Cmd081120 spec mtg-3EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL VIRTUAL ONLINE SPECIAL MEETING APPROVED MINUTES August 11, 2020 E,LE.C1"ED OFFICIALS PRF SENT Adrienne Uraley Mon.illas, Council President Susan Paine, Council President Pro 'Fem Diane Buckslulis, Councilmember Luke Distelhorst, Councilmember Vivian Olson, Councilrnember Laura'lohnson, Councilmember Kristiana Johnson, Councilrnember Mike Nelson, Mayor 1. CALL TO ORDER STAFF PRESENT Jeff'l'araday, City Attorney At 6:32 p.m., the Edmonds City Council Special Meeting was called to order by MayorNelson,'1'he COLInCil utilized the Zoom online meeting platform to conduct this meeting. 2. EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS PENDING OR POTENTIAL LITIGATION The Council then converted in Executive Session to discuss pending or potential litigation per RCW 42.30, l 10(1)(i). ADJOURN At 7:01 p.m., the meeting was adjourned. MLeHAEL NELSON, MAYOR S OTT SSEY, CITY LE f dinonds City Council Approved Minutes August 11, 2020 Pale 1