent HGL EntLoss ExtLoss OutLet Inlet AppHead BndHead JunHead HeadWtr-cb/mh- ---------------- cfs -toss- -Elev-- --loss- --loss- --Etev- --Elev- --loss- --loss- --loss---Elev- --Rim-- cbla 37.05 cb1 cbla 20.78 2.16 39.21 0.43 2.15 41.79 41.30 2.15 2.86 0.00 38.85* 38.75 cb2 cb1 20.78 1.69 40.54 0.43 2.15 43.12 43.93 2.12 0.45 0.01 42.28 43.32 cb2a cb2 20.63 2.05 44.33 0.42 2.12 46.87 48.80 2.12 0.03 0.00 46.72 50.52 cb2b cb2a 20.63 23.16 69.88 1.06 2.12 73.06 75.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 75.09 76.09 Date of Session: 6/19/97 `V` 6 / 1,2 / 97 GROUP FOUR, Inc. page 1 Meadowdale 96-3036 City of Edmonds File: ww31\data\96-3036\offsite.* site basins ------------------ BASIN SUMMARY BASIN ID: 100ds NAME: 100yr developed site SCS METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA.......: 0.59 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0.00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE....: TYPEIA PERVIOUS AREA PRECIPITATION....: 3.00 inches AREA..: 0.36 Acres TIME INTERVAL....: 10.00 min CN....: 86.00 TIME OF CONC.....: 5.62 min IMPERVIOUS AREA ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0.20 AREA..: 0.23 Acres CN..... 98.00 TcReach - Sheet L: 110.00 ns:0.1500 p2yr: 1.50 s:0.2500 PEAK RATE: 0.29 cfs VOL: 0.10 Ac-ft TIME: 500 min BASIN ID: 100es SCS METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA........ RAINFALL TYPE....: PRECIPITATION....: TIME INTERVAL....: TIME OF CONC.....: ABSTRACTION COEFF: TcReach - Sheet L: TcReach - Shallow L: PEAK RATE: 0.09 cfs NAME: 100yr existing site 0.32 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0.00 cfs TYPEIA PERVIOUS AREA 3.00 inches AREA..: 0.30 Acres 10.00 min CN.....: 81.00 6.28 min IMPERVIOUS AREA 0.20 AREA..: 0.02 Acres CN..... 98.00 110.00 ns:0.1500 p2yr: 1.50 s:0.2500 90.00 ks:5.00 s:0.2100 VOL: 0.04 Ac-ft TIME: 500 min • 16 / 1.2 / 97 GROUP FOUR, Inc. page 1 Meadowdale 96-3036 City of Edmonds File: ww31\data\96-3036\offsite.* trib areas to 36in. beach culvert at Laebugton Wharf ----------------- BASIN SUMMARY BASIN ID: 100n NAME: 100yr offsite north SCS METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA.......: 93.00 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0.00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE....: TYPElA PERVIOUS AREA PRECIPITATION....: 3.00 inches AREA..: 71.00 Acres TIME INTERVAL....: 10.00 min ICN....: 76.00 TIME OF CONC.....: 36.61 min IMPERVIOUS AREA ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0.20 AREA..: 22.00 Acres CN..... 98.00 TcReach - Sheet L: 300.00 ns:0.1500 p2yr: 1.50 s:0.0333 TcReach - Shallow L: 600.00 ks:11.00 s:0.0333 TcReach - Channel L:3200.00 kc:42.00 s:0.1300 PEAK RATE: 20.63 cfs VOL: 9.92 Ac-ft TIME: 520 min BASIN ID: 100s NAME: 100yr offsite south SCS METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA.......: 24.00 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0.00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE....,: TYPElA PERVIOUS AREA PRECIPITATION....: 3.00 inches AREA..: 18.60 Acres TIME INTERVAL....: 10.00 min CN....: 74.00 TIME OF CONC.....: 25.16 min IMPERVIOUS AREA ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0.20 AREA..: 5.40 Acres CN....: 98.00 TcReach - Sheet L: 300.00 ns:0.1500 p2yr: 1.50 s:0.1300 TcReach - Shallow L: 800.00 ks:5.00 s:0.1500 TcReach - Channel L: 400.00 kc:10.00 s:0.3000 TcReach'- Channel L: 600.00 kc:42.00 s:0.1000 PEAK RATE: 5.00 cfs VOL: 2.34 Ac-ft TIME: 510 min I 1 J I I I I1 1 JI I �� •. l . 1° ��' C r AEJ / �EA�U l �' r .'. /a° / /� 1 ,c* lI AL / I / 1 1 1' J I / 1. �, �-x. IS i:pE// I �' � ��• I l � � - -t- �;u, . / \ i 1 7' 18" CMp sN' P �x 1 /E�- I I j1 77 JN u UT 71 I I I � f � j I � I 1 i /// / J- ,'�/ ,/ •/ 1 `. �� I ��< ->� �� �.� t_, J � �/ h� r Q 1 L�. Tt/ I I I ,-=1-��sal,�l, � r � l I � t/ ; / I / , !` 1 I I I I I �k� I 1 � •.� , � - l ,,� {s 1` I I / l r / , / U� / yy , 1 � 1 471 B / l i I v / AMEN �:� l r •r �� i 1 1 � I , y � v ;w> FF 1 , 55. I c 'I I � ,yl f y / I ' / I�' \c) I. /i / I \ \• ..., `7 /I 1 i� / J I; / t l ! n=UV. 66 I I /E= ' 1 I / I / l l / lI -- '� �,,/ I�-r' � • I j / r J / / ; 1 1 / i 1� lI I / , , / ,` � ,r xoa' ac J / l M�_: �/f '. ��;�� / �� J/ I // lI / / / / / l • I F • y-�, .h �.� �4 � � I r � / 3 � I �. -►+ /If WH ,E7 FL 1 / / !o l R+ o,,15/: ldpe 25id / ' / J / l / rE-88.�6 12 cIVC Moo p z 0 F a z x fn a d � A � ocol �g O w wo A >- . c� JOB NO:963os1 DATE: 6/ 12/97 4. If If IF / I , , I l , I r I y. ► a�,��. , S¢2� ,,II(AD / ,. ,► \ \ ayy b % V. qp III / , ; ► /,/ / I t , ► / ► IiC�P� J {72IL C/l!pALF,S{t'/ JAL' ,no 70, ��-•�'- �S + E: r 1 ► I 1 / / / a / /er r. / / / / / // SETSEc�4/; ADD C.4P / K r O� '64 Z.S J'oi�'u" MT V � / ,/ / / / xry l I / l 1 / 0 / ' / i /' ,�r : -- y r / / 1 , '00, 00 / / `I , , : / / / /� OR TIC 6,�SIN' 1 , 1 ► / / �a / , � N S Cg ti If, // , /' Q./ ST 1 • / � .c x: 1 / / J r ► , i I I ► , -. �S , /"%mil, ',' ",/r° / 3 'A r V /T0' / I I I , , ► I 1 1 , r' , ► , E ' :r /7' / Imp ,'VE, %/f. •. / / / / . , 1 , / / / , / / R, f 1 I I I 1 ► {Y't-/` / / � � I 1 t I I 1 ,' / / /' � yb / ► l : •_ / ' 1 1/ '�j I I 1 , I I t , / 1 •�, a _q ; 0A 1 \ �J >; l qJ , l , (✓ ` / / I 1 I I 1 t 1 I I I 1 i s^ s /{ t,/ �J rAJc I $010T�j I ACiJ W TFi l t i �, ! , 1 , !^ " — 20' 1 I t 1 ► ► 1 1,:> r , � • 1 �` r / / / r,: , >' h°' , ��p.. \ \ ► 1 ill0 1 SHE I'OW ! 1 / 1 r} EX. 12" FCP. / / / / / �'J �.� � / / / / , / / ► \ }• � (�.15► � OPT 2�5•y6 ► : I s 1 ,\ / ► , 01 I�' '.y."rla` a1 i /E=S6- 41 ( / 0 /EL ►FOHAN C, / / ! / �- :� • hr/ 5 LOP 21 % / / 1 , :��-•-'.�.-fAl - -c. 4I r l / ► / / / r I I I 1 to �.. 41 / / o r / / / / / / / , o . ► I 1 �_../_ � tires / / / ! 4•,: / r o / I �� !r l ' /i' ' '�`O' / a / / ► ti / / / I / �'ti , N a / TO_ .s} F. /c = •�,3 Eb l_ C_ Cb z� o � N FYy z z N56 OoZ N O V o M O Tpran�g � q V m ~ b � r � _ ! JOB N0:98-30: r ► 1 � ;� � / / / / , % IFi52. , � � 00 1 ► ► I 0�. � ! J'. S j�r�.�+' .s � I ► �� ! o / / / / / r / / / / �0• 1 I I , / , \ P ji r > DATE: 6/12/97 y I ► apt' f,: , / / / r / / / / / / ► I I 1 , / 1 \ °h 1 b :: Meadowdale • Hydrology Report Job No. 96-3036 0 A. APPENDIX Group Four, Inc. 16030 Juanita -Woodinville Way, N.E. Bothell, WA 98011 (206)362-4244 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT MANUAL FOR THE PUGET SOUND'BASIN Table,III-1.4 "n" AND "k" Values Used in Time -Calculations for Hydrographs ', {� "n," Sheet Flow Equation Manning's Values (for the initial 300 ft. of travel) n. smooth surfaces (concrete, asphalt, gravel, or bare hand packed soil) 0.011 Fallow fields or loose soil surface (no residue)..., 0.05 Cultivated soil with residue cover (s5 0.20 ft/ft) 0.06 Cultivated soil with residue cover (a> 0.20 ft/ft) 0.17 Short prairie grass and lawns 0.15 Dense grasses 0.24 Bermuda grass 0.41 Range (natural) 0.13 Woods or forest with light underbrush 0.40 Woods or forest with dense underbrush 0.80- *Mann ng values for sheet flow only, from Overton and Meadows 1976 (See TR-55, 1986) "k" Values Used in Travel Time/Time of Concentration Calculations Shallow Concentrated Flow (After the initial 300 ft. of sheet flow, R = 0.1) k, 1. Forest with heavy ground litter and meadows (n - 0.10) 3 2. Brushy ground with some trees (n = 0.060) 5 3. Fallow or minimum tillage cultivation (n - 0.040) 8 4. High grass .(n - 0.035) 9 5. Short grass, pasture and lawns (n - 0.030) 11 6. Nearly bare ground (n - 0.25) 13 7. Paved and gravel areas (n - 0.012) 27 Channel Flow (intermittent) (At the beginning of visible channels R = 0.2) kc 1. Forested swale with heavy ground litter (n = 0.10) 5 2. Forested drainage course/ravine with defined channel bed (n = 0.050) 10 3. Rock -lined waterway (n = 0.035) 15 4. Grassed waterway (n - 0.030) 17 5. Earth -lined waterway (n - 0.025) 20 6. CMP pipe (n = 0.024) 21 7. Concrete pipe (0.012) 42 8. Other waterways and pipe 0.508/n Channel Flow (Continuous stream, R = 0.4) ke 9. Meandering stream with some pools (n = 0.040) 20 10. Rock -lined stream (n 0.035) 23 11. Grass -lined stream (n = 0.030) 27 12. Other streams, man-made'channele and pipe 0.807/n** i III-1-16 FEBRUARY, 1992': STORHWATER MANAGEMENT MANUAL FOR THE PUGET SOUND BASIN; is 4 t „i1 1 <7 ,�j, xMl,ty't Table III-1.3 SCS Western Washington Runoff Curve Numbers (Y Published b SCS in 1982) Runoff curve numbers for selected agricultural,' suburban and urban land use for Type lA rainfall distribution, 24-hour storm duration. LAND USE DESCRIPTION CURVE NUMBERS BY HYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP A B C D Cultivated land 1 : winter condition 86 91 94 95 Mountain open areas: low growing brush & grasslands 74 82 89 92 Meadow or pasture: 65 78 85 89 Wood or forest land: Wood or forest land: undisturbed young second growth or brush 42 55 64 72 76 81 81 86 Orchard: with cover crop Open spaces, lawns, parks, golf coureee, cemeteries, landscaping. Good condition: grass cover on L75% of the area Fair condition: grass cover on 50-75% of the area Gravel roads. & parking lots: Dirt roads &parking lots: Impervious surfaces, pavement, roofs etc. open water bodlee: lakes, wetlands, ponda etc. Sing Is family residential(2): -Dwelling Unit/Gross Acre ♦Impervious(3) 1.0 DU/GA 15 1.5 DU/GA 20 2.0 DU/GA 25 2.5.DU/GA 30 3.0 DU/GA 34 3.5. DU/GA 38 •12 4.5.DU/GA 46 5.0 DU/GA 48 5.5 DU/GA 50 i U 6.5 D/ GA 54 .7.0 DU/GA 56 PUD's, condos, apartments, %impervious commercial businesses & must be Industrial.areas. computed 81 88 92 94 68 80 86 90 77 85 90 92 76 85 89- • 91 72 82 87 89 98 98 98 98 100 100 100 100 Separate curve number shall be selected -for pervious & impervious portions of the site or basin (1) For a more detailed description of agricultural land use curve numbers refer' to National Engineering Handbook, Sec. 4, Hydrology, Chapter 9, August 1972. (2) Assumes roof and driveway runoff is directed into street/storm system. (3), The remaining pervious areas (lawn) are considered to be in good condition for these curve numbers. I I I-1-12 FEDRUARY•, •. 19 S 2: r�k:�t:ljl,i�ij�l����f'+i'��'��:j •��.. .^11r, a�j��';•;l•' . .. . ... ENE ,'" ;� _r I i i I I _ _� ' i✓/ 1 ` . C? 'r ' /. / ;•r.;� ., �; . '� cif! I%jam/ %�/ I v I i I I 1 1 rs PAC DOWNSPdU I.�110� Ivllf�l., I ® i:0090 T TIGKTLII�E ! ) I { ! { — � 1 ! / MIN., ' 6 PV C �F'OOT7NG DRAIN r l � -5¢�8 � �, . lI� � ,�- �,�'� / {,. f � �,� / 2 00� MIN. RAIN Tl. HTt_INE! / r e �.P ��y / i I.. / TYP, 1�1r I J :X ssr%4 Tcr_s �2�rr i �/ / / �J,J 12�� / , > /3 4% `, a '�! fJ�=✓�%7 / I �AU�rl./1�� t{f �/I /% / Z6� I v At 7�2 ,� �,./ ��� :art.' _ � / ', / / �•i � / / / /� �� \ � %"J/ %,, CAB T1'P r / / ,� ���>� ��'¢ �¢ `.�)a ��/♦f ., � / STA. 1+0 / / !) ) 1 ) )1) )1 1° ) i°"F,•`r'�: rf !/ / i/ : / \ /' /' ti4! '�t /I NEtREP . FFr= 7 DET / ,/ JOIN r , c , / / / /-�'/; 7�,�,t / — SEAL / 1 1 i 1 x'' , f! / ` %i''CC jf ,✓ � / / / iYr� i-_ .r % ` �-, . r _ i , r ; � / _ i.� s, r� , l � � 1 1 ) , � 1 ' / �.•�, / //y �! // / //: / '/ //'"'^ �•. 4iCiL...4•,7 i_ � ,�/'. t�;,{�.'' �;��y�'f : � / 4/ ,JI I f • PAVED DRIVEI / !r/J,�B�j,, / \/ ✓ ,' ! / :.11 R {✓sx?��=r.Jtie t / r� % off y`, � / / / I / 1 J,9�-lI , / / e7 / / :� t �c: ✓t J.P :� ram¢- '' +. K / J +Ole 151. SEMEN l / PE['SES IAN 1 1 1 �' /' ; ?� j / I ,ti FF 55. Q -_ r / •1:. T ; I / 0. _ - -- _ _ _ / f ) 04S AN RAIL/ )f �I / rl 1 / I,I / j /-L OP 69.6 SEE NOTE 5 7_ NV. �7.iII($ )_ — / 1/ (CONNECT TO DOWNSPOUT TUNE SYSTEM RY 'SIDE . SEWER '® 2y MIN.-; �- / / I t / r ss s , / ,cp I I- ! i / / :•; z : • • a.4sc • sr,vr / J ! l.' ! �o-� I / / / I I / / / / / / l K / I / l I o / 1--!_�-,- 1 // ,.•.`J ,/ �.;f_.���<<:c�� I l f t / I / / G D TO I ! / / `- / D Al _ 7,3 DIREC71� / / ' I 1 1 1 -� ' // / ; I,' ! •1 t r }err OVERND/FL N OF / 1'NLET/ ca T ;cry=�8�0 ND/FlO.W ! SEE ,NO -0-0o _ �_ 2 2 E,r s:a.,� /� I % T1'I,, / / ! STOP �67.00 5 2 / 1 r Ear' co : j /INV.'64.508 r / ("�J NETWORK DIAGRAM 26 / I I / ,' l i 1 ! ` / _ �s =� f�' �: �� n! /S I ! i (COf �INEC TO /DOWNSP ' - g / / l / 1 / j / J ; •��/ PGHTLINE SY9.OUT .ry Mead';4"vdale Hydrology Report • Job No. 96-3036 4 CONVEYANCE ANALYSIS Group Four, Inc. 16030 Juanita -Woodinville Way, N.E. Bothell, WA 98011 (206) 3624244 Mead wdale 0 Hydrology Report • Job No. 96-3036 CONVEYANCE ANALYSIS METHODOLOGY The proposed conveyance system was analyzed for the 25-yr/24-hr and 100-yr/24-hr design storm events using SCS methodology. WaterWorks was used in the pipe sizing analysis. Uniform flow and backwater analysis methods were used to analyze the proposed pipe systems to verify adequate capacity. The WaterWorks output is attached. For the 25-year uniform flow analysis, the Q f„ii flow capacity was greater than the Qactuai flow. For the 25-year backwater analysis, the headwater elevation was below each rim. For the 100- year backwater analysis, the headwater elevation was lower than each rim. Group Tour, Inc. 16030 Juanita -Woodinville Way, N.E. Bothell, WA 98011 (206) 362-4244 I , , I 1 9/ 3/97 GROUP FOUR, Inc. page 1 Meadowdale 96-3036 City of Edmonds File: ww31\data\96-3036\offsite.* 25 yr/24 hr northern conveyance REACH SUMMARY Network Reach linel REACH <-AREA> <-DIA> LENGTH SLOPE < n > DSGN Q % PIPE Ndepth %Depth Vact Vfull C_Area ID (Ac) (ft) (ft) ft/ft ------ (cfs) ------ (ft) ------ (fps) (fps) p2 93.59 1.50 44.60 0.1070 0.0120 10.26 25.57 0.54 35.85 18.02 23.31 p1 93.59 1.50 125.40 0.0278 0.0120 10.26 50.20 0.79 52.34 10.96 11.87 pla 93.59 1.50 158.53 0.0537 0.0120 10.26 36.07 0.65 43.24 14.02 16.53 I .9/ 3/97 GROUP FOUR, Inc. page 1 Meadowdale 96-3036 City of Edmonds File: ww31\data\96-3036\offsite.* 25 yr/24 hr northern conveyance REACH SUMMARY Hydraulic Gradeline for Reach hgll <-FROM-> <--TO--> <FLOW> floss Ent_HGL EntLoss ExtLoss OutLet Inlet AppHead BndHead JunHead HeadWtr -cb/mh- -------- -------- cfs -loss- -Elev-- --loss- --loss- --Elev- --Elev- --loss- --loss- --loss- --Elev- --Rim-- CB1B 32.75 cbla CB1B 10.26 1.28 34.03 0.10 0.52 34.66 37.57 0.52 0.00 0.00 37.05 42.92 cbl cbla 10.26 1.01 38.07 0.10 0.52 38.70 41.07 0.52 0.15 0.00 40.70 44.00 cb2a cbl 10.26 0.36 41.06 0.10 0.52 41.69 45.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 45.78 50.52 4 9/ 3/97 GROUP FOUR, Inc. page 1 Meadowdale 96-3036 City of Edmonds File: ww31\data\96-3036\offsite.* 25 yr/24 hr northern conveyance REACH SUMMARY PIPE REACH ID No. pl From: cbl To: cbla Pipe Diameter: 1.50 ft n: 0.0120 Pipe Length 125.40 ft s: 0.0278 Up invert 39.00 ft down invert: 35.52 Collection Area: 93.59 Ac. Design Flow 10.26 cfs Dsgn Depth: 0.79 ft Pipe Capacity 20.45 cfs Design Vel 10.96 fps Travel Time: 0.19 min Pipe Full Vel 11.87 fps PIPE REACH ID No. pla From: cbla To: CB1B Pipe Diameter: 1.50 ft n: 0.0120 Pipe Length 158.53 ft s: 0.0537 Up invert 35.52 ft down invert: 27.00 Collection Area: 93.59 Ac. Design Flow 10.26 cfs Dsgn Depth: 0.65 ft Pipe Capacity 28.45 cfs Design Vel 14.02 fps - Travel Time: 0.19 min Pipe Full Vel 16.53 fps PIPE REACH ID No. p2 From: cb2a To: cbl Pipe Diameter: 1.50 ft n: 0.0120 Pipe Length 44.60 ft s: 0.1070 Up invert 43.77 ft down invert: 39.00 Collection Area: 93.59 Ac. Design Flow 10.26 cfs Dsgn Depth: 0.54 ft Pipe Capacity 40.14 cfs Design Vel 18.02 fps Travel Time: 0.04 min Pipe Full Vel 23.31 fps T 1 � • 9/13/97 GROUP FOUR, Inc. page 1 Meadowdale 96-3036 City of Edmonds File: ww31\data\96-3036\offsite.* 25 yr/24 hr northern conveyance STRUCTURE REPORT EXISTING STRUCTURE REACH ID No. CB1B Location : North 842.0000 Str Type : East 987.0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Elev 32.7500 Area/sump: 0.00 sf/0.00 ft Bottom El: 27.0000 Cont Area: Hgrade El: 32.7500 ft Bend.....: No special shape Ent type.: Area/sump: Ent Loss: 0.000 Exit: 0.000 App Vel: 0.000 Junct: 0.000 Bend: 0.000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <End> pla 27.000 18.00 0.012 Lower PROPOSED STRUCTURE REACH ID No. cbl Location : new orb, -site North 1125.0000 Str Type : East 1010.0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Elev 44.0000 Area/sump: 0.00 sf/0.00 ft Bottom El: 39.0000 Cont Area: Hgrade El: 40.7008 ft Bend.....: No special shape Ent type.: Area/sump: Ent Loss: 0.105 Exit: 0.524 App Vel: 0.524 Junct: 0.000 Bend: 0.150 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <End> p2 39.000 18.00 0.012 Lower p1 39.000 18.00 0.012 Upper EXISTING STRUCTURE REACH ID No. cbla Location : existing off -site, downstream North 1000.0000 Str Type : East 1000.0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Elev 42.9200 Area/sump: 0.00 sf/0.00 ft Bottom El: 35.5200 Cont Area: Hgrade El: 37.0528 ft Bend.....: No special shape Ent type.: Area/sump: Ent Loss: 0.105 Exit: 0.524 App Vel: 0.524 Junct: 0.000 Bend: 0.002 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <End> pl 35.520 18.00 0.012 Lower pla I' 35.520 18.00 0.012 Upper 9/ 3/97 GROUP FOUR, Inc. page 2 Meadowdale 96-3036 City of -Edmonds File: ww31\data\96-3036\offsite.* 25 yr/24 hr northern conveyance ------------------------------------ STRUCTURE REPORT EXISTING STRUCTURE REACH ID No. cb2a Location neighboring yard to the north North Str Type East Str Cat Stm Manhole Rim Elev Str Diam 0.00 in Bottom El: Cont Area: Hgrade El: Bend.....: No special shape Ent type.: Str Diam : Ent Loss: 0.105 Exit: 0.524 App Vel: 0.000 Junct: Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <End> p2 43.770 18.00 0.012 Upper 0 1158.0000 1040.0000 50.5200 43.7700 45.7848 ,ft 0.000 Bend: 0.000 . i r 9/ 3/97 GROUP FOUR, Inc. page 1 Meadowdale 96-3036 City of Edmonds File: ww31\data\96-3036\offsite.* 100 yr/24 hr northern conveyance REACH SUMMARY Network Reach linel REACH <-AREA> <-DIA> LENGTH SLOPE < n > DSGN Q $ PIPE Ndepth %Depth Vact Vfull C_Area ID (Ac) (ft) (ft) ft/ft ------ (cfs) ------ (ft) ------ (fps) (fps) a====.__.______=====e=====___________________________________�===»ease p2 93.59 1.50 44.60 0.1070 0.0120 20.78 51.78 0.80 53.33 21.68 23.31 pl 93.59 1.50 125.40 0.0278 0.0120 20.78 >=100% Pressure flow 11.76 11.87 pla 93.59 1.50 158.53 0.0537 0.0120 20.78 73.04 1.00 66.78 16.58 16.53 1 I . 9°,3 97 GROUP FOUR, Inc. // • page 1 Meadowdale 96-3036 City of Edmonds File: ww31\data\96-3036\offsite.* 100 yr/24 hr northern conveyance REACH SUMMARY Hydraulic Gradeline for Reach hgll <-FROM-> <--TO--> <FLOW> floss Ent_HGL EntLoss ExtLoss OutLet Inlet AppHead BndHead JunHead HeadWtr -cb/mh- -------- -------- cfs -loss- -Elev-- --loss- --loss- --Elev- --Elev- --loss- --loss- --loss- --Elev- --Rim-- CB1B 32.75 cbla CB1B 20.78 5.26 38.01 0.43 2.15 40.59 40.63 2.15 0.01 0.00 38.49 42.92 cbl cbla 20.78 4.16 42.65 0.43 2.15 45.23 44.13 2.15 0.62 0.00 43.70 44.00 cb2a cbl 20.78 1.48 45.18 0.43 2.15 47.75 48.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 48.84 50.52 0 9/ 3/97 GROUP FOUR, Inc. page 1 Meadowdale 96-3036 City of Edmonds File: ww31\data\96-3036\offsite.* 100 yr/24 hr northern conveyance REACH SUMMARY PIPE REACH ID No. pl From: cbl To: cbla Pipe Diameter: 1.50 ft n: 0.0120 Pipe Length 125.40 ft s: 0.0278 Up invert 39.00 ft down invert: Collection Area: 93.59 Ac. Design Flow 20.78 cfs Dsgn Depth: Pipe Capacity 20.45 cfs Design Vel 11.76 fps Travel Time: Pipe Full Vel 11.87 fps (surcharged tt) PIPE REACH ID No. pla From: cbla To: CB1B Pipe Diameter: 1.50 ft n: 0.0120 Pipe Length 158.53 ft s: 0.0537 Up invert 035.52 ft down invert: Collection Area: 93.59 Ac. Design Flow 20.78 cfs Dsgn Depth: Pipe Capacity 28.45 cfs Design Vel 16.58 fps Travel Time: Pipe Full Vel 16.53 fps PIPE REACH ID No. p2 From: cb2a To: cbl Pipe Diameter: 1.50 ft n: 0.0120 Pipe Length 44.60 ft s: 0.1070 Up invert 43.77 ft down invert: Collection Area: 93.59 Ac. Design Flow 20.78 cfs Dsgn Depth: Pipe Capacity 40.14 cfs Design Vel 21.68 fps Travel Time: Pipe Full Vel 23.31 fps 35.52 ft 0.18 min 27.00 1.00 ft 0.16 min 39.00 0.80 ft 0.03 min 9/ 3/97 GROUP FOUR, Inc. page 1 Meadowdale 96-3036 City of Edmonds File: ww31\data\96-3036\offsite.* 100 yr/24 hr northern conveyance STRUCTURE REPORT EXISTING STRUCTURE REACH ID No. CB1B Location : North 842.0000 Str Type : East' 987.0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Elev 32.7500 Area/sump: 0.00 sf/0.00 ft Bottom El: 27.0000 Cont Area: Hgrade El: 32.7500 ft Bend.....: No special shape Ent type.: Area/sump: Ent Loss: 0.000 Exit: 0.000 App Vel: 0.000 Junct: 0.000 Bend: 0.000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <End> pla 27.000 18.00 0.012 Lower PROPOSED STRUCTURE REACH ID No. cbl Location new orl-site North 1125.0000 Str Type East 1010.0000 Str Cat Catch Basin Rim Elev 44.0000 Area/sump: 0.00 sf/0.00 ft Bottom El: 39.0000 Cont Area: Hgrade El: 43.6957 ft Bend.....: No special shape Ent type.: Area/sump: Ent Loss: 0.430 Exit: 2.148 App Vel: 2.148 Junct: 0.000 Bend: 0.617 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <End> p2 39.000 18.00 0.012 Lower pl 39.000 18.00 0.012 Upper EXISTING STRUCTURE REACH ID No. cbia Location existing off -site, downstream Str Type Str Cat Catch Basin Area/sump: 0.00 sf/0.00 ft Cont Area: Bend.....: No special shape Ent type.: Area/sump: Ent Loss: 0.430 Exit: 2.148 App Vel: North 1000.0000 East 1000.0000 Rim Elev 42.9200 Bottom El: 35.5200 Hgrade El: 38.4888 ft 2.148 Junct: 0.000 Bend: 0.008 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <End> pl 35.520 18.00 0.012 Lower pla 35.520 18.00 0.012 Upper 9/ 3/97 GROUP FOUR, Inc. page 2 Meadowdale 96-3036 City of Edmonds File: ww31\data\96-3036\offsite.* 100 yr/24 hr northern conveyance STRUCTURE REPORT EXISTING STRUCTURE REACH ID No. cb2a Location neighboring yard to the north North Str Type East Str Cat Stm Manhole Rim Elev Str Diam 0.00 in Bottom El: Cont Area: Hgrade El: Bend.....: No special shape Ent type.: Str Diam : Ent Loss: 0.430 Exit: 2.148 App Vel: 0.000 Junct: Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <End> p2 43.770 18.00 0.012 Upper 4 1158.0000 1040.0000 50.5200 43.7700 48.8390 ft 0.000 Bend: 0.000 LO Vr jln Jae " � '� _ .;' - - _ "�-- - _1 � M to '<rl •.t^`•1v •� 'yr" T S mil. li � �• � � � . 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Ls �f Ll ..J i'. ,•; �• _•____.fit,. .�.; � \\,t t �►j� , ` lI. !�—v--.•' I� It Meadow' lel,:: Q01�1TOt (vi�l1'Lj.�• � /�• •/�i C �•"' `'� •`� '` � 1� •� �\;\•''.i ``.\ \�/��� ���r r. (! •V p � ar.� �: "'" �� � \ . '' :�i _ l � '� \`'' 't \ � � ��. 1 `./jam--1 • 400 • It r _— —i ' \ 7 - �•/ /Ji i r ? ' ""=:. ./'f� • .• is � �.• ,i , ...� — _ !+. — — — — — ./. / '�� �• 'I 1 I i t1y •• • • / r 1� 1r'i `� �'n r • 1 l I(�r� 1 :. �.11tr.t ,Iw :_. �) 1, / 1 it JI 1I L. 1 I i priv( O ( ' • i I �// It 1 e es J •' __ — C� 1 J F/6;, 5- OFF- 5/TF 84,e iw MA p .. ,-19=97 10817 AM MICHAEL A GEORGE AIA Ara GROUP FOUR, Inc: 16090 JU80/18-Woodinvilla Way N.C. 9001elr, Wash/ngron 9607 FAX (206) 362.3819 (2M 775.4581 4 (206) 30.4244 September 3, 1907 City of Edmontis 205 Stir Avenue Nurth Edmonds, WA 98020 Alin.: Tim IYalkctr, Cily Engineer Rc: Lakeside Senwood Group Group i+our Project #96,3036 Dear Tint; 360 569 198@ P.02 'llie l.akeside'Seawood Group project consists of one proposed single family residence, located near the 75111 Placc W and North lvfeadowdnic Road intersection. To Onsure that the proposed development will not adversely imp%ut the on -site and downstrelm drainage systems, a detailed hydrologic annlysis has been porforincd (reference June 3, 1997 Hydrology Report prcparcd by Group pour). Based on tltc resultsleonciusions of this report, a waive /meption for the provision of storm wnter detention is requested. In conformance with the City Ordinance 3013 - 19.30.065, exceptions to minimum storm writer quality Control (such as storm water dcicntion) may be grantcd providing that several kcy issues can be adequately addressed. These issues have been listed heluw (italicized), followed by a corresponding response (bold). A. The (rTee rrfort provllles equlvalellt environrnenlal prole4lion and is in Me owwri(ling public interest; and that the objectives of safety, function, envirunirrental protection cruel facility inainlenance, horsed xpon sound erighwerfng, arc fully ni t, The minimal increase in the peak runoff Me (0.35°/, (luring the 100 yearl24 hour design atorrri ovent) is anticipated to have a negligible impact on the envlronnielit, which consists primarily of a downstream tigh1line systein an(] Puget Sountl, In addition, cxccptlon from installing 'n detention system iR anticipated to result in .n negligible impact on safety, function, trial case of facility maintenance. R There arty ,cpevhrl physical circumstances or crartditiom affecting the properry which the x/rlct alyVicalilui of these provtvioav would c'eprivv lho applicant taf all reasonable use of the parcel of land in quoylion, and every (afforl to fnd relative ways to rrrcc•t late intrnl of rare mininn.inr slandards has, been made. -1'9—g7 10119 AM CMAEL A GEORG6 AIA 360 568 1930 P.03 It appears that the intent of the storm water detention standard is to restrict tlav'lopotl tlows to talc point of matching the existing peak flow rates from the site, 4a shown in the project Ilydrology Report, as currently designed the increase in pc:tic flow which will be experkneed by the downetrcum system Is minimnl. Therefore, It is our opinion that tltc proposed tlrsfgn'conlplios With the 111tcut of`live. starm xv:rtor <letcrrtior, minlnium standard. In addition, the limited nature of the proposed tlevclopinent does not IC11d itselr to the installation of n costly detention frteility. C. The grrartlnit of the erceptiorr, well nol be detrimental to tho prrbllc health anel,ive fare, no h jtn'iaus to nther properties in the vieinily tandlvr clown.slreum, and to die quolily of watcyr,c of the vole. The nilnlm:ll Increase In the peak runoff rate Is anticipated to have 11 negligible impact on the,puhlie health and welfare. In addition, the nnadysis containctl within the project Hydrology Report chows that the dowustrcanl conveyance system has capacity to handle thl.s flow increase. Therefore, impact_% to ether properties is anticipated ,to be nogrligrible. D. The excepilwr is the leasr pn.rsihle exception that voirld lie gmnied to comply with the intent of the othi im requiremettrr. Eliminating the requirement ror detention appears to he the minimum exception, as the proposed flow increase is minimal/neeliriblc. Development of the Subject property is anticipated lei have mininial impnet tit)downatream drainage systcros ;and appears to aciequatuly meet the constraints of the City Ordinanco .1013 - 18.30.065. nc-refore, a waiver from storm water detention requirements is requested. If you have any questions or desire additional information, pleaso call rite at (425) 362-3244. Sinecrciy, GROUP TOUR, INC. ton Vanier, 13,1:. Vice President of Engineering cc., Michael Ceorpe, Architeet SURYrWING ENC;1NLIiRIN(, PLANNING MANACrw. NT �I coo VnW+ n nnnnn +�VVIWN+ mmmmmm .O VPVnW+ X. >Ds V WN'� I0m � f0<nn ! : O •Op h r I T , z I � • . h y h y h CCCCC 'A h hq h V 9 cCCCrrr g y yy ytn yy CCCCC� N a N N N T in rrrrrhh DDDDy '�'� I h •pp • C ' . �O 7ccYAi7 707O 707YDDD �cIA 7c0A CZ i AM MA gm'_AAT a I RITTTRIRICA 1199 FA � m I ' ' h I' • nN I • � Ppp..VVV OAOAm •0 �0000 �ONPONA WAAAAN %now^=" +++++NN ONAPm0N O I I NZ! L c D I I I ZZ <SD mom ' ' i SM ITT r�r ..r ' ++WNW NN0PA0• +++NNWW %ANNAAOm• _WWWWA VIAAAPO ++++NWW VnVIOOOf•+PO• I01 'v MAP I h D—��= % I RI m�s'o mca N •,O AONmOp VW >_<V <OTAN •I 1 T1M • PPAV+w POA+•O V P. NWNN+ Op&t+A + mAWWW9v +%NRcl. DWN •OOVNVNN VA++OWO • Or C ;g . r ' i T 4 ' • . N_+ CND N_+++ •O mA ++++ Vn •Op� s- NN+ NO•OAN rnz • T h i >-4 - . WAA•O+ OVNN A. VnPNVVn.O m•VNWW • <fln pp VIP O.W AR'wNm�NN nO PQ InYI3 V+V•AP C-40 N VPP •OOVI I D 7O ' •O .O Of 01V m'OmVI iZ r < ' ' M z m ut I O. +N AN +•+++ mN+•OA + • Ma � « 01 vv OOVIW 0OV vS p .NO • 00000 N0�000 Onn O%n�mO p ' I h m � o.0000 0000000 000000 000000o I r oo++o 000+oAoo WWWON 0oo00 %n;! co coo oPA o •O ' T I N0V WW-A NV %.n vaPO• V 70 • p I nh W r + NOP +N I Tn NC. • mVI++ .0 +010"' PV'O+N O• NN4nA.+ON • v7 • .!A. :0 m•OAVV . . . . r.0 VOAmVnA+ Vn PIV•OwN . . . . .l. AVn VI.1 cm Go m I • N 1 NNNVI VI WAAnn.IVV ONNNwA 0++++NN I 7<O 0, WWmVI Vt �p PPV•0•0.0 •OOO�PPP . 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P•+•+ VI VIV VN•O.O .O AVVPAAA m.0 V+ OW�4PN mWWNNWW VnAAmmV•l ' W O.POVn un� u 00 t \ 0UN ARK - ism p UULl..1'I NBI p[N uN 5 RD 3 3 C g g W Q Q PARK GA7f 1-3W Q 15519 N L7 1,95 7029 Z N 7105 7025 15516 ^ J55I7 7103 7003 710 ]2P7 15509 7111 7107 703I 7009. 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Q B6 1 p /6209 Q 62I4 l6P71 I-3v 1-03 .I -I6, -101 692J a-rN 3PACC 1-IJ 1-.1 2 1-K l6211 �1 I6220 ,-.D !19 d 660! ,-U Q 16710 I-39 526923 I-33 /62P7 1100 16P38 '�/ I-102 6805 l6720 !62% 62N 16226 , s -3 1-,U ` 16Pr2 J6225 69P1 _ l6232 6908 I-l5 16J30 !6111 q16J17 9919 1-1 . h Z CU I- I-99 0P 6915 68 I-t3s 1� 16210 - 16315 l6J20 11 6. 1) 1610� N 16.719 1 63 6909 6901 TUSE Q 1_10p 1N29 ,- p y 7109 /6J27 J6322 ^ -130 1-93 p t-163 163 1-ts 1-31 1-70 1-17 16J21 1-% 1— 116n 1-6 —1 6"fN 1-0 ,-.6 1-9J bra 1-46 lit 7317 7709 7J02 7Pt9 7Gl3 6911 6910 laOl 1NI6 3-av1l1f 0 o q 70l6 6002 6B07 3 y 7AV PL sw 164/9 n ^ 6809 s W 3-22 1e ,8 6&1 ' > 16431 7I[K 7JlI 7306 7.701 72J8 7212 164-V 3-a1! N Q 16429 7020 l✓n BBB/ n � STREET FILF J U t 10 1997 PERMIT COUNTER GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT Proposed Residence 75th Place West Edmonds, Washington Job Number 6095 for Bob Cole and Jeri A. Merritt \� by DODDS Geosciences Inc. November 12, 1996 ■® -h2%F_0DD_S___ NP GEOSCIENCES INC. Post Office Box 6966 Bellevue, WA 98008-0966 Telephone (206) 867-3297 Facsimile (206) 88 1-864 1 Bob Cole & Jeri A. Merritt c/o Lakeside Seawood Group 7500- 212th S.W., Suite 210 Edmonds, WA 98020 Attention: A. Lee Atherton Subject: Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Cole/Merritt Residence SWC 75th Place West & Meadowdale Road Edmonds, Washington Dear Client: • Job Number 6095 November 12, 1996 We are pleased to present this Geotechnical Engineering Report for the proposed new Cole/Merritt single-family residence to be constructed on the undeveloped property at the southwest corner of 75th Place West and Meadowdale Road in Edmonds, Washington. The purposes of our work were to professionally evaluate subsurface soil and groundwater conditions, discuss grading and excavation recommendations, and provide a reasonable foundation method with design guidelines. The scope of our services included: 1) Logging and sampling two test borings drilled to a maximum depth of 41.5 feet below existing grades. The test borings were drilled with a trailer -mounted drill rig and logged by the undersigned geotechnical engineer. Selected samples were taken of subsurface soils. 2) Reviewing collected soil samples in our office and assigning moisture content and sieve gradation analysis tests. At the conclusion of the testing program, laboratory results were analyzed and compared with field notes and logs. 3) Preparation of this summary report in accordance with our understanding of project requirements and generally recognized geotechnical engineering practices in general accordance with our Proposal No. 6023. No other warranty is expressed or implied. Plate 1, attached, provides the guidelines in the use of this report. General Site Conditions - Surface The proposed residence will be constructed on the undeveloped property at the southwest corner of 75th Place West and Meadowdale Road in Edmonds, Washington. The general vicinity of the site is shown on Plate 2, Vicinity Map. At the time of our fieldwork, the proposed building area had been cleared and covered with hog fuel. There was no evidence of previous construction activities other than this clearing. The property has a moderate slope to the west and northwest. There is a shallow, apparently seasonal stream which runs downhill near the southern property boundary. According to the topographic map, the overall vertical relief across the approximate building site is about twenty feet. PROPOSED COLEIMERRI7T RESIDENCE Job Number 6095 November 12, 1996 Page 2 Subsurface Exploration and Description Two test borings were drilled with a trailer -mounted drill rig to a maximum depth of 41.5 feet below existing grades at the locations shown on the Site Plan, Plate 3. The test borings were logged and sampled by the undersigned registered civil engineer during the drilling process. The test boring logs are attached to this report. Recovered soil samples were subjected to laboratory testing consisting of moisture content determinations, sieve gradation and Atterberg Limit tests. Test results and field density information are summarized on the attached test boring logs and plates. Although there may very well be some variation in the subsurface and/or conditions not readily apparent from the ground surface, we expect the following subsurface interpretation to be essentially correct: Under the brushy ground surface, the site is immediately underlain with variable silty gravelly sand, to sand with some silt and gravel. The sandy soils are loose, and vary in depth. On the uphill side of the building site, the sand is near eighteen feet deep. As the topography drops to the west, the sand layer becomes thinner, with approximately six to eight feet of sand underlying the site near the western edge of the building site. Underlying the loose surficial sand is around seven to nine feet of fractured silt/clay. Near elevation 48 feet, our test borings encountered a stiff to very stiff massive highly -plastic clay. Groundwater was measured in Test Boring No. 1 at 26 feet below existing grades. The final test boring logs attached to this report represents our interpretation of the field data and laboratory tests. The relative densities and moisture descriptions on the logs are interpretive descriptions based on observed conditions during excavation. The logs should be reviewed for specific subsurface information at each location tested. Conclusions and Recommendations General The following general geotechnical conclusions can be drawn from our field and laboratory test data: 1) The surficial sandy soils are loose. Our analysis indicates these sandy soils cannot provide adequate foundation support. 2) We recommend the new structure and floor slabs be supported on deep augercast piles. 3) We recommend excavations in the building area be limited to as shallow a depth as practical. PROPOSED COLEIMERRIYT RESIDENCE Job Number 6095 November 12, 1996 Page 3 3) Temporary excavations may be sloped to a maximwn of 1:1 (Horizontal: Vertical). 4) Soils with a high percentage of silt and/or clay (>15%) are moisture sensitive and difficult to impossible to utilize as structural fill if the soil is more than two to three percent wetter than the optimum moisture content at the time of compaction. The near - surface soils at this site do have some silt. We anticipate these soils will be unusable as structural fill if they become too wet. Foundations The proposed structure and floors may be supported on a steel -reinforced concrete pier foundation. The foundation should consist of mtnimutn sixteen -inch -diameter piers firmly embedded into the underlying massive clay beginning at about elevation 48.0 feet. The piers should be tied together with a steel -reinforced grade beam. We recommend the owner plan on installing the piers with continuous flight hollow -stem augers. The augercast method involves drilling the hole with the auger equipment, and then continuously pumping concrete through the center of the hollow -stem auger during auger extraction. Steel reinforcement is then placed into the concrete -filled hole. A head of concrete must be maintained above the auger tip to ensure an intact column of concrete has filled the drilled hole after the auger is removed. This can be achieved by withdrawing the auger slowly while maintaining a suitably high pump pressure. As a general rule, the rate of auger withdrawal should not exceed about ten feet per minute, and the pressure at the concrete grout pump should be in the range of 150 to 250 pounds per square inch (psi), depending upon the length of feeder hose. The pump should be equipped with a calibrated stroke counter so that concrete grout volumes may be calculated. Sixteen -inch -diameter piers embedded a minimum of ten feet into the underlying stiff to very stiff clay may be assumed to have a vertical capacity of fifteen tons. If this is not enough capacity, the pier diameter can be increased. Piers should be placed no closer together than three pier diameters, center to center. For transient loads, such as seismic and wind gusts, the allowable load may be increased by one-third. We can provide design criteria for different pier diameters and embedment lengths, if required. Based on our study, we expect piers to be about twenty-five to forty feet deep. A lateral capacity of one ton per pile may be assumed. Additional lateral capacity may be available from the embedded grade beam. We estimate that the total measured settlement of single piers will be about one-half inch. Measured differential settlements between pier caps are expected to be approximately one-half to three-quarters of an inch. As concrete piers cannot be inspected after installation (except by load testing), it is important that a geotechnical engineer be present during installation. This allows us: 1) to confirm that the encountered subsurface conditions are consistent with those indicated by our exploration, 2) to evaluate whether foundation construction activities comply with the intent of contract plans and specifications, 3) to provide recommendations for design changes in the event unanticipated subsurface conditions are encountered. We would be delighted to provide these construction observation services, however it must be understood that we will not supervise the contractor during his operations, nor are we responsible for job and site safety during construction. PROPOSED COLE/MERRITT RESIDENCE Job Number 6095 November 12, 1996 Page 4 Seismic Design (UBC) The site is classified as seismic zone 3 by the Uniform Building Code. We recommend the designer utilize site soil coefficient S, in their analysis. Utilizing the topographic map provided by others and the results of our testing, computer slope stability analyses during design earthquake loading using pseudo -static techniques was conducted. The results of that analysis indicated the existing slope will remain stable during the design earthquake. Plate 10 summarizes two critical slip circle results of that analysis. Slabs -on -Grade Reinforced slab -on -grade floors are not recommended for this structure. All floors should be pile supported. Site Drainage The site should be graded so that surface water is directed away from the construction .area. Water should not be allowed to stand in any area where the foundations, pavements, or slabs are to be constructed. Final site grades adjacent to the buildings should be sloped away from the structure. Roof and surface water drains should discharge to an appropriate facility. Footing drains should be anticipated for the all exterior sides of the structure and should consist of a slotted four -inch -diameter PVC pipe bedded in, and covered with a minimum of six inches of drain rock. The invert of the pipe should be placed below the bottom of the adjacent crawl space. A non -woven geotextile fabric (Mirafi 140N, Supac 4NP or equivalent) should be wrapped around the outside of the drain rock. The PVC pipe should be sloped to drain, and may be connected to the roof and surface water discharge pipe downgradient and away from the structure. PROPOSED COLE/MERRIYT RESIDENCE Job Number 6095 November 12, 1996 Page 5 Foundation Walls Foundation walls supported on piers must be designed to support the lateral earth pressures which abutting soils will impose. The following recommendations are for foundation walls which are less than twelve feet high where equivalent fluid pressures are appropriate: Design Parameter Value Active Earth Pressure* 45 pcf Passive Earth Pressure** 300 pcf Unit Weight of Soil 125 pcf Coefficient of Friction 0.35 *The active earth pressure recommended assumes the wall can deflect at least 0.002 times the wall height. If this assumption is incorrect, a uniform lateral pressure of one hundred psf should be added to the active earth pressure. **Starting at 1.5 feet below finish grades. The values recommended above are ultimate values, and should be reduced by an appropriate safety factor. As a guideline, we recommend a minimum factor of safety of 1.5 for overturning and sliding. The resultant force from the soil (neglecting the passive pressure force) can be calculated by taking moments about the toe of the wall. The resultant force should pass through the middle third of the footing. The above design values do not include hydrostatic pressures behind the walls and assume that no surcharge slopes or loads are placed above, or near the walls. Design values can also be exceeded if heavy construction equipment is allowed within a prism defined by a 1:1 (H:V) line extending up to the soil surface from the back end of the retaining wall footing. If any of these conditions exist, then the above design values should be augmented by appropriate additional pressures. If walls higher than twelve feet or sloping wall backfills are required for this project, please contact our office for supplemental recommendations. Foundation walls should be waterproofed and backfilled with clean compacted, free -draining granular soil. This will prevent the buildup of hydrostatic pressures. The wall backfill should contain no more than five percent silt or clay, no organics, and no cobbles greater in diameter than four inches. The percentage of sand (From the #4 sieve to the #200 sieve) should range from 25 to 75 percent. This free -draining backfill should be allowed to seep into the foundation drain. During compaction of wall backfill, care should be taken to not damage the wall. The top one to two feet of wall backfill should consist of a relatively impermeable soil or topsoil. PROPOSED COLEIMERRIYT RESIDENCE Job Number 6095 November 12, 1996 Page 6 Excavations and Slopes Temporary and permanent excavations and slopes for this project must meet all applicable government safety regulations. Temporary cuts to a depth of four feet may be attempted vertical, although they may not hold for extended periods of time. Excavation slopes greater than four feet in depth should be cut no steeper than 1:1 (H:V) through the sandy silty soils. Flatter slopes may also be required depending upon the groundwater table elevation and local variations in soil conditions. Contractors working in excavations should anticipate caving of the side slopes. Permanent cut and fill slopes should not exceed 2:1 (H:V). General Earthwork and Structural Fill Site construction should begin by stripping and clearing the building area of all vegetation, organic topsoil, and any other deleterious material. Stripped materials may have to be removed from the site. The contractor should anticipate, and be prepared to accommodate moderate seepage into even shallow excavations. Structural fill is defined as any fill placed below structures, including slabs, where the fill soils would need to support loads without unacceptable deflections or shearing. Structural fill should be placed above unyielding site soils in maximum eight -inch -thick loose lifts and compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of Modified Proctor (ASTM D-1557). Soil is typically difficult to place and compact as structural fill if more than three percent from the optimum moisture content at the time of compaction. During wet weather or under wet conditions, structural fill should consist of a granular soil having less that five percent silt or clay (measured on that portion which passes the 3/4-inch sieve). During drier weather, water may have to be added to the soils to achieve the required compacted density. Wet Weather Construction If the site is developed during extended periods of wet weather/winter, the following are reasonable costs/changes which should be anticipated: 1) Excavated slopes and fill piles will have to be protected with plastic. 2) Excavations may require over -excavation (on the order to six inches to one foot), and replacement with "clean" structural fill or crushed rock. 3) Numerous site visits will be required by this office to evaluate site conditions, confer with the contractor, and snake recommendations as conditions become exposed or change. 4) The project may suffer some time delays due to inclement weather, regardless of the mitigation measures which are adopted. 5) Costs of maintaining the site and cleaning adjacent streets/property will increase. PROPOSED COLEIMERRITT RESIDENCE Job Number 6095 November 12, 1996 Page 7 Closure It is recommended we be retained to review the final development plans to verify site specific subsurface requirements are met and our recommendations have been accurately interpreted in the plans. It is also recommended that we be retained to provide professional geotechnical consultation, and observation services during design and construction. This allows us to: 1) confirm that design conforms to specific subsurface requirements; 2) confirm that subsurface conditions exposed during construction are consistent with those indicated by this report; 3) evaluate whether earthwork, shoring, and foundation construction activities conform to the intent of the contract specifications and plans, and; 4) provide recommendations for design changes in the event of changed conditions. While on the site during construction, we will not direct or supervise the contractor or the work, nor we will be responsible for maintaining or providing for on -site safety or dimensional measurements during construction activities. It has been a pleasure providing you with our professional services. If there are any questions, please call me directly at (206) 827-1084. Sincerely: DODDS Geosciences Inc. K. 00 • � w 1 EMSES VI —M /lfy 1 Mark K. Dodds, P.E. MKD/wd Enclosures: 10 Plates • i DODDS GEOSCIENCES INC. PLATE 1 GUIDELINES IN THE USE OF THIS REPORT This report for Job No. 6095 was prepared in accordance with local generally accepted engineering principles and standards. No warranty is expressed or implied. The findings and recommendations contained in this report are based upon the limited services which you requested. Geotechnical engineering requires the application of professional judgment, as no study can completely quantify subsurface conditions. The owner should seriously consider any recommendations for additional work contained in the report, as it is then our professional opinion that this additional work is necessary to augment and/or fulfill site specific requirements. This report is an informational document, and is not to be used for contractual purposes. Any interpretation of subsurface conditions in the report including the test boring logs, and/or text discussions are based upon our testing, analysis, experience, and judgment. There is no warranty that these subsurface interpretations represent subsurface conditions other than that which occurred at the exact locations tested at the time the fieldwork was conducted by this firm. Groundwater levels can be especially sensitive to seasonal changes. This firm is not responsible for interpretations others make using this report. The conclusions and recommendations in this report assume that the field tests that were conducted accurately represent subsurface conditions of the site. If, during construction, significantly different subsurface conditions are encountered from those described in this report, our firm should be notified at once to review these conditions and revise our recommendations as necessary. Also, if there is a significant lapse of time between this report submittal and the start of work at the site, our firm should be allowed to review and verify site conditions. Unanticipated soil conditions are commonly encountered during excavation and construction, and simply cannot be fully anticipated by periodic soil and/or rock sampling at widely spaced testing locations. The owner should be prepared to accommodate potential extra costs through the development of a contingency fund. This firm cannot be responsible for any deviation from the intent of this report including, but not limited to the nature of the project, the construction timetable, and any construction methods discussed in the report. The recommendations contained in the report are not intended to direct the contractor's methods, techniques, sequences or procedures, except as may be specifically described in the report. This firm will not be responsible for any construction activity on this site, nor are we responsible if others attempt to apply this report to other sites. Job Number 6095 - Plate Guidelines Cole/Merritt Residence 75th Place West Meadowdale, Washington DODDS GEOSCIENCES INC. 3 e Z %3 �NORMA EACH H.�SM 5i s sw PL SW e%D p 61M Si6M t/ I -.� EACH — I. Q i I L s, s( / 14grFr--- ' = FISHER N Pt Y i o j >( Zff, 151 ST -lSGN PoL SW = - sy 3s .`CiN a Z --15 C-- �s>fof` ST< L PL SW s � = 1 S I T E I --- - -- _ ST'� _ - SW 1WLJ = SBTM ; m MEAmWDALEi— SW--------i @Ro ST SW r, BROWNS F BAY / f ^h �: 164TW PL SW 165TH PL i DODDS GEOSCIENCES INC. ep 00 36 4' ov 1R0� � � � ? / 10• 1, C s 9i � a ' i � � % , I , .�• . i;4 L S ' w % I / / / / •i1 r------ 4�= j16'GIMP RE. Sw r >� ' ' aq y ��p or Z rEASEAawr r0 C7 / / 40 I ! -4f /Rf / - - -- l- - rr-e- ��1 ----- o - - -- -- 4, / I ! 19: A,g� Itp 1./ 6L. - 1•-` f v 87:f5, vi fao=89 66 lX 8165 fy i Job Number 6095 - Plate 3 Site Plan Cole/Merritt Residence 75th Place West Meadowdale, Washington Hole No. B_1 PROJECT: Cole/Merritt SFR DATE DRILLED: 9/24/96 DRILL RIG: Trailer -Mounted LOGGED BY: Mark K. Dodds, P.E. HOLE DIA: 8 in. SAMPLER: SPT INITIAL WATER DEPTH: ft. HOLE ELEV: ± 75 MSL FINAL WATER DEPTH: 26.0 ft. TOTAL DEPTH: 41.5 ft. w DESCRIPTION SOIL GRAPHIC i SLOWS REMARKS TYPE LOG a /Ft. V) !:r;ace - _: usn. h.1L ,; pwn (3raveily Sandy Silt, very moist, loose. i =,ray Silty 5ana with some Gravel, wet, loose. i SM ,;1rh Manses or ;mall Gravel. xz' e-Cnrwn Silty Sand, very moist, loose. Sh-0 Becomes Drown colorea: with lenses or Gravel. Gray Clayey Silt to Silty Clay with lenses of Silt, wet, firm. reavuy CL fractured. finor fracturing. Giav Silty Clay, wet. stiff to very stiff. CH Bottom of Boring 1. Groundwater table at 26.0 feet below cranes on OCtober u. 1996. W 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 DODDS Ge03clence3 Inc. PAGE IOFI BORING LOG Hole No. B-2 PROJECT: Cole/Merritt SFR DATE DRILLED: 9/24/96 DRILL RIG: Trailer -Mounted LOGGED BY: Mark K. Dodds, P.E. HOLE DIA: 8 in. SAMPLER: SPT INITIAL WATER DEPTH: ft. HOLE ELEV: ± 65 MSL FINAL WATER DEPTH: ft. TOTAL DEPTH: 24.5 ft. to W DESCRIPTION SOIL GRAPHIC i BLOWS REMARKS TYPE LOG a /Ft. w 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Bottom of Boring 2. No groundwater table noted during drilling. DODDS Geosclences Inc. PAGE I OF I BORING LOG • • DODDS GEOSCIENCES INC. MATERIAL: Native Soil SAMPLED BY: Mark Dodds SOURCE: B-1; 5.0'- 6.5' DATE: 8/24/1996 SCREEN SIZE ACCUM- WEIGHT RETAINED (Grams) ACCUM- PERCENT RETAINED PERCENT PASSING 2.0 100.0 3/4" 20.1 5.6 94.4 3/8" ---- 5.6 94.4 #4 26.8 7.5 92.5 #10 36.0 10.1 89.9 #40 61.6 17.2 82.8 #100 159.4 44.6 55.4 #200 201.7 56.5 43.5 X ASTM C136 ASTM D1140 DODDS GEOSCIENCES INC. MATERIAL: Native Soil SAMPLED BY: Mark Dodds SOURCE: B-1; 10.0'- 11.5' DATE: 8/24/1996 SCREEN SIZE ACCUM- WEIGHT RETAINED (Grams) ACCUM- PERCENT RETAINED PERCENT PASSING 2.0 100.0 3/4" 100.0 3/8" 14.4 4.1 95.9 #4 22.7 6.5 93.5 #10 43.0 12.2 87.8 #40 144.3 41.0 59.0 #100 248.9 70.8 29.2 #200 264.7 75.3 24.7 X ASTM C136 ASTM D1140 SB-SLOPE Simplified Bishop Slope Stability Analysis PROJECT: Cole Merritt Single Familu Residence LOCATION: Meadowdale, Washington FILE: JN6O95 COMPLETE SLOPE CROSS SECTION CIRCLE X Y RADIUS FS 1 42.0 90.0 49.0 1.06 2 0.0 78.0 49.0 1.73 220 200 100 160 7- 0 H F— 140 Q w J W 120 100 Be 60 40 20 0 .1 1 't rA Q 0 RETURN ADDRESS: City of Edmonds, City Clerk 12.1 5th Avenue North Edmonds, WA 98020 Ot .,a P y . ',-::; I-L ON FILE H% THE AUDITOR'S OFFICE 200004240116 1!04/24/2000 10:39 AM Snohomish 1p.0006 RECORDED County COVENANT OF NOTIFICATION AND INDEMNIFICATION/HOLD HARMLESS. Reference #: 0)G) Grantor(s): (1) V lockn l< M ( n Udditional on pg. Grantee( Legal Description (abbreviated): Sec Twn g Qtr OR Lot I �f Z- Block Plat S Assessor's Tax Parcel ID#(s): (1) t 31 C' I fX� f CMXn (2) _possessor's Tax Parcel ID# not yet assigned CITY OF EDMONDS APPROVED FOR RECORDING // BY: �_ DATE: 'AGE OF b Under the review procedures established pursuant to the State Building Code, incorporating amendments promulgated by the City of Edmonds, and as a prerequisite to the issuance of a building permit for the construction of a residential structure and attendant facilities, the undersigned OWNERS of property do hereby covenant, stipulate and promise as follows: FAPPROVED FOR RECORIPG: DATE: 11 W OF 1. Description of Subject Pro, peM. This covenant of notification and indemnification/hold harmless relates to a tract of land at the street address of - € (7 C u (insert street address), Edmonds Snohomish County, Washington and legally described as: _Heal x.Ucb(ec.���� Pik OGi�7—c�C� fed n, 2. Notification and Covenant of Notification The above referenced site (hereinafter "subject site") lies within an area which has been identified by the.City of Edmonds, as having a potential for earth subsidence or landslide hazard. The risks associated with development of the site have been evaluated by technical consultants and engineers engaged by the applicant as a part of the process to obtain a building permit for the subject site. The results of the consultant's reports and evaluations of the risks associated with development are contained in building permit file number (insert number) on file with the City of Edmonds Building Department. Conditions, limitations, or prohibitions on development may have been imposed in accordance with the recommendations of APPROVED FOR RECORDING: BY: DATE, PAGE OF OF (� the consultants in the course of permit issuance. The conditions, limitations, or prohibitions may require ongoing maintenance on the part of any owner or lessee or may require modifications to the structures and earth stabilization matters in order to address future or anticipated changes in soil or other site conditions. The statements and conditions proposed by the OWNERS' geotechnical engineer, geologist, architect and/or structural engineer are hereby incorporated by reference from the contents of the file as fully as if herein set forth. Any future purchaser, lessee, lender or any other person acquiring or seeking to acquire an interest in the property is put on notice of the existence of the content of the file and the City urges review of its contents. The file may be reviewed during normal business hours or copies obtained at the Building Department, City of Edmonds, 121 5th Avenue North, Edmonds, Washington 98020. 3. Indemnification and Hold Harmless The undersigned OWNERS hereby waive any and all liability associated with development, stating that they have fully informed themselves of all risks associated with development of the property and do therefore waive and relinquish any and all causes of action against the City of Edmonds, its officers, agents and employees arising from and out of such development. In addition, the OWNERS on behalf of themselves, their successors in interest, heirs and assignees, do hereby promise to indemnify and hold harmless the City of Edmonds, its officers, agents and employees from any loss, claim, liability or damage of any kind or nature to persons or property either on or off the site resulting from or out of earth subsidence or landslide hazard, arising from or out of the issuance of any permit(s) authorizing development of the site, or occurring or 7FOR RECO Fi& � DATE: r CX) OF arising out of any false, misleading, or inaccurate information provided by the OWNERS, their employees, or professional consultants in the course of issuance of the building permit. 4. Insurance Requirement In addition to any bonding which may be required during the course of development, the Community Services Director has specifically required the maintenance of an insurance policy for public liability coverage in the amount and for the time set forth below in order to provide for the financial responsibilities established through the indemnification and hold harmless agreement above: 5. Covenant to Touch and Concern the Land This covenant of notification and indemnification/hold harmless touches and concerns the subject tract and shall run with the land, binding, obligating and/or inuring to the benefit of future owners, heirs, successors and interests or any other person or entity acquiring an interest in property, as their interest may appear. This provision shall not be interpreted to require a mortgagor or lender to indemnify the City except to the extent of their loss nor to obligate such persons to maintain the insurance above required. EAPPROVED:C3 OR RECORDING: DATE: ob OF DONE this day of UK V. ,199q . OWN] By: By: By STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss: COUNTY OF S► o I"ll W 1 "h ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that V � ct G-,V1 ► � o Sa. �a V I G La f, 1 4yi t M, I icy nq I 10-yK, signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be (his/her) free and voluntary act for the purposes mentioned in this instrument. DATED this ^ day of J ?�(Vl� , 199 q CONSTANCE M. CURTIS NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF WASHINGTON COMMISSION EXPIRES APRIL 9. 2003 L:\TEMP\BUILDING\MEADOW\COVENANT 1 NOTARY PUBLIC My. commission expires: 0 APPROVED FOR RECO ING: BY: ATE: () PAGE . OF STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss: COUNTY OF ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be (his/her) free and voluntary act for the purposes mentioned in this instrument. DATED this day of ,199_ NOTARY PUBLIC My commission expires: L:\TEMP\BUILDINGXMEADOWNCOVENANT r .r RETURN ADDRESS: City of Edmonds, City Clerk 121 5th Avenue North Edmonds, WA 98020 0 Py Ottir MAL ON FILE IN THE C..,-3N'Ty AUDITOR'S OFFICE �24011.6 0:39 0 Snohomish DED County COVENANT OF NOTIFICATION AND INDEMNIFICATION/HOLD HARMLESS Reference #: 0)_ 1 0 22 V Grantor(s): (1) 1 m 1 VIC(2) t.l (OY� additional on pg. Grantee(s): City Edmonds Legal Description (abbreviated): Sec Twn f Ang Qtr OR Lot_I Z dock Plat Assessor's �J Assessor's Tax Parcel ID#(s): 06A 601 00000 (2) Assessor's Tax Parcel ID# not yet assigned CITY OF EDMONDS APPROVED FOR RECORDING BY: DATE:VPAGE L OF Under the review procedures established pursuant to the State Building Code, incorporating amendments promulgated by the City of Edmonds, and as a prerequisite to the issuance of a building permit for the construction of a residential structure and attendant facilities, the undersigned OWNERS of property do hereby covenant, stipulate and promise as follows: 0 E ED FOR REQOIIDI�IG: �c,._ DATE: OF� 1. Description of Subject Property, This covenant of notification and indemnification/hold harmless relates to a tract of land at the street address of I(,' n CIQ � �� `�-- � (insert street address), Edmonds Snohomish County, Washington and legally described as: D-,:nf)— 00 arce,E CP 2. Notification and Covenant of -Notification. The above referenced site (hereinafter "subject site") lies within an area which has been identified by the.City of Edmonds. as having a potential for earth subsidence or landslide hazard. _ The risks associated with development. of the site have been evaluated by technical consultants and engineers engaged by the applicant as a part of the process to obtain a building permit for the subject site. The results of the consultant's reports and evaluations of the risks associated with development are contained in building 'permit file number I.(insert number) on file with the City of Edmonds Building Department. Conditions, limitations, or prohibitions on development may have been imposed in accordance with the recommendations of the consultants in the course of permit issuance. APPROVED FOR RECO ING: BY: DATE: ()b PAGE OF The conditions, limitations, or prohibitions may require ongoing maintenance on the -part of any owner or lessee or may require modifications to the structures and earth stabilization matters in order to address future or anticipated changes in soil. or other .site conditions. The statements and conditions proposed by the OWNERS' geotechnical engineer, geologist, architect and/or structural engineer are hereby incorporated by reference .from the contents of the file as fully as if herein set forth. Any future purchaser, lessee, lender or any other person.acquiring or seeking to acquire an interest in the property is put on notice of the existence of the content of the file and the City urges review of its contents. The file may be reviewed during normal business hours or copies obtained at the Building Department, City of Edmonds, 121 5th Avenue North, Edmonds, Washington 98020. 3. Indemnification and Hold Harmless The undersigned OWNERS hereby waive any and all liability associated with development, stating that they have fully informed themselves of all risks associated with development of the property and do therefore waive and relinquish any and all causes of action against .the City of Edmonds, its officers, agents and employees arising from and out of such development. In addition, the OWNERS on behalf of themselves, their successors in interest, heirs and assignees, do hereby promise to indemnify and hold harmless the City of Edmonds, its officers, agents and employees from any loss, claim, liability or damage of any kind or nature to persons or property either on or off the site resulting from or out of.earth subsidence or landslide hazard, arising from or out of the issuance of any permit(s) authorizing development of the site, or occurring or APPROVED FOR RECO ING: BY: DATE: OU PAGE _4_�L OF arising out of any false; misleading, or inaccurate information provided by the OWNERS, their employees, or professional consultants in the course of issuance of the building permit. 4. Insurance Requirement. In addition, to any bonding which may be required during the course of development, the Community Services Director has ' te-@W0 specifically required the maintenance of an insurance policy for public liability. coverage in the amount and for the time set forth below in order to provide for the financial responsibilities established through the indemnification and hold harmless agreement above: 5. Covenant to Touch and Concern the Land This covenant of notification and indemnification/hold harmless touches and concerns the subject tract and shall run with the land, binding, obligating and/or inuring to the benefit of future owners, heirs, successors and interests or any other person or entity acquiring an interest in property, as their interest may appear. This provision shall not be interpreted to require a mortgagor or lender to indemnify the City except to the extent of their loss nor to obligate such persons to maintain the insurance above required. APPROVED FOR RECO !NG: BY: CCX, DATE: JW PAGE Cj OF 4�A--L DONE this day of ,1991 OWN] By: By: By STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss: COUNTY OF S ItIJ I1I)'VYt 10 h ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that VCCda-,VA I (o. &V1 'aU i G l',�Vj,�l C[ �1 I Vl n I j(? 5CL'� I tQ1flG signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be (his/her) free and voluntary act for the purposes mentioned in this instrument. DATED this day of 199. CONSTANCE M. CURTIS em l� A NOTARY PUBLIC NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF WASHINGTON My. commission expires: d `� COMMISSION EXPIRES APRIL 9. 2003 L:\TEMP\BUILDING\MEADOVV\COVENANT APPROVED FOR RECO ING: BY:, DATE: PAGE f OF STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss: COUNTY OF ) I certify that I know.or have satisfactory evidence that signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be (his/her) free and voluntary act for the purposes mentioned in . this instrument. DATED this day of ,199_ NOTARY PUBLIC My commission expires: L:\TEMP\BUILDING\MEADOw\COVENANT When recorded mail to: City Clerk City of Edmonds 121 Fifth Avenue North Edmonds, WA 98020 01/22/2001 11:46 AM Snohomish P.0003 RECORDED :County S HoiE N� SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE REOORp ZN�S p�CUMNN,NG. Assessor's Parcel No.CID S7� ®S�1-�ii►i-( FOR s�CA Project No. & Name: _-IC-4 AagwFek bVrCrL.P Oq ARE pp0 0 Right -of -Way Permit No. ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT This ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is entered into between the CITY OF EDMONDS ("City") and QA1y- C1_ Fr-kijayla ("Owner") in accordance with Chapter 18.70 of the Edmonds Community Ddvelopment Code. 1 The Properly. Owner is the owner of that certain real property located at, ��d �W�sr within the City of Edmonds, Washington, Assessor's Parcel Number IVIV-W, LOWC , and more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference,, 2. The Easement. City currently owns an existing easement over, under, and across Owner's property forUbh6 ej4je 1ey1— which easement is described in Exhibit `B" attached hereto and incorporated by reference. 3. The Encroachment. City hereby covenants and agrees and grants its permission to Owner to allow X ke4les to remain in a portion of the easement. A plat showing the location of the encroachment is attached as Exhibit "C" attached hereto and incorporated by reference. This Agreement is subject to the following terms and conditions: a. The encroachment shall be installed and maintained in a safe and sanitary condition at the sole cost, risk, and responsibility of the owner and its successors in interest. b. The Owner shall agree at all times to indemnify and hold the City free and harmless from any and all claims, demands, losses, damages or expenses resulting from the construction, maintenance, use, repair or removal of the structure installed hereunder, including -1- any loss, damage or expense arising out of (1) loss or damages to property and (2) injury to or death of persons. C. The Owner must remove or relocate any part of the encroachment within ten (10) days or such other time as specified in the notice after receipt of it from the City Engineer, or the City Engineer may cause such work to be done and the reasonable cost thereof shall constitute a lien upon the property. d. Whatever rights and obligations were acquired by the City with respect to the easement shall remain and continue in full force and effect and shall in no way be affected by city's grant of permission to construct and maintain the encroachment structure. 4. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes and replaces all other agreements, oral or written, between the parties with respect to the subject matter. 5. Notices. Any notice which is required or may be given pursuant to this Agreement shall be sent in writing by United States mail, first class, postage pre -paid, registered or certified with return receipt requested, or by other comparable commercial means and addressed as follows: If to the City: City Engineer City of Edmonds 121 Fifth Avenue North Edmonds, WA 98020 If to the Owner: /� gmiw ell0 /Y6 2_03fnd ST Aomel it 14117 90o3 which addresses may be changed from time to time by providing notice to the other party in the manner described above. 6. Waiver. City's.consent to or approval of any act or omission by Owner shall not constitute a waiver of any other default by Owner and shall not be deemed a waiver or render unnecessary City's consent for approval to any subsequent act by Owner. Any waiver by City of any default must be in writing and shall not be a waiver of any other default concerning the same or any other provision of. the Agreement. . 7. Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective legal representatives, successors, and assigns. -2- 1 Q222 Owner agrees to incorporate this agreement by reference in any subsequent deeds to the property, but any failure to do so does not invalidate this provision. 8. Capacijy. Each party represents that the person(s) executing this Agreement on behalf of such party has the authority to execute this Agreement and by such signature(s) thereby bind such party. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on this day of '2?- geh .2000 OWNE e By: STATE OF WASHINGTON CITY OF EDMONDS By: Don Fiene, PE Acting City Engineer COUNTY OF SNOHOMISH ) i-A ppr This day, personally appeared before me, I L-OS AVLn i E V ICE , to me known to be the person who executed the within and foregoing document and that he_ signed the same as hi,5L free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. M htPublic ,..-�Y W A = Typed or Printed Name ��si ::a► My Commission expires: CAMy Documents\Engsa\F0RMS\Ena=1 Ag=.dm — 3 — 1 20 31 • When recorded mail to: City Clerk City of Edmonds 12 1 Fifth Avenue North Edmonds, WA 98020 CONFORMED COPY 200201100233 01/10/2002 12:15 PM Snohomish P.0003 RECORDED County SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE Assessor's Parcel No.� Project No. & Name: St" L)Af4 j} b yi,' j' ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT AM m r:::N,Dpl TJ T;) P-Eepevl ik�c'�1M 7 rU�z2.c�z3t This ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is entered into between the CITY OF EDMONDS ("City") and. t,.it�Ti i�t ("Owner[s]"), in accordance with Chapter 18.70. of the Edmonds Community Development Code. 1. The Property. , Owner is the owner of that certain real property located at 166W& PL wo-s"(r , within the City of Edmonds, Washington, Assessor's Parcel Number S f 31 ,05q —cyi -uGZr(,, , and more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Business owner, is the business owner of that certain real property noted above. 2. The Easement. The City currently owns an existing easement over, under, and across Owner's property for street, alley, sidewalk, other (! 7-gRQ i A an U, ,4 n5exi mT, ) which is described in Exhibit `B" attached hereto and incorporated by reference. 3. The Encroachment. The City hereby covenants and agrees and grants its permission to Owner or Business Owner to allow MUaQAj4 Mco-- PAVGqzS to remain in a portion of the City right-of-way/easement. A plat map showing the location of the encroachment is attached as Exhibit "C" and incorporated by reference. This Agreement is subject to the following terms and conditions: a. The encroachment shall be installed and maintained in a safe and sanitary condition at the sole cost, risk, and responsibility of the owner and its successors in interest. b. The Owner shall agree at all times to indemnify and hold the City free and harmless from any and all claims, demands, losses, damages or expenses resulting from the -1- construction, maintenance, use, repair or removal of the structure installed hereunder, including any loss, damage or expense arising out of (1) loss or damages to property and (2) injury to or death of persons. C. The Owner must remove or relocate any part of the encroachment within ten (10) days or such other time as specified in the notice after receipt of it from the City Engineer, or the City Engineer may cause such work to be done and the reasonable cost thereof shall constitute a lien upon the property. d. Whatever rights and obligations were acquired by the City with respect to the easement shall remain and continue in full force and effect and shall in no way be affected by city's grant of permission to construct and maintain the encroachment structure. 4. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes and replaces all other agreements, oral or written, between the parties with respect to the subject matter. 5. Notices. Any notice which is required or may be given pursuant to this Agreement shall be sent in writing by United States mail, first class, postage pre -paid, registered or certified with return receipt requested, or by other comparable commercial means and addressed as follows: If to the City: City Engineer City of Edmonds 121 Fifth Avenue North Edmonds, WA 98020 If to the Owner: which addresses may be changed from time to time by providing notice to the other party in the manner described above. 6. Waiver. City's consent to or approval of any act or omission by Owner shall not constitute a waiver of any other default by Owner and shall not be deemed a waiver or render unnecessary City's consent for approval to any subsequent act by Owner. Any waiver by City of any default must be in writing and shall not be a waiver of any other default concerning the same or any other provision of the Agreement. IWM 7. Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective legal representatives, successors, and assigns. . Owner agrees to incorporate this agreement by reference in any subsequent deeds to the property, but any failure to do so does not invalidate this provision. 8. Ca aci . Each party represents that the person(s) executing this Agreement on behalf of such party has the authority to execute this Agreement and by such signature(s) thereby bind such party. .IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on this 13 day of AN M � , 20__W_. STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF SNOHOMISH This day, personally appeared before me, to me known to be the person(s) who executed the within and foregoing document and that /she/they)- signed the same as (his/her/their) l,i%J free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. DEBRA L. KARBE 1 NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF WASHINGTON COMMISSION EXPIRES APRIL 9, 2003 CITY OF EDMONDS By: X�frSilu�r2 . . ENGINEERING DIVISION QdW 1 / ' ♦ Notary Public Flora L V aylc � Typed or Printed Name My Commission expires: 4-, p t " 0 3 rr.%HAMTEMP\euiLDnaGIIA?,MOUTen=achAg=.aoe — 3 — 110 . to •1 Flt� REQUEST FOR RECORDING Type of Document to be Recorded: Reference Number (lf9ppl;cable): C-AlC rOOC-hPV17 f / eKKMI -� �vo�- ooa1, Grantor: Grantee: Legal Description (Yclude at least Section, Township, and Range): Fees Collected: Assessor's Parcel Number 51 - 6)5-,q— 00/— o6b(o Receipt Number: ("Owner[s]"), in accordance with Chapter 18.70 of the Edmonds Community Development Code. 1. The Property. Owner is the owner of that certain real property located at within the City of Edmonds, Washington, Assessor's Parcel Number 5131 -CK5Li - 00i -OOC4, , and more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Business owner, is the business owner of that certain real property noted above. 2. The Easement. The City currently owns an existing easement over, under, and across Owner's property for street, alley, sidewalk, other (�ii�c-�'ruTlta ►N �47�1IT, ) which is described in Exhibit `B" attached hereto and incorporated by reference. 3. The Encroachment. The City hereby covenants and agrees and grants its permission to Owner or Business Owner to allow Vic:4Et21 A D-MOKWI 134co- to remain in a portion of the City right-of-way/easement. A plat map showing the location of the encroachment. is attached as Exhibit "C" and incorporated by reference. This Agreement is subject to the following terms and conditions: a. The encroachment shall be installed and maintained in a safe and sanitary condition at the sole cost, risk, and responsibility of the owner and its successors in interest. b. The Owner shall agree at all times to indemnify and hold the City free and harmless from any and all claims, demands, losses, damages or expenses resulting from the - 1 - CROACHMENT PL s U IN RM GM o EN DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED: ADDRESS OF PUBLIC USE: �1 PROPERTY OWNER: /7ffAl/1 ONCE YOUR REVIEW IS COMPLETE, PLE SE ROUTE TO THE NEXT DIVISIONIDEPARTMENT N THE LIST. * * * PLEASE ROUTE IN TH ORDER SHOWN ❑ PLANNING DIVISION ❑ PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING ❑ DS ADMINIS ON TION Date Stamp Received: Date Stamp Received: Date Stamp Received: Date Stamp Received: APPROVAL SIGNATURES AND REMARKS OR COMMENTS ARE TO BE MADE UNDER THE "DEPARTMENT APPROVALS" SECTION ON THE PERMIT. • RAengrWorms\Encroachment permit routing When recorded mail to: City Clerk .�01 , - - nn1 11111111111 #fill 111111111111111111 City of Edmonds 200201100233 121 Fifth Avenue North O1 / 10/2002 12:15 PM Snohomish Edmonds, WA 98020 P. 0003 RECORDED County SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE Assessor's Parcel No. 0�el 'C&;> 1 - COCIOI Project No. & Name: ri:)i,,.r� ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT &I h F-,NDp1FJ- Tv evo S�r�cc�M✓rajz2c�z3t This ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is entered into between the CITY OF EDMONDS ("City") and 15t-ilrr 2y'iegi C ("Owner[s]'), in accordance with Chapter 18.70 of the Edmonds Community Development Code. I. T.he_Pronerty. Owner is the owner of that certain real property located at t'I ,within the City of Edmonds, Washington, Assessor's Parcel Numbe— r 513i -tYjq —C)cli - ,and more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Business owner, is the business owner of that certain real property noted above. 2. The Easement. The City currently owns an existing easement over, under, and across Owner's property for street, alley, sidewalk, other — i inu ►N CYI mEN , ) which is described in Exhibit `B" attached hereto and incorporated by reference. 3. The Encroachment. The City hereby covenants and agrees and grants its permission to Owner or Business Owner to allow � Du0a� $?tc j - PAVG4zS to remain in a portion of the City right-of-way/easement. A plat map showing the location of the encroachment is attached as Exhibit "C" and incorporated by reference. This Agreement is subject to the following terms and conditions: a. The encroachment shall be installed and maintained in a safe and sanitary condition at the sole cost, risk, and responsibility of the owner and its successors in interest. b. The Owner shall agree at all times to indemnify and hold the City free and harmless from any and all claims, demands, losses, damages or expenses resulting from the -1- construction, maintenance, use, repair or removal of the structure installed hereunder, including any loss, damage or expense arising out of (1) loss or damages to property and (2) injury to or death of persons. C. The Owner must remove or relocate any part of the encroachment within ten (10) days or such other time as specified in the notice after receipt of it from the City Engineer, or the City Engineer may cause such work to be done and the reasonable cost thereof shall constitute a lien upon the property. d. Whatever rights and obligations were acquired by the City with respect to the easement shall remain and continue in full force and effect and shall in no way be affected by city's grant of permission to construct and maintain the encroachment structure. 4. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes and replaces all other agreements, oral or written, between the parties with respect to the subject matter. 5. Notices. Any notice which is required or may be given pursuant to this Agreement shall be sent in writing by United States mail, first class, postage pre -paid, registered or certified with return receipt requested, or by other comparable commercial means and addressed as follows: If to the City: City Engineer City of Edmonds 121 Fifth Avenue North Edmonds, WA 98020 If to the Owner: which addresses may be changed from time to time by providing notice to the other party in the manner described above. 6. Waiver. City's consent to or approval of any act or omission by Owner shall not constitute a waiver of any other default by Owner and shall not be deemed a waiver or render unnecessary City's consent for approval to any subsequent act by Owner. Any waiver by City of any default must be in writing and shall not be a waiver of any other default concerning the same or any other provision of the Agreement. 7. Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective legal representatives, successors, and assigns. Owner agrees to incorporate this agreement by reference in any subsequent deeds to the property, but any failure to do so does not invalidate this provision. 8. Capad . ,Each party represents that the person(s) executing this Agreement on behalf of such party has the authority to execute this Agreement and by such signature(s) thereby bind such party. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on this 13 day of , 20--M—. LIN STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF SNOHOMISH This day, personally appeared before me, V_ 1 ad G n M I -f I If \ f Lf ; , to me known to be the person(s) who executed the within and foregoing document and that !/she/they) k- signed the same as (his/her/their) free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. DEBRA L. KARBER NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF WASHINGTON COMMISSION EXPIRES APRIL 9, 2003 CITY OF EDMONDS �f By:Z �u�-m ENGINEERING DIVISION &Ln 14. � Not Public ar6t L 1L��be�r Typed or Printed Name My Commission expires: 4-- � 1p " 0 3 G %HAMTEMABUIMINGUHANMU T-ncmachAgm.dm — 3 ACOROT, OF -INSU CERTIFIC hlABILIT.Y. �E' oiE(MWD of PRODUCER (425)670-1552 FAX 5)670-1933 THIS CERTIFICATE I SUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION Neville & Neville Insurance ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR 4720 200th St. SW. Suite 100 ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. Lynnwood, WA 98036-6645 COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE RECEIVED MARYLAND CASUALTY COMPANY COMPANY Attn: Kurt F Stark, CPCU Ext: A INSURED .. Danjel Enterprises LLC JAN 2 4 2001 .. COMPANY B 8428 NE 203rd Bothell, WA 98011-0000 BUILDING DEPT. COMPANY C :.......... .............. i COMPANY D COVERARE3 ... THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. ............. . CO TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER LTR : : POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION: LIMITS DATE (MM/DD/YY) DATE (MMIDD/YY) GENERAL LIABILITY GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2,000,000 X : COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY ............................................ ................. ... PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG $ 2,000,000 A CLAIMS MADE X OCCUR SCP 36613108 . 07/19/2000 : 07/19/2001 PERsoNALaADVwlu�v $ 1,000,000 OWNER'S &CONTRACTOR'S PROT : EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1,000,000 FIRE DAMAGE (Any one fire) : $ 50,000 MED EXP (Any one person) : $ 10,000 AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY i COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT $ ANY AUTO ALL OWNED AUTOS BODILYINJURY$ SCHEDULED AUTOS (Per pecan) HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY $ NON -OWNED AUTOS (Per accident) PROPERTY DAMAGE i $ GARAGE LIABILITY AUTO ONLY - EA ACCIDENT : $ ANY AUTO OTHER THAN AUTO ONLY EACH ACCIDENT: $ ... ...... . .. AGGREGATE:$ EXCESS LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ ............................................................. UMBRELLA FORM AGGREGATE $ OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM $ WORKERS COMPENSATION AND TORY LIMITS ER EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ------ - --- - EL EACH ACCIDENT $ THE PROPRIETOR/ INCL .................................................................. EL DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT $ PARTNERS/EXECUTIVE _ _ _ _ OFFICERS ARE: EXCL : _ TEL DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE' $ OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONSILOCATIONSIVEHICLESISPECIAL ITEMS E: 16006 - 75th PI W, Edmonds, WA: The City of Edmonds, its elected and appointed officials, gents and employees are named as additional insureds per form 760203(0696), copy attached. arcel ID: 005131059001 CERTIFICATE "OLDER :'CANCEU ATiON SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL X1X7 N MAIL 45 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, City of Edmonds i�JlrXIXIl4XaXIK�fIYdEJFi16�fdf�CIAKI�GI�D�6li�(d�niTb16�6xXIX��ti6�CX 121 - 5th Ave N dfbliJ�DtXc?iI�bXID(Kd�alfXdfnXiiOiC X i��ltt' I�G➢tr?4l€sICXXXXXXX AUTHORIZED REPRE ATIV Edmonds, WA 98020 Kurt Stark *NAC ACORD 264 (Imi.:: ' CORPORATION 1980•. • • ZURICH GENERAL Please be advised; The attached is an excerpt from the referenced insurance policy. Terms, exclusions and limitations elsewhere in the policy may affect the coverage provided. An insurance policy must be read in its entirety to determine -coverage. SECTION II - WHO IS AN INSURED f. Any person or organization other than an ar- chitect engineer or surveyor, which requires in a "work contract" that such person or orga- nization be made an insured under this policy. However, such person or organization shall be an insured only with respect to covered "bodily injury", "property damage", "personal injury" and "advertising injury" which results from "your work" under that "work contract". The coverage afforded to such person or or- ganization does not apply to "bodily injury" or "property damage" occurring after. the earliest of,the following times: (1) When "your work" under the "work con.:- - -tract-"- (other -than -service, maintenance or--. — repairs) has been completed. (2) When that portion of "your work" under the "work contract" out of which any injury or damage arises has been put to its in- tended use by any person or organization other than another contractor or sulicoR tractor engaged in performing operations for a principal as a part of the same project. (3) When our coverage for you under this policy or a renewal of this policy termi- nates and is not continued by other insur- ance provided by us. g. Any person or organization to whom you are obligated by virtue of a written 'Insured con- tract' to provide insurance such as is afforded Page 8 of 16 760203 Ed. 6-96 I"dudes cooynghted mstww of Insumnee Semmes Omme. Inc.. voth ns oemlission. When recorded mail to: City Clerk City of Edmonds 121 Fifth Avenue North Edmonds, WA 98020 CONFORMED COPY 200101 ? 46 AM Snohomish 01/22/2001 CountY p.0003 RECORDED SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE Assessor's Parcel No. n3l-0_59-00-00010 Project No. & Name: _-4C/: 40AW-74L 6%/'1rX.i' Right -of -Way Permit No. ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT This ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is entered into between the CITY OF EDMONDS ("City") and 6e4i ►uses ("Owner"), in accordance with Chapter 18.70 of the' Edmonds Community Development Code. 1. The Prop. Owner is the owner of that certain real property located at, /'(rOn6 7'L5- 44ACI pVe-sr within the City of Edmonds, Washington, Assessor's Parcel Number 513i-051-WI-OW ( , and more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, 2. The Easement. City currently owns an existing easement over, under, and across Owner's property for. 5t ubl'14 e✓/ which easement is described in Exhibit `B" attached hereto and incorporated by reference. 3. The Encroachment. City hereby covenants and agrees and grants its permission to Owner to allow _toekmieS to remain in a portion of the Avid uhhly easement. A plat showing the location of the encroachment is attached as Exhibit "C" attached hereto and incorporated by reference. This Agreement is subject to the following terms and conditions: a. The encroachment shall be installed and maintained in a safe and sanitary condition at the sole cost, risk, and responsibility of the owner and its successors in interest. b. The Owner shall agree at all times to indemnify and hold the City free and harmless from any and all claims, demands, losses, damages or expenses resulting from the construction, maintenance, use, repair or removal of the structure installed hereunder, including - 1 - M any loss, damage or expense arising out of (1) loss or damages to property and (2) injury to or death of persons. C. The Owner must remove or relocate any part of the encroachment within ten (10) days or such other time as specified in the notice after receipt of it from the City Engineer, or the City Engineer may cause such work to be done and the reasonable cost thereof shall constitute a lien upon the property. d. Whatever rights and obligations were acquired by the City with respect to the easement shall remain and continue in full force and effect and shall in no way be affected by city's grant of permission to construct and maintain the encroachment structure. 4. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes and replaces all other agreements, oral or written, between the parties with respect to the subject matter. 5. Notices. Any notice which is required or may be given pursuant to this Agreement shall be sent in writing by United States mail, first class, postage pre -paid, registered I r certified with return receipt requested, or by other comparable commercial means and addressed as follows: If to the City: City Engineer City of Edmonds 121 Fifth Avenue North Edmonds, WA 98020 If to the Owner: ,aw .e l &VIM41Rol' 1612:9 IV6 2_03ed ,fir which addresses may be changed from time to time by providing notice to the other party in the manner described above. 6., Waiver. City's consent to or approval of any act or omission by Owner shall not constitute a waiver of any other default by Owner and shall not be deemed a waiver or render unnecessary City's consent for approval to any subsequent act by Owner. Any waiver by City of any default must be in writing and shall not be a waiver of any other default concerning the same or any other provision of. the Agreement. 7. Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective legal representatives, successors, and assigns. -2- • Owner agrees to incorporate this agreement by reference in any subsequent deeds to the property, but any failure to do so does not invalidate this provision. 8. Capacity. Each party represents that the person(s) executing this Agreement on behalf of such party has the authority to.execute this Agreement and by such signature(s) thereby bind such party. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on this day of `2 2 9je, .2000 OWNE By: STATE OF WASHINGTON CITY OF EDMONDS By: Gl"l Don Fiene, PE Acting City Engineer COUNTY OF SNOHOMISH ) V L-A, DA-of This day, personally appeared before me, + ►--US A, V } E ✓ IC.i , to me known to be the person who executed the within and foregoing document and that %e. signed the same as �1 K free and voluntary act and deed forthe uses and purposes therein mentioned. �=,I O N ♦ � •ra— Public ,. _ Typed or Printed Name Ytow." � o � My Commission expires: 9 -r9-00- CAMy Documrnu\Enp=\FORMS\Enml=hAV=doc — 3. — *ACOR .-,--,--`CER F1 PRODUCER (425)670-1552 Neville & Neville Insurance 4720 200th St. SW. Suite 100 Lynnwood, WA 98036-6645 777 DA�E (M�/DD/YY)' 0 OA bAB sowc IC %... IN. I . .......... .0 Z., .. 1110712000 FAX (425)670-1933 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION Attn: Kurt F Stark, CPCU ....... I ....... I ........... ........ .. ........... . .. I .......... ....... INSURED Danjel Enterprises LLC 8428 NE 203rd Bothell, WA 98011-0000 ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE * HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE ............................ COMPANY YLAND CAS0 ALTY COMP Ext: A .......... - .... ... ............. I ......... ... ...... ....... ... .. 111 ..... .. .. .. . ........ COMPANY B 19:0 V ........... I ....... ............................................ ....... ......... ....... COMCPANY ............................................. .................... COMPANYEPAR.. ........... . .......... ........ 114G D THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO PERIOD WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. ................................................................ CO TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY LTR POLICY NUMBER EXPIRATION: ........................................... ............... ......... .... DATE (MM/DDNY) DATE (MWDDIYY) LIMITS GENERAL LIABILITY • GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2,000,000 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG .. ......... $ 2,000,000 CLAIMS MADE X OCCUR A -5CP 36613108 07/19/2000 07/19/2001 ..................................... PERSONAL .&..AD.V INJURY $ 1,000,000 ....... OWNER'S 8 CONTRACTOR'S PROT: EACH OCCURRENCE ................ ....... .................. $ 1,000,000 ...... . FIRE DAMAGE (Any one fire) ........... $ 50,000 MED EXP (Any one person) $ 10,000 AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ANY AUTO COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT $ ALL OWNED AUTOS ... .. ....... .... .... ..... ... BODILY INJURY $ SCHEDULED AUTOS (Per person) HIRED AUTOS ........................................................ .......• BODILY INJURY $ NON -OWNED AUTOS .......... (Per accident) ........................ 11 ................. ............... .................. ...... ....... . PROPERTY DAMAGE $ GARAGE LIABILITY AUTO ONLY - EA ACCIDENT $ ANY AUTO ....... OTHER THAN AUTO ONLY EACH ACCIDENT $ AGGREGATE: $ .EXCESS LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ UMBRELLA FORM AGGREGATE $ OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM ....... . ... ........... .................. ................... WORKERS COMPENSATION AND WC STATU- :OTH- ........... EMPLOYERS* LIABILITY TORY LIMITS ER EL EACH ACCIDENT $ THE PROPRIETOR/ INCL ...................... PARTNERS/EXECUTIVEEL DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT $ OFFICERS ARE: EXCL:: ........ . ... EL DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE . ..... ..... ...... $ OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONSILOCATIONS/VEHICLESISPECIAL ITEMS IE: 16006 - 75th P, W, Edmonds, WA: The City of Edmonds, its elected and appointed officials, 3Lgents and employees are named as additional insureds per form 760203(0696), copy attached. 3arcel ID: 005131059001 ... . .... ... Sent By: NEVILLE & NEV1LLt 1N5uhANUt; 4eo o/u 17JJf 11WV-0-vv iu.wlr lvif L' Zt1RICII GENERAL please be advised; The attached is an excerpt from the referenced Insurance policy. Terms, exclusions and limitations elsewhere In the policy may affect the coverage provided. An insurance policy must be read In its entirety to determine coverage. r SECTION 11 - WHO IS AN INSURED f. Any person or organization other than an ar- chitect, engineer or surveyor, which requires in a "work contract" that such person or orga- nization be made an insured under this policy. However, such person or organization shall be an Insured only with respect to covered "bodily injury", "property damage", "personal injury" and "advertising injury" which results from "your work" under that "work contract". The coverage afforded to such person or or> ganization does not apply to "bodily injury' or "property damage" occurring after the earliest of the following times: (1) When "your work" under the "work con- tract" (other then service, maintenance or repairs) has been completed. (2) When that portion of "your work" under the "work contract" out of which any injury or damage arises has been put to ita in- tended use by any person or organization other than another contractor or subcorL tractor engaged in performing operations for a principal as a part of the some project. (3) When our coverage for you under this policy or a renewal of this policy termi- nates and Is not continued by other insur- ance provided by us. g. Any person or organization to whom youl are obligated by virtue of a written "insured con- tract" to provide insurance such as is afforded Page 8 of 16 760203 Ed. 6-96 Indudee oopyNNOd MDW W o1 Inourenoo SOMC"s Off". InC., vnln 110 PWM'Ts�on. A CORD .� t L PRODUCER 425 670 DATE (MM/DD/YY) 11/07/2000 ( ) -1552 FAX (425)670-1933 IH15 CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER -OF INFORMATION Vevi l l e & Neville Insurance ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE 4720 200th St . SW. Suite 100 HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. Lynnwood, WA 98036-6645 COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE D MARYLANCASUALTY COMPANY COMPANY _ ........ . Attn: Kurt F Stark, CPCU Ext: A ........................................................................................................ .. .................... . INSURED Danjel Enterprises LLC COMPANY .% r v0 8428 NE 203rd s ........ _ ...........Vtv ............. Bothell, WA 98011-0000 COMPANY 1 3 200q . QV .......... COMPANY EPARTMEN?........_.................. D LDING 0 Ep►AON�S THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. CO TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION LTR ; DATE (MMMD/YY) DATE (MM/DD/YY) LIMITS GENERAL LIABILITY i GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2 000,000 X .: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY , .. .. . .. ... .................PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG $ 2,000,000 CLAIMS MADE X :OCCUR A .....- SCP 36613108 PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $ 1,000,000 07/19/2000: 07/19/2001; OWNER'S 8 CONTRACTOR'S PROT : EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1000,066 ...I............................................................... .. . . . ..................... i FIRE DAMAGE (Anyone tire) $ 50,000 MED EXP (Any one person) $ 10,000 AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ANY AUTO COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT $ ALL OWNED AUTOS .. ............................. .. ....... ... ............ SCHEDULED AUTOS BODILY INJURY (Per (Per person) HIRED AUTOS .......................... ... ._...._............._ NON -OWNED AUTOS BODILY INJURY $ (Per accident) ............. .. . ... ..... ........ ; PROPERTY DAMAGE $ GARAGE LIABILITY AUTO ONLY - EA ACCIDENT $ ANY AUTO ........ . .... . . OTHER THAN AUTO ONLY . .. . . ........... EACH ACCIDENT $ ... ...... .... AGGREGATE:$ EXCESS LIABILITY :EACH OCCURRENCE $ :............................................. UMBRELLA FORM .. ..... . AGGREGATE $ OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM $ """ WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY WC LIMITS ' ER THE PROPRIETOR/ INCL EL EACH ACCIDENT $ PARTNERS/EXECUTIVE EL DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT $ OFFICERS ARE: EXCL ...................... ...EL DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE $ OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONSNEHICLES/SPECIAL ITEMS IE: 16006 - 75th PI W, Edmonds, WA: The City of Edmonds, its elected and appointed officials, agents and employees are named as additional insureds per form 760203(0696), copy.attached. Darcel ID: 005131059001 --CERTIFICATE HQ(DEA'; ... CAl,►CLLAT ON SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL WWOOM MAIL 45 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, City of Edmonds ►Y�X�Xx6�i(?Q�id�iNrYA�EJbKi�IiaCA6XIXIX�XX 121 - 5th Ave N t�(A�1FxdaDbJ(1>fMol(Wxxv 4WMxWxMyQa(xxxxxxx Edmonds, WA 98020 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE [Kurt Stark . ACORD 25 5 (1195Y. :: OACORD;,CORPORATION '#588 Sent By: NEVILLE & NEVILLt lN5UHANUt-) ZURICH GENERAL 4eo olu IWJJ, iv�v o vv v.�inin, f please be advised; The attached is an excerpt from the referenced Insurance policy. Terms, exclusions and limitations elsewhere in the policy may affect the coverage provided. An insurance policy must be read In its entirety to determine coverage. r / SECTION II - WHO IS AN INSURED f. Any person or organization other than an ar- chitect, engineer or surveyor, which requires in a "work contract" that such person or orga- nization be made an insured under this policy. However, such person or organization shall. be an Insured only with respect to covered "bodily injury", "property damage", "personal injury" and "advertising injury' which results from "your work" under that "work contract". The coverage afforded to such person or or= ganlzation does not apply to 'bodily injury' or "property damage" occurring after the earliest of the following times: (1) When "your work" under the "work con- tract' (other than service. maintenance or repairs) has been completed. (2) When that portion of "your work" under the "work contract" out of which any injury or damage arises has. been put to its in- tended use by any person or organization other than another contractor or subcorL tractor engaged in performing operations for a principal as a part of the some project. (3) When our coverage for you under this policy or a renewal of this policy termi- nates and Is not continued by other insur- ance provided by us. g. Any person or organization to whom you are obligated by virtue of a written "insured con- tract" to provide insurance such as is afforded Page 8 of 16 760203 Ed. 6-96 Indudee wyNtitod mouvM of treumnoo Sorvicoa Mice. Inc., wnn Im oevmksaion. OF EDP °�.o ENCROACHMENT PERMIT # , O� G N RECORDING # TOTAL FEE RECEIPT # �Sr. 189� Property Owner Name IQL CTQ Q`��,� v f` Phone �� q yet? � Property Owner Mailing Address 2'� V-2 `�� �QdL Business Name (if applicable) /✓Ifs Address of Encroachment 1,(006 4 -(� 'Pl . L-AeST Tax Acct. Parcel Number 0 ! 31 0-51 00 (OOBuilding Permit Number ��o T ,6 O Describe type of encroachment and frequency of encroachment (i.e. Marquee for life of building, flower cart during summer months, etc.) 'tex)es /�✓ Cry to ys;we w 'ow Aevd /'It'/ u Ally nyeme ,,f w4hSyskm CRITERIA OF APPROVAL — As outlined per approved building permit or as follows if not associated with a building permit. Criteria is per City Codes and Regulations and failure to comply will result in a Civil Violation, Chapter 20.110. ➢ Must provide safe pedestrian travel, maintaining a minimum of 48 inches in "clear zone".* ➢ Exterior light fixtures, banners and flags must be a minimum of 8 feet above City right-of-way. ➢ Must maintain clear landings on the exterior side of all required exit doors of 44 inches or no less than width of door, measured toward the street. ➢ No projection into alley of City right-of-way less than 20 feet in width, except when projection exceeds 15 feet above pavement surface. ➢ Cannot block illumination from City light fixtures or hang objects from poles. ➢ Architectural projections must be approved by ADB and conform to UBC standards with approved building permit. ➢ Must maintain 3 feet of clearance around hydrants, standpipes, manholes, water meters, blowoffs, cleanouts and valves. ➢ Bistro dining tables and chairs must be in accordance with City Ordinance No. 3293. ➢ Merchandise racks, carts (espresso, flower), benches must not be located within "clear zone". ➢ Ramps require a separate building permit and must conform to UBC standards. *Clear Zone refers to an area 8 feet in height and 48 inches in width providing a level, safe walking surface (i.e. measuring 48 inches from edge of street tree grates or newspaper stands toward place of business and from the ground up to a height of 8 feet). NOTES: Signature: Date: 2 2 -S'��. ecoo Owner) IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PROPERTY OWNER TO INFORM ALL PRESENT AND FUTURE TENANTS OF THESE REQUIREMENTS When recorded mail to: City Clerk City of Edmonds 121 Fifth Avenue North Edmonds, WA 98020 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE Assessor's Parcel No. .03 1-©Sii-Cot-0000 Project No. & Name: 5CR #0A3VTfL AVMCP Right -of -Way Permit No. ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT This ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is entered into between the CITY OF EDMONDS ("City") and IJ-4w-Tel- �,r%r�,F►utts ("Owner"), in accordance with Chapter 18.70 of the Edmonds Community Development Code. 1. The Propem. Owner is the owner of that certain real property located at, 14100c. _�5 AMU WCS%- within the City of Edmonds, Washington, Assessor's Parcel Number 513i-VJ�,-cx►/-c�t7f� , and more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 2. The Easement. City currently owns an existing easement over, under, and across Owner's property for Ubh/7 e-jge!Me-✓1- which easement is described in Exhibit `B" attached hereto and incorporated by reference. 3. The Encroachment. City hereby covenants and agrees and grants its permission to Owner to allow XUcketicS to remain in a portion of the S*&fA-✓eJU1ih1Y easement. A plat showing the location of the encroachment is attached as Exhibit "C" attached hereto and incorporated by reference. This Agreement is subject to the following terms and conditions: a. The encroachment shall be installed and maintained in a safe and sanitary condition at the sole cost, risk, and responsibility of the owner and its successors in interest. b. The Owner shall agree at all times to indemnify and hold the City free and harmless from any and all claims, demands, losses, damages or expenses resulting from the construction, maintenance, use, repair or removal of the structure installed hereunder, including -1- any loss, damage or expense arising out of (1) loss or damages to property and (2) injury to or death of persons. C. The Owner must remove or relocate any part of the encroachment within -. ten (10) days or such other time as specified in the notice after receipt of it from the City Engineer, or the City Engineer may cause such work to be done and the reasonable cost thereof shall constitute a lien upon the property. d. Whatever rights and obligations were acquired by the City with respect to the easement shall remain and continue in full force and effect and shall in no way be affected by city's grant of permission to construct and maintain the encroachment structure. 4. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes and replaces all other agreements, oral or written, between the parties with respect to the subject matter. 5. Notices. Any notice which is required or may be given pursuant to this Agreement shall be sent in writing by United States mail, first class, postage pre -paid, registered or certified with return receipt requested, or by other comparable commercial means and addressed as follows: If to the City: City Engineer City of Edmonds 121 Fifth Avenue North Edmonds, WA 98020 If to the Owner: ,D.�i i H29 /Y-5 2-v3:-d sr which addresses may be changed from time to time by providing notice to the other party in the manner described above. 6. Waiver. City's consent to or approval of any act or omission by Owner shall not constitute a waiver of any other default by Owner and shall not be deemed a waiver or render unnecessary City's consent for approval to any subsequent act by Owner. Any waiver by City of any default must be in writing and shall not be a waiver of any other default concerning the same or any other provision of the Agreement. 7. Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective legal representatives, successors, and assigns. -2- Owner agrees to incorporate this agreement by reference in any subsequent deeds to the property, but any failure to do so does not invalidate this provision. 8. Capad ' . Each party represents that the person(s) executing this Agreement on behalf of such party has the authority to execute this Agreement and by such signature(s) thereby bind such party. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on this day of ? .2000 OWNE By: STATE OF WASHINGTON CITY OF EDMONDS By: a� Don Fiene, PE Acting City Engineer COUNTY OF SNOHOMISH ) V L-A Opr This day, personally appeared before me, to me known to be the person who executed the within and foregoing document and that Ile- signed the same as h +5 free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. ot yPublic � a' ,fir?Aq� � ,► Typed or Printed Name A011tjG ', s = My Commission expires: CAMy Documcnu\Engsec\FORMS\EnaoachAgree.doc — 3 — Sent By:ANEVILLE & NEVILLE INSUHANC) 4L7 UIU IyJJ; I v LIV" D• v v I v. v V h 1Y t, As ,> DATEIMM/ODIYY) ACORD. T� zt�a' ' t 11/07/2000 .PRODUCER (425) 670-1552 FAX (425)670-1933 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION evi 11 a &Neville Insurance ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR 4720 200th St. SW. Suite 100 ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. Lynnwood, WA 98036-6645 COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE COMPANY MARYLAND CASUALTY COMPANY Attn: Kurt F Stark, CPCU Ext: A INSURED Uanjel Enterprises LLC COMPANY CO 8428 NE 203rd B Bothell, WA 98011-0000 COMPANY C .......... .......... COMPANY D ��Qt���pp..����J. �• } _ LSClVlY7 �a7 .. >. f ::,i� .E. .X �..�• i .... _ ° ..w e ° & THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW _..,...-.. HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO TIIE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THt POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACTOR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICI I TIIIS CERTIFICATE MAY tit ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS. EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS, CO TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER LTR POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION f DATEIMMIOOIYY) DATE IMWDDIYY) ; LIMITS GENERAL LIABILITY GENERAL AGGREGATE S Z OOO , OOO X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY ` PnODUCTS - COMPIOP AGG 6 2,000,000 CLAIMS MADE X ' OCCUR A '.- .... SCP 36613108 s PERSONAL a ADV INJURY S 1,000,000 07/19/2000 07/19/2001.................................................................... .._. OWNER'S E CONTRACTOR'S PROT : EACH OCCURRENCE C 1,000,000 .... FIRE DAMAGE (Any ono fire! $ 5O , 00O ............ MED EAP (Any OM POMOA) $ 10,000 AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY CO►eWNtU SINGLE LIMIT $ ANY AUTO ALL OWNED AUTOS _: BODILY INJVNY SCHEDULED AUTOS _ _ _ _ - - - ' (Per Portion) AIRED AUTOS _ _ _ _ - - - - _ 0 ► a.,. BODILY INJURY $ -NON-OWNED At 767, Date ' 1 Da9B9 (Per aoadan,) Post -it' Fax Note From .. To �nO.r k Q Gprl.In`. PROPERTY DAMAGE 6 Co.N GARAGE LIABILITY co -Dec► (,{ 1UTO ONLY - EA ACCIDENT S Phone N ANr AUTO /THER THAN AUTO ONLY. ^ Phone A Fax a EACH ACC IDENI11 ....... .......... ... �. Fax A % U ............................................... ........ . . AGGREGATE S EXCESS L"WrTY EACH OCCURRENCE $ ............ UMBRELLA FORM AGGREGATE C OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM S WORKERS COMPENSATION AND . ., . WC �TAT 11 : TORY LIMITS : ER ,., .. EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ` EL EACH ACCIDENT S .. . THE rrtOPRILTOR/ INCL ........................ ........................ EL DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT S PARTNERS/EXECUTIVE OFFICERS ARE' EXCL . EL DISEASE EA F.MPI OYEE S OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERAT ONSI``OCATIONSNEHIC EBJSPECULL ITEMS E: 16006 - 7Sth Pt W, Edmonds, WA: The City of Edmonds, its elected and appointed officials, gents and employees are named as additional insureds per form 760203(0696), copy attached. Parcel ID: OOS131059001 GER1,` [CAT LFS0001 ... -.. .. _...... .... .. ....... :C NCELkiAT� .� >... .^... __ .. •..:,,i _ . SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES Be CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF. THE IEBUINO COMPANY WILL *W0000 MAIL 45 DAYS WPMEN NOTICI: TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT. x4(lil4XOWi1d14a6kX�x1)4YXX City of Edmonds 121 - 5th Ave N ►i"l(*XNa(XXXXXXX LITHO RIZED REPR 4 NTATIVE Edmonds, WA 98020 Kurt Stark -AcoRo7ss[tl�►:: ..� .., ._,.. '..> ..�._ ,f.>� _ .. `QSA�ff!•ilJ6b1lA`FtON°l9t31� Sent By: NEVILLE & NLViLLt iNSUMHIVI;tj 440 oiu IWOO, ZURICH GENERAL Please be advised; The attached is an excerpt from the referenced Insurance policy. Terms, exclusions and limitations elsewhere In the policy may affect the coverage provided. An insurance policy must be read In its entirety to determine• coverage. . r / SECTION II - WHO IS AN INSURED f. Any person or organization other than an ar- chitect, engineer or surveyor, which requires in a "work contract" that such person or orga- nization be made an insured under this policy. However, such person or organization shall be an Insured only with respect to covered "bodily injury", "property damage", "personal injury" and . "advertising injury" which results from "your work" under that "work contract", The coverage afforded to such person or or- ganlzatlon does not apply to "bodily injury" or "property damage" occurring after the earliest of the following times: (1) When "your work" under the "work con- tract' (other than service, maintenance or repairs) has been completed. (2) When that portion of "your work" under the "work contract" out of which any injury or damage arises has been put to its in- tended use by any person or organization other than another contractor or subcort . tractor engaged in performing operations for a principal as a part of the same project. (3) When our coverage for you under this policy or a renewal of this policy termi- nates and Is not continued by other insur- ance provided by us. g. Any person or organization to whom you are obligated by virtue of a written "insured con- tract" to provide insurance such as is afforded Page 8 of 16 760203 Ed. 6-96 Includes wpyngritoa MWOW of InuuMnco Somme Once. Inc.• vnln Ito Dumbaion. 06/21/2002-14:47 FA% 206.4470215 A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 R • FILED JUN 2 0 20.02 ,P $IOM SN COUryjy �•UffQ �LE�IK ENK IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR SNOHOMISH COUNTY i CITY OF EDMONDS, a municipal corporation, Plaintiff, V. DANJEL ENTERPRISES, a limited liability company; VLADAN MILOSAVLJEVIC and LARI ANN uIILOSAVLJEVIC, Defendants. WJuuz NO.00-2-04401-0 ORDER FOR. VOLUNTARY DISMISSAL This matter cable before the court on Plaintiff City of Edmonds' motion for an order providing the following relief. 1. Dismissal of the above -captioned action without prejudice; and 2. Dismissal of the above -captioned without an award of costs and without terns or conditions - The court considered the pleadings filed in this action and the following evidence: 1. The declaration of the City's counsel, J. Zachary Lell 2. The June 7, 2000 settlement agreement 3. Defendants' certificate of occupancy dated June 12, 2002 Based upon the evidence presented, the court finds: I. Plaintiff has not rested its case. 2. Defendants have not filed any counterclaims: pusl9soo.waluom.0400nil . . OGDEN MURPHY WAU ACE. P.1-1,C. ORDER FOR VOLUNTARY DISMISSAL 1601 Fift Avenue, Suite 2100 Scaftle, Washington 98101-1696 Tel: 206-147-7000JFax: 206-447-0215 06/Z1/2002, 14:47 eAA ZUb 44/UL13 _ WJ VVo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 .22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3. No circumstances exist which would make imposition of terms or conditions on the dismissal appropriate. 4. Plaintiff is entitled as a matter of right under Civil Rule 41(a) to dismissal of this action, as requested, without prejudice. Based upon the above findings, It Is Ordered: 1. Plaintiff's motion is granted. 2. This action is dismissed without prejudice. 3. No costs are awarded to. any party. 4. No terms or conditions are imposed upon the dismissal. JUN 2 0 2002 Dated this day of 12002. Presented By: OGDEN MURPHY WALLACE, P I By: WSBA #28744 for City of Edmonds (JW19N&DW.1/QI W M0Q-1 ORDER FOR VOLUNTARY DISMISSAL, TRRCY G. W-At36()4'W-R CO(MT C4Ml M"i R R Judge OLDEN MU"ff WA j.A�, P.LLC. 1601 Fifth Avenue, Suitc 2100 Sea ttk, Washington 98101-1,686 Te): 206.447-7000/Fax: 206A47-0215 117 C. 1890 r OTICI TO PERMITTEE AND/OR OWNER PARTIAL APPROVAL VIOLATION CORRECTIONS REQUIRED PI QF— "LL e— It : 35 'A'4 170 Go rNTvZA L^ro I`, I I I. 3D ,A, JM ,UNE ZgT'1 St-m_ vlSI 1 Permit Number f el' 0 3 to Z Owner DAN Joe— 'Ehrri A_~ S f-f Job Address I t-, 00ro ? 5' f 4 4L5-4% Q - 44-9 4 NO PERMIT -STOP WORK -REMOVE CONSTRUCTION OR OBTAIN PERMIT AND MAKE WORK COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE CITY CODES. 71 CONSTRUCTION IS NOT IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPROVED PLANS AND PERMIT - STOP WORK. MAKE WORK COMPLY WITH APPROVED PLANS AND PERMIT OR REMOVE. STOP WORK - UNTIL AUTHORIZED TO CONTINUE BY CITY INSPECTOR. CORRECTIONS LISTED BELOW MUST BE MADE: BEFORE WORK CAN BE APPROVED AND/OR THE '�1 NEXT PHASE IS STARTED; TO AVOID POSTING OF A STOP WORK ORDER, ORDER TO CORRECT, OR ABATEMENT PROCESS. F-1 JOB CARD MUST BE POSTED ON SITE AND BE VISIBLE FROM STREET. APPROVED PLANS MUST BE AVAILABLE TO INSPECTOR ON SITE. WORK DESCRIBED BELOW HAS BEEN INSPECTED AND IS APPROVED. CONTACT INSPECTOR AND ARRANGE FOR APPOINTMENT. EGA L-I— FOR— 1 N S P E c- T I oN RECALL FOR INSPECTION. "CIiE �RoI.WHJ IN Cs% REQvtMtriEN iS MVS-T SF- MADE oTL .46T Job 5%"V1 i>ow►J W1L-- g�F_ anjFortccD - ROC4- E#ttrtANC F IN)STAwEQ Pf-M- PUAO I NS-TA Lao 1 kjC> P9.E,X6_0 �j, WAI.K�✓A`� I Gl'T'�[� %IQ EA'; -FM Nj Swe-P7 AN-2 C.L-6-AN69 R'ao&LNrLF__ -TW x-7 Hii k\,'( F_c?yp0mrL97 hAS gti£N 9ArJ d V F-rL 7 4 e Ayc o \,AQKwg`( Argo D A,,tA(f�_ H A) G CC.wtC'2 "ra - Wf- P,&vt NCq . AU- FIL&. D %4-( IS To PEE cw F_K o wrT - P(_9 J7l L c0t_AEC-T0J -rb Qi=- MAOF-:- 6Y NcbN c2 PM� M002pj JUNfL_zC6-rq THE ACTIONS OR CORRECTIONS INDICATED ABOVE ARE REQUIRED WITHIN DAYS OR PENALTIES MAY BE APPLIED. FOR INSPECTIONS CALL 771-0220. Building Division Planning Department CA Engineering Department 0 Fire Department CITY OF EDMONDS Inspector -) v N e- 74 - 9 `1 Date 15:31 3606294395 JP LAND INC J.P. LAND BUILDER, INCo 1320 Avallon brnre Camara +sand WA B5292 ph [3801829.2745 i PROPOSAL / CONTRACT ocrc =Iv;rin J U N 2 6 1996 To: Robert Cole ENGINEERING beta• lunc 28.-iWs Project Name ! Location: PAGE 01 We here by propose to furnish the materials and perform the labor necessary for the completion of Installaliot To tii -- ._ . For the aboVe Work I agree to pay J.P. LAND BUILDER INC. the sum of S-1.950.00 Pius 8.6% w.s.s1 with payment due upon completion.. Submitted by: J.P. Land Builder Ino. I Pat Land, President Contractor Signature: ®ato;•Z4-9P' ACCEPTANCE Owner Signatures: Date: Date:_-. P, 14PR-23-98 08:28 AM MICHAEL ra GEORGE AIA 360 568 1930 P.01 MICHAEL A. GEORGE ARCIDECT AIA PS d[�CTC77 Aog rTRL% 'gm0Tir7n1 922 First Street SNOHOMISH, WASHINGTON 98290 FAX (36656831 0930 TO 1I N WE ARE Sf:NDING YOU C7 Attached ❑ Under Separate cover via ___ the following items: ❑ Snop drawings ❑ Prints CJ Sian, r Samples. ❑ Specifications ❑ Copy of letter ❑ Chitnre order ❑ .. i s; THESE ARE TRANSMITTrO a , checked below: ❑ For approval r1 Fur your use n As requested D Fur review :end comment ❑ FOR BIDS DUC : I REMARKS COPY TO ❑ Approved as Submitted ❑ Resubmit copies for approval LJ Approved ass noted ❑ Submit copies for distribution U Returned for corrections ❑ Return corrected prints D --- LOAN TO US Lara Knaak • From: Jim Walker Sent: Monday, June 01, 1998 1:54 PM To: Lara Knaak Subject: RE: Cole/Merritt #97-205 Lara, Engineering did not require a BN permit at this site. A letter from BN authorizing waiver of detention was required and is in the file. Sidewalk has not been waived and construction of sidewalk is a requirement of the permit. Applicant has the option of requesting make a payment in lieu of constructing the required sidewalk. That alternative must be initiated by the applicant with Engineering reviewing and approving the amount of contribution. —Original Message -- From: Lara Knaak Sent: Monday, June 01, 1998 12:16 PM To: Jim Walker Cc: Jeannine Graf Subject: Cole/Merritt #97-205 Importance: High In order for me to issue this permit I need approval in writing from Engineering regarding the following: 1) The sidewalk is waived or the amount I need to collect is written on the permit or a plan showing they are installing the sidewalk. 2) A copy of the Burlington Northern permit Both Gordy and Jamal have worked on this permit in the past, I don't know who is informing the contact person of these outstanding requirements. I sent Jamal an a mail in February with all the outstanding questions we had regarding Engineering and these two don't seem to have been addressed as of yet (in writing). Their permit expires on 7-10-98. Thank you! 'ROUP-,.FOUR, INC. ; i4- 2-98 i 3 02PM CCITT n34 Burlington Northern Santa Fe _ __2063623819 4 2 The information contained in this facsimile message is privileged and confidential information intended only fDr the individual or entity named below. If you have received this communication.in error, or are unable to deliver it, please notify the sender immediately and dE-stroy this fax message. Please deliver the following material as soon as possible. From: Gary A Gray. Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Ry Questions? (206) 625-6.189 2454 Occidental Avenue South (206) 625-6 i 15 (FAX) Suite 1-A Seattle, WA, 98134 To: Jon Vanier Company: Group Four, Inc ' Address: Date: 04/02/98 Pages: 2 (Including cover sheet) Fax: (206) 362 - 3819 Message: Approval letter for Meadowdale - Group Four Project #96-3036 GARY A GRAY Field Engineer -April 2, 1998 Jon Vanier, P.E. Group Tour, Inc. 16030 Juanita -Woodinville Way NE Bothell, Washington 98011 RE: Meadowdale - Group Four Project #96-3036 Dear Mr. Vanier: • 04/04/98 08:02, L5 :01 /02 N0:185 Burlington Northern Santa Fe 2454 Occidental Avcnuc South Suite I -A Seattle, WA 98134-1451 (206) 625-6189 (206) 625.611E (FAX) L � 11 V After review of your design plans and hydrological report and discussions with you, your requested stormwater increase in the city of F.dmond's drainage sysfeln is approved. If there are any, changes that may cause an increase in drainage flows from'this development in the future, a review by $NSF Railway will be required. Any other development in the area that would cause an increase in flow thru the city's 36 inch pipe will also need to be reviewed by BNSF Railway. Would you please provide a copy ofthis letter to the. city of Edmonds. 1003a A. ray -I\ Date: To: From: Subject: MEMORANDUM January 12, 1998 Sandy Chase, City Clerk Meg Gruwell, Planner '71ky, Statement on ADUs for Recording Please record the attached Statement on Accessory Dwelling Units with the Snohomish County Auditor. I have enclosed the original to be recorded, and a copy of it. Please have the Auditor's office stamp the recording number on the copy so we can place the stamped copy in the City's records. A recording fee of $8.00 was paid by the property owner under receipt #10718. 8.00 first page (one page only) $8.00 total fees Thank you. City of Edmonds cQ Community Services i i STATEMENT ON ACCESSORY DWELLING UNITS Property Address: I co mo r c (, ''� ° u1 �`� Cl 90262 Legal Description: Edmonds, Washington L4 It Z -avcisat -Pc a + 5 Assessor's Parcel Number: S(.751- o69 - 6t) t — I have read the requirements for accessory dwelling units contained in Chapter 20.21 of the Edmonds Community Development Code and understand that an accessory dwelling unit, including a second kitchen, is prohibited for two years after occupancy by the current owner (unless a waiver is granted by the Community Services Department) and until after a conditional use permit has been approved by the City of Edmonds Hearing Examiner. I also understand that approval of a conditional use permit is subject to a public hearing, and neither this statement nor the issuance of a building permit shall act to limit the discretion of the City in the review of any application for a conditional use permit. Property Owner Signature: ,A"(�' `-� `- I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that 10,0,6�,fr 9` signed this instrument and acknowledge it to be his/her free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in this instrument. Notary's pressure seals must be smudged. Dated: �� Ig 9 7 Signature of r - Notary Public: Residing at:�'`r�'1 My Appointment Expires: �� - %\ '00 THIS DOCUMENT MUST BE RECORDED WITH THE SNOHOMISH COUNTY AUDITOR. GEOSCIENCES INC. Post Office Box 2385 Kirkland, WA 98083 Telephone (425) 897--1084 Facsimile (425) 828-9443 Bob Cole & Jeri A. Merritt c/o Michael George Architects 922 First Street Snohomish, WA 98290 Subject: Plan Review New Storm Drain - Cole/Merritt Residence 16006 75t' Place West Edmonds, Washington Reference: 1) . Sheet C4; Detail 4 Typical Trench Detail By Group Four Inc. Dear Client: Job Number 6095 January 5, 1998 We have reviewed the above detail for the new storm drain to be placed in conjunction with the Cole/Merritt Residence. It is our opinion that the design for the proposed installation as shown on the referenced detail is adequate from a geotechnical engineering perspective. We are available to provide construction -observation services, if requested. Please contact the undersigned if there are any questions. Thank You: DODDS Geosciences Inc. O225M T��4WISTEj, �ONAI. EXPIRES Mark K. Dodds, P JAN 6 1993 y i W GROUP FOUR, Inc. 16030 Juanita -Woodinville Way N.E. Bothell, Washington 98011 FAX (206) 362-3819 (206) 775-4581 • (206) 362-4244 September 30, 1997 City of Edmonds 205 5th Avenue North Edmonds, WA 98020 Attn.: Tim Walker, City Engineer Re: Lakeside Seawood Group Group Four_ Project #96-3036 Dear -Tim: The Lakeside Seawood Group project consists of one proposed single family residence, located near the 75th Place W and North Meadowdale Road intersection. Several sets of comments have been received with regards to the civil plans prepared. for this project. To aid in the review process, the comments have been listed below (italicized), followed by a corresponding response (bold). City of Edmonds — 8/6/97 Plan Review Corrections 3. The proposed relocation of the pedestrian walkway and storm drain lines raise. many issues..... Also, since the conveyance analysis of your Hydrology Report states that Catch basin 91 overtops in the 100- year backwater analysis, it would seem especially difficult to show that the proposal would not contribute to erosion...: The pedestrian walkway and storm drain lines have been relocated in such a manner to eliminate overtopping of the proposed catch basins (see revised civil plans and associated Hydrology . Report). City of Edmonds - Structural Review Item 25. Provide rock size/weight at detail VC2. The rock size/weight has been added to sheet 2 of the civil plans as requested. . City of Edmonds — 8/27/97 Plan Review Corrections I. A formal letter of request for storm water management waiver addressed to the City Engineer, Tim Walker. Explain the rational and list the Hydrology Report prepared by Group Four (Job #96-3036) as a reference. A letter requesting a storm water management waiver has been prepared. This letter is dated September 3, 1997, and has been addressed to the City Engineer. SURVEYING ENGINEERING PLANNING MANAGEMENT 2. What is the width of driveway at 75th Place (We know the road width is 12 ). The driveway width has been added to. sheet C3 of the civil plans. 3. As mentioned in the report, the storm system will be relocated. Please submit detailed drawing of the relocation. Please see sheet C3 of the attached civil plans. 4. Filter Fabric Fence should be provided where required. Use of filter fabric is denoted on sheet C1 of the attached civil plans. City of Edmonds — Additional Comments Include a note on the plans stating that "A Burlington Northern permit is not necessary since our storm water is. going into the City's existing storm water management system ". This note has been added to sheet C3 of the civil plans (note 7) as requested. Landau — 9/22/97 Review Letter It was suggested that the relocated storm pipe consist of "butt fused" HDPE pipe and catch basins to reduce the potential for leakage. In our professional opinion, the use of High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) pipe is not the only way to address the expressed concern. HDPE pipe and catch basins are relatively expensive, and are in excess of the City standards for acceptable pipe materials. Therefore, an alternate is proposed which will be more cost effective, meet the City standards for storm pipe.material, and minimize. the amount of leakage from the system. To accommodate this, concrete pipe having rubber gasket joints is required on sheet C4 - note 12 of the civil plans, and a note requiring low pressure. air leak testing has been added to sheet C3 — note 8. If you have any questions or desire additional information, please call me at (425) 362-3244. Sincerely, GROUP FOUR, INC. Jon Vanier, P.E. Vice President of Engineering cc: Michael George, Architect SURVEYING ENGINEERING PLANNING MANAGEMENT LANDAU • • AASSOCIATES, INC. Environmental and Geotechnical Services September 22, 1997 City of Edmonds Community Services Department 121 Fifth Avenue North Edmonds, WA 98020 Attn: Ms. Jeannine Graf RE: SUPPLEMENTAL REVIEW COMMENTS PROPOSED COLE-MERRITT SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE 16006 75TH PLACE WEST EDMONDS, WASHINGTON Dear Ms. Graf: This letter summarizes Landau Associates' supplemental review comments concerning construction plans and other documents submitted to the City of Edmonds (City) as part of the application for the subject proposed single family residence. This letter also responds to Dodds Geosciences' August 27, 1997 letter, which was in response to Landau Associates' preliminary review of the applicant's submittal. The documents provided by the City for our preliminary review are referenced in our August 15, 1997 letter; the Dodds Geosciences August 27, 1997 letter was the only document submitted in response to our August 15, 1997 letter. In our preliminary review letter to the City, we recommended that Dodds Geosciences address the relative risks and consequences of terminating the foundation piles within the body of the Meadowdale landslide mass. This was not addressed in their August 27, 1997 response. Our reasons for making this recommendation included: 1) providing Dodds Geosciences with an opportunity to modify their project approach/foundation design, if needed, and 2) alerting the owners that the proposed dwelling may not be founded on undisturbed native soil. Since no response was received, it may be safe for the City to assume that Dodds Geosciences believes that the proposed foundation scheme is adequate; and while it is not Landau Associates' opinion that the proposed pile foundation system is inappropriate, it is still our opinion that Dodds Geosciences should provide assurance to the City and owners that all relevant information has been considered during design. Accordingly, a response from Dodds Geosciences on this subject is still recommended. WORLD TRADE CENTER • 3600 PORT OF TACOMA ROAD • SUITE 209 • TACOMA, WA 98424 • (206) 926-2493 • FAX (206) 926-2531 EDMONDS: (206) 778-0907 • FAX (206) 778-6409 / SPOKANE: (509) 327-9737 • FAX (509) 327-9691 • • The soil parameters, seismic coefficient, and maximum water table that were used in the stability analyses appear to be reasonable for the conditions reported in the borings. Therefore, the Statement of Risk appears acceptable, provided Dodds Geosciences adequately addresses the above issues regarding site geology and the proposed foundation scheme. With regard to the relocation of the storm sewer pipe, we concur that the applicant has no control over the railroad's property, and that pipe relocation as proposed should not have a significant impact on the railroad's property, if properly constructed. However, moving the storm drain pipe closer to the slope may involve a higher level of risk for the City, railroad and landowner; unless the method of construction is upgraded to limit the potential for a pipe leak to cause a slope failure, or for a slope failure to damage the pipe. Since relocating the storm drain pipeline is being done to facilitate site development, the applicant should bear the risk associated with pipe relocation. If the applicant is willing to bear this risk, then we suggest that the pipe be relocated as planned, but that the relocated portion be constructed with "butt -fused" HDPE pipe and catch basins to reduce the potential for leakage, and the trench backfilled with Controlled Density Fill (CDF) to prevent groundwater from following the trench backfill. As further protection for the City, the owner could also be required to provide indemnification to the City for possible future problems attributed to the pipe relocation. If the applicant is unwilling to assume the risk associated with moving the storm drain pipe, then we recommend that the storm drain pipe be left in its current location, the existing backfill around the pipe removed, and the pipe encased in lean concrete to protect it from surcharge loading associated with the proposed rockery. The construction drawings indicate a maximum rockery height of 4 ft in this vicinity and the rockery should not be allowed to exceed this height. Runoff from the relocated trail would then have to be collected by a shallow storm drain system, and either tightlined to discharge into the existing manhole south of the property, or into the ditch at the toe of the slope. We understand railroad permission would be required for discharge to the ditch within the railroad right-of-way. The construction drawings are, in our opinion, in general accordance with the recommendations contained in Dodds Geosciences' November 12, 1996 report, except for the proposed foundation drainage system. It appears that Dodds Geosciences assumes a maximum groundwater table of about 5 to 7 ft below existing site grades (Plate 10). However, the east basement wall will extend about 10 ft below site grades. Therefore, the basement may intersect the groundwater table during the winter months. If the basement extends below the groundwater table, the perimeter footing drain will be able to handle a portion of the groundwater; however, there is also a potential of hydrostatic pressure on the underside of the floor slab and water collecting beneath the slab -on -grade floor. Therefore, we recommend that the addition of underslab 2 LANDAU ASSOCIATES, INC. drainage be considered; but is a decision Dodds Geosciences can probably make in the field, unless the owner wants the issue resolved in the design stage. CLOSURE Within the limitations of scope, schedule, and budget, this letter was prepared in accordance with generally accepted professional engineering principles and practices in this area at the time this letter was prepared. We make no other warranty either express or implied. Please direct any questions concerning this letter to one of the undersigned at (206) 622-4113 or (253) 926-2493. Thank you for the opportunity to be of service to the City of Edmonds on this project. WDE/EJH/djs No. 74069.10 09/22/97 I APROJ ECW74\069. I O\S FR 16006. RES LANDAU ASSOCIATES, INC. By: Edward J. Heavey, P.E. Senior Project Engineer and William D. Evans, CPG Associate J LANDAU ASSOCIATES, INC. - CITY OF EDMONDS BARBARA FAHEY MAYOR 121 5TH AVENUE NORTH EDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 FAX (425) 771-0221 COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Ihc.1S90 Public Works • Planning/Building • Parks and Recreation • Engineering • Wastewater Treatment Plant September 4, 1997 Robert Cole 16628 - 70th Pl. W. Lynnwood, WA 98037 STREET FILE Re: Site restoration bond for the construction of a single family at 16006 - 75th Pl. W. Edmonds, WA Dear Mr. Cole Due to the slide potential in your area, it will be necessary for you to post a site restoration bond to repair damaged utilities and pavement surfaces across your property frontage should a slide occur during construction of your house. An estimate of $66,500 has been tabulated to cover the total restoration. In addition to the above requirement, the pathwalk should be relocated as shown on the plan. Before a permit can be issued, we must have the sitl--restoration bond. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 771-0220, extension 328 Sincerely, Jamal Mahmoud, P.E. Engineering Inspector JM/sf c: Permit Coordinator 97-205.DOC • Incorporated August 11, 1890 • Sister Cities International — Hekinan, Japan t l S L e R.e5 tO tt.opq C6� M ENGINEERS COST ESTIMATE ITEM UNIT DESCRIPTION OF WORK I ISSUE QTY COST I TOTAL x c mcx� 2-o o X 3 D c -tov,& t k q, ✓M, L; K 120 L L w , ll /1(a tt he av�2 2vo,�2o �(3" `T'w �B6' 25 t b 6So 0-0 3 u7 © 6 0 l2v tj 0 4 t2d o " 3 5 o. 2- , 05 3 S o 25 5n� 1�c.189v 9 CITY OF EDMONDS • 121 6TH AVENUE NORTH - EDMONDS, WA 08020 • (425) 771.0220 + FAX (426) 771.0221 BARBARA FAHEY MAYOR COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Public Works • Planning/Bullding • Parks and Recreation • Engineering • wastewater Treatment Plant September 4,1997 ®F' Robert Cole 16628 - 70th Pl. W, Lynnwood, WA 98037 L��"",C' DECLLj a 1997 mamly Re: Site restoration bond for the construction of a single family at 16006 - 75th PI. W. Edmonds,,WA Dear Mr. Cole Due to the slide potential in your area, it will be necessary for you to post a site restoration bond to repair damaged utilities and pavement surfaces across your property frontage should a slide occur during construction of your house, An estimate of $66,500 has been tabulated to cover the total restoration. In addition to the above requirement, the pathwalk should be relocated as shown on the plan. Before a permit can be issued, we must have the site restoration bond, 1f you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 771-0220, extension 328 Sincerely, Jama ahmoud, P.E. Engineering Inspector JM/sf c: Permit Coordinator t". _ 0 - R'i ,c't ck rid J Ae A ` 0M.6rvew , 97-205.DOC • Incorporated August II, 1890 • Sister Cities International — Hekinan, Japan • GROUP FOUR, Inc. 16030 Juanita -Woodinville Way N.E. Bothell, Washington 98011 FAX (206) 362-3819 (206) 775-4581 • (206) 362-4244 September 3, 1997 City of Edmonds 205 5th Avenue North Edmonds, WA 98020 Attn.: Tim Walker, City Engineer Re: Lakeside Seawood Group Group Four Project #96-3036 Dear Tim: The Lakeside Seawood Group project consists of one proposed single family residence, located near the 75th Place W and North Meadowdale Road intersection.. To ensure that the proposed development will -not adversely impact the on -site and downstream drainage systems, a detailed hydrologic analysis has been performed (reference June 3, 1997 Hydrology Reportprepared by Group Four). Based on the results/conclusions of this report, a waiver/exception for the provision of storm water detention is requested. In conformance with the City Ordinance 3013 - 18.30.065, exceptions to minimum storm water quality control (such as storm water detention) may be granted providing that several key issues can be adequately addressed. These issues have been listed below (italicized), followed by a corresponding response (bold). A. The exception provides equivalent environmental protection and is in the overriding.public interest; and that the objectives of safety, function, environmental protection and facility maintenance, based upon sound engineering, are fully met. The minimal increase in the peak runoff rate (0.35% during the 100 year/24 hour design storm event) is anticipated to have a negligible impact on the environment, which consists primarily of a downstream tightline system and Puget Sound. In addition, exception from installing a detention system is anticipated to result in .a negligible impact on safety, function, and ease of facility maintenance. B. There are special physical circumstances or conditions affecting the property which the strict application of these provisions would deprive the applicant of all reasonable use of the parcel of land in question, and every effort to find relative ways to meet the intent of the minimum standards has been made. SURVEYING ENGINEERING PLANNING MANAGEMENT It appears that the intent of the storm water detention standard is to restrict developed flows to the point of matching the existing peak flow rates from the site. As shown in the project Hydrology Report, as currently designed the increase in peak flow which will be experienced by the downstream system is minimal. Therefore, it is our opinion that the proposed design complies with the intent of the storm water detention minimum standard. In addition, the limited nature of the proposed development does not lend itself to the installation of a costly detention facility. C. The granting of the exception will not be detrimental to the public health and welfare, nor injurious to other properties in the vicinity and/or downstream, and to the quality of waters of the state. The minimal increase in the peak runoff rate is anticipated to have a negligible impact on the public health and welfare. In addition, the analysis contained within the project .•Hydrology Report shows that the downstream conveyance system has capacity to handle this flow increase. Therefore, impacts to other properties is anticipated to be negligible. D. The exception is the least.possible exception that could be granted to comply with the intent of the minimum requirements. Eliminating the requirement for detention appears to. be the minimum exception, as the proposed flow increase is minimal/negligible. Development of the subject property is anticipated to have minimal impact on downstream drainage systems and appears to adequately meet the constraints of the City Ordinance 3013 - 18.30.065. Therefore, a waiver from storm water detention requirements is requested. If you have any questions or desire additional information, please call me at (425) 362-3244. Sincerely, GROUP FOUR, INC. Jon Vanier,-P.E. Vice President of Engineering cc: Michael George, Architect SURVEYING ENGINEERING PLANNING MANAGEMENT OEOSCIENCES INC. Post Office Box 2385 Kirkland, WA 98083 Telephone (425) 827-1084 Facsimile (425) 828-9443 Bob Cole & Jeri A. Merritt c/o Lakeside Seawood Group 7500 — 212'hS.W., Suite 210 Edmonds, WA 98020 Attention: Bob Gradwohl %L Job Number 6095 August 25, 1997 Subject: Professional Opinion — Proposed Buffers and Setbacks Cole/Merritt Residence 16006 75 h Place West Edmonds, Washington Reference: 1) Plan Check 97-205 dated 8/6/97 2) Sheets C1 & C3 (Revision 1) by Group 4 _ Dear Client: This letter is to respond to Items 2 and 3 of the City of Edmonds Plan Review (Reference 1, above). We have reviewed the proposed plans to relocate the walkway. The new walkway as now proposed would be within seven feet of the steep slope hazard area. It is our opinion that the walkway as proposed is acceptable. The walkway will be constructed and graded in a manner which directs surface runoff away from the slope. The walkway itself will be relatively impermeable, therefore reducing the amount of rainwater infiltration in the immediate area of the slope crest. We recommend that we be allowed to observe the walkway subgrade prior to placement of any fill to verify that the subgrade is stable and competent. It is our general opinion that the construction of the residence, spa, patio, retaining walls, and rockeries will have no adverse impacts upon the site, the public, or any private party. We stipulate that we must be -retained to provide construction observation services to verify subsurface soils conditions are as anticipated and to provide professional recommendations where required. 014e 1 5t*4t_x-k.F gv— ~l'�• U1I U-1/ 1 314 1 i : 40 4C10001004 .L COLEIMERRITT RESIDENCE/BUFFER COMMENTS Job Number 6095 August 25, 1997 page 2 If there are any questions concerning this letter, please contact the undersigned directly at (425) 803-0214. Thank You: DODDS Geosciences Inc. Mark K. MKD/ms P.E. GEOSCIENCES INC. post Office Box 6966 Bellevue, WA 98008-0966 Telephone (206) 667-3297 Facsimile (206) 881-8641 Bob Cole and Jeri A. Merritt c/o Lakeside Seawood Group, 7500 212th S.W., Suite 210 Edmonds, WA 98020 STREET FILE Job Number 6095, October 31, 1996 Subject: Buffer Reduction/Critical Areas Checklist Letter Cole/Merritt Residence SWC 75th Place West & Meadowdale Road Edmonds, Washington Dear Client: This letter presents some of our geotechnical engineering conclusions for the proposed Cole/Merritt Residence to be constructed on the southwest corner of 75th Place West and Meadowdale Road in Edmonds, Washington. Our conclusions are based on the work completed to date. We have supervised the drilling .of two test borings on the property and reviewed laboratory tests consisting of sieve gradation studies and moisture content tests. In addition, we have measured the standing groundwater table in a slotted PVC standpipe which was installed during drilling activities. Our geotechnical engineering report summarizing our testing, engineering analysis and conclusions will be available next week. In general, the site is covered with a mantle of loose sand overlying firm to stiff silty clay. We measured the groundwater table at 26 feet (t elevation 46 feet) below existing grades. Based on our testing, analysis, and review of the main floor/site plan which was faxed to us by the architect, it is our opinion the buffer on this property for this specific development can be safely reduced to ten feet. The proposed development keeps cuts into the slope to a practical minimum. Our analysis indicates the structure will have to be founded on piling. If there are any questions, please contact the undersigned at (206) 827-1084. MKD/wd DODD iences Inc. P�K K. Dpo� �..of w . 1 a �• 0 °• 2.251.1 !L `� •' 04 "GlS7E4tE0''��C� %3dNAL E� EXPIRES Mark K. Dodds, P.E. 'V" %Fv ra.w+.*w, OV— 14y _ 1 Q I r ► -i --� -..... ; J `�,i�� I i N' �cES�28 8�D/f'':EW 00 -(• r41' r•� /, . b_: i•-�' -�~ /%'` 11 36 It or 1 • 1 ' . � /. 1 1 / 1 I 1 I ! 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Y 2� 1 , , - 1b; 1 ' -/ , / / / l _l , • •• 1 :,y t's:.� - t • 7, 17 1. 3i.fsr gyp` �, � I /! r37. O •E� , r-i < • 1 \ 1 / ! ' ' •' I ' '' ` , � 1 � .:i�'�':��: . ,• �- ;�,�.. . '��'! I ,' ., r J l Ci ``L'r 1 11 1 !\ / ! / ! 1 / f I •. � ' V� .' � t - ;!'•' ~�: 3o 32 f / ; ti,� ,�) h� h�, �� �, 6� 6�: 6�. 10�0, 6� 10r d 6 a I �� /'k }' a~ SITS >� ?��►�ort(P 5 f;sy„�� 7 AUG-15-97 FRI 11:42 LANDAU TACOMA FAX NO, 2069262531 LANDAU ASSOCIATES, INC. Emdronmsntal and Geotechnical 5crvic6s �4 City of Edmonds Community Services Department 121 Fifth Avenue North Edmonds, Washington 98020 Attn: Ms. Jeannine Graf RE: CEOTECHMCAL REVIEW PROPOSED COLE-IMERMTr SINGLE, FANaLY REsiDEN(:E 10006 75TH PLACE WEST EDMONDS, WASHINGTON Dear Ms. Graf- P. 02 August 15, 1997 wo AUG IS a9p As requested, Landau Associates, Inc. (Landau Associates) has completed a pmliminaay review of the geoteehnical-related aspects of construction, plans and other documents submitted to the City of Edmonds (City) as part of the application for the subject proposed single family residence. The following documents were provided for our review by the City: • Ceotechnical Engliwaring Report; Proposed Residence; 7Sth Place West; tda:und. , Washington; prepared by Dodds Geusciences Inc., dated November 12, 1996. Hydrolnfry Report, Afeadowdale; prcpared.for Lakeside $Cawood Group by Group Tour, Inc_ data! June 3, 1997. • Conshuction Plans, Sheets A-0 through A-17, prepared by !Michael A. George, AIA and dated July 10, 1997; Sheets S-1 through S-3, prepared by Codispoti Consulting, Cotrpany and dated July 10, 1997; and S1;ects C1 through C4, and Tl prepared by Group Four, Inc. anal dated April 1997. July 10, 1997, and September 1996. • City of Edmonds Environmental Checklist for the proposed rosidence, dated October 25, 1996, and signs d by Michael A. George, AIA, Geolechnical Declaration and Statement of Risk; Proposed Cole/Merria Resule))ce SWC 75th Place West and Meadowdale Road; prepared by Dodds Geoscienc es Inc., dated June 25, 1997. As part of our review, a brief site visit was completed by Mr. Edward J. Heavey, P.E. of landau Associates on July 22, 1997 to observe existing conditions. As discussed in a July 15, 1997 telephone conversation between Ms. Jeannine Graf of the City and Mr. Williaun Evans of Landau Associates, our preliminary review of the submitted documents indicaws that several items should be initially addressed by the design team at this time, and that the documents should then wMLD TkAI)H CENTRR - 3601] F'r)kT OFTACCYMA ROAD • SUPrE 2t19 • TACOMA. WA %424 - (_I)fii ti'(s 'It,; • I AX t2l)6, MMONDS: f2O ns-09tn - rAX (:06) 77$-n4(r) I Slut<ANE, (,So9) 3'_7-n37 - FAX t509j ;•7 u091 - AUG-15-97 FRI 11:43 LANDAU TACOMA FAX NO, 2069262531 P,03 be resubmitted for final review, We understand the City concurs with this approach, Accordingly, a detailed geotochnical review of die design drawings was not completed at this time, but will be completed during the final review. GLNk'4ltAL The subject property is located at I.he.southwest corner of the intersection of 75th Place West and Meadowdale Road and is within the mapped Meadowdale Slide Area (Roger Lowe and Associates 1979); therefore, our review is in accordance with the requirements of the City of Edmonds Ordinance 2661, Earth Subsidence and Landslide Hazard Areas. The subject site is hounded on the Mi. by 75th Place West, on the west by the Burlington Nxtliern Smite Fe (BNSF) Railroad right-of-way, and by single family midenc:es to the north and south. The site is undeveloped, but appears to have been partially cleared within the last few Years. Vegetation consists mainly of low -growing brush, grasses, and blackberry vines. A group of small trees is located near the south property line. The site slopes downward to the west with an overall gradient of about 25 to 35 percent, locally steepening to about 65 percent along portions of the vacated Meadowdale Road right-of-way trail, which crosua s the propurty. The site geology, as described in the Dodds Geosciences. Inc. (Dodds Geosciences) geotechnical report, consists of a sequence of very moist. to wet, loose, silty sand avid sandy silt; firm, wet, heavily to moderately fractured clayey silt to silty cloy; and wet, stiff to very stiff clayey silt to silly clay. Groundwater was identified by Dodds Geosciences at a depth of about 26 ft. However, wet soil was noted in D:xlds Geosciences' explorations at or near the surface, and since no piezometers were installed to tneacure actual groundwater levels (and since explorations were performed in lute summer 1996), it is likely that groundwater levels are nearer the surface during wetter times of the year. An asphalt -paved path extends from the intersection of 75th Place West and Meadowdale Rcktd ,l ong the northern and western portion of the property. The path is part of the vaca", Mcsdowdaaie Road right-of- way, and lies within the property boundaries. In addition, an existing City sanitary sewer pipchne and storm drain pipeline cross the westeant portion of the site. We understand that the portion of the path that crosses the western portion of d7c site will be relocated to the west to accotninodate site development plans. It .is also planned to relocate a portion of the City's Sloan sewer pipeline to the west. We understand that there are no Plans. to relocate any portion of the City'& sanitary sewer pipeline that crosses the property. 2 LANI)AIi AS..Srx'L\rLS. 1NC. AUG-16-97 FRI 11:43 LANDAU TACOMA FAX NO. 2069262631 P,04 GEOTHCIINICAL REPORT The geotechnieal report for tht project recommends founding the structure on augercast piles rhat extend a minimum of 10 ft into the stiff to very stiff "massive clay" that underlies the site at about elevation 48 to SO ft (City of Bdmonds datum). Therefore, pile tips will be at about elevation 38 to 40 ft. This recommendation is based on two borings drilled at the site by Doddd Geodciences. Those borings, identified as B-1 and B-2, extended to elevations 334 and 40th ft, respectively. The Dodds Geoscienees report implies that their borings penetrated through the Meadowdale Landslide and "bottomed out" in undisturbed material. Two borings, 13-4 and B-5, were completed by Roger Lowe and Associalcs in August 1979 in the vicinity of the subject site. Boring B4 was drilled near the northwest comer of 751h Place West and Meadowdale Road, and boring B-5 wm drilled on the vacated Meadowdale Road right-of-way, in or near the western portion of the subject site. According to their October 15. 1979 report, Roger Lowe interprets, the hate of the main Meadowdale landslide block in the area of the subject property at about elevation 37 ft in boring R-4, and at about elevation 29 ft in boring B-5. This would put the main Meadowdale landslide failure plane about 10 to 20 ft deeper than inferred by Dodds Geosciences. Several smaller landslides have also been mapped within die main Meadowdale landslide (e.g., Dames and Moore 1968), and these smaller features are interpreted to be a result of "breaking up" of the larger slide block. The modermtely to b tvily fractured soil that underlies the subject site is interpreted by Landau Associates to be a portion of one of these smaller landslide features. The Roger Lowe boring log. and geologic interpretation, and the mapped smaller slides, are not discussed by Dodds Geosciences. Though we generally agree with Dodds Geosc'ienc;es' conclusion that the massive clay is suitable for foundation support, the relative risks and consequences of founding the piles widen the Meitdowdule landslide mass, rather than beneath it, needs to be discussed. Also, the possible reactivitation of the smaller slides, and their configuration relative to Dodds Geosclences' Interpretation of geologic and hydrogeologie conditions, requires discussion. We recommend that these discussions be included in a re -issued geotechnical report, or as a supplement to the existing report. Tht Dodds Gcoscienccs geotcchnical report concludes that than is an adequate factor of safety during the design earthquake. However. we cannot assess the validity of this conclusion with cite information contained in the report. Therefore, we also cannot assess if the Geotechnic tl Declaration and Statement of Risk (Dodds Geosciencor; July 25, 1997) is valid. Few details are provided as to what the design earthquake is, and as to what soil parameters were used to evaluate site stability. For example, the section shown on Plate 10 (which Is not labeled as Plate 10) does not include any reference points to identify the location of the swtion. Also, assumed groundwater levels, which can greatly affect the stability analysis, are not iden(ified. This information (backup) need s.to be provided. I -AN I)AII ASSQCIATLS. INC. .AUG-15-97 FRI 11:44 LANDAU TACOMA FAX NO. 2069262531 P.05 The geotechnical engineer's Ststomont of Riek is currently focused on seismic everus. However, the Meadowdale Ordinance does not assume such a narrow focus, and in fact, we understand that past (historic) landsliding has been attributed to high groundwater levels, and not necessarily tied to seismic events. Accordingly, the Statement of Risk needs to be broadened to include other scenarios. Also, the site abuts the BNSF Railroad right-of-way, which is currently identifted as having a 50 percent probability of movement within 25 years (OeoEngineers 1983). As such, the BNSF right-of-way does not meet the City's definition of stable (e.g., lets than 30 percent probability of movement within 25 years). We see two questions .associated with this issue: 1) does the City want. to have its storm sewer relocated closu:r to this slope (e.g., will it encroach within a setback from an unstable sleupc)? and 2) has Dodds Gcoscicnccs considered this in its evaluation of slope stability and proposed improvements/changes? Thou; questions need to be addressed by both the City and applicant's design t&un. Lastly, the soil encountered in the borings is described as wet, even though the borings were drilled in September 1996. Therefore, there is a potential for groundwater seepage from die slopes at the site during wcucr times of the year, which could adversely affect site stability and/or proposed Improvements. Cutoff drains or other drainage measures may be required during the wetter portions of the year to c'ontrol groundwater. We recommend that the geotechnical engineer evaluate: and comment on the need for suhsurfac:c; . drainage. CONSTRUMON DRAWINGS A portion of the City's storm sewer pipeline that crusscm the situ is planned to be relocated to the west. No details are provided on the drawings regarding proper abandonment procedures for the stone sewer pipeline, other than to note the old system is to be removed. Without proper abandonment (e.g., proper compaction of back ill, removal of pipe bedding, etc.), future voids andlor ground subskionve could occur above the abandoned section of pipe, which could affect the stability of the rockery that will .cross over the abandoned pipeline. We recommend that abandonment procedures be Included on the drawings. CLOSURE Within the limitations of scope, schedule: and budget, our initial geotechnical review of documents submitted to the City of Edmonds for the proposed single fancily residence wort; completed in accordance with generally accepted professional engineering principles and practices in this area at the time this letter was prepared. We make no other warranty c`lther express or implied. 4 I.ANNAIlASSO CIAII.S.INC. AUG-15-97 FRI 11:45 LANDAU TACOMA FAX N0, 20692625.31 P.06 As noted in the introduction to this letter, we suggest a final review of the applicant's submittal once the initial issues identified herein have been addressrd. Please direct any questions concerning this kaer to one of the undersigned at (206) 622-4113 or (153) 926-2493. Thank you for the oplxlrtunity to be er service to the City of Edmonds on this project. �xPEEs pt ��-- -_7 I WDE/EJH/djs No. 74069.10 Augum 15,1M L-IFRU1EC7'U74U9.IOZFRIWM.RVK 5 LANDAU ASSOCIATES, INC. By: I Edward J. Heavey, P.E. Senior Projcct Engineer and d"" .D � William D. Evans. CPG Associate LANDAU ASSOC1A185, INC. Ub/ 20/ l yb / b l : !:)b 2Ub f I42U'JU LACE5WUUD6RUUP PAGE 02 Q612`;�1�197 os:' :. ri is�t31:; ,C, „•;. 13.- DrDDS E'3K'1E _ :. r� . .e. . V Post bl'fiac i x 4 85 E Jul FIL BEET ' Kirkland, Wi4 ' g8083 _A0.1 Te/Cpiyohe`(4�S) 8Q7..10 4 .. nam COUN F , Aoti Cola :& 7e� A. Me_rriti - br 1•oh Nuin r 60AS c/o Lake$idc Swaad Gifu June 25;1 997 750OL: 12th S. Vi1:,'Suiti~.21 "lE?dtnond�; W.a►;0802a Atter�tiatt�: .A.• 1.acAth�ttori :.. Sabject:: a t,ch eal adlaration and Statement of Risl< 1 Cale/Merritt Residenoe -; SWC:7Sih >!'1ict �Vcst +& Meadow dale R N F.drnondrs; Washington - Reference :: l,) Obw Report .Landslide Hazard lnvestigatian ,;. .1Vi . ...-oada►+ytlale A,tr�; i?drilands, Was ngton' ". �'' by Rager.lvoiut• Abociatcs, Inc., dated 10J16/79,=" ::.;2)': Seigmotecton1c. Map of the Paget Sound Region ly .H0*04 w 5'; er et al dated 1985 �) , lht► Sheets Cl through , Grading & C4 (Clearing di Utilities,) is b t3ttr� Re 11 Y' tIp' ur. Ac., sealed by Jon Varner, dated 6/i9/97 4) itectiftl'Pla'ns A0 > A 1, A2, A4, A6, AS through A 13 chs by' Ma e.l `. liaui rGeorge, Architect, dated Ci/ 16/97 •' •,> 'fit; tl4ta� '. I"1Hns' S 1, S2 & S3 •.t by•C d::Catnifaiiy sealed by Mark A. C«iispoti, dated 6112/97 }: pier Client' • Ire aGCfiiLI$nOC•'.W]t1T�Ur.: Y . yuest;';2}le :undersigned engineer reviewed tht nbove M* OnW..- 711e' �. Putpaso of.t} i.s'zeview'was to' sess suitability of the project for develop r :ell( ita Arrvitla the Meadowdale: Criteria• (Oidirlajrlee 42661). T. tOt bilit�,. of'eafth movement on this lot was dctertnined'as` f'oll��ws: :! analysis of t.11o gt)ake riora'was-made. 2) From tins analysis, it w" detci?nlfi.ed'2hat th rp was a, thirty. ppercent.. (30.%) chance of a magnitude 6.5 earthquake, occla'g ovror; .ti;e nex� Years on . the earest;,'triajar: fauli;-.approxiMtely 4,35 rrales frotn the- subject anticipated eatxh uak 'wevs5 arid�motion were attenuated through the qq roc?: •eri'cac�cdreiaiibe with published pmecrlifts.: :.4) T6e' soil's response at the site was decem7ined using � ecirtiputCr ,.' program capable' of.: Fnnduotinequivalent 1near seismic y)esponse analyse3.:iF iay rccl sole deposits. .S) Fillaii�!,'..the 66i nputed horizontal acceleration grouted was gpplied ta. near-aurtac e coals in Safety pseiyde>static.'atiatysis:to determine the Factor of Safety wit rcga d :to iie.e de sign enrthyuake. ' :: '' Final ate sutficiril:'cotidiuoii Were.asetirried to be as presented it Reference 3. 'She'rjsul!r. of 1hi.; analysis uadicate that::thare': s,)ess fh�at a thirty (c30 o) :a -'y, percent shame of a .IancYslidr, a'J oGcurririg bvtr'ttit pax; 25.y eaiys 06 25 1997 :5 Jti LAKL� WULYLJUMUUr— •� t� ' 06/25/1997 06' a2- .',''. 2©6�$1'g[;41' :. CIDTE 5 n ?'' « ; a� . PROPOS -0 C( L E1 TT RESIDENCE Job Number lS09S A 4 ry June Z.S; 19S� Page :' ; In our judg nGrit;'the pplans ti specifications prmpared by the structural enginoi Cnrifonn to the recarnmendatiotii :in I e ,g oiechirical report, and the risk of danwa ,c to the pro*scd c(evelol+;aictit, tt' inil, x;ubject to the cunciitii�rts ut Port>> or'to adjacerac, prupeities from.soil-instability will be minimal, in the, tepo�rt;` The ,ptopostd,4ty6iopment will not increase the potential for soil mav:stncnt. Our . analysis indicates. theme is ndt 9r► .unreasonable risk (<30% chance of earth muveinent: due -to earthquake withiartiZc rtcxt:25.years) as defined by Ordinance #26G1,. some of the un-Yitc. hn roveni i)t : id? It un rove;-staiiiliiy of the site include extensive collection and dram•a c cif surface.and. strbsurlace.+Watxt 'on the properiy and the installation of foundation pili.rig int�'the ' grotind Please contract the .dt •' h d directl at 4 y q e., i rre. uli rslg G y { 2S) 827.1Q$4 if theme are an 4 �t t► �' r '. Sincerely: DODDS Geoscienm Inc: rr: K- von ` ,�hT, •or was•4 `S�aNAi. EXOI Ins Wrk K. odds, .E. X ll1W d S-TRI ._. •-.. APPLICANTIOWNER'S LANDSLIDE LIAB111TY _ ACKNOWLEDGEMENT DECLARATION Applicant/owner warrants a) that the accuracy of all permit submittal information is such that the City and its staff is relieved from any liability associated with reliance on such permit application submittals. While an application may reference the reports of prior public consultants to the City, all conclusions shall be those of the applicant/owner and her/his design professionals (ECDC 19.05.030), and b) that the applicant/owner understands and accepts the risk of developing in an area with potential unstable soils and that they will advise, in writing, any prospective purchasers of the site, or any prospective lessees of structures on the site, of the slide potential of the area (ECDC 19.05.040C). L/ c Signature of applicant Subscribed and sworn to before me thiA day of 1997 Notary public in and for R-6ev-A ee vv C Residing at ` lct 1 �A• �-A' l l 2 cl 1 e-'�ee.h ✓-,'(J 3�oo ?'e,�m•n nrlri sttb-lcli me this W)_ day of sL 19� of rub C'k!::)C—t� �;�7! V.F�•Yi;3'.�r�t.�,714`t!T.FY. ` RECEIVED J U L 1 0 1997 PERMIT COUNTER DIcTL� /zs/p� � STREETFILE � • .,r 1014- 1KIM PROFILES y i A INTERIOR ELEVATIONS CODE S U M M A RY ' A-21 INTERIOR ELEVATIONS INTERIOR ELEVATIONS !r7 Code Edition: 1994 U.B.C. Pmjca Nama - A-23 INTERIOR ELEVATIONS rn P-izAddress: 'w--, Ystl, Plaee V. lil F.1,..o:.d.WA 9802_0 E I BASEMENT ELEC-TRICAL PLAN. (aereaeoaOwnerP""W-TGOLE/JM ME2@ITT s . 3 Iccza 70tu M, Im E-2 MAIN FLOOR ELECTRTCAL PLAN W LYtrwWOOD. Wg9H037 . u�TT'—S '9'(M r301sy� .. �(REI I'EtlLL'v) ti .. U .. ) E 3 UPPER FLOOR ELECTRICAL PLAN C�EFl ecTsp q el Q I Zoning CL PS-ii ` Setbacks: - r l i Front: ts' V x F . Side; for —j Rcar. Z5' J Occupancy; R-Vul S-t FOUNDATION PLAN x Occupant Lain: 22 Stories: Type N S-2 FOUNDATION DETAILS S-3 i FOUNDATION DETAILS C-1 CLEARING, GRADING & T.E.S.C. PLAN ARCHITECT Er ARATrC-2 GRADING & T-E.S.C. NOTES &'DETAILS - Revisions ❑� - Date bale I have micwed the gtroteclaied engineering tulyoni,tiWcmenary �'-3 ' DRAINAGE &UTILITY PLAN re"a"Gendaliom Prepared by DODDS Ge adczes Ine, P. O. Due 6966, Ddlevuc, WA 98006, kb NmW 6M dated II, - C-4 DRAINAGE & UTILITY NOTES & DETAILS. andennand um dtll 12-96, and gn m-Tanerrdadam.I d"ed tf njn. I Imva . . �s� with tla owaus Iho Polm(ial risk of loss due to slides err she+ unpred'c"i" geological aelivitY Jrvdred "ith devcloianent of Ws project for vita. To the best of aty knowledge, the T-1 TOPOGRAPHICSURVEY "elan -a -liens presented in tlta afarementiorad re," June been heeded and establishid aemwar have bear taken to n fueuthe potenuat risk of injury and y -Ay n rnrth . within the report Y cutest pralicted ' VICINITY MAP J p �/7 O Project No. I /etAay i� Date 7• to `1"i b r q' PUDCT 5 Drawn N R• I SOUND t' Check ' SITE a t1.b 14. I .FXCI ITc10N Or crRVI rc Construction dmwin s the di 41EAE 8 agmmmaticanddonot : AN ITEL. +mend to show all Mails or conditions of . • construction, The Architect n - clarifications add answers quesbmtsyr � bye Contractor grid others during a At�rt °tom V 8 Constiucti xi Phase '� MIWINgrols .Services. The Ami ited Iherefareassumes no - / • liability or responsibility for errors or conflicts which' I rsera s . s a.. occur becaftse erhis ettclttsiop m full .. .. in ConstructiogPhase Services, _ participation SHORELINE MANAGEMENT ACT OF 1971 PERMIT FOR SHORELINE MANAGEMENT SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT Application No. SM-97-48 Administrative Agency_City of Edmonds Date Received 4/2/97 Approved XXX Denied Date 6/24/97 Pursuant to RCW 90.58, a permit is hereby granted to Michael George, agent for Robert Cole and Jerri Merritt (Name of Applicant) 1024 1st St., Ste. 307, Snohomish, WA 98290 (Address) to undertake the following development: Shoreline Substantial Development Permit to allow site grading in excess of 250 cubic yards in association with the construction of a new single-family residence upon the following property: 16006 75th PI. W., Edmonds within Puqet Sound and/or its associated wetlands, The project will be within shorelines of statewide significance (RCW 90.58.030). The project will be located with a CW - Urban Marine designation. The following master program provisions are applicable to this development: 15.36.010.A & B, 15.38.060.A & 15.37.020.E & C (State the master program sections or page numbers): If a conditional use or variance, also identify the portion of the mater program which provides that the proposed use may be a conditional use, or that portion of the master program being varied, . c:SHOREPT.DOC J Development pursuant to this permit shall be undertaken pursuant to the following terms and conditions: Conditions of approval listed in the decision of the Edmonds Hearing Examiner for permit SM-97-48 attached hereto. This permit is granted pursuant to the Shoreline Management Act of 1971 and nothing in this permit shall excuse the applicant from compliant with any other federal, state or local statutes, ordinances or regulations applicable to this project, but not inconsistent with the Shoreline management Act (chapter 90.58 RCW). This permit may be rescinded pursuant to RCW 90.68.140 (7) in the event that the permitee fails to comply with any condition hereof. CONSTRUCTION PURSUANCE TO THIS PERMIT WILL NOT BEGIN OR IS NOT AUTHORIZED UNTIL THIRTY (30) DAYS FROM THE DATE OF FILING AS DEFINED IN RCW 90.58.140(6) AND WAC 173-14- 090, OR UNTIL ALL REVIEW PROCEEDINGS INITIATED WITHIN THIRTY DAYS FROM THE DATE OF SUCH FILING HAVE TERMINATED; EXCEPT AS PROVIDED IN RCW (90.58,140)(5)(a)(b)(c). -2 c a -I (Date) (Signature Local Government Official) THIS SECTION FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY IN REGARD TO A CONDITIONAL USE OR A VARIANCE PERMIT. Date received by the Department Approved Denied This conditional use/variance permit is approved/denied by the department pursuance to Chapter 90.58 RCW. Development shall be undertaken pursuant to the following additional terms and conditions: (Date) (Signature of Authorized Department Officiall c:SHOREPT.DOC a Michael A. George Architect A.I.A., P.S. (360) 568-1331 Fax (360) 568-1930 Suite 307 Marks Building 1024 First Street Snohomish, WA 9 8 2 9 0 f ITREET Rt"-._ City of Edmonds Community Services Department Planning Division 250 - 5th Ave. N. Edmonds, WA 98020 May 26, 1997 To: Mr. James Walker P.E. City of Edmonds City Engineer Subject: Robert Cole New Residence Site: 16006 75th Pl. W. Edmonds Owners: Robert Cole 16628 70th Pl. W . Lynwood, WA 98037 j2� Joj� Applicant: Michael A. George AIA QQ 1024 First St. Ste, 307 Snohomish, WA 98290 Request: Request to allow a driveway slope to exceed 14%. ( see site plan attached ) Dear Mr. Walker, As can be seen from the site plan, we have a relatively steep site and have been unable to design a driveway with a maximum 14% slope. We are requesting your permission to exceed the maximum 14% driveway slope as established by the City of Edmonds. The steep slopes, the need to create even a small landing where the drives meet the road and the building setbacks, which determine the garage location, make it next to impossible to satisfy a 14% slope. We understand that if we are allowed to exceed 14% we will not be allowed to go beyond 20%. Thanks for your time and consideration of these matters. I am including our revised site plan which now has only a single driveway. Since e , Michael A. George Inc. 180v May 6, 1997 CITY OF EDMONDS 250 5TH AVENUE NORTH • EDMONDS, WA 98020 • (206) 771-0220 • FAX (206) 771-0221 COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Public Works • Planning • Parks and Recreation ® Engineering Michael George 1024 First Street # 307 Snohomish, WA 98290 Subject: Robert Cole new residence at 16006 - 75th Pl. W. Dear Mr. George, BARBARA FAHEY MAYOR kx-4JJ -r-/711"--7 The Engineering Division received your proposed plan regarding the.above subject. Your plan must be revised to comply with City codes and standards. The Engineering Division recommends the following: 1. It does not appear that a southerly driveway can be constructed. A driveway slope cannot exceed 20%. 2. Due to the driveway slope and location, on -site turnaround is required. 3. If you wish to exceed 14% slope in any driveway, a written request for a waiver is required. Please note the following: 3-1) Driveway slopes shall not exceed 14% unless authorized by the City Engineer. 3-2) The City Engineer may authorize driveway slopes to exceed 14% up to a maximum of 20 % if the City Engineer determines that: a. The driveway is the only economically and environmentally reasonable alternative. b. The driveway will not present a traffic, pedestrian, bicycle or safety hazard. c. The Police Chief and Fire Chief concur in allowing the increased driveway slope. d. The public health, safety and general welfare will not be adversely affected. If you have any questions, feel free to call Jamal Mahmoud at 771-0220, extension 328. Sincerely, JAMES C. WALKER, P.E.. City Engineer JM/JCW/sf Attachment 75TH-PL6.DOC e Incorporated August 11, 1890 Sister Cities International — Hekinan, Japan ' MICHAEL A. GEORGE A�ITECT AIA PS 1024 First Street Suite 307 ` SNOHOMISH, WASHINGTON 98290-2960 (360) 568-1331 (360) 568-1930 (fax) TO dC44C�OC� 4 �]��]�44Lad DATE Q f JOB NO. ATTENTI N RE: a� Pa 96V v WE ARE SENDING YOU El Attached El Under separate cover via the following it > ❑ Shop drawings El Prints El Plans El Samples �icattiQ{i sslqq El Copy of letter ❑ Change order AQR �1 COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION A✓ I - a,- 14 U D +1 � THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ❑ For approval or your use ❑ As requested For review and comment ❑ FORBIDS DUE REMARKS ❑ Approved as submitted ❑ Approved as noted ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ Resubmit ❑ Submit ❑ Return —copies for approval _ copies for distribution corrected prints 19 ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US COPY TO SIGNED: if enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. Ir Michael City of Edmonds A Community Services Department George Planning Division 250 - 5th Ave. N. Edmonds, WA 98020 April 22, 1997 To: Mr. James Walker P.E. City of Edmonds City Engineer Subject: Robert Cole New Residence Site: 16006 75th Pl. W. Edmonds Owners: Robert Cole 16628 70th Pl. W. Lynwood, WA 98037 Applicant: Michael A. George AIA 1024 First St. Ste. 307 Snohomish, WA 98290 Architect A.I.A., P.S. (360) 56&1331 Fax Request: Request to allow two access drives & to exceed a 14010 (360) 568-1930 driveway slope. ( see site plan attached ) Dear Mr. Walker, As can be seen from the site plan, we have a relatively steep site and would like to include two drives which would allow for a safer ingress and egress situation that responds to the site topography. Both the garage location and slab elevation are fixed as part of an approved 5' height variance. Our original request was for an 8' variance which would have provided us with more flexibility in setting the house floor elevation and the garage slab elevation. The garage slab elevation is set at 70'. The northern drive, which has the least amount of elevation change from 75th Pl. W. to our garage, would provide us safe ingress when approaching from the north and exiting going north. There would be good visibility of on -coming traffic in both directions. The southern drive will provide excellent ingress when approaching from the south and when exiting going south. It should also be noted that there is an access easement at our south and east property lines that was established to serve the site to our south. In effect this access on to 75th Pl. W. will be constructed Suite 307 Marks Building when the site is developed so it could then serve both our sites. 1024 First Street Snohomish, WA 9 8 2 9 0 • • -2- Our second request is to exceed the maximum 14% driveway slope as established by the City of Edmonds. The steep slopes, the need to create even a small landing where the drives meet the road and' the building setbacks, which determine the garage location, make it next to impossible to satisfy a 14% slope. We understand that if we are allowed to exceed 14% we will not be allowed to go beyond 20%. Thanks for your -time and consideration of these matters. I appreciate both the effort and assistance from the engineering and planning departments in Edmonds. If you have any questions or would like to discuss these matters please do not hesitate to call, or I can meet with you at your convenience. Sincerely, Michael A. George A.I.A. CITY OF EDMONDS 250 ST 4 AVENUE NORMH� EDMONDS, WA 98020 (425) 771-0220 RCW 197-11-970 Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS) DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE Description of proposal: The proposed project to allow site grading (approximately 600 cubic yards of fill and 1,500 cubic yards of excavation) for the construction of a new two story single-family residence with a daylight basement and an attached three -car garage, totaling approximately 3,900 square feet in area. (City of Edmonds File No. SM-97-48) Proponent: Robert Cole & Jeri Merritt, 16628 70th Place West, Lynnwood, WA 98307 and Michael George, A.I.A., 1024 1st Street, Suite 307, Snohomish, WA 98290 Location of proposal, including street address if any: 16006 75th Place West. The subject property a vacant lot located directly southwest of the intersection of North Meadowdale Road and 75th Place West. Lead agency: CITY OF EDMONDS The lead agency for this proposal has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An environmental impact statement is not required under RCW 43.21.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. This information is available to the public on -request. . There is no comment period for this DNS. XX This DNS is issued under 197-11-340(2); the lead agency will not act on this proposal for 15 days from the date below. Comments must' be submitted by May 21,1997. Responsible Official: Jeffrey S. Wilson Position/Title: Current Planning Supervisor, Department of Community Services - Planning Division Phone: 771-0220 Address: City of Edmonds, 250 5th Avenue North, Edmonds, WA 98020 Date: May 6, 1997 Signature: XX You may appeal this determination to Robert Chave, Planning Manager, at 250 5th Avenue North, Edmonds, WA 98020, no later than June 5. 1997, by filing a written appeal citing the reasons. You should be prepared to make specific factual objections. Contact Jeffrey S. Wilson to read or ask about the procedures for SEPA appeals. XX Posted on Mav 6. 1997, at the Edmonds Public Library, Edmonds Community Services Building, and the Edmonds Post Office. XX Distribute to "Checked" Agencies on the reverse side of this form, along with a copy of the Checklist. E Page 1 of 2 97-ODNS.DOC \ S/S/97.SEPA • ¢i 7�t?tjitiw 0 • Mailed to the following along with the Environmental Checklist: XX Environmental Review Section XX Applicant: Robert Cole & Jeri Merritt Department of Ecology 16628 70th Place West P.O. Box 47703 Lynnwood, WA 98307 Olympia, WA 99504-7703 XX Burlington Northern Railroad 2900 Bond Everett, WA 98201 Attachments pc: File No. SM-97-48 SEPA Notebook XX Agent: Michael George, A.I.A. 1024 1st Street, Suite 307 Snohomish, WA 98290 Page 2 of 2 97-48DNS.DOC 5/5/97.SEPA ❑ Approved as submitted ❑ Approved as noted ❑ Returned for corrections II' ❑ Resubmit copies for approval ❑ Submit copies for distribution ❑ Return corrected prints ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US MICHAEL A. GEORGE AR ITECT AIA PS 1024 First Street Suite 7 SNOHOMISH, WASHINGTON 98290-2960 (360) 568-1331 (360) 568-1930 (fax) TO 1/ 0 �- C ED YK ENGINEERING WE ARE SENDING YOU ❑ Attached ❑ Under separate cover via ❑ Shop drawings ❑ Prints ❑ Plans ❑ Copy of letter ❑ Change order ❑ LETTE' OF TRANSMITTAL DATE JOB NO. ATTENTION � RE: APR PONT ER ❑ Samples the following items: ❑ Specifications DESCRIPTION M[I R ME, �-. r 11: R/ M I V THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ❑ For approval or your use ❑ As requested or review and comment ❑ FOR BIDS DUE REMARKS I■ COPY TO Y�y A 1'��t�xi �1 Q .y.,t1�,�.K�-• SIGNED: /N lclosures -itotasndtedkindlynotifyusatonce. Michael A. George Architect A.I.A., P.S. (360) 568.1331 Fax (360) 568-1930 Suite 307 Marks Building 1024 First Street Snohomish, WA 9 8 2 9 0 City of Edmonds Community Services Department Planning Division 250 - 5th Ave. N. Edmonds, WA 98020 April 2, 1997 To: Mr. James Walker P.E. City of Edmonds City Engineer Subject: Request to abandon or re -locate an existing public pedestrian pathway. ( see site plan attached ) Sites: 16006 75th Pl. W. Edmonds 16008 75th Pl. W. Edmonds Owners: (16006) Robert Cole 16628 70th Pl. W. Lynwood, WA 98037 (16008) Al Ansari 9304 Olympic View Dr. Edmonds, WA 98020 Applicant: Michael A. George AIA 1024 First St. Ste. 307 Snohomish, WA 98290 Summary of Request: APR 2 1997 ENGINEERING /V,-gT C:>,Tom" `r-' Dear Mr. Walker,�t,.r, Both the Cole and Ansari sites are steep with increased setbacks due to the existence of City easements at vacated 75th Pl. W., 75th Ave. W., and on the Cole site, vacated N. Meadowdale Rd.. The development of these sites is further complicated by the need to provide driveways that satisfy the maximum slope requirements as defined by the City of Edmonds. The net effect of the increased setbacks and steep slopes is to require us to locate these houses closer to the west end of our sites than would be desired. As can be seen on the Cole site, the existing pathway is as close as 10 to 12 feet from the house. U, -2- If possible, we would like to completely abandon the pathway, or at a minimum, we would propose to move it to the west and north. At present it is being used by skateboarders, in -line skate enthusiats, bicycles, pedestrians, motorcycles and even cars. These are definately not compatible uses and will probably result in injury at some point. The City requires us to either install sidewalks along 75th Pl. W. when we build our residences or to pay into a fund which is intended to construct sidewalks at a future date. We do not understand why there is a need for a pathway through our sites if sidewalks are to be built along 75th Pl. W.. We plan to begin construction on the Cole residence late this summer. During the construction process there will undoubtedly be some damage to the existing pathway in excess of what is already there. At the completion of the Cole residence we would like to move the path as shown on the attached site plan. We could connect to the existing path near it's intersection with the Ansari property line and complete the re -location after Ansari's have finished the construction of their home. We would propose to provide a small rockery along the path as it crosses the Cole site. Our goal is to be able to utilize as much of our site as possible as is typical of other waterfront residences to the north and south of the three private properties intersected by the pathway. We greatly appreciate your consideration of this matter. If possible I would like to set up a meeting so that we could discuss the details of this request further. I look forward to hearing from you. c Michael A. George AIA �St.1g9v CITY OF EDMONDS BARBARA FAHEY MAYOR 250 5TH AVENUE NORTH • EDMONDS, WA 98020 (206) 771-0220 FAX (206) 771-0221 HEARING EXAMINERS^� FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS AND DECISION 0��� OF THE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF EDMONDS APPLICANT: Michael George for Robert Cole and Jeri Merritt CASE NO.: V 97-2 LOCATION: 16006 75th Place West (see Exhibit A, Attachment 1). APPLICATION: Variance to increase the maximum permitted building height from 25-feet above average grade level to 30-feet for the construction of a new single-family residence (see Exhibit A, Attachments 3 and 4). REVIEW PROCESS: Variance; Hearing Examiner conducts public hearing and makes final decision. MAJOR ISSUES: a. Compliance width Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) Chapter 20.85.010 (VARIANCE). b. Compliance with Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) Section 16.20.030. (SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL - Site Development Standards). SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATION AND DECISION: Staff Recommendation: Approve with conditions Hearing Examiner Decision: Approve with conditions PUBLIC HEARING: After. reviewing the official file which included the Planning Division Staff Advisory Report; and after visiting the site, the Hearing Examiner conducted a public hearing on the application. The hearing on the application was opened at 9:00 a.m. February 20, 1997, in the Plaza Room, Edmonds Library, Edmonds, Washington, and closed at 9:37 a.m. Participants at the public hearing and the exhibits offered and entered are listed in this report. A verbatim recording of the hearing is available in the Planning Division. • Incorporated August 11, 1890 O Sister Cities International — Hekinan, Japan • gearing Examiner Decision Case No. V 97-2 Page 2 HEARING COMMENTS: The following is a summary of the comments offered at the public hearing. From the City: Steve Bullock, Project Planner, reviewed the staff report and recommended approval of the request, with conditions. He also noted that: • The entire garage is under the 25 foot height limit. • The remainder of the structure is within 5 feet of the height limit. • Special construction techniques will be used to reduce the bulk of the structure. From the Applicant: Mike George, Architect, said: Previously, an 8 foot height variance had been requested and the plans have been redone so that a 5 foot height variance is now requested. • The site is a difficult site to build on, but the house has been adapted to the site. Previously, the main floor was proposed to be at elevation 70' 5" and now the main floor is proposed to be at elevation 66' and elevation 67' 6". • The driveway slope will have between a 14% & 18% slope, but that allows the garage to be within the height limit. • The site is constrained with steep slopes, sensitive soils and a pedestrian walkway which bisects the property . • A 7 foot to 9 foot retaining wall will be necessary to allow the house proposed. • He did not feel this variance would grant a special privilege as other 2 story homes have been granted height variances in the immediate area. • They have gone as far as they can to minimize view impact. He referred to the cross-section (included in Attachment 4 to Exhibit A) and said he did not believe there would be any significant view impact if the variance is approved. • The houses to the north and south across 75th are higher and won't have views significantly impacted. • He couldn't see how the request could be for less height and still have a house consistent with the neighborhood. qelaring'Examiner Decision Case No. V 97-2 Page 3 • The variance process is designed to address sites that have special circumstances such as this. Bob Cole, Applicant said: • He did not want to request a variance, but he needs to move as little soil as possible due to the nature of the soil on the property. • They tried to drop the house down as much as they can and they don't feel -they will block views. Virginia Deaver, Realtor, said: • The applicant's have purchased a premier lot in the neighborhood and should be able to build the proposed home to maintain value in the neighborhood. • The City should reward good architecture such as this. Lee Appleton, Builder, said: • He has built a number of homes in the area and this will be consistent with the other homes in the area. • All of the other homes he has built in the area are 2 story homes. From the Community: Paul Elliott, neighbor, said: 6 The applicant's lot is impacted by a utility easement and a pedestrian path. • He is delighted the applicant will access the property from above rather than try to extend vehicular access along the pedestrian path below the house. • He does not want vehicles on the pedestrian path. • It appears the applicant has done everything possible to comply with the code and .he recommended approval. Phyllis Wiggins, neighbor, said: • This proposal takes 5 feet of view from her house. When the ridge poles were installed for the previous proposal which was 3 feet higher, they were very visible from her house. • Searing Examiner Decision Case No. V 97-2 Page 4 • This proposal won't have much less impact. • She wants to protect her property values and her view. Response from the Applicant: Michael George responded to concerns and objections expressed by neighbors. He said: • He disagrees with the contention by Phyllis Wiggins that the proposed house will affect her view. He referred to the view analysis which showed her house to be significantly above the proposed house. • In response to Mr. Ruggeiro's comments: • A variance is an accepted process to use in the zoning ordinance. • Mr. Ruggeiro had to obtain an access easement from a vacated right- of - way to get access to his house from below, rather than take access from 75th Place. West as the applicant is proposing. • The Anderson's view will not be impacted by this proposal. The proposed house will not even be seen from the Anderson house. CORRESPONDENCE: Correspondence from the general public was submitted by: Phyllis Wiggins, (Exhibit B) who wrote in part: • A restriction on building heights seems reasonable to safeguard neighborhoods from unreasonable, unorthodox or inappropriate structures. • Five feet of building height takes a great deal of Puget Sound out, of my view. • This proposed house will have unrestricted views from every floor, yet they ask all their neighbors to restrict their outlooks. • If this is the only house they are willing to consider, then they need to find a different lot for it. If the lot is their priority, then they can find a way to comply with the City's restrictions on heights. Phillip Ruggiero, (Exhibit C) who wrote in part: • I am again voicing my objection to granting of any height variance for all the same reasons outlined in my initial letter of December 15, 1996. 41earing Examiner Decision Case No. V 97-2 Page 5 • The rules are very clear... twenty five (25) feet is the height limitation in this area... • This variance will impact other people's views and there is absolutely no reason for granting a height variance of this magnitude. • The buyers and/or the architect knew the limitations of the lot and the restrictions and rules before they decided to design a multiple story home on this lot. • There is no precedent for this type of height variance and we don't want to start now. Robert Anderson, (Exhibit D) who wrote in part: • All previous comments on the record regarding the matter of the 8 foot height variance, now appealed at 5 feet, are generally and specifically still valid. • We do not view the three foot change as substantive, but token - just enough to perhaps squeak by the zoning ordinance in the meaning rather than the letter of the statute. • I should have much preferred that the appeal reduce the requested variance to 3 feet or less. FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS: A. SITE DESCRIPTION 1. Site Development And Zoning: a. Facts: 1) Size: The total size of the subject property is 21,496 square feet. 2) Land Use: The subject property is currently undeveloped, surrounding development consists of single family dwellings (see Exhibit A, Attachments 3 and 4). 3) Zoning: The subject property is zoned RS-12 (single residential family with a minimum 12,000 square foot lot size requirement) (see Exhibit A, Attachment 1). 4)� Terrain and Vegetation: The subject property slopes from the east to west with the greatest slope closest to the west property line. The average slope on the site exceeds 25% with a total elevation change of 41.13-feet from the east property line to the west property line. Vegetation consists of several trees and native grasses. E 2. Neighboring Development And Zoning: a. Facts: B. HISTORY 'Rearing Examiner Decision Case No. V 97-2 Page 6 1) The adjacent properties to the north, south, and west and are currently zoned as single-family (RS-12)- (see Exhibit A, Attachments 1). Properties to the east are zoned RS-20. 2) The adjacent properties to the east are currently developed as single- family homes. West of the property is the Burlington Northern Railroad tracks and all remaining adjacent properties are undeveloped. On October 29, 1996 the applicant applied for variance to increase the maximum permitted building height from 25-feet above average grade level to 33-feet for the construction of a new single-family residence (File No. V-96- 130). 2. On January 6, 1997 the Hearing Examiner denied the variance. The Hearing Examiner noted the following in his decision (see Exhibit A, Attachment 5): a) "It appears that special circumstances exist on the site and the applicant should be provided some relief from the height requirements of the ECDC. b) "It does not appear that any special privilege will be demonstrated in granting this variance in that other properties in the same zone with similar circumstances have qualified for a height variance." c) "The Examiner believes that an applicant has the right to construct a building which complies with the code requirements even if it impacts views of neighboring properties. However, views should be considered and preserved to the greatest extent possible when an applicant is requesting a variance from the code. " d) "As proposed, approval of the height variance may be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare in that other properties in the immediate vicinity (particularly houses across 75th Pl. W to the north and south) could have their views affected. " e) "The house will be supported on piles and nothing in the geotechnical engineering report specified that the house could not be safely constructed if it were depressed two or three feet more than proposed by the applicant. " C. EDMONDS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CODE (ECDC) COMPLIANCE 1. Facts: a. The fundamental site development standards pertaining to Residential development in a RS-12 zone are set forth in Chapter 16.20.030. Hearing Examiner Decision Case No. V 97-2 Page 7 b. Except for the requested height variance, the existing development conforms to all RS-12 requirements (see Exhibit A, Attachment 4). 2. Conclusion: The proposal complies with the development standards for the RS-12 zone as set forth in Chapter 16.30, with the exception of the height setbacks. 3. Compliance with requirement for a Variance ECDC Chapter 20.15B.180.A, states an applicant may request a variance from the standards of this Chapter pursuant to the procedures set forth in ECDC Chapter 20.85 (Variances). Chapter 20.85 of the ECDC sets forth the mechanism whereby a provision of the Code may be varied on a case -by -case basis if the application of the provision would result in an unusual and unreasonable hardship (see Exhibit A, Attachment 2). a. Facts: 1) ECDC Section 20.85.010 establishes the decisional criteria with which a variance request must comply in order to be granted by the Hearing Examiner. These criteria include: a special circumstance must exist; no special privilege is granted; the proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the Zoning Code; the proposal will not be detrimental and is the minimum necessary. . 2) Variances may be used to modify bulk standards. They may not be used to modify use or procedural requirements. 3) The applicant states in his declarations that special circumstances exist due to three conditions on the site a) Steep slopes which average 25% across the site; b) Sensitive soil conditions, which dictate minimizing to the extent possible the amount of excavation of water sensitive and slide -prone soils typical of the Meadowdale Beach area; and c) The intrusion of the City easement of an eight foot wide walking path. The walking path bisects the site and reduces the buildable area available and restricts the ability of the applicant to locate the house further to the west. 4) The applicant states that two-story homes are typical for this area of Edmonds and reducing a home to one-story residence is inconsistent with other homes in the vicinity. Additionally, other residences north of the site have been granted height variances (City of Edmonds files V-90-6, V-90-5, V-90-2), so he believes that approving the variance would not be a grant of special privilege. 5) The applicant has stated that the proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and zoning ordinance (see also section "E" of this report for additional discussion of compliance with the Comprehensive Plan). He also states that he has reduced to the extent possible the • *Hearing Examiner Decision Case No. V 97-2 Page 8 amount of view impact to surrounding neighbors by utilizing stick - framing techniques which allow for a lower residence than would be typically seen. 6) The applicant states that the proposal is not detrimental in that the two homes to the east, which likely would have the greatest potential for view impact, are elevated substantially from the street and would not have their view affected. The applicant also states that to a certain extent they will improve their neighbor's view by removing trees which currently block a portion of their view. 7) The applicant states that the proposal is the minimum necessary in that there are a number of physical constraints placed on the property which are beyond the applicants control. In order to enjoy benefits similar to other properties in the vicinity, namely a two story residence, the owner is proposing a two story residence with sloped roofs, with the second story portion of the building pushed as far west as the physical constraints permit. The applicant has previously applied for a height variance of 8-feet and was denied. Working in conjunction with his geotechnical engineer he is now requesting a variance of 5-feet. The geotechnical engineer recommends, "Excavations in the building area [should be] limited to as shallow a depth as practical." (see Exhibit A, Attachment 2, Exhibit 10). 8) Driveways may not exceed 14% slope without approval from the Engineering Division. The applicant is proposing a driveway between 14% and 18%. b. Conclusions: 1. Special Circumstances The applicants property has steep slopes, which exceed 25% in some places. Driveways may not exceed 14% slope without approval from the Engineering Division. There is an easement for a walking path on the western portion of the property. The proposed residence is in the Meadowdale area of town which is slide prone and therefore minimal soil disturbance would be required for the construction of any home on the site. Therefore it appears that special circumstances exist on the site and the applicant should be provided some relief from the height requirements of the ECDC. 2. Special Privilege It does not appear that any special privilege will be demonstrated in granting this variance in that other properties in the same zone with similar circumstances have qualified for a height -variance (see Exhibit A, Attachment 2). 3. Zoning Code and the Comprehensive Plan The proposed development has minimized view encroachment on surrounding properties by: Wring Examiner Decision Case No. V 97-2 Page 9 a) Utilizing stick -framing techniques which allow for a lower residence than would be typically seen; b) Depressing the garage below the required 25-foot height limitation, and; c) Depressing the residence portion of the structure by an additional 3-feet. Therefore, approval of the proposed height variance would allow for the continued development of the site in a manner consistent with the intent of the Zoning Code and the Comprehensive Plan designation of the site (see Exhibit A, Attachment 2). Intrusion, into the views of surrounding residences appears to have been kept to the absolute minimum necessary to construct a home consistent with other homes in the immediate vicinity. 4. Not Detrimental After a review of the view analysis and a visit to the site, the Examiner believes the current proposal will not be detrimental to nearby properites. The proposed development has minimized view encroachment on surrounding properties by: a) Locating the residence as far west on the property as physical constraints allow; b) Utilizing stick -framing techniques which allow for a lower residence than would be typically seen; c) Depressing the garage below the required 25-foot height limitation, and; d) depressing the residence portion of the structure by an additional 3-feet. Therefore, approval of the height variance would not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare in that other properties in the immediate vicinity do not appear to be significantly adversely affected by the proposal. The proposal should not be detrimental to other residences in that while the home will be seen by surrounding properties the impact will be the minimum necessary to construct a single family residence. 5. Minimum Required The architect has attempted to reduce the bulk of the residence by utilizing construction methods which will reduce the size of the roof line and still allow a two story residence to be constructed. He has used a sloped roof and located the residence as far west on the property as the physical constraints -allow. According to the geotechnical engineer the residence should be limited to as shallow a depth as practical. In response to the Hearing Examiners previous comments and the geotechnical engineer's direction the architect has lowered the garage below the 25-foot height limit and the main residence by 3-feet. Hearing Examiner Decision Case No. V 97-2 Page 10 Therefore, the proposal appears to be the minimum necessary for construction of a single-family residence. D. TECHNICAL COMMITTEE 1. Review by City Departments a. Fact: No comments were submitted by other departments. E. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (ECDC) 1. a. Fact: The subject property is designated as "Single Family Large Lot". b. Conclusion: The proposed development is consistent with the existing Comprehensive Plan Land Use designation for the site. 2. a. Facts: The Comprehensive Plan, Residential Development section, identifies goals and policies which relate to "Residential Development" in the City. , Specific goals and policies are discussed in detail below. 1) Section B states as a goal of the City that: "High quality residential development which is appropriate to the diverse lifestyle of Edmonds residents should be maintained and promoted. The options available to the City to influence the quality of housing for all citizens should be approached realistically in balancing economic and aesthetic consideration, in accordance with the following policies: ", 2) Policy B.I. states, "Encourage those building custom homes to design and construct homes with architectural lines which enable them to harmonize with the surroundings, adding to the community identity and desirability. " 3) Policy B.3. states, "Minimize encroachment on view of existing homes by new construction or additions to existing structures. " 4) Page 31, subsection B.S.0 states, "Stable property values must not be threatened by view, traffic, or land use encroachments. " b. Conclusion: The proposed development will minimize view encroachment on existing homes to the extent possible and the home will be constructed with architectural lines which will enable them to harmonize with the surroundings, adding to the community identity and desirability. The proposed development is consistent with the above adopted goals and policies of the City. for the development of residential property in the City. Hearing Examiner Decision Case No. V 97-2 Page 11 DECISION: Based upon the foregoing findings and conclusions, the request for a height variance is approved; subject to the following conditions: 1. This variance is to allow the proposal in the location and configuration as specifically related to the requested variance identified on the proposed site plan (see Exhibit A; Attachment 4). Any other. structures, additions or remodels would have to conform with the typical setbacks or height requirements for the zone or obtain another variance. 2. This application is subject to the applicable requirements contained in the Edmonds Community Development Code. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure compliance with the various provisions contained in these ordinances. 3. The applicant must obtain a building permit prior to construction. 4. The permit should be transferable to future property owners. Entered this 6th day of March, 1997, pursuant to the authority granted the Hearings Examiner under Chapter 20.100 of the Community Development Code of the City of Edmonds. Ron McConnell Hearing Examiner RECONSIDERATIONS AND APPEALS The following is a summary of the deadlines and procedures for filing reconsideration's and appeals. Any person wishing to file or respond to a recommendation or appeal should contact the Planning Department for further procedural information. REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION Section 20.100.010.G allows for the Hearing Examiner to reconsider his decision or recommendation if a written request is filed within ten (10) working days of the date of the initial decision by any person who attends the public hearing and signs the attendance register and/or presents testimony or by any person holding an ownership interest in a tract of land which is the subject of such decision or recommendation. The reconsideration request must cite specific references to the findings and/or the criteria contained in the ordinances governing the type of application being reviewed. APPEALS Section 20.105.020.A & . B describe how appeals of' a Hearing Examiner decision or recommendation shall be made. The appeal shall be made in writing, and shall include the decision being appealed along with the name of the project and the date of the decision, the *Hearing Examiner Decision Case No. V 97-2 Page 12 name of the individual or group appealing the decision, their interest in the matter, and reasons why the appellant believes the decision to be wrong.. The appeal must be filed with the Community Development Director within ten (10) working days after the date of the decision being appealed. LAPSE OF APPROVAL Section states 'Unless the owner obtains a building permit, or if no building is required, substantially commences the use allowed within one year from the date of approval, the conditional use permit shall expire and be null and void, unless the owner files an application for an extension of the time before the expiration date.' NOTICE TO COUNTY ASSESSOR The property owner may as a result of the decision rendered by the Hearing Examiner request a change in the valuation of the property by the Snohomish County Assessors Office. EXHIBITS: The following exhibits were offered and entered into the record. A. Planning Division Advisory Report, with 5 attachments B. Letter from Phyllis Wiggins, dated 2/13/97 C. Letter from Phillip Ruggiero, dated 2/19/97 D. Letter from Robert Anderson, dated 2/20/97 PARTIES of RECORD: Robert Cole/Jeri Merritt 16628 701h Pl. W. Lynnwood, WA 98037 Phyllis Wiggins 16012-74'h Pl. W., Lynnwood, WA 98037 Lee Atherton 20225 24`h NW Shoreline, WA 98177 Robert Anderson, M.D. 16010 73`d Place West Edmonds, WA 98026-4552 Planning Department Engineering Department Michael George, A.I.A. 1024 First St.. Ste. 307 Snohomish, WA 98290 Virginia Deaver 6129-188`h St. SW Lynnwood, WA 98037 Philip Ruggiero 6126 1401h Court NE Redmond, WA 98052 Paul Elliott 16000 75`h Pl. W. Edmonds, WA 98026 CSr 189v CITY OF EDMONDS 250 5TH AVENUE NORTH • EDMONDS, WA 98020 • (206) 771-0220 • FAX (206) 771-0221 COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Public Works • Planning • Parks and Recreation • Engineering October 11, 1996 Mr. Michael George, Architect 1024 First Street, Suite 307 Snohomish, Washington 98290 RE: Cole/Merritt lot @ 16006 75th Place West BARBARA FAHEY MAYOR In response to a citizens complaint regarding tree cutting on the subject site, the Planning Division has made a site inspection and determined that the threshold for "land clearing" as defined in the Edmonds Community Development Code has not occurred. Please be advised, site reconnaissance for the purpose of geotechnical monitoring or soils testing (although a permitted action) does not include arbitrary clearing of vegetation and cutting or removal of significant trees. Enclosed, please find the City handout on land clearing, contact John Bissell if you have any'specific questions regarding these requirements. As required by the Meadowdale Earth Subsidence Landslide ordinance the geotechnical engineer of record shall provide the owner exposed slope mitigation measures that shall be maintained for the duration of the winter months. As the lead design professional it is your responsibility to inform the geotechnical engineer and owner of this requirement. Thank you, )�, �n Jeannine L. Graf Building Official cc: John Bissell, Associate Planner • Incorporated August 11, 1890 • Sister Cities International — Hekinan, Japan ,. T FILE q�-��a ..: STREE UN 5RECEIVED190 � ENGINEERING STREET USE PERMIT APPLICATION NAME OF APPLICANT: N 1 / 1 1. NAME OF MAILING ADDRESS: CONTACT PERSON AND PHONE NUMBER:_ LL L- - i q.�i a,.(1.6 ADDRESS OF PUBLIC USE: Des � ibe the public plIce or portion of public space to be utilized: tA C'-,� Specify the type of use desired: 40 Wk?)ki O a -A -A i�� In 3 � C_ Loc r — CDYI SCti cy Z� ►'� Specify the length of time for use: =L Ca NOTE: The issuance of this permit is understood by the applicant to be of a temporary nature and that no vested right is granted. INDEMNITY.- The applicant understands and by his/her signature to this application, agrees to hold the City of Edmonds harmless from any injuries, damages or claims of any kind or description whatsoever, foreseen or unforeseen, that may be made against the applicant or the City of Edmonds, or any of its departments or employees, including but not limited to the defense or any legal proceedings including defense costs, court costs, and attorney fees by reason of granting this permit. In addition, the application understands that the City shall be provided a Certificate of Insurance to indemnity and hold harmless the City of Edmonds from all claims and/or property damage, and naming the City of Edmonds as an additional insured. CODE APPLICATION: By signing the application below the applicant warrants that s/he has read or had the opportunity to read Chapter 18 of the E onds Community Development Code and s/he understands that all terms of the adopted ordinance are incorporated herein s I f set forth in full and this application and permits therefore are subject to the terms of that Chapter. _/I_ - III/1_1. -- .1/.0.�'," Struseho.docj1g6/98 :i SIGNATURE PAPPROVAL FROM ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS IYtI�, y 10 L6 0 0B When applicable, if the street use proposal directly impacts any adjacent business or private property owner the applicant must obtain written approval from the affected parties. Note, this requirement is evaluated by City Staff and, when required, the applicant will be notified. Signature Address Signature Address Signature Address Signature Address DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE --FOR CITY USE ONLY Planning Division Approved By ADB# A114 Date Public Works Approved By Fire Department Approved By Police Department Approved By Certificate of Insurance Verified By. U- -77-4i En ineering Division Approved By °/ ate Remarks or Comments: o ae ;Zzoca-7_8D v ramcF Pam,✓ P2.0 Tf' >02 5 e e.Roc41-V) —/0 gLy KIT o FcIU STREET USE PERMIT# I I RELEASED BY BUILDING PERMIT # DATE OF ISSUANCE c E s Struseho.docj1g6/98 _ 3 Jul-12-99 08:08A P.02 ..'-4 CQ'RD ��•�LAKfr . DATE IMMIODIYY).. :.; 07/09/1999 R.RODVCER-(425)670-1552 FAX (425)670-1933 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION Jevi 11 a &Neville Insurance ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR 4720 200th St. SW. Suite 100 ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. �jnwood, WA 98036-6645 COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE COMPANY MARYLAND CASUALTY COMPANY Attn: Kurt Stark Ext: A INSURED Danjel Enterprises LLC cc BANv 8428 NE 203rd Bothell, WA 98011-0000 COMPANY C COMPANY D COVJE�p THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS, CO TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION LIMITS LTR DATE (MMIDDTYY) DATE (MMIDDIYYI GENERAL LIABILITY X : COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY A ;. ; cLaMs MAnF X ecr:uu SCP 31054496 OWNER'S & CONIRA(7OR'S PROT . AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ANY AUTO At I. OWNED ALIUS SCHEDUI FD AUTOS HIRCO AV I US NON -OWNED AUTOS OARAOE LIABILITY ANY AUTO EXCESS LIABILITY UMI5RtLLAPORM OTHER THAN UMBRELLA hf>RM WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY THE PROPRIETORI INCL PARTNER 51EX FCUTIV E OFPICCRs ARF tXCI OTHER GFNFRAL AGGRi.. S 2,000,000 . .................. .................... I ................. PRODUCTS . COMPI01I AGO : $ 2,000,000 03/17/1999 03/17/2000 I?CFtSQNAL K novINJURY s 1,000,000 FACH OCCURRENCE S 1,000,000 ........ FIRE DAMAGE (Anyone fire) : $ 50,000 MED CXP (Any one peie0n) S 10,000 COi SINGLE LIMII S 9001LY INJURY S (Per prawn) f:ODILY INJURY g (PeraccidenO PROPERTY OAMAGF AUTO ONLY - FA ACCIDENT : S .................. .......... I...... • O 1 HER THAN AV TO ONLY. .......... , ._ _' "' ... EACH ACCIOEN r ...... S ................ .......... . AGGREGATEiS tAC:H OCCURRi S ............. . ACURF.GATC S TGRv OMITS ........ PR _.. ......... FL EACH ACCIDENT ............ S............. ................................ El DISEASE -POLICY LIMI I' S EL DISEASE - EA FMPLOYi S DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONSILOCATIONSIVEHICLESISPECIAL ITEMS tF: 16006 - 75th PI W, Edmonds, WA: The City of Edmonds, its elected and appointed officia s, +gents and employees are named as additional insureds per form CC2010 as respects ongoing >perations by or on behalf of the named insured on this project. This replaces previous cert of 6/18/99 C!? iiFICAiL` HOUR. • . CAIECCLLAk to SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE Tn E EXPIRATION GATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL W)61C*XMX)( MAIL 45 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, ' City of Edmonds x�flyt�l�X,X�C,(plotY,lf�CDxlZ41�Dr(�CbWt�l4)6)tx>xr�S�>�cx Building Division �cAcd4 Xc><116xIx06lf#J(�talrN�f4J6 X p(w*aww)1/XxXXXXXXX 121 - 5th Ave N AUTHOR¢ED REPRESEN ATIV� Edmonds, WA 98020 Kurt Stark A�iACq.4i0'CC?R,k'nRA`i`ION i88I 10 '�' 1.° ;.�" . y� i ; . %4lG�i•-i�c7��:-, �i•ti1�. - - _ � ,, �� .. t - � ��,:� � .- J,�._r � j. - � `f : -� :s .�� �, 9k CURB J i ' - � � ! ,' ` } k =.i'1• ?cam aFi." (.�'� :T::'r.,� !� %�t r G::�� r 1 • •t^' i� _�r -' % - { rt� s p,�' t, i AL ,-•1. :4lj'>. -_/� �jl� -`0ll +• .^J'\. �'. /r F`..lt �y t l! '7 /��\ } - = ` •? -�` / �� r / ! p �� V, / . .- F �o \ / _; f%'l�,Ai i f"•�� / .0 •+iT _ i I f / _ / / i• _ l j,)(j 0 .� 1 [ ' , -y__ _ �-c i.. 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(V —� CSC► oa I o � zw. oy �a f N N N rrr W W W W W W N N N Aon Ewa aev N 04 M • 32rnsS �s ��SX6Z" �a'73c� 6d n3z =52-ox2 = v 64e:4 Y,, ZB � zn ON �X 2� =t'� �23x /S=�6S N �x 6"s = l0CI Gq lY� ram, U! W 0 W W W Nvs L, O O O wOO �n rrr • �g Q _ 9 3z 7' J 4, z x 4 1�914 $ %Y,to 2�0 38 (.06 --_ fif�u� —DIFAL clUl r ERICH O. TIETZE AND ASSOCIATES Engineers and Consultants 18530 76th.Avenue West Suite B Edmonds, WA 98026 206-771-6212 FAX 206-775-0236 Ms. Jeannine Graf June 15, 2000 City of Edmonds Building Department 121 5`h Avenue North Edmonds, WA 98020 SUBJECT: Cut and Fill Volumes for Cole -Merritt Residence, 16006 .1-16K Avenue West Dear Ms. Graf: At the request of Vlado Milesavljevic, I have computed the cut and fill volumes for the site listed above. This calculation is based on a topographic survey of the existing grades conducted by Chenoweth and Associates and a comparison with original grades that are on the approved grading plan for this project. The volumes that are shown on the attached drawing and table include all excavation for the house. The total cut volume was calculated to be 1,095 CY and the total fill volume was calculated to be 1,047 CY. Vlado indicated that you did not need to have the basement cut calculated. If that cut volume is removed from the above figure, the cut volume is reduced to 289 CY. If you should have any questions, please call as soon as possible. Very truly yours, ERICH O.TIETZE AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Erich O. Tietze, P.E. President Incl.: Grading Volume Results As -Built Grading Drawing by EOTA, Inc. As -Built Topographic Survey by Chenoweth and Associates, Inc. L: U N 4. d oQ0amNop%� O%o v. NOs%oNNM%oMom^ %o%oWOD�nonanocDcv�vWcomr, 3 OC,nln�m�tlnN., IAWV)„ Imo U Nr-CU %0ODCw) minCl)M o..�Omn In %o E v�M nuico+0�1�.400v.-:�.jN0ciMcici%6 .c6ojM po1!)fhODnmlAl,.fv)Ln%D iC6CUN.4LnNCD NN 7 .+ �ODI��onN W QOR WNn..NNMMv v V)�o�on0�oNMIn�O W.-. 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Post Office Box 2385 Kirkland, WA 98083 Tel: 425.827.1084 Fax: 425.828.9443 Danjel Enterprises 23423 Brier Road Brier, WA 98036 Subject: Excavation and Grading Observations Partially Constructed Residence 16006 - 75t' Place West Edmonds, Washington Dear Client: Job Number 6095 September 7, 2000 As mentioned in our letter ,on June 6, 2000, a representative from our office made three visits to the subject site. Daily Field reports for these visits were previously transmitted. During our three site visits, we also observed the excavation and grading that had occurred to prepare the site for the pile installation. As a matter of course, we inspected the slopes and erosion control. It was our opinion at that time that the slopes and erosion control measures that were installed were appropriate for temporary measures. After our third site visit, we were not called back to the site by the contractor until June of this year. The June 6, 2000 letter is a summary of our observations and recommendations from that visit. We have not returned to the site since that time. Thank you, DODDS Geosciences Inc. Mark K. Dodds, P.E. s A� SEP 2 2 2000 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES CTR. CITY OF EDMONDS t4EAp�OWPALh Ile S"i� Ile lo t._ri:1f�T`>1C^^C-T�_i.-i�G,..�" '-•�. / �' , /"� ^ - �r�#�"jf t!�•a.� ITS / �k' PfV CURB �! t 47 � I ! ir� �/ ,-� �: % / )! �[rl '� r`` � � 3' � � '' �. i /• it _ -• t� �r�yl- J O� • / pp! !'_1.'.��`C� •i• f— r '+ ;� L, 1G'' i , — ♦ �. 'w ,� ' / - yr a�l , � ! � ��+•••�^ �Jl'•/�•i—cl, K/N'� 1 f ! a;�"'� `::f .1.� Y,' �� � �% i�L 1' / (!r �r�•5� .�' ` -i - ' • � /' ' �r •— " ! � .O� r , _ r i 3= ,r l i'._; �%Y, .1� r � � � /,' /itt! � : \ '�7 ,r'r _ " ,' '� ', % ,' _ ` +• � � _ 0? ! I e •-'r .4D" IYr'E<' r -L•-_ -_� .•,� / l '••.� �/� / ,i �\ n��t *' ,,�' 'L"'1; ' - / /J j' q ��f' �� f1 %9' .l: `•�-. -� _ .SI / /t ":<• ,,;ems: _i. /' /• / ' , l,J+ i a. S . 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OL i�' /T!?PI t ) ) . ..� it G SECT'to N Ito too - ao = 'rbp. of yotJsE �13���..TT U't"Y. EA6 em at JT e s F4,-Tiow CUT r 'roP. of foAR.:. $8.125 70 &o 15'::G 50 'r � Irk- �� � t�¢oUcE Z00_� SetB�,c.K_ F7�ot'1 . -' ► `_ •,5 == -. - - --t7A5t'IE:;, L4WF- 9Et.-stES _ c t'1eD Ep, LOCkilot4 2 S �GTt 4�1 I p�tvE\v,-Y_. s/4WIT?AI;fY 5��1ltE1Z 1_t IJ E. rSE:LOv�! SToIcM t7i�AtkiS �MOt.�DS S SYS'i "�M .� .��>. '�•,T•sCt 1� , -,1 �.�`•�" � �[.I+? '.S?Y. .;a�.k-' � t •�.' } � ry0 0 \ , �A SEO .yti + ;., � � � i R If�T �"c� �"�."r. "" l��.r _' / /�� - "..� �`'• �� �- r d ����� jw - � �': ^_� if F fir j l- 7 ____ J'2r' �a4^%%io{�/,� s : J �1y°' EXTRUD CURB 47 2e s-7a-;q :Yi' /1 ,k::l- t '*/ VVI IL ! J �C'�l�i 1 •1 • 1l [vat F/� L t . � r ,r.. � ' / _ . � � I lbw W�+-c I. ►c/l•.f'� ; ; ` L _ f i '-�� i �fy 11 / ' ! 1 fo 71 0.9 r ` I- c ' ����►yy1 1 -�: .~ r.. /. 5 •F�'- j-?.0:1. : J ,; . �, y / �- �,, : �l r1' 1 1 1 ! r . 1 � ;. 1 i , � _ 'a'f,i'... 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' t, `, f .i ' ? � '. ;j � {3 •.c _-ilOy—� � .. �.. � /� , I , �' J T ply , It ' ,,; •e` ` EX. 12 " RCP. t? T� a i / ! A r lL loBa u7 l ' � !� ' � �' �,`�..-f-..:,: _ ,."L _ �- , - — h�• � �.' J � ; _ ,��,v. t � ,� � 1 E.•r: Cd Tif�E� / , { 1 O @ i � 7 a i f '.,: , / ��o• � ,�q': r -i l� - �,`t r l f IE-2.8. ?5 f2 " �"VC. S.. E. jt � h � r I �°ji � • ��xa� � . / i� i/ 1. i i• . i i / ! / \I ��° : 10 - / _ _ _ _ r.:. Gi / / J co If J j ►.. \\ ,E L!9 TYP �'i 1 / 'r \ !1 , �'(X/ND! EX. ri LrBAR �A'D 'AP OL i TMst1'. 92 •t�%IP% 1 1 I .. , n< / ,. , -. _ , RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE ............... filed for record this.......... day of 2000 at ...... M in book, ..... of ........ at page ...... at the request of MGR. SUPT. OF RECORDS AS -BUILT TOPOGRAPHIC MAI 0 SUFVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE This map correctly represents a survey made by me or under my direction in conformance with the requirements of the Survey Recording Act at the request of MILO..........:......................in JUK...... 2000 ...................... 'CERTIFICATE NUMBER ....9567 / / / / bl I I I 3 i Surveys * Topography * Sanitation * Short Plats * Formal Plats CH Erg OWETH 8c ASSOCIATES, INC., P.S. Professional Land Surveyors 18130 Midvale Ave. N., STE. A Seattle Wo. 98133 (206)-542-2188 * (425)-672-8333 FAX )x (425)-672-8333 20 0 20 40 60 PH 1 ME Scale, 1' = 20' H❑RIZ❑NTAL CONTROL; BASED ON EXISTING PROPERTY CORNERS AS SHOWN, o NOTES: 1) THIS MAPPING IS OF A SITE WHERE THE S.F.R. IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION ALL LANDSCAPING IS NOT FINISHED AT THE TIME OF SURVEY, 2) THE H❑USE LOCATION IS BASED ON MEASUREMENTS FROM FOUND PROPERTY CORNERS. 3) THE ELEVATIONS AS SHOWN ARE BASED UPON TOP OF SEWER MANHOLE HAVING AN ELEVATION OF 50.17 AS SHOWN ON ORIGINAL T❑POGRAPHIC MAPPING 'PER SITE PLAN', 4) CHENOWETH AND ASSOCIATES INC, P,S„ ESTABLISHED CONTROL POINTS FOR THE LAYOUT OF THE HOUSE PER PLOT PLAN, BOTH FOR HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL POSITIONS, PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. AS -BUILT POSITION CAN BE COMPARED TO THE SITE PLAN FOR HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL CONTROL FOR ANY DIFFERENCES, RECEIVED SEP 2 2 2000 DEVELCITYEOF EDMNT ONDS VICES CTR. COLE-MERRITT PROJECT 16006 75TH, PL, W. EDMONDS WA. IN THE G❑V, LOT 4 SEC. 5, T-27-N, R-4-E, WX IN THE CITY OF EDM❑NDS, SN❑H❑MISH COUNTY, WASHINGT❑N 11 17 OEM�► DWN. BY: DATE: JOB NO. LS 2041 PAUL J. PISINGER 22 SEP. 2000 F.B. 175 P. 1 CHKD. BY: SCALE: SHEET A.W. CHENOWETH 1" = 20' 1 OF 1 KEYSTONE BLOCKS TWO COURSES HIGH SHALL BE REMOVED, �l / ,It l O co 1 / co / 00 r+r+'00 ' / /' �0 / + +tr*i 4aj / I ♦r / 0++''♦ ' j / r rrr // / ♦♦000*10 . (Q ♦ /CbCO CD ell 411 d-�d. mot' U7 , / 1 1♦♦ / , ♦++► � I � / / / l / �O / l i ++♦ / 1 / / / / J f 1 /113N GARAGE FLOOR EL. 70.18 N / �r+♦' /' i + % / / / //�. / r' I �/' /' /' r♦j+ ' err /' � �D 4' SOLID DOWNSPOUT/ /rP / // / i ♦ / <r / h I I +♦�+ / / COLLECTOR, 4 PERF r // /� / PIPE FTG DRAIN. / J 1 .♦ r It RV**100, it f 10, ri / 'w* l / /' / ( / 1 / I it �� * 11 CONf / / l rr / l / I / / / / l l 11 / I rri ,/ ' /' t ±r / PAD / l 11 I l .( ,CATCH BASIN /' 'It, RIM 69.92 �r 'Jr I r r r • 0. ao 411 SOLID DOWNSPOUT / I i .♦ d p •.� r r / - — COLLECTOR, 4' PERF l 1 I I i `♦ lI `. : 1 PIPE FTG DRAIN. / I 6' SOLID �'''►��+'+ •�f { ; ,► / n 88 SLA 1 PIPE / E �I 55.96 4' PERF PIPE WALL DRAIN - TYP EX. CITY CATCH BASIN / / / / ! ) I 1 / I I ♦♦ , .RIM 51.88 S.F.R. / 1 1 I �,. ♦♦ 1 rr / , \ / /' : ' ! ' ' ' I I I , I 6 �`'• l ♦ / / 12' TO 36' HIGH KEYSTONE : / . .! / / / ► I 1 t ; WALLS W/ 4' PERF PIPE NOTE: 4" PERF PIPE IS PROVIDED FOR FTG DRAINS ON I 1 �► j AND GRAVEL BACKFILL / WEST AND NORTH SIDES OF HOUSE. 6 PERF PIPE IS CONNECTED TO ON -SITE PROVIDED FOR FTG DRAINS ON EAST AND SOUTH SIDE I C9 1! 40' 1 * % ' 1 CATCH BASINS AND THEN I OF HOUSE. 6" SOLID PIPE IS PROVIDED FOR DOWN- r >� TO CITY SYSTEM - TYP. R' ' 6' SOLID PIPE SPOUT COLLECTION ON EAST AND SOUTH SIDES OF HOUSE. I t I 1 f I I / 4" SOLID PIPE IS PROVIDED ON NORTH AND WEST SIDES I , HOUSE FOR DOWNSPOUT COLLECTION. ALL FTG DRAIN i I 6' SOLID JJ1,1WNSPOUT : I r PIPES AND DOWNSPOUT COLLECTOR PIPES ARE CONNECTED I I COLLECTOR, 6' PERF ; /' j I TO THE CITY SYSTEM CB AT THE REAR OF THE HOUSE. I I /PIPE FTG DRAIN. ALL DRAINAGE FACILITIES HAVE BEEN INSPECTED BY THE I I 1 f t•' r ' ' CITY INSPECTOR SEPTEMBER 21, 1999. Prismoidat Volume Resutts 1. �� �1 ,►� , Total Cut Votume (including lasement excavation), 1094,82 cu yd >+° ,' , '}"',�•-.: / / ; ;`; ' I Total Cut Volume (excluding basement excavation), 9 289,88 cu yd / 4' SOLID ',,,,..''••' , %. ' I M► _ ' / PIPE '� ,: Total Pill Volumes 1047.17 cu yd CO40 I / I ♦♦ j /19 � I � l � r h ! ♦♦♦ ' I � ' ,' � � ' / rrr„►` tI ,,�r�s �'- /� J1 r'' GO ni ko / to to ( k N / I / / ti 1f1 Qj q ko 6' SOLID DOWNSPOUT COLLECTOR, 6' PERF PIPE FTG DRAIN. RECEIVED S P 2 2 2000 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES CTR. CITY OF EDMONDS t'=�Y ROVED 6,115/00 AS -BUILT DRAWING .9116,100 9i20i00 (Irp ERICH 0. TIETZE AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ENGINEERS AND CONSULTANTS 18530 76TH AVENUE WEST SUITE 8 Emoms, WA 98026 425-771-6212 FAX 425-775-0236 0 o M -n M C', M z 0 M (A E3 m 0 N 90*00'00' E RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE ............... filed for record this.......... day of ......... 2000 at ...... M in book,, .... of ........ at page ...... at the request of ..................... MGR. SUPT. OF RECORDS L� 71, MAN LINE TABLE NUMBER DIRECTION DISTANCE Li S 69'56'01' W 36.47 L2 S 63*0733' W 35,95 L3 N 30*23'17' W 4.33 L4 N 30*23'17' W 10.67 L5 IN 59*36'43' E 110.66 16 Is 14*35'00' W 115.08 +� BASIS FOR ELEVATION CENTER OF SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE RIM EL, 50.17 0 0 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE This map correctly represents a survey made by me or under my direction in conformance with the requirements of the Survey Recording Act at the request of MILO..................................in J K......2000 CERTIFICATE NUMBER .... ` 567.......... I 3 Surveys * Topography * Sanitation * Short Plots * Formal Plats CHENOWETH 8c ASSOCIATES, INC., P.S. Professional Land Surveyors 18130 Midvale Ave. N., STE. A Seattle Wa. 98133 (206)-542-2188 * (425)-672-8333 FAX x (425)-672-8333 20 0 20 40 60 Scale, V = 20' HORIZONTAL CONTROL BASED ON EXISTING PROPERTY CORNERS AS SHOWN, • NOTES 1) THIS MAPPING IS OF A SITE WHERE THE S.F,R. IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION ALL LANDSCAPING IS NOT FINISHED AT THE TIME OF SURVEY, 2) THE HOUSE LOCATION IS BASED ON MEASUREMENTS FROM FOUND PROPERTY CORNERS. 3) THE ELEVATIONS AS SHOWN ARE BASED UPON TOP OF SEWER MANHOLE HAVING AN ELEVATION OF 50.17 AS SHOWN ON i]RIGINAL TOP06-RAPHIC`MARP-ING 'PER- SriE--PLAiN`,----- 4) CHENOWETH AND ASSOCIATES INC, P,S„ ESTABLISHED CONTROL POINTS FOR THE LAYOUT OF THE HOUSE PER PLOT PLAN, BOTH FOR HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL POSITIONS, PRI❑R TO CONSTRUCTION, AS -BUILT POSITION CAN BE COMPARED TO THE SITE PLAN FOR HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL CONTROL FOR ANY DIFFERENCES, COLE-MERRITT PROJECT , 16006 75TH. PL. W. � EDMONDS WA. IN THE GOV, LOT 4 SEC. 5, T-27-N, R-4-E, W,M, IN THE CITY OF EDMONDS, SNOHOMISH COUNTY, WASHINGTOM f DANJEL ENTER"WRISES DWN. BY: DATE: JOB NO. LS 2041q PAUL J. PISINGER 14 NOV. 2000 F.B. 175 P. 1 I CHKD. BY: I SCALE: A.W. CHENOWETH 1" = 20' SHEET 1 OF 1 SEC. 5 ,TWP.27 N. ,RGE. 4E , W.M. EX, SSMH. h� r---� TOP=7594 /E= x60.69 SE., S. I •, I a EX. CB TYPEI' �, 76 0.9 a, `'' /E=69'99 18' CMP.t Sty' lb0, — ' l /E= 74 7J NW, E. GARAGE 0° /' ' ' l ! l' - - �' ' ' /' 8 . rn 10 1 �� '� Annn TOP= V ( / " t'''� i I I , I 1 a \ / / 0 0 •/. '� / / / I / l ti /' O'er /' do 11 A' c1 ti�� mic 0 OE ADC DACE RD x 8" D/P,/SN! \\ ya \ 1 a° { a J V-Q , , I I 1 1if a �2 uv ' 43, x Il Il 1' �'' • •/` ' . .' ,' , 5a� I I ,I e 1• / 1/ a 0 !! j� ,1 / l / I I 1 I l I 1 1•" 1 1 ,/ i �a' ,/ , ,%/ �Q �� 0 , , x ow- Dp�e O 4 f<D" /' , AEj ,joo r�-/,t0... 54.28 81L D/P. NE., W ! r p NI72, ©° "' `' EXTRUD£O CURB ro r= �7 /V . SKI ATED E18 CMP r "' I EX. 8'Pl�G)1 �I I it � / 1('JP=50.,17 , I�, I.01101) 41D yy`' / / l_ ,39.73 l I , 1 1 /EX. e'B TYPE I 1 1 I lroP=41.7,9 " �/ / D4 / 1 / i l ! /, r i rl- 6.T / r/ i 4r?9i� /i ,,/� ,/ >'' /'�•'� ,.' SETS EB R 4D CAP /x J / ti°> /' r / 1 , 1 / ' I t .. ,5'1 S 0450 /TYP/j ro I x ' 1 I I I I / 0 / N c9279 % 1W � 1 I 1 I I 1 I 1 I �',�• /l� fig'; I ,�•' ,' "� i�•• / J / / � / ,' s I ! � �.+ / ,/ ,' ,1 /' / / /' �/ / ,/ I I r • .r I / I 1 I I I I I I I I I •' ! — 1 JFE •/%18 OL/P IJ AZ., S)W 5 nl � �� // x ..�c Ply 'r/ r• e., '" v 7111 L{f/AYiEASE�fENT/'TD (y'/ I I I I I '� / +' ! //i/'PEit� Af,1'941, 2804,*5 i/ II i'/ ,�' l /'/ ,/ i' ,'/ " O'/ V 40��1 J ' I I I I I, 1 � x ' i _ I f �'Y / // // / I I •."' I I � '�I I j'\a .6.'MPP / / ,/' / �,' � , ' , F� ' (� � t\ �_, \ ! / ar'v 1 ,' //ybS. i i I I J\O ) 1 1 1 /9, 1 T r I r x a / // x f' I I I 1 1 I / t I / ,' \a i 1: (i, I `s`�158?I' l' l Jl� lP // I 01 Cvr r, tt l x' l l ! ' J ,/�99 ' I' 1 / l I! 1 I I I I I i / ,N' �O ql x �6a ! i x J i l l � � � • ,' � /' � i ► ; (�� '/�+ii'f Y/ fV, I I I I •o r I' l ; ?'.r� �ti\ , V Ir l � /' 1' ; ; l ; 1 � � l (�1� ^'- � � � / ; `O'S• 1 cj=1� 1 I 1 01 �' �`� EX. 12' RCP. l l I • l I ' ! ! l ' l lI l' l/l l ' ! ' / I ! ! i �1 1 , hI`' , x 1 h'' ' • a� /E=86 41 1,�:Y> ' ACC 0�' x/ / 1� x 0. J' ENT % / / / Fo r r / EX. ,12" ,PCP. ,•1 / A� L 1 � ° I j / /E--141 `- 1 l lAF m12280� 0 x I I I / T- 7-73 ea `� l EX. SvFMH. I /v I&ZJ514 i" W + J / +o �a; f EX. CB TYPE/ / ! / ' / / l ' / '' /' /' '' / °A� /'. ' J�OP=BB. ,5, ,\ j TOP=88.26 " I ..-�._y ! / _ _ 7 /E--8B.2s 15352 / / / I I I I I I 1. / / / / / 1 •7[ 22� " /�"OUNDI EX. 1> ,9ARNV AP 2� , 1 r - / /Lu 52 i8 owv, S l i i ' 1 l "G4 L 943 " (nip 26 8 / i � /' � ��� ~` \I 11 \\ � / / i ' 1' l r i 'r l r ' � 11 l I rr i � � '• i 3o ' / \ \ ai �11 11 ��� i 323� /' y(T h� h�` 5� her 0� 6v . �' 6 6�1$ 6 / ry/ III x Oaf 1\1 38 pax a°�2�' a \ —::a \ Mlc • LEGAL IMSCRIPTION: LOT I OSHORT PLAT NO.S-24-94, ACCORDING TO THE SHORT P L T RECORDED UNDER SNOHOMISH COUNTY RECORDING 1\10.9012a0448 BEING A PORTION OF LOTS I AND 2, BLOCK 59, MEADWDALE BEACH, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 5 OF PLFS,PAGE 38, RECORDS OF SNOHOMISH COUNTY; SITUATEIN THE 'COUNTY OF SNOHOMISH, STATE OF WASHINGTON. C N to (A r) ww O 00 ic� Q� `4 `L 0o aLi z .- N .4 rac . of o w• •d o�c rYi�� � f•� r7 • �� m•a d z 4: At �* b'' ;"L S � '�•�a'3�� S a •��•�• a Q w ., PRE p � �.+ W 1) w A a cn � A CQ GL �C * z I • i ' � � �, A LEGEND o ° z SCALE:1" =20' CONTOUR INTERVAL = 2' 20 0 20 40 I DATUM: CITY OF EDMONDS I -qFBENCMARK:TOP OF SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE N ';OF INT N. MEADOWDALE BEACH RD. AND 75TH PL. W; ELEV.=75.90 �' I SITE AREA: 21496 s f . ZONING RS-12 MIN. LOT AREA 12,000 sq. ft. MIN. LOT WIDTH 80.00 ft. MIN. STREET SETBACK 25.00 ft. MIN. SIDE SETBACK 10.00 ft. MIN. REAR SETBACK 25.00 ft. MAX. HIEGHT 25.00 Vt. MAX. COVERAGE 35% MIN. PARKING SPACES ® WATER METER JQ FIRE HYDRANT M WATER VALVE n) GAS VALVE © POWER VAULT -0- UTILITY POLE F- UTILITY ANCHOR ® TELEPHONE RISER YARD LIGHT q BLOW OFF ® MAIL BOX m JUNCTION BOX 0 BOLLARD cc > I—, ,Rq. z� 'JW ,Z -�� �:-- W J UL 1, 1997 o a c PERMIT CUUN T F.R 0 z VICINITY MAP, MEADOWDALE BEACH PARK a PUGET m SOUND _ ! SITE ' 4Fq� O co hbq(F > tv OiO 3 � a" N N. T. S. MEADOWDALE PLAYFIELbS 16aTH 5T SW FILENAME: H:\96-3036\LSSIICS20(STOPO.LS2-V2) UPDATED- MAY 29 1997 09,42,06 • W � V 1 c 0 0.4 = 0 C) cn C—� W o o i z T-1 � t SHT 1 OF ;;1 L. JOB NO:96-3036 `�`° 9? e > N-" La Z. 0 Uff --1 S co a KEYSTONE BLOCKS TWO COURSES HIGH SHALL BE REMOVED, 1 I I I' 1 I 1 / d r / r \ /! Cb ♦ ,♦ \ ko / / \ (OO '' / ♦''00000 / '1 I I l / 0000 l l O I r•• / ♦•• Dto l l ♦•• / I ••'000000 / 00•00 ♦ ♦ ,j d dam" Co ' / / ,♦ / ♦♦♦� /�/ // /// // // / V // I I I ♦♦♦ / ♦01 / / / / /' �/ / /' / • ' GARAGE FL❑❑R I / / /♦� / EL, 170.18 I I N ,♦�/ : / / / / / / / 1♦ 1 / N / I .•� / 4' S❑LID DOWNSPOUT/ h i / ♦ •'�' // / / COLLECTOR, 4' PERF /'' / j I ♦.�♦♦' // // / ' PIPE FTG DRAIN. v /' fir•••''• / // / j 4l / / / / / Q / / / ; /lool /' ♦•♦',er• 1•/ / / , / / // / / / O fin ! / / / / "/ / / \ Ile / / / a / / / / / ► • / / 86 / ' ♦ '/ �/ /' , // /// " / ♦ / / / / +I /lol/ 1 t CON PAD / I 1 ' I j I+I / CATCH BASIN / / , / / 1 / I �• I RIM 69.92AV ao- all # 4F# I 1 �• I / 4 S❑LID DOWNSPOUT / , I I : ♦,. .�'/ COLLECTOR, 4 PERF / / I I +� I .• •. PIPE FTG DRAIN. 6' SOLID ••.I.�♦ �>t I / / n 88 SLA / / 1 PIPE / •/ / / / / 1 i Slice Volume Results Wglnal Surface Model, l rlglnal Final Surface Model, Foundation r..+ r.M.nnr+inn r-tnr, 0.000000 FRI Co action Factor, oMUM Elevation Interval Cut Area <ft^2) Cut Volume (CY) FRI Area (ft^2) FRI Volume (CY) Cumulative Cut <CY) Cumulative FRl (CY) 42.00 - 43.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0,00 43.00 - 44.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 44.00 - 45.00 45.00 - 46.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 46.00 - 47.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 47.00 - 48.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 48.00 - 49.00 49.00 - 50.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 501 - 51.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 51.1 - 52.00 52.00 - 53.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 53.00 - 54.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.83 0.00 1.03 0.00 64.45 0.00 0.03 54.00 - 55.00 55.00 - 56.00 1740.16 3921.22 64.45 14523 0.55 0.02 209.60 0.05 56.00 - 57.00 3798.46 140.69 3.53 0,13 0.09 350.36 479.67 0.19 0.28 57.00 - 58.00 59.00 - 59.00 349L14 3275.60 129.30 121.32 2.54 1.36 0.05 600.99 0.33 59.00 - 60.00 2914.99 107.96 6.82 0.25 0.13 709.95 806.29 0.58 0.71 60.00 - 61.00 61.00 - 62.00 2628.38 1981.01 97.35 73.37 3.60 2.44 0.09 879.67 0.80 62.00 - 63.00 1719.89 63.70 0.02 0.00 943.37 0.80 0.80 63.00 - 64.00 1379.72 51.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 994.47 1037.18 0.80 64.00 - 65.00 65.00 - 66.00 1153.34 907.52 42.72 33.61 0.65 0.02 1070.79 0.03 66.00 - 67.00 670.87 24.95 1.37 0.05 1095.64 0.88 0." 67.00 - 68.00 448.90 16.63 0.53 0.19 0.02 0.01 1112.27 1123.69 0.91 68.00 - 69.00 69.00 - 70.00 308.34 t21.64 11.42 4.51 8.96 0.33 1128.19 1.24 70.00 - 71.00 46.59 L73 3.98 0.00 0.13 0.00 1129.92 1129.93 1.38 1.38 71.00 - 72.00 72.00 - 73.00. 0.22 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 1129.93 1.38 73.00 - 74.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1129.93 1129.93 1.38 1.39 74.00 - 75.00 75.00 - 76.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1129.93 1.38 76.00 - 77.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1129.93 1.38 1.39 77.00 - 78.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1129.93 1.38 78.00 - 79.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1129.93 79.60 - 80.00 0,00 0.00 0,00 0.00 1129.93 1.38 1.38 80.00 - 81.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1129.93 1129.93 1.38 81.00 - 82.00 82.00 - 83.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1129.93 1.39 83.00 - 84.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1129.93 1.38 1.39 84.00 - 85.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0,00 1129.93 1.39 85.00 - 86.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1129.93 1129.93 1.39 86.00 - 97.00 87.00 - 88.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.00 11129.93 11.38 Slke Volume Results Original Surface Model, Orlglnal Final Surface Model, Future r..+ rnwnnrti- Fneter, 0.000000 FRI commction Factor, uuuuuvu Elevation Interval Cut Area (ft^2) Cut Volume (CY) FRI Area (ft^2) FRI Volume (CY) Cumulative Cut (CY) CumtAative Flit (CY) 40.16 - 41.16 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.74 41,16 - 42.16 8.99 0.33 0.00 20.00 656.42 0.74 24.31 0.33 0.33 23.05 42.16 - 43.16 43.16 - 44.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 1488.03 55.11 0.33 80.16 44.16 - 45.16 . 0.00 0.00 1570.86 58.18 0.33 138.34 203.69 4516 - 46,16 0,00 0.00 0.00 1764.33 1569.47 65.33 58.13 0.33 0.33 261.02 46,16 - 4716 47.16 - 48.16 0.00 0.11 0.00 1608.78 59.58 0.34 321.40 48.16 - 49.16 1.88 0.07 1541.04 57.08 0.41 378.48 49.16 - 50.16 2.36 0.09 1411.82 52.29 0.50 430.77 472.60 50.16 - 51.16. 1.24 0.05 0.00 1129.43 1063.49 41.83 39.39 0.54 0.54 511.99 SL16 - 52.16 52.16 - 53.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 1078.51 3994 0.54 551.93 53.16 - 54.16 3.13 0.12 1284.93 47:59 0.66 599.52 640.87 54.16 - 55,16 58.20 2.16 7.70 1116.43 390.52 41.35 14.46 2.81 10.52 655.34 55.16 - 56.16 56.16 - 57.16 207.97 464.23 17.19 25.06 0.93 27.71 656.26 57.16 - 58.16 24866 9,21 42.06 1.56 36.92 657.82 662.35 58.16 - 59.16 198,88 737 122.35 228.27 4.53 8.45 44.28 49.27 670.91 59,16 - 60.16 60.16 - 61.16 134.67 98.63 4:99 3.65 205.20 7.60 52.93 678.41 61.16 - 62.16 89.90 3.33 105.49 3.91 3.49 56.26 60.27 682.31 685.80 62.16 - 63.16 63.16 - 64.16 108.31 115.97 4.01 4.30 94.11 209.20 7.75 64.56 693.55 64.16 - 65.16 154.11 5.71 301.14 11.15 70.27 704.70 63.16 - 66.16 148.56 5.50 384.13 14.23 75.77 94.44 718.93 731.29 66.16 - 67.16 67.16 - 68.16 504.06 1078.57 18.67 39.95 333.66 399.82 12.36 14.81 134.39 746.09 68.16 - 6916 1729.14 64.04 416.20 15.41 198.43 761.51 69.16 - 70.16 1829.24 67.75 479.23 17.75 266.18 779.26 70.16 - 71.16 2185.61 80.95 356.08 13.22 347.13 792.48 71.16 - 72.16 2707.40 10027 90.25 486.22 668.76 18.01 24.77 447.40 537.65 810.48 835.25 72.16 - 73.16 73.16 - 74,16 2436.72 2302.03 85.26 604.38 22.38 622.91 857.64 7416 - 75,16 2126.33 78,75 490.41 18.16 701.66 875.80 75.16 - 76.16 2022.57 74.91 360.08 13.34 776.57 889.14 76.16 -. 77AS 2028.50 75.13 25L21 9.30 851.70 911.42 898.44 906.96 77.16 - 78.16 78.16 - 79.16 1612.30 1302.08 59.71 48.23 229.87 174.47 9.51 6.46 959.64 913.42 79.16 - 80.16 1070.41 39.64 67.19 2.49 999.29 915.91 80.16 - 81.16 945.22 35.01 0.00 0.00 1034.30 915.91 SM 82.1' 514.40 19.05 0.04 0,00 1053.35 915.91 .- 82.16 - 0.16 288.70 10.69 0.00 0.00 1064.04 915.91 83.16 - $4.16 - 12229 4.55 0.00 0.00 1068.139 91S91 84.16 - 85.16 19.73 0.73 0.00 0.00 1069.32 915.91 83.16 - 8616 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 0.00 1069.32 913.91 86.16 - 3745 � 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 1069.32 11069.32 915.91 - 1915.91 8716 - 88.16 0.00 0.00 EL/ 55.96 , I j I 1 $ I / I ' / : 6 I / 4' PERF PIPE 1 �' l •`" j l j / b % j 1 / 1 I I I6 I / I �► I �� I I I, / WALL DRAIN - TYP I � � " l / / � / 1 / 1 I I I • . � / EX. CITY CATCH BASIN / / / I •° / R/IM 5/1.88 / / / S.F.R. / / / I 1 I I II •.�1•12 TO 36 HIGH KEYSTONE p WALLS W/ 4' PERF PIPE 1 I / AND GRAVEL BACKFILL NOTE: 4" PERF PIPE IS PROVIDED FOR FTG DRAINS ON , i I I „ I I WEST AND NORTH SIDES OF HOUSE. 6" PERF PIPE IS I I 1 / ! CONNECTED T❑ ON -SITE ! II 4p, 1 / I CATCH BASINS AND THEN PROVIDED FOR FTG DRAINS ON EAST AND SOUTH SIDE J I ; / . TO CITY SYSTEM - TYP, OF HOUSE. 6" SOLID PIPE IS PROVIDED FOR DOWN- / SPOUT COLLECTION ON EAST AND SOUTH SIDES OF HOUSE. I I I I 6' SOLID PIPE / / / r / 4" SOLID PIPE IS PROVIDED ON NORTH AND WEST SIDES I ' 'Iry ' / / HOUSE FOR DOWNSPOUT COLLECTION. ALL FTG DRAIN I I 6' S❑LID DOWNSPOUT / / PIPES AND DOWNSPOUT COLLECTOR PIPES ARE CONNECTED I I COLLECTOR, 6' PERF TO THE CITY SYSTEM CB AT THE REAR OF THE HOUSE. I PIPE FTG DRAIN, I I �• J J I ALL DRAINAGE FACILITIES HAVE BEEN INSPECTED BY THE CITY INSPECTOR SEPTEMBER 21, 1999. Prismoidoal Volume Results oll Total Cut Volume-- 2,199 CY ' ` Total Pill Volumel 917 CY I I �� II /' / 4' SOLID/ .• •'•• 1 / I // // / PIPE / ► l % 1 j I le N. P Co / • • • �6 I j to j I ko i / I / � / 7' C C ! _ to 10 / I I ko ^ (U' I % / cu Co / r _ ' AA f 6/!S/00 EXPIRES 3-15-02 RCE. 4 E W.M. SEC. 5 JWP. 27 N , , SITE GRADING, D TESCi� NOTES SH FILTER FABRIC-MIRAFI= OR EQUAL (OPTIONALlxl4 GA., WIRE , SEE ° N 140N OR EQUAL, ATTACH 2X4 DOUGLAS FIR. c, . W/ STAPLES OR WIRE RINGS NOTES 4 & 6) NO, 1 GRADE OR 1. ALL GRADING SHALL COMPLY TO CHAPTER 70 OF THE UNIFORM 3/4" MIN. DIA. EQUAL. ALT-STL BUILDING CODE, TITLE 17, AND TITLE 24 OF THE SNOHOMISH WASHED GRAVEL FENCE POST COUNTY CODE (CURRENT EDITIONS). EACH SIDE \ 2. TESC MEASURES SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO ANY SITE WORK (SEE ATTACHED DETAILED DRAINAGE PLAN). - N z II II ^ 3. PUBLIC STREETS ARE TO BE KEPT CLEAR OF DIRT AND .DEBRIS II 11 DURING EXCAVATION AND FILL OPERATIONS. in 1 �? 4. THE TEMPORARY EROSION/SEDIMENTATION CONTROL FACILITY u� f •,• SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED PRIOR TO ANY GRADING OF EXTENSIVE LAND iv II II 11 12" ; ! CLEARING IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPROVED TEMPORARY 11-" -'11 _ W EROSION/SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN. THESE FACILITIES MUST u VARIES u u w BE SATISFACTORILY MAINTAINED UNTIL CONSTRUCTION AND (SE�� E NOTES 2 & 6)) LANDSCAPING IS COMPLETE AND THE POTENTIAL FOR ON -SITE TYP. EROSION HAS PASSED. BURY FILTER FABRIC IN W 5. NON-COMPLIANCE WITH THE EROSION CONTROL REQUIREMENTS,. ELEVATION AGRAVEL-FILLED TRENCH SECTION a� WATER QUALITY REQUIREMENTS AND/OR CLEARING LIMITS MAY RESULTNOTES_ IN REVOCATION OF PROJECT PERMITS, PLAN APPROVAL AND 'BOND FORECLOSURES. 1. THE FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE PURCHASED IN A. CONTINUOUS ROLL CUT TO THE LENGTH OF THE .BARRIER TO AVOID USE OF JOINTS. WHEN JOINTS ARE NECESSARY, 6. ALL AREAS TO BE SEEDED SHALL BE CULTIVATED TO THE FILTER CLOTH SHALL BE SPLICED TOGETHER ONLY AT A SUPPORT POST, WITH A A SATISFACTION OF THE CITY INSPECTOR. THIS MAY BE MINIMUM 6" OVERLAP, AND BOTH ENDS SECURELY FASTENED TO THE POST. .. ACCOMPLISHED BY DISCING, RAKING, HARROWING OR OTHER 2. THE FILTER FABRIC FENCE SMALL BE INSTALLED TO FOLLOW THE CONTOURS (WHERE ACCEPTABLE MEANS. PERFORM ALL CULTURAL OPERATIONS ACROSS OR FEASIBLE). THE FENCE POSTS SHALL BE. SPACED A MAXIMUM OF 6' APART AND DRIVEN SECURELY INTO THE GROUND (MINIMUM OF 30"). AT RIGHT ANGLES TO THE SLOPE. IF NECESSARY, SURFACE RUNOFF 3. A TRENCH SHALL BE EXCAVATED, ROUGHLY 8" WIDE AND 12" DEEP, UPSLOPE AND CONTROL MEASURES SUCH AS GRADIENT TERRACES. INTERCEPTOR ADJACENT TO THE WOOD POST TO ALLOW THE FILTER FABRIC TO BE BURIED. DIKE/SWALES. LEVEL SPREADERS, AND SEDIMENT BASINS SHALL BE 4. WHEN STANDARD STRENGTH FILTER FABRIC IS USED, A WIRE MESH SUPPORT FENCE INSTALLED PRIOR TO SEEDING. SHALL BE FASTENED SECURELY TO THE UPSLOPE SIDE OF THE POSTS USING HEAVY- DUTY WIRE STAPLES AT LEAST 1" LONG, TIE WIRES OR HOG RINGS. THE WIRE SHALL 7. THESE PLANS INDICATE CUT AND FILL SLOPES L WHICH EXCEED A EXTEND INTO THE TRENCH A MINIMUM OF 4" AND SHALL NOT EXTEND MORE THAN 30" MAXIMUM OF TWO FEET HORIZONTAL TO ONE FOOT VERTICAL (2:1). A ABOVE THE ORIGINAL GROUND SURFACE. ROCK OR CONCRETE RETAINING WALL MAY BE REQUIRED. ALL ROCK 5. THE STANDARD STRENGTH FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE STAPLED OR WIRED TO THE FENCE, RETAINING WALLS GREATER THAN FOUR (4) FEET IN HEIGHT ARE TO AND 20" OF THE FABRIC SHALL BE EXTENDED INTO THE TRENCH. THE FABRIC SHALL NOT EXTEND MORE THAN 30" ABOVE THE ORIGINAL GROUND SURFACE. FILTER FABRIC SHALL NOT FOLLOW CITY SPECIFICATIONS AND TO BE DESIGNED AND CERTIFIED BE STAPLED TO EX►STNG TREES. BY A CIVIL ENGINEER EXPERIENCED IN SOILS MECHANICS. ALL 6. WHEN EXTRA -STRENGTH FILTER FABRIC AND A 4' POST SPACING ARE USED, THE WIRE MESH OTHER CUT AND FILL SLOPES SHALL BE A MAXIMUM OF 2:1. SUPPORT FENCE MAY BE EttANNATED. IN SUCH A CASE, THE FILTER FABRIC IS STAPLED OR WIRED DIRECTLY TO THE POSTS WITH ALL OTHER PROVISIONS OF STANDARD NOTE 5 APPLYING. c 8. STOCKPILES ARE TO BE LOCATED IN SAFE LAREAS AND 7. THE TRENCH SHALL BE BACKFILLED WITH 3/4" MINIMUM DIAMETER WASHED GRAVEL. ' ADEQUATELY PROTECTED TO PREVENT EROSION. HYDROSEEO PREFERRED. 8. FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE REMWH OVED EN THEY HAVE SERVED THEIR USEFUL PURPOSE, BUT NOT BEFORE THE UPSLOPE AREA HAS BEEN PERMANENTLY STABLIZED. 9. FILTER FABRIC FENCES, SHALL BE INSPECTED IMMEDIATELY AFTER EACH RAINFALL AND AT LEAST DAILY DURING PROLONGED RAINFALL. ANY REQUIRED REPAIRS SHALL BE MADE IMMEDIATELY. I FILTER FENCE DETAIL NO SCALE CO STRUCTIC�► SEGUE CE w �W m 1. ATTEND P§E--C�ISTRUCTs01,i MEETING 2. FLAG CLEARING LIMITS 3. INSTALL FILTER FENCE, CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE, ETC. cu WA w s 4. INSTALL CB PROTECTION AS SHOWN 2.1 MAX. cl = a a 5. D£WAT£R AS REQUIRED 1 . o I � � � a OSED 6. STRIP AND CLEAR FOR BUILDING AND PAVEMENT AREAS GRADE 6 7. INSTALL UTILITIES (POWER, STORM, SANITARY, ETC.) ° ~ oo� ,o. p Z 8. FINAL GRADE/PAVE. MAINTAIN MINIMAL CB PR0"rC" o Qo _ +"� 00 t 3 9. HYDROSEED AND MULCH ALL EXPOSED AREAS.. p „ o [.,. i a. 10. FLUSH STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM (I.E., CLEAN OUT AND TEST SYSTEM) 11. REMOVE ALL 1ESCP FACILITIES ONLY WHEN ENTIRE STE IS _ B STABILIZED W r m cl NOTES: 1. MAXIMUM IMCLINATION OF; THE SLOPES ABOVE AND BEHIND ROCKERIES SHOULD co BE 2:1 (HORIZONTAL -VERTICAL). 2. MINIMUM THICKNESS OF ROCK FILTER LAYER B = 12 INCHES. z t° 3. MINIMUM EMBEDMENT D = 12 INCHES UNDISTURBED NATIVE SOIL OR COMPACTED FILL PLACED IN ACCORDANCE WITH GEOTECHNICAL REPORT RECOMMENDATIONS. A 4. ROCKERIES GREATER THAN 8 FEET IN HEIGHT TO BE INSTALLED UNDER PERIODIC OR FULL TIME OBSERVATION OF THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. L, 5. ROCK SHALL BE PLACED TO GRADUALLY DECREASE IN SIZE WITH INCREASING WALL PROJECT SITE HEIGHT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. z 6. MINIMUM WIDTH OF KEYWAY EXCAVATION, W, SHALL EQUAL TO THE THICKNESS OF 2' MIN. THE BASAL ROCK (AS DETERMINED BY THE GEOTECNICAL ENGINEER'S DESIGN) PLUS B. H - G� 7. THE LONG DIMENSION OF THE ROCKS SHALL EXTEND PERPENDICULAR TO THE ROCK � FACE TO PROVIDE MAXIMUM STABILITY. z EXISTING P ;� `� 8. ROCKS SHALL BE PLACED TO AVOID CONTINOUS JIONT PLANES IN VERTICAL OR x GRADE LATERAL DIRECTIONS. EACH ROCK SHALL BEAR ON TWO OR MORE ROCKS BELOW IT, WITH GOOD FLAT -TO -FLAT CONTACT. - O. 2 INCH TO 4 INCH QUARRY SPACES FREE OF ORGANICS, WITH LESS THAN 6 _ a c� PERCENT FINES (SILT AND CLAY PARTICLES PASSING THE NO. 200 MESH `SFj� T SIEVE). W E" I �/ p /� �+► SURFACE SEAL; MAT CONSIST OF IMPERVIOUS SOIL OR A FINE FREE DRAINING 0 [-4 W TYPICAL PICAL SETBACK DETAIL GRANULAR MATERIAL, BOTH OVER FILTER FABRIC OR LEAN CONCRETE. NO SCALE A UNDISTURBED FIRM NATIVE SOIL: \ z A 4 DESIGNATES SIZE OF ROCK REQUIRED, I.E. 4 MAN. Z. CALL 4�8 HOURS A � � BEFORE YOU DICa o 0 + ++� .MINIMUM 6 INCH DIAMETER UNDERDRAIN PIPE CONFORMING TO SECTION 7-01 � � ,yam � O SURROUNDED BYF THE A2WINCH TOFl4ANCH QUARRY SPACES AS DESS. SUCH PIPE SHALL BE - CRIBED ABOVE.ED ON AND 1-800-424-5555 W 0 ROCKERY DETAIL CITY of EDMONas NATIVE CUT OVER 4' No SCALE APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION SHT C2 of 4 DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS DATE t JOB NO:96-3036 : SEC. 5 ,T P'27 N ,RGE4 �E 9W M. 1 1 Q! 1 11 1! SCALE.1 = 20 ' ! /E= 6069 SE.,S. "o 70.9g !.' �1 / CONTOUR INTERVAL a 2' ' .. �� 20 0. 20 40 z ca rrPEx roA,,7e o9simmummmom / 79 DATUM: CITY OF EDMONDS IV oo 7 �� B NCMARK: TOP OF SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE N. �A�RGE \ I 1 / J 1 It ,£. INT N. MEADOWDALE BEACH RD. AND 75TH PL. W. ELEV.�i5.9080 CLEARI'1 UWJTS / I EX. Cg TYPEr/ / l I I I I / ` .•• / /% / rE s e" D� j SWI Jere '8 I 1 / I + I I + / ` .-'' �' • • ' /E R 1 / I IRQr� f--- , mic _ , �a ( I I I I + 1 1 f ! y,y :' .•• / / N MEADOWAM RD. 71 ! J � / � l 1 ! I 1 I I- � � 1 r / ,�-�p � ��P�r� / �.� . r I f l/ / • -54.2g BI PlP At -I 14 1 �/I �PJ 27 _ � I I � /A5 0. � 1 ! / ! 1 ! oP s. 2 j J�D r / r �i 1 �c�, I J ! ! 1rE _ _7rg" c,�P n :, Sx� -1' i 0 l T / / 1 , / / / J .0 HT �'2 / / / / , / r49,7= ar 7k / l T' / /► J I I ,- / / �{ - / / ' 1 ! t)P- 86'p / 1 ! - �6 10" 1 J T .y / I - ✓ J :- moo. / 1 • I / //v 89W ;'_r a►' s4r.lrg, 7- EXISTING CONTOUR r M0At NOD IDi 1 I / .. , ' r / �/ i ///te,TYPE�► 30H I / !! I ! J r I / F�= 7 1 — — — — — — — AIa WAY ! / I ! Ir,r iil / r 1 is= r .: -�—*' 1 r/ I I `/ I / 1 J U. f" / / r 1 •+l I f / iVaZ y SEUEv ro TOP>�10.0 r 704 r'r7-Jv'9•! ! 1 /�� "� L f 1.t .►70. d 70. 1 BA9�EMEN I -t T- J J j J , / g• / FF-� 55. Cr 1 o I 1 — 'JJ r 1 j J J ; �I'!•� ! ao.7 I 6r5 / 7- .L ,+ _ !l ! / !l 11 II I l l ! 1 ° ,' • I I , •�o' r ! r / 8� �s'�. ,s.N, J I / sue E aa-2s 11.1 ! � /! ! r • f 1 !1 ! 1/ 1 l / // / // 'II I / / �/ / ! ��dry !1 � � 1! / J /� �' !r, � J — -- — -_._ _. — — _ — — — 1! OM D D SSYIZ POEXIST. ! ! ADI / G c ! ! 1 1 1 ! ! 1 ! ! 1 \ E,r ctr rfP /r I T S .INSTAL.L 22 ,gyp gyp/ r! I 1 ! Jsx T PY42.92 I I I PE�AN T,STORMITO 1AINT;AIN ! I SETBACK, / = l�� o 1 1 \ / 5.52/ g" c P N. ! A�ON-n UO,'1CONNECTi N OF6 / !/ f� \ / / / / ! THST RM gYSTEM (S E SMT.C3 / 1 1 ( 28 . 1 1 /�1 \ �1 �l / / I 1 / 1 / 1 1 ! 1 �J 30 I it J l I } I 1! ! 1 1 1 / I ,l ! 323k l J/ A ly CANT / � o / �-v,_till . . .._ — �, •-per' / � �� � / t IRMAl11AR • IIIMI 1 / M D 3 E PUGET rl SbUND ' a SITE yFb � wtPL/y�fF! / i" INth ST. S.W. VICINITY MAP . INO SCALE LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 1 OF SHORT PLAT NO. S-24-94, ACCORDING TO THE SHORT PLAT RECORDED UNDER SNOHOMISH. COUNTY RECORDING NO. 9012280448 BEING A PORTION OF LOTS 1 AND 2, BLOCK 59, MEADOWDALE BEACH, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 5 OF PLATS, PAGE 38, RECORDS OF SNOHOMISH COUNTY, SITUATE IN THE CUUNTyr OF SNOHOMISH, STATE OF WASHINGTON. NOTE: ALL EARTHWORK SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE RECOMMENDATIONS CONTAINED WITHIN THE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT, PREPARED BY DODDS ENGINEERING. EARTHWORK QUANTITIES METHOD= GRID CUT= 1316 C. Y. FILL= 354 C.Y. WITHIN 200' 8ETBACK FROM HIGH WATER LINE: METHOD= GRID CUT= 442 C. Y. .- R(G FILL= 179 C. Y. l l lS k 1. RAW VOLUMES ARE CALCULATED ACCOUNTING FOR A 4" SITE STRIPPING DEPTH. 2, RAW VOLUMES HAVE NOT BEEN ADJUSTED TO REFLECT SHRINK OR SWELL FOR COMPACTION is EXPANSION AND ARE VOLUMETRIC AREAS ONLY. CITY of EDMONDS APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION DEPT. OF PU8UC WORKS DATE JOB NO:96-3036 SEC. 5 IT P.2'7 � N ,RGE.4 E 1 .M. L r r Jf r / CLEANOUT / „3 ! _ 6� r • I I - f� �0 41. �- L a� ROCKERY, TYP: SEE SHT.C2 6"PVC izEKpYIMP MtAUVWUALt%. DRAIN "TIGHTLINE 1a?0 MIN. [ " ' TYP; E. � l y � ,'°, •,,�- :` .' , _ ,......._. jI w PVC DOW SPOUT '' TIGH 11IE I t 1.00 MIN., TYP:' � � i : f . _.. '1 ;� �, , �,;%' � ,�� ,,,.� % I _pl � r ,I. r i _... ,._. 6" IPl�C :FO©TING DRAIN Ti HTLINE` , . 2,aQ%MIN., TYP. w " 1 DOMESTIC WATER SERVICE01 / x % r [ 10, ' �� �� STA, t+00.00=Q, DRIVEWAY / I' • , { NEAT CUT AS REQUIRED. i' CB ; 1 I' TYPE ;1 L REPAIR PER PAVING SECTION DETAIL 1 ON SHT. C4 SEALING / JOINTS W/LIQUID ASPHALT SEALANT. FP- 7q.0' / w ' it ,i. 'j �, I � I i''' �k' �'' ` I '?3c. + r cr' • PAVED DRIVEWAY / I r 1 I \ #' I '. I { I 7 I -✓ I• /jJJJ r 10 t / r I � r I' i f i i 1 i. it I 1 "J s - — -- 4--- J t % -- -- -- — +tr— w� * l ---J BASEMENT` ,;,', /I •: , � �� ��- - �' ; , ,+' INL T 4 SEE NOTE 5 d FF= 6." TOP 69.60 / FF= 55.0 ,. �(CONNECT TO DOWNSPOUT r PEDESTRIAN �: ,, % L. �.. TIGHTLINE SYSTEM) ;HANDRAIL, +(j I ►' I»,r {}J l I j 'SIDLl E ! SE R , 6RADO TO' I 1 DIRECTION OF INLET 3 (SEE NO 5 - r OVER ND.' FLOW, TOP t + I TYP. INV. 64.5b(8"),r fl �' (CONNECT TO ' DOWNSPO,6T 22 tia 20 _ °' �'�,' TIGHTLINE SYSTEM) tE1'LACEr EX, � SOLID 2 / 2b LID W/° OPEN GRATE r jo 3 366�.- l --U � � r°o / r / l / r r r / / r � r / r mIc � r / : 1. A COORDINATE LISTING, OR EQUAL, OF THE PROVIDED DRAINAGE STRUCTURE LOCATIONS IS AVAILABLE AT GROUP FOUR, INC. 2. ALL NECESSARY OFF —SITE CONSTRUCTION. ESMT'S AND PERMITS SHALL BE OBTAINED PRIOR TO COMMENCING CONSTRUCTION. 3. SEE ARCHITECTURAL PLOT PLAN FOR EXACT LOCATION OF RESIDENCE, SIDEWALKS, ETC. 4. THE DOWNSPOUTS AROUND THE PROPOSED RESIDENCE HAS BEEN DEPICTED FOR REPRESENTATIONAL 'PURPOSES ONLY. SEEE ARCHITECTURAL PLAN SET FOR EXACT LOCATIONS. 5. A FOOTING DRAIN IS REQUIRED, HOWEVER THIS SYSTEM HAS NOT BEEN SHOWN AROUND THE BUILDING FOOTPRINT FOR CLAIRITY PURPOSES (SEE ARCHITECTURAL/STRUCTURAL PLAN SET FOR EXACT LOCATIONS). FOOTING DRAINS SHALL NOT BE CONNECTED TO THE DOWNSPOUT TIGHTLINE SYSTEM. 6. INLETS TO BE TYPE 40 CATCH BASIN (AS SUPPLIED BY HD FOWLER), CONCRETE INLET (AS SUPPLIED BY ASSOCIATED EVERETT PIPE DIVISION), OF APROVED ALTERNATE. ALL .LIIDS SHALL BE METAL FRAME AND GRATES (H-20 LOADING). 7. A BURLINGTON NORTHERN (BNRR) PERMIT IS NOT REQUIRED AS STORM WATER I5 CONVEYED TO THE CITY'S EXISTING --STORM WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM; WHICH —IS LOCATED OUTSIDE THE BNRR RIGHT—OF—WAY. m �Q H zz '.ate H . CL a fY CY_ z • w 'It 04 z Q � - tx Z .. � � A AP R CITY of EDMONDS APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS DATE z 0-4 i a Z pq SBT C3 of 4 JOB NO:9,6---393�6 ` -- SEC. 5 TWP 27 N. RGE 4 E. lD0' A -GENERAL ������� NOTES.- _ 1. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO THE "STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROAD, BRIDGE 8uMUNICIPAL CONSTRUCTION" AND STANDARD FLANS AS ADOPTED BY THE CITY OF EDM0NDS,AND ` ANY REQUIREMENTS ESTABLISHED AT CITY HEARINGS ON THIS PLAN. 2. ALL CONSTRUCTION IS SUBJECT TO THE INSPECTION BY THE CITY OF EDWONDS AND THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE CITY OF THEIR SCHEDULE IN SUFFICIENT TIME TO PERMIT INSPECTION PRIOR TO AND DURING THE N0RK, 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE INSTALLATION OF SIDE SEWERS (LATERALS & TEES) AND THE PLACING OF 2 X 4 MARKERS WITH THE LENGTH AND DEPTH OF THE LATERALS AND TEES INSCRIBED ON THE M-ARK[R3. 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE CITY OF EDMONDS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS IN TIME TO PERMIT INSPECTION OF THE SIDE SEWERS PRIOR TO BACKF|LL>NC 5. UPON COMPLETION OF THE SITE IMPROVEMENTS AND UNDERGROUND UTIL|llES, THE CONTRACTOR THROUGH HIS CONSULTING ENGINEER SHALL FURNISH AN AS -BUILT PLAN TO THE CITY OF [QWONDS WHICH INDICATES THE LOCATION OF ALL SITE IMPROVEMENTS INCLUDING SIDE SEWER LATERALS OR TEES, WATERLINES OR OTHER PERTINENT INFORMATION. G. UNDERGROUND V0R|NQ REQUIRED WITH STREET LIGHTING. 7. WATER SERVICE WITH METER BOX AND CURB STOP REQUIRED FOR EACH LOT. 8. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ARRANGE FOR AND MAKE AIR TESTS OF SANITARY SEWER AND SEWER CONNECTIONS UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF THE CITY OF ENGINEER OR HIS DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE. LATERALS TO BE 6^ CONCRETE P|PE, OR P.V.C. CONFORMING TO 5DR 3034 STANDARDS. 8. EXISTING UNDERGROUND FACILITIES HAVE BEEN SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING FORTH[ PURPOSE OF ASSISTING THE CONTRACTOR IN LOCATING SAID FACILITIES IN THE F|ELD, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CHECKING ACTUAL LOCATIONS IN THE FIELD AND CHECKING WITH APPROPRIATE AGENCIES THAT WAY HAVE UNDERGROUND FACILITIES WITHIN THE PROJECT LIMITS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE TO UNDERGROUND FACILITIES RESULTING FROM HIS OPERATIONS. 10, A COPY OF THESE APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE WHENEVER CONSTRUCTION IS IN PROGRESS. 11. IT SHALL BE THE 'RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO CLEAN, FLUSH DISINFECT WHERE APPLICABLE AND OBTAIN SATISFACTORY APPROVAL FROM THE CITY OF EDK4DNDS REGARDING THE QUALITY AND INTEGRITY OF EXISTING WATER UN[3, SANITARY SEWER L|NE, STORM SEWER LINE, RETENTION SYST[M, ETC. WRITTEN ACCEPTANCE BY THE CITY OF THESE PROCEDURES MUST BE TRANSMITTED TO THE DESIGN ENGINEER. 12. APPROVAL STORM SEWER MATERIALS ARE AS FOLLOWS: A CONCRETE RUBBER GASKETED JOINTS. B GAL\( HELICAL ASPH. COATED TREATMENT 1 STEEL 16 GA. OR BETTER GASKETED. C\ HELICAL ALUMINUM 18 GA. GA3K[T[D. VARIES 0 SPECIAL PRECATIONS TO PROTECT PIPE TO THIS 0 0- MINIMUM TRENCH WIDTH SHALL BE THE PIPE O.D. In PIPE) VARIES MAXIMUM TRENCH VADTH: CITY OF EDMONDS SANITARY, SEWER NOTES 1ALL WORK AND MATERIALS SHALL CONFORM TO THE CITY OF EDWONDS STANDARDS AND APWA STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AS NOTED. 2. NO PART OF THE,SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM SHALL BE COV[RED, CONCEALED OR PUT INTO USE UNTIL IT HAS BEEN INSPECTED, TESTED, AND APPROVED BY THE CITY INSPECTOR. 3. APPROXIMATE LOCATIONS OF EXISTING UTILITIES HAVE BEEN OBTAINED FROM AVAILABLE RECORDS AND ARE SHOWN FOR CONVENIENCE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFICATION OF LOCATIONS AND TO AVOID DAMAGE TO ANY ADDITIONAL UTILITIES NOT SHOWN. IF CONFLICTS WITH EXISTING UllL|llE5 ARISE DURING CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTOR AND ANY CHANGES REQUIRED SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE CITY ENGINEER PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF RELATED CONSTRUCTION ON THE PROJECT. 4. ALL SEWER MAIN EXTENSIONS WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY OR IN EASEMENTS MUST BE "STAKED" BY SURVEY FOR "LINE AND GRADE" PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION. 5. APPROVED SIDE SEWER MATERIALS ARE AS FOLLOWS: *DUCTIL[ IRON PIPE -CONFORMING TO AWWA DESIGNATION *N0N-RBNFORCED CONCRETE PIPE -CONFORMING TO A8TW DESIGNATION C-14, CLASS 2, WITH RUBBER GASKET JOINTS CONFORMING TO ASTM DESIGNATION C442. �POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC)PIPE- CONFORMING TO ASTW DESIGNATION D3034. WITH RUBBER GASKET JOINTS. w ACRYL|N|TR|L-BULAD|EN-STYR BE)P|P[-00NFORM|NC TO A5TM DESIGNATION D2561' GASKET TYPE ONLY /|F USING ABS P|P[, SOLVENT WELDED JOINTS MAY BE SUBJECT TO FAILURE IF TRENCH IS WET OR DIRTY) CITY OF [DWONDS WATER NOTES 1. ALL WORK AND MATERIALS SHALL CONFORM TO THE CITY OF EDMONDS STANDARDS AND APWA STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AS 2. APPROXIMATE LOCATIONS OF EXISTING UllL|llE3 HAVE BEEN OBTAINED FROM AVAILABLE RECORDS AND ARE SHOWN FOR CONVENIENCE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFICATION OF LOCATIONS AND TO AVOID DAMAGE TO ANY ADDITIONAL UTILITIES NOT SHOWN. IF CONFLICTS WITH EXISTING UTILITIES ARISE DURING CONSTRUCTl0N, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTOR AND ANY CHANGES REQUIRED SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE CITY ENGINEER PRIOR 'TO COMMENCEMENT OF RELATED CONSTRUCTION ON THE PROJECT. J. NO PART OF THE WATER SYSTEM SHALL BE CDVERED, CONCEALED OR PUT INTO USE UNTIL IT HAS BEEN INSPECTED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY INSPECTOR. -.-............... .-_--.---.-.^.-.-------------..'--------.----------.--------.--------.----.'—^------------~.� ! � � � � \ � � � ..............-���---------------^^ ^ / ^ i ' �----'--'-'^''-----'''^-~~'----'--'-----`!'--^-^---i^^-^-'^^^-^''-^-^''-^~'-! �T PM �`�! = 1f�� PVl E[E\*== 81.31 � 0 7' VC � °w...............................^ � ! ! ' ! 0 `. ' CO` �___x8K� { ���� ./ � =���--'�---��r--'�--------'------ ' ' '' � --' -'-' ' ' --'' ` - ' ' -' '' ' ' ' -'' '' - 'T ' - ' � �� / � . �' � / � ' � rm�r^�SEw -Ew.��.x~G �uj � . ' wm 0�~^~ � ~. � � ' | � !-----' / ------~'� . � � ` �--�����-� � � ���� � � . �� =�"�` -----' -------'�! �r^� � | SED GRADE PROPO � � � � � \ | i ------- �--------. --.-----'�--------�- | � � � � � � wo . � ~��� � � � ~�8� � � !--''v���-� . .--------! !---'«"���-'�-------^��---'� � r, EXIST, SS � � � � � � �------- . .--------. �--------�--------'----. ........................ ! 1�'C'P /N�/��E� *` � � . , . � .���� ` � � � � .����� � ! ~��� ! | !--'��K�-' -----'--------�----� � � ---'�--------�-----�����---^----'� �-~^-x�a��-'' ---~---'�--------�---'----'�!---- -'' . � � � � � � � � � � � � � ` � � � . � � � � �� � � IL Im- 'Or � ! � INV. �'�~'��~��w��� (`E~~~) �-- � � � � � � � � ! ;------- .-----.--------.--------.-------------'--`.--'-'---^'.--------�--------. �---^----'�^----''^--'!---^^-'--�-''----^-'�---^^^--^'i-.-..�� ---~... � � � � � � TCP= ��� �SIO� � � � � � � � ....... ! ��=_ �� �� � .. � � � � � � � ����! � � ���� � � � ���� --'' � ` . ------'/-----'- '���-' ~-''-------^i--------�-----����i----^---'� /--'''q����-i------^-''`'---^- -^'^-'-�--^-`-^^~^^|'-'-^^1����^-i F������� ��[iQ .�� � � � == �� � � � � � � � � ���== �� � . . �^p °~ � � � = ^^=��E^ �= ��°' wV� g��� ���T� � � � � 1 == � �t���T � � � � � � � � 1*:= �' ���T — ,,^ ��, � � � � � � � . � � � � � � '_''. � 8ACKFILL MATERIAL CONSISTING OF EXCAVATED MATERIAL FOR NORMAL ~ TRENCH. BACKF|LL GRAVEL MAY �E-'---- U5ED AS DIRECTED. BEDDING GRAVEL To—UNDATION GRAVEL AS DIRECTED. m .q° °wv ^mm�c": TRENCH 40~ 18" DIAMETER AND WIDTH LARGER: 1-1/2 x |.[l + 18- 5[[ NOTE T 1""PGA& *27RENCH "E''TQOU (4 NO SCALE A. FOUNDATION GRAVEL WHEN REQUIRED IN AREAS OF UNSUITABLE TRENCH BOTTOM. FOUNDATION GRAVEL SHALL CONSIST OF CLEAN, GRANULAR MATERIAL FREE FROM OBJECTIONABLE MATERIALS SUCH AS VEGETABLE MATTER OR OTHER [)FLETER|(](jS SUBSTANCES WITH AT LEAST 90 PER CENT COURSE MATERIAL RANGING FROM 1° DIAMETER AND 1D0 PER CENT 3^ IN DIAMETER AND 100 PER CENT 3" IN DIAMETER DR LESS. B. BEDDING GRAVEL RIGID PIPE: BEDDING MATERIAL SHALL CONSIST OF [1[AN. GRANULAR MANUFACTURED PEA GRAVEL WITH THE FOLLOWING GRADATION REQUIREMENTS: S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE PA55ING BY WEIGHT 310{) 3/8' 95-100 0-1O NO. 700 0-3 D EQUIVALENT 50 MINIMUM ' FLEXIBLE PIPE:, BEDDING GRAVEL SHALL BE CLEAN SAND/GRAVEL MIXTURE FREE FROM ORGANIC MATTER, MEETING THE FOLLOWING GRADATION WHEN TESTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH A3lk4 U422: US. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE % PASSING L3 WEIGHT " 100 3/8^ 70-100 NO. 4 55-100 NO. 10 35-95 NO. 20 20-80 NO, 40 lb-55 NO. 100 0-10 NO. 200 0-3 SAND EQUIVALENT 35 MINIMUM BEDDING MATERIAL SHALL BE CAREFULLY PLACED AND FIRMLY COMPACTED TO PROVIDE A FIRM, ` UNIFORM CRADLE FORE THE PIPE. THE MINIMUM THICKNESS OF THE LAYER OF BEDDING MATERIAL SHALL BE 4 INCHES UNDER THE BELL FOR ALL PIPE SIZES OF 27 INCHES DIAMETER AND SMALLER, 6 INCHES FOR ALL PIPE SIZES 30 INCHES DIAMETER AND LARGER AND 6 INCHES UNDER THE BELL OF THE PIPE FOR ALL DIAMETER PIPES WHERE ROCK IS EXCAVATED. TO PROVIDE THIS FiRM, CONTINUOUS SUPPORT, FOR THE PIPE, IT IS NECESSARY TO HAND TAMP OR "SLICE" BEDDING MATERIAL SOLIDLY UNDER THE PIPE. AFTER THE PIPE LAYING OPFRAllON, ADDITIONAL BEDDING MATERIAL C. BACKRLL GRAVEL WHERE EXCAVATED MATERIAL IS NOT APPROVED FOR AACKF U_ GRAVEL BASE, CLASS 8, CONFORMING TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 9-03.10 OF THE STATE OF WA3H|NGTON STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROAD AND ' BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION, OR GRANULAR MATERIAL COMMONLY KNOWN AS BANK RUN GRAVEL, SHALL BE USED AS: DIRECTED BY THE DISTRICT AND/OR ENG>NEER, BANK R0V GRAVEL SHALL BE FREE FROM WOOD, ROOTS, BARK OR OTHER EXTRANEOUS MATERIAL. IT SHALL HAVE SUCH CHARACTERISTICS OF PARTICLE SIZE AND SHAPE THAT IT WILL COMPACT READILY TO A FIRM, STABLE BASE. � THE MINIMUM SIZE OF STONE SHALL NOT EXCEED THAT WHICH WILL PASS A 2-1/2 INCH SQUARE SIEVE � OPENING. GRADATION SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: 25 PER CENT MINIMUM PASSING 1 /4 INCH SIEVE; 10 PER CENT � � MAXIMUM PASSING U. S. NO. 200 SIEVE; DUST RATIO 2/3 MAXIMUM; SAND EQUIVALENT 30 MINIMUM. � 2" ASPHALT 10" CONC. -CAST IRON LOCKING RING & COVER 6" RISER � CAP AS REQUIRED PAVED AREAS CAP FINISH GRADE 8^RISER G^ PIPE � CAPAS RECNiR[D- k0��������� �������� �"�" � ��� �""����� STORM CLEANOUT DETAIL - 4' 4 ND SCALE PROPOSED GRADE (TYP) --2^ COMPACTED DEPTH CL. ^8~ ASPHALT CONCRETE. 4" GRAVEL BASE CtP05T -3:1 SAND CEMENT GROUT 1C/ CORNER --� ��� MITERED 1�'QA. GALVANIZED STEEL SLEEVE ' { NON -SHRINK | | CROUT | -��*^��- SEE C DETAIL A 1-4/2~ STD. Dior, "�� "�`'^ " 1- 1/2^ O.D. ) X ]88' WALL l RAILING SPLICE SURFACE PEDESTRIAN RAIL,(GALV. STEEL) C) J PEDESTRIAN RAIL SHALL-@E-FABR|CATED-AND JNSTALLED___-____ IN ACCORDANCE WITH THESE PROVISIONS. � - SPECIAL ' GALVANIZED STEEL PEDESTRIAN RAIL SHALL CONFORM TO ASTW DESIGNATION A120. ALL WELDING SHALL CONFORM TO AMER|CAN � WELDING SOCIETY STRUCTURAL WELDING CODE AWS D1.1-72. AFTER � � FABRICATION EACH SECTION OF RAILING SHALL BE H0T-D|PPED GALVANIZED WITH A MINIMUM ZINC COATING OF 2 OUNCES PER SQUARE FOOT. ALL BURRS AND SHARP EDGES SHALL BE REMOVED PRIOR TO GALVANIZING. FIELD WELDS SHALL BE GALVANIZED WITH "QALVALLOY" OR APPROVED ' LG^WAX. EQUAL. PAINTING OF WELDS WILL NOT BE PERMITTED. � HORIZONTAL RAILS VERTICAL SUPPORT POSTS SHALL BE 2° DIAMETER AND BALUSTERS SHALL BE 1^ DIAMETER STANDARD WEIGHT � GALVANIZED STEEL PIPE. RAILS; POSTS, &: BALUSTERS SHALL BE � ' MACHINE CUT TO PROVIDE A UNIFORM LENGTH PRIOR TO433EkABLy RAILING SHALL BE ERECTED AND ADJU3T[D, IF NECESSARY, TO | � ASSURE A CONTINUOUS LINE AND GRADE. FINISHED HEIGHT IS TO � BE 42" ABOVE PEDESTRIAN SURFACE. EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE PROVIDED AT INTERVALS SHOWN ON THE STANDARD DRAWING. ' � PEDESTRIAN RAIL (ALUMI"UM) ' ALUMINUM PEDESTRIAN RAIL SHALL BE FABRICATED AND INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THESE SPECIAL PROVISIONS. 3/4^ 3CM '^� ^~ '` FnR�l RAIL (STD. P|PE) - �/ 1/4 � / � ALUMINUM PEDESTRIAN RAIL SHALL BE NATURAL ALUMINUM COLOR. � (�� ' LL_L__-L-� SECTIONS L_ . ' 3/1U' FILLET WELD � � PICKETS INSERTED |N HOLE AND TACK IF ANOD|ZATK}N S SPECIFIED, SHALL BE ' , �v�".u~ �mn/� WELDED OPPOSITE TRAFFIC. � GIVEN A CLEAR ANODIC COATING AT LEAST 0.0006THICK AND SHALL BE SEALED TO MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF ASTkd B135 AND -~ NOTE: SHALL HAVE AUN|F0RW FINISH. l MATERIAL FOR PEDESTRIAN HANDRAIL SHALL BE STEEL A120)OR �- ALUMINUM (ASTW 8241 OR 8429 ALLOY 6061-T5) AS DIRECTED BY THE OWNER. '^^~^'~ OF SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE "STRUCTURAL " � le"EDESTRIAN HANDRAIL DETAIL \ *_*1/ � \ / NO SCALE 2^ COMPACTED DEPTH CL. "B" ASPHALT CONCRETE T—'4" CRUSHED ROCK COMPACTED SUBGRADE u ' ` ALL MATERIALS USED IN THE FABRICATION OF ALUMINUM PEDESTRIAN RAIL SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF ASTM 8241 OR B429 ALLOY 6081-T6 SCHEDULE 40 (STD. PIPE). . . HORIZONTAL RAILS AND VERTICAL SUPPORT POSTS SHALL BE 1.9" p=� O.D. AND BALUSTERS SHALL BE 1.05^ O.D. STANDARD WEIGHT �-� ALUMINUM PIPE. RAILS, POSTS & BALUSTERS SHALL BE MACHINE CUT TO PROVIDED A UNIFORMLENGTH PRIOR'TO A5S[W8L`i . 8D� '""^ CITY of EDMONDS APPROVED FOR CONSTRLJCTION DEPT, OF PUBLIC WORKS DATE S88][ C4 6f 4 ' JOB NO: 96-~3036 LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT •1 OF SHORT PLAT NO. S-24-94, ACCORDING T0THE SHORT PLAT RECORDED UNDER SNOHOMISH COUNTY RECORDING NO. 9012280448 BEING A : PORTION OF LOTS 1 AND 2, BLOCK 59,• MEADOWDALE BEACH, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 5 OF PLATS, PAGE 38, RECORDS OF SNOHOMISH COUNTY; SITUATE 1N THE COUNTY OF SNOHOMISH, STATE ,OF WASHINGTON. TAx NO 5131 05q C901 OOOG 3 BUILDING SUMMARY Floor -Area (S.F.):` Main Floor 29�3 Upper Floor 19 7 7 Lower Floor 1 & S7 Total Covdred Porch 132- Garage SG 4 Building Height: (SEE5ii I'i_-Aj4'Np,_sTAT1oN__L_oc) ®� wif GOzmm: +41 o+g4.2 O.lo 2 NE' GoR�ER G T.O b SW GORr.�ER 5'1.0 ,&-V ZAQF_ al-W. 6 3 •7. ALJ-OWEp HT. 30.o (PEE V/1-21ANGE V"174) MAX. ALl-mvm EFLEV.. 013. Z pW F0SEC MAX. E.L..EV. 9 1. 5 .i TREE •REMOVAL..:_ _: j=•',4--ir'ID; �1..3T1►2.�—-�51_`f.'�. -UlI l,.L.. t�SF . L..41•I1�'E1� STREET FILE J U L ' U 1997 PERMIT CQUNTE w 00 N Cn CYN 00. Cn `n Cn C�1 .�, w CD E O o V a W , r� v , H rT� W �1l W Revisions Project No. Date Drawn Check YL Date 71©"j-7 m to •