20060817084745.pdfof EDS City of Edmonds PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS BUILDING DIVISION IMF (425) 771-0220 DATE: August 17, 2006 TO: Kelly Crawford Gasline Mechanical FAX: 425-486-4516 FROM: Ann Bullis, Assistant Building Official RE: Pian Check # 2006-0850 Project: Partial Mechanical for Point Edwards Building 8 Project Address: 55 Pine Street In reviewing the plans for the above noted project, it was found that the following information, clarifications or changes are needed. Please submit 2 sets of revised plans/documents to Marie Harrison, Permit Coordinator. I. The parking garage for this building is an "enclosed parking garage". It is not classified, nor does it meet the requirements of an "open parking garage" per IBC 406.3 (also note that it still would not meet the minimum natural ventilation openings for length of openings (40% of the building perimeter), and per the architectural plans the total area of the openings is approximately 366 sf not 1260 sf). a. A mechanical ventilation system is required (IBC 406.4.2) and must be provided at the rate of 1.5 cfm per square foot of gross floor area of the garage (VIAQ 304.1). b. The garage exhaust outlet must meet the requirement of IMC/WAC 502.7.3.6 #2 for termination. c. If a shaft will be provided, show the location of the shaft on all affected floors/roof, and provide shaft construction details, listed and tested fire rated assemblies to clearly show code requirements.