20090612133500.pdfTERRA ASSOCIATES, Inco Cor'5"1t719t5 ill Geolechnical Engineering, Geology and Environmental Earth Sciences October 8, 2007 Project No. T-4893-1 Mr. Ross Woods Point Edwards, LLC 2801 Alaskan Way, Suite 107 Seattle, Washington 98121 Subjecl: Final Report — Geotec[mical Observations Point Edwards Condominiums — Buildings 617 21131 Pine Street Edmonds, Washington References. 1. Preliminary Geotechnical Report, UNOCAL Site, Project No. T4893, prepared by Terra Associates, Inc., dated November 21, 2001 2, Steep Slope Hazard Review, -Point Edwards Condominiums C UNOCAL Site), Project No. T-1893, prepared by Tetra Associates, bic„ elated December 13, 2002 3. Geologically Hazardous Argas Review, Point Edwards Condominiums (UNOCAL Site), Project No. T-4893, prepared by Terra Associates, Inc., dated January 20, 2003 4_ Response to Plan Review Comments, Buildings 6 and 7 Foundation Plan Review, Point Edwards Condominiums, Project No. T-4893, prepared by Terra Associates, Inc., dated August 2, 2006 5. City of Edmonds Special I.ttspection and Testing Agreement, Point Edwards Condominiums, Buildings 617 and Amenity No. 2, dated July 17, 2000 Dear Mr. Woods: As requested, we provided geotechnical engineering observation services during construction of Buildings 6/7 of the subject project. The purpose of our work was to verify that geotechnical engineering elements of construction were completed in accordance with our recon-miendations and construction drawings approved by the City of Edmonds. We previously submitted copies of our field memos to you, Longitude 122, LLC, and the City of Edmonds. Our geotechnical observations were as follows: 1. Excavation Q15,yervalion We observed thQ excavation for Buildings 6/7. All excavation& the observed were completed in general conformance with our recommendations. -12525 Willows Road, Suite 101, Kirkland, Washington 98034 RECEIVED ED Phone (425) 82-1-7777 a Fax (425) 827-4334 LCiG 1TEM#off FEB ? ') 2_�� ni m n1kir_1 r° rOT Mr. Ross Woods October 8, 2007 2. Stractural Fill Material au i Required Cmapaciion Verification We performed periodic observation and compaction testing of structural till placed in the building interior and as wall backfill. Based on the results of our field density testing and our observation of contractor means and methods, it is our opinion that the structural fill we observed was placed and compacted in general accordance with our recommendations. 3. Soil Bearing Verification We observed prepared foundation subgrades for Buildings 617, Foundation subgrades consisted of dense to very dense native silt and hard clay or structural fill consisting of at least three feet of compacted crushed rock. These materials are adequate for support of foundations designed for an allowable bearing capacity of 5,000 pounds per square foot (psf). 4Building Drainage Verification We observed subsurface drainage placed around the perimeter of Buildings 617. All drainage systems we observed were installed fn general accordance with our geotechnical recommendations and the approved project plans. Conclusions Based on our observations and the results of our Field testing, it is our opinion that the geotechnical items discussed above were completed in general conformance with the recommendations presented in the referenced geotechnical reports and with the construction drawings approved by the City of Edmonds. We trust the information presented is sufficient for your current reeds. If you have any questions or require additional information, please call. Sincerely yours, TERRA ASSN 1111PS14 Jelin Cr—€iLr a 1-1,0.' Projer, ' " ager - ��_ µms. t Tlieada3_ prictcial �� c: Iffi . i—t MOr.. f-Ottgittde 122, LLC I IT ro ect No. T-4893-1 RECE gD Page No. ii FEB 2 2 2008 BUILDING DEPT.