1482.01_390 Sunset Avenue North_ ZGA DFR 003_08-24-2015.pdf Zipper Geo Associates Daily Field Report ZGA Project Daily Field 003 1482.01 Page: 1 of 2 No.: Report No.: Project: Neuman Residence Location: 390 Sunset Ave North, Edmonds, WA Client: Babbit Neuman Const. Co. Contractor: Babbit Neuman Const. Co. ZGA Field Rep: Nick Millman Permit No.: BLD20150223 Date: 08-24-2015 Arr./Dep. Time: 10:00 am / 10:30 am Equipment Tracked excavator Weather Partly Cloudy, 60 Used: We arrived at the request of the client to observe receptor soil conditions for the site infiltration facilities. A summary of our observations and recommendations is presented below. Northeast Infiltration Facility Upon arrival, we observed the contractor completing excavation of the NE facility. We observed that the SE trench had beencompletely backfilled, with silty sand visible at the surface and inlet #3 had been installed. The approximate extent of the excavation is shown on the attached site plan. The excavation was about 5 feet wide and we were told by the contractor that the bottom of the trench was at approximately 20 feet elevation. The 6 inch layer of low permeability silt observed in our exploratory test pit had been excavated and removed in general accordance with our recommendations. The floor of the trench generally consisted of brown fine sand with some silt, which is consistent with the design receptor soils and project plans and is adequate for the infiltration facility subgrade, in our opinion. Reviewed by: This field report presents the results of our on-activities. The contractor is responsible to complete the project in accordance with the approved plans and specifications regardless of our presence on site and our observations and test results. Our services do not include supervision or direction of t safety.