01542 (2)Olson 1008 western walker Seattle, washington associates 98104 architects (206)624-5670 r� ::1980 March 7; 1980 City of -Edmonds . :....._ . Civic Center Edmonds, Washington.98020 E _ _ --Attn: Duane Bowman . ..:Re: Harbor_ Proper..ties/Edmonds. Project . _:Dear _Duane:. _ _ 77 -I was -unsure i f -:we -had sent -you -our -letter of -intent referring i to the above project. So I have attached the this statement"to _ ..:.......:. . .....'.... _communication.. I believe we have submitted now all necessary If documentations _..... .._...... _ _. _there .are anplease-call- y questions, . -Sincerely _. , OLSON/WALKER ASSOCIATES -ARCHITECTS _.._..., . _ Dennis nse Prof tot G DM/m j s Enclosure _ F ' I