20070306105406.pdfO' ED O Fs r. 189 � DATE: March 6, 2007 City of Edmonds PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS BUILDING DIVISION (425) 771-0220 TO: Brian Duffy and Nancy Lindstrom brianfduffy@msn.com FROM: Jenny Readwin, Plans Exa in ' RE: Plan Check # 2007-0186 Project: Lindstrom Deck/Remodel Project Address: 23511 74th Ave W During re -review of the above noted application, it was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications are needed. Please redline plans or submit two (2) sets of revised plans/documents (affected sheets only) with a written response to each of the items below to a Permit Coordinator. 1) Configurations still do not match (i. e. angled stairs). Please show dimensioned deck and stairs on the site plan consistent with framing plans. Dimensions scaled on site plan do not match framing plans. Deck plan configuration does not match configuration shown on the site plan. Please coordinate plans to show actual proposed location. Also, show deck stairs on the site plan. 2) ok 3) ok 4) Please specify if concrete footings are existing or proposed. Specify size of existing deck footings. Minimum size is 12"x12"x12" poured concrete. If existing footings do not meet minimum requirements new footings will need to be poured or calculations stamped and signed by a Washington State Licensed Professional Engineer will need to be submit to justify existing footings. 5) Provide all dimensions on the framing plan to verify beam spans. Also show all posts and footings. See deck handout for sample framing plan. a) Please clarify size and direction of joists for the 14' deck span. No ledger is shown so will they be running East and West between the 6x8 beams? Please clarify on plans. b) By my calculations the beams (6x.12 and 6x8) are overspanned. Provide beam calculation for all proposed beams and upgrade to larger beams and/or add additional posts/footings to reduced spans as required based on calculations. c) Clarify how landing and stair will be framed and supported for the upper 4x4 landing and two steps down. d) Clarify how 6x8 and 6x12 are framed together at the angle of the deck. A single 6x6 post will not provide adequate bearing for both beams at this location. e) New stair location on the site plan shows them close to the existing rockery. Provide cross section to show that the stair footings are not placing a surcharge on the existing rockery or the rockery onto the new footings.