02026PLANNER'S VARIANCE REVIEW FORM FILE #J -)T- 71 APPLICANT:—'K 04,eY- V—,. kAoyvq-.&) ADDRESS: 1A10 ZONING: VARIANCE REQUESTED: 6l— ZONI r7,D OTHER PERTINENT FACTS: VARIANCE CRITERIA - Section 12.16.100 I. Does this amount to a rezone? 2.(a) Are there conditions and/or, circumstances generally app icable to other lands in the same district? A, Z, A U (b) Would strict enforcement of the zoning code deprive the pr9pprty owqer of rights C - commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same distri t?:Lkfaello 3. Do the special conditions resull from the actions of the applicant? &2- 4. Are there unnecessary hardships and pyactical difficulties in carry'ut the provisions of the cip-? #Aa. AA zoning co-0 AW es A J�l 1:).OA- AP -- Ab 92241y), 5. Will A granting of the ariance be petrimental to the health, saY'ety) or welfi—rej of property owners in the vicinity? 4ym4" dllit2 —ciao q- 6. Is this the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of land' 7. Will the granof the variance generally e in harmony and compatible with this ing zoning code? M Planner's Variance Review 12/77