09-0602 Plan Review Comments 2.pdfCITY OF EDMONDS • 121 5"' AVENUE NORTH • EDMONDS, WA 98020 PHONE: 425.771.0220 • FAH: 425.771.0221 • WEB: www.ci.edmonds.wa.us DEVELOPMENT SERVICEs DEPARTMENT: PLANNING • BUILDING September 15, 2009 Weylin Thompson Mulvanny G2 Fax 425-463-2002 RE: PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS #2 FOR PLAN CHECK # 2009-0602 ROOF ALTERATION AT 456 ADMIRAL WAY Weylin, I have reviewed the above building permit application for the Planning Division, Before I can sign off on the permit, however, the following information needs to be clarified: 1. Height Calculation_: The submittal from September 14 indicates that the height of the Anthony's building is 29' 9". However, it appears that calculation is being made from the top of the first finished floor rather than average grade as required by ECDC 21,40.030(A) and (B): A. Height means the average vertical distance from the average level of the undisturbed soil of the site covered by a structure to the highest point of the structure. B. "Average level " shall be determined by averaging elevations of'the downward projections of the four corners of the smallest rectangle which will enclose all of the building, excluding a maximum of 30 inches of eaves. As indicated in Handout B41 (http://www.ei.edmonds.wa.us/bldg permits forms._stm), an appropriate datum point such as a manhole cover, fire hydrant or street monument must be selected as a starting point for the calculation. In this case, average level would not be measured from the undisturbed soil but rather from the existing grade at the four corners around the structure. The maximum height for the roof screens is 30' above the calculated average level. Please make all submittals to a Development Services Permit Coordinator, Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. If you have any questions, please contact me at (425) 771-0220. Sincerely, Mike Clugston, AICP Planner