00166HARVE H. HARRISON CITY MAYOR CIVIC CENTER • EDMONDS, WASHINGTON 96070 • (706) 775.2525 August 16, 1977 -irs.-Gladys Tuson 508 Bell Street Edmonds, WA '98020 Dear Mrs. Tuson: This is written to acknowledge the petition and letter you submitted regarding an apartment site on,Bell Street. W, The petition states that*a number of people are opposed rt M N to the construction of an aDartme nt building.on the south side of Bell Street between 5th ;%venue and 6th,Avenue. To date, the 2. Building Division has not received an application for a permit for any new development in this location. Your letter. requests t hat'the City consider downzoning this area - from Community, Business (BC) to Single - Family Resi­ dential (RS-6). Before the City Council can hear a rezone, it must first have -a public hearing before the Planning Com- Mission. I have -asked the Assistant City Planner, Noelle Charleson, to schedule this item on the next available Planning Commission', agenda, which is September 23, 1977 In preparing the required legal notices for such,a rezone., it would help the Staff if you could fill.out the enclosed re- zone petition application, and indicate on the map the exact area ou are reuesting to be rezoned.. Please return these to thye PlanningqDivision prior to September 7, 1977. If you need further assistance, Noelle Charleson will be happy to assist you.rF Very truly yours, SIGNED Harve 11. Harrison Mayor NC/le Attachments leson Dt Exec. Dt