Cmd081120 spec mtg-2EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL VIRTUAL ONLINE SPECIAL MEETING APPROVED MINUTES August It, 2020 ELECTED OFFICIALS PRESENT Adrienne Fraley Monillas, Council President Susan Paine, Council President Pro Tern Diane Buckshnis, Councilmember Luke Distelhorst, Councilmember Vivian Olson, Councihnernber Laura Johnson, Councilmember Kristiana Johnson, Councilmember Mike Nelson, Mayor 1. CALL TO ORDER STAFF PRESENT Jeff Taraday, City Attorney Jessica Neill Floyson, HR Director At 6:00 P.M., the Edmonds City Council Special Mecting was called to order by Mayor Nelson. The Council utilized the "Loom online meeting platform to conduct this meeting. 21 EXECUTIVE SESSION TO 14EVIEW T14E PERFORMANCE OF A f'1ii31.iC' i;i►iPl.[3Y'E:1 The Council then convened in ExeCUtIVV Session to review the performance of a public employee per RCW 42.30.1 10(1)(g). MEETING EXTENSIONS AL 6:15 p.m., the Mayor announced that the ExecUtiVe Session Would be extended until 6:25 p.tn. At 6:25 p.m., the Mayor announced that the Executive Session Would be extended until 6:30 p.m. ADJOURN At 6:30 p.m., the meeting was adjourned, Ml IAEL NELSON, MAYOR PASSEY, CITY C A l dtmonds City Council Approved Minutes .AULUSL 11, 2020 I'a-e I