01608slip by, but here comes a blue-ribbon, five-star project and there is the big challenge. Regarding density, he said RS-6 would allow 19 units, but cut that down to 17 units and consider that the average single-family home is a split level with three bedrooms, and if you figure only one person per bedroom the single family'homes would double the density that these units would have. He advised the Council that if they voted against this project then they should eliminate PRDs from the Code, because they are misleading the developers of the City who have to go through all of the procedures established only to be turned down at the very end. Mr. Mattson felt that if the f City is to have open space it has to have the_PRD. Don Kasmar, 725 Driftwood Lane, stated that maximization of profits is the goal in these PRDs and the "commercial contamination" should be stopped in RS zones. Roberta Kasmar, 725 Driftwood Lane, said there was nothing that would convince them that these were single-family homes as long as they have common wall construction, She noted that the Code will be changed to say PRDs should be "considered" rather than "encouraged." She felt the only ones who wanted the PRDs were the Planning Department and the builders. Peter Bilder, 7406 Meadowdale Beach Rd., said what was done here was going to determine the fate of the City. He stated that the City has a good professional staff working on the problem of developing the City, and Edmonds is fortunate to have people like Olson/Walker come here to do a project. He felt the people present were expressing a negative attitude, and he did not believe the 1200 people represented by Mr. Ostrom represented the City of Edmonds, because they did not represent him.' Bill Mathias, 540 Holly, said perhaps they were deficient in definition, but they knew that when they saw a mass building it was an apartment house, regardless of definition, and they did not want this. Roger Hertrich, 1020 Puget Dr., told the Council that if they would want this across from them then they should vote for it. The public portion of the hearing was then closed. Councilman Naughten stated that the presentation was very professional, but he had a problem with statements made by Mr. Kresovich as to what is in the best interests of Edmonds. He said he had heard for years that the majority of the people in this town want to preserve the residential nature, and this project had the look of apartments. He felt possibly the PRO should be eliminated altogether. Councilman Gould said the Council had been wrestling with the PRO concept, and he thought this proposal --although very professional --would hot be of benefit to the City, and he could not vote for I*t. He was not convinced that the stream could not be.protected with single-family residences, and he said the open -space was shoved over on the other side of the creek. He had looked at the site and asked himself, as Mr. Hertrich had suggested, if he would want it across from him, and he would not. He said the developers had not convinced him that this would be a benefit to the public. City Attorney Jim Murphy at this time advised the Council that if they were to deny this after its having been approved by the Planning Commission and the Architectural Design Board the Council must give reasons for the denial. Councilman Nordquist prefaced his remarks with the comment that Dean Nordquist who had spoken is no relation of his. He noted that the freeway had isolated this area to begin with, leaving a small residential area. He felt this proposal was not in keeping with the intent of the City as to maintaining the'single-family characteristics of the area. Councilwoman Allen said she was in favor of this PRD, as it is well designed and energy efficient, and it utilizes the land well. She felt the Planning Commission had studied it, as did the Architectural Design Board, and they both approved it, and she was in favor of it. Councilman Kasper stated he was in favor of it, primarily because this site is the ideal land situation for which PRDs were designed --there is a fall in the land, the creek runs through it, it is a wooded area. He noted it would be screened from the neighborhood and would cause the least drainage damage to the area, and the density EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 4 - July 22, 1980