20120110095034227.pdfCY OF EDMONDS - 250 - 5th North — EDMONDS, WASHINGTON 98020 ,' DEPARTMENT:--.----- --- To be filled in by Planning -� DATE FILE # rY CITY OF EDMONDS" FEE D.o REC'T #9 9� I SUBDIVISION APPLICATION `. �1 APO'S /TITLE REPORT LOT -LINE ADJUSTMENT $10(,1 �l� , a LEGALS:_ _ Existing Proposed x SHORT SUBDIVISION - 4 lots or less; , $10 per lot. t} MAP I/' GRADING PLAN SUBDIVISION - 5 lots or more; fee is $8 per lot, or ENV. ASSESS. CK'LIST 0005 per square foot of lot area in the Plat, whichever is greater. Minimum E/A FEE REC'T N fee is $50. This fee is applicable to (Determined by —}'— E both preliminary and final plat submissions. HEARING DATE SET: 1232-8TH. AVE.S. APPLICANT: EDITH B. COCKRUM ADDRESS: EDMONDS. WA. 98020 PHONE: 778-4070. Indicate type or degree of interest in the property:OWNER OWNER: ADDRESS: PHONE: i If other than applicant 1. REQUEST THAT THE FOLLOclING DESCRIBED PROPERTY BE DIVIDED INTO 3 LOTS. LOCATION OF PROPERTY: 1232-8TH. AVFNUF S k �. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF ENTIRE PROPERTY SEE ATTACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTION i To be completed by the Planning Department: Use Zone RS-6 LEGAL DESCRIPTION CHECKED & APPROVED Kroll Map No. 108W BY: DATE:' 2. MODIFICATION OR VARIANCE OF REQUIREMENTS Applicant requests that the Planning Commission consider the following modifications: Applicant requests_ that the Board of Adjustment hear a variance for the following: That 5 homPsites hp permitted` on ra priyaty rnarl thi,c permitting apprnval r of this application for short subdivision. CERTIFICATION: I do hereby certify that I own the above legally described property, and further, that all contiguous property which I own, which has not received a previous subdivision approval, is included herein. I further certify that the attached list contains names, addresses and zip codes of all property owners within 80 feet of the suhdivision as recorded with the County Assessor. s I understand that street dedications may be required in conformance with the Official Street Plan of the City of Edmonds. l 11/76 `Property Owner LDITH B. COCKRUM Environmental Assessment, page 2 ' 3. Vegetation: Type of trees Scattered Everqreens and Alder% to be removed 20 percent Minimum diameter of trees to remain Eight inches, where not conflicting with I road location or house siting. i Ground cover Brush, wild grasses & forest % to be removed __ 50 percent. litter in undeveloped areas. Proposed landscaping, if any Lawns and shrubs, typical of residential t development, implanted by future home owners 4. Existing Land Use within 300 ft. radius of proposed development: Single Multi - Vacant Family Famii y Comm. Other North X South X East X Wes t X 5- Circulation Estimated increase in auto trips daily 2 DUIS X 4 ATDIS - 8 ATD's Estimated demand for public transportation 2 additional families Degree of change on adjacent streets. Minor 6. Area of imoaet: neighborhood minor city -vide insignificant regional none 7. Effect on air quality: insignificant { 8. thanges in noise generation: minor I LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR EDITH D. COCKRUM PROPERTY That portion of the nothwest quarter of the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 25,•Township 27 North, Range 3 East W.M., described ds follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of said subdivision; thence north, 20 feet; thence'west, 289 feet; thence north, .105 feut;.thence west, 66 feet; thence north, 94 feet; thence west, 150 feet; thence south, 219 feet to south line of said subdivision; thence east along south line of said subdiyision to the point of beginning. LESS road. ALSO; That portion of the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 259 Township 27 North, Range 3 East W.M. ' described as follows: Beginning at a point on the north line of said subdivision, 195 feet west of the northeast corner of said subdivision; thence N8861814611 W,'along• the north line of said subdivision, 310 feet; thence S1007100" W, parallel with the east line of said subdivision, 102.50 feet; thence . 578-42100" E, 314.40 feet; thence N1107100" E, 155 feet to the point of beginning. Situated in Snohomish County Washington. 0"A 11111115r, PIONEER NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE 1977 NOVEMBER 22, F-203258 PROPOSED SHORT UNIT 2 7,.LOVELL.6 SAUERLAND'_ 23108 100TH,AVENUE WEST EDMONDS, WASHINGTON 98020 GENTLEMEN : E CERTIFICATE AS OF NOVEMBER 17, 1977 AT THIS IS I8': 0 A.M. FOR; FILING A SHORT. PLAT OF THE FOLLOWING: S E E!; E X H I B I T A, AS ATTACHED. THIS COMPANY CERTIFIES THAT RECORD TITLE IS VESTEDIN-'-` ED I TH B. COCKRUM, AS HER SEPARATE PROPERTY. NM AND"' ADDITIONAL THAT THE ARE CONSIDERED ADDITIO AR NECESSARY TO EXECUTE THE PROPOSED PLAT: .,..CONTRACT PURCHASERS: NONE NO SEARCH MADE AS 'TOITAXES AND ASSESSMENTS"' FOR EASEMENTS, SEE ATTACHED SHEET., ­ THIS. CERTIFICATE DOES NOT PURPORT TO REFLECT' A FULLI, PORT ON CONDITIONS OF TITLE AND SHALL HAVE NO FORCE,OR EFFECT'EXCEPT AS A BASIS FOR THE CERTIFICATE.APPLIED FOR ­ PIONEER NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE6C SNOHOMISH COUNTY OFFICE AUTHORIZED SIGNATORY CHARGE:*. 100.00 $5.10 SALES TAX IIAA 0. Fj/MB SNOHOMISH COUNTY OFFICE o �4 i,, Pioneer National Title Insurance Company S,E, Corner Colby and Pacific P.O. Box 750 Everett, Washington 98206 206 259 4111 South Area 206 743 3621 WrIM11 f nMPANY W, YRX4 . . . . . . . . . . . EXHIBIT A AV K ;PARCECA; 0 THE WEST• 16 FEET, OF THE EAST 305 FEET OF THE NORTH 80 FEET 6 THE SOUTH. 100 FEET; ne PARCEL B:' ­THE;WEST W,. FEET OF. THE EAST 355 FEET, OF THE' NORTH 25'FEET OF `-THEt:;Vj {:;SOUTH 125 FEET., ALL LYING WITHIN THE NORTHWEST QUARTER -OF THE NORTHet�- -:EAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 27 3 NORTH, RANGE EAST, W.M. (1 tHi ti PARCEL c: mv. OF THE- SOUTHWEST THE NORTHEAST QUARTER THAT PORTION QUARTER b OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP, 27 NORTH, RANGE 3 EAST, W. M. , DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: Y..'. i4NORTH LINE OF, SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE vio . � ST. NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE. SOUTHWEST QUARTER,. 195 FEET WE M A OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SUBDIVISIONTHENCE NORTH 880 46" WES7 ALONG SAID NORTH LINE A DISTANCE OF 310 FEET; THENCE'z,-:1" t SOUTH 10 171: 00" WEST PARALLEL TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID SUBDIV I S 102.5 FEET TO THE MOST NORTHERLY CORNER OF LOT 1 OF BIRCH ADDITION KDIVISION N 0. 1, ACCORDING TO PLAT THEREOF RECORDED' IN VOLUME ;7 0 F,_ "PLATS, PAGE 44, RECORDS OF SNOHOMISH COUNTY, WASHINGTON;.THENCE THE KinDTW LINE OF LOT 1 BIRCH ADDITION DIV SION-,,,sy, SOUTHEASTERLY MLVI'fk7 QN NO. 1 AND THE NORTH LINE OF LOTS 5, 6 AND 7 OF BIRCH ADDITION DlVlS,L2N_ �-NO,a,,2, ACCORDING TO PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 37 OF PLATS,, PAGE 72, RECORDS OF SNOHOMISH COUNTY,WASHINGTON, A DISTANCE ,OF,.314.W, t'V) R� FEET; THENCE NORTH 10 07' 0011 EAST 155 FEET TO THE POINT.OF BEGINNING:.: PARCEL D, COMMENCING ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF -THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF. k"", T H E NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 25, .TOWNSHIP 27 NORTH, RANGE 3 EAST, W.M., SAID POINT OF BEGINNING 'V�BEING IN THE CENTER OF A PUBLIC HIGHWAY; THENCE IN A NORTHERLY t,aF DIRECTION PARALLEL TO THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID SECTION FOR A DISTANCE OF 20 FEET; THENCE IN A WESTERLY DIRECTION AT RIGHT ,."ANGLES FOR A DISTANCE OF P 305 FEET;, THENCE IN A NORTHERLY DIRECTION k J. PARALLEL TO THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID SECTION FOR A DISTANCE OF H 80 FEET; THENCE IN A WESTERLY DIRECTION PARALLEL TO THE NORT ERLY `,-!V"`LINE OF SAID SECTION FOR . ; THENCE IN A A DISTANCE OF 50 FEET; LINE OF SAID SECT I ON% NORTHERLY DIRECTION PARALLEL TO THE EASTERLY 1.0 J ` C , A �•• � t a 1 EASEMENTS ?qtt {4ye,t sniff,, Y"` 1 AN EASEMENT AFFECTING.THE',PORTION OF SAID PREMISES 'AND a +�ira y}e ' 1, FOR THE PURPOSES STATED HEREIN, , AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES .FOR INGRESS. AND EGRESS t. i,�,,,,.� RECORDED '., �'r i'JULY 24,' .1962 'i"'AUDITOR'S N0'. 1547414 AFFECTS THE SOUTH 20 FEET OF THE EAST 195 FEET OF' THE fi= NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF {#r ;THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 27 r IF RANGE 3 EAST, W.M. 2 AN ;EASEMENT AFFECTING"THE PORTION OF SAID PREMISES AND STRI f� FOR ;THE ':PURPOSES .STATED HEREIN, AND INCIDENTAL PUROSES FOR; —UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION ANDIDIBUT.TON LINE , RECORDED SEPTEMBER 29, 1975q�gf'i R AUDITOR'S NO ' 2407107 ,�,n.ca ' AFFECTS THE,SOUTH 20 FEET OF THE EAST 289.00',�FEET OF THEE; ti NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE,! ' SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 27 NORTH; f RANGE 3 EAST, W.M.'i; AN EASEMENT'AFFECTING THE PORTION OF SAID PREMISES AND dt FOR�THE PURPOSES STATED HEREIN, AND _INCIDENTAL PURPOSES< w <' iff FORT: INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES } " 1 RECORDED JANUARY,.. 24, . 1977, }gcl ,'AUDITOR'S NO `:.7701240271 AFFECTS THE SOUTH, 20 FEET OF THE WEST 47 FEET<OF"'THE EAST+� 24200 FEET OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTH EAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION'i I 25, TOWNSHIP 27 NORTH, RANGE 3 EAST,: W.M., ALSO THE NORTH 5.00 FEET OF THE WEST 47.00 FEET OF THE . t t EAST 242.00 FEET OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER .OF ,THE,' NORTHEAST QUARTER OFOF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF,.TktJ ,' #{ SOUTHWEST QUARTER'•OF :SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 27 NORTI r- r frhi RANGE 3 EAST, W M •, r i It v liAlk 11, A 14 F-203258 PAGE 2 (CONTINUED ..-CIFOR'A DISTANCE OF*119 FEET; THENCE IN A WESTERLY DIRECTION PARALLEL TO THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID SECTION FOR A DISTANM'�'� OF 150 FEET; THENCE IN A SOUTHERLY DIRECTION PARALLEL TO THE .EASTERLY LINE OF SAID SECTION FOR A DISTANCE A STRAIGHT LINE TO THE.POINT OF BEGINNING,; OF 219 FEET;l.THENCE-` I N Z4,Wrt-,EXCEPT 8TH AVENUE SOUTH.. SITUATE IN THE COUNTY OF'SNOHOMISH, STATE OF WAS t F j Alj;fil, !'c -Vt" ............ Yi kv, "it", CITY OF EDMONDS i i'�1 3 STAFF HEARING .. SHORT SUBDIVISION t. S-54-77 HEARING DATE: November 3, 1977 FILE #0_%` APPLICANT: Edith B. Cockrum 3 LOT SUBDIVISION AT: 1232 Eighth Avenue South HEARD BY: Mary Lou Block Hearing procedure and method of appeal were read. i Planning Staff Review Form and Engineering Requirements read and agreed to by applicant. } 1 IN ATTENDANCE: Name Address Phone Gerald Lovell 23106-100th Avenue W. 775-1594 } Dennis Johnson 1222-8th South. 778-5992 Edith B. Cockrum 1232-8th South 77$-4070 WesleyE. Crane 1224-8th South 774-7455 S Russell H. Cockrum 20532-13th Drive SE 486-9731 3` Bothell ACTION TAKEN: *X Subdivision aonroved, as it conforms to City Codes, subject to the conditions and requirements recorded on the Record of Short Subdivision. ; Denied., because of the following: a Continued to: ; x P REMARKS: * Subdivision limited to three (3) lots. Covenant to be recorded to guarantee no future subdivision of these three (3) lots without public access. Road can and must be paved to meet private street standards. Subject to all City requirements. Subject to variance from limitation of three (3) houses on a private road, and from requirement of fi.ve (5') font ttCi 1 7 t v t-aspmrrntt nl.on;� 1 40' of r^nr1. _. ! 1. Z. E D it 0 S F C I T y O F Engineering Requirements for Plats and Subdivisions ,Y ' COCKRiJ14 FILE No. 5-16-79 a NAME: See 9-54-77 4J5/ 79 REQ'D HEARING DATE: PRIOR REQ'D TO W/BLDG. BOND RECORDING PERMIT POSTED CO,`IPLETED L. Right-of-way Existing sufficient 1. X in Eighth Avenue South 2. Paving and Curbs: 2. X N/A 3. 3. Turn Around: Required to City ` standards at end'of private access road.---��----- 4. _.'Sidewalks & Planting Strip: 4• X: N/A -8 m, h 5. Access Easements: 5. ly :. 20' minimum required - 6. Water .Mains: Connection to City 6. wafer main required. _ _ -----. X p 7. Fire Hydrants: ( Per Fire Code) 7. X 8. Sewers or Septic Tanks: Conneetion8• X _.. 7 to sanitary sewer required j' 9. Drainage: -` t{ a. Submit for approval and ` - "install public storm facilities. PeY F� g, u mit and o tain approval o y j site drainage plan per Ord. 1924 10. Utility Easements and Access 10. i thereto: 5' required t i I lf 11. Underground Wiring: To be provided K 1 in accordance with Ordinance #12-87. -" 1 Street Lighting shall also be pro- vided with the necessary street light standards and underground wiring con- nection. r � 1 l 11 PR I REQUIREMENTS POS A'rS RECORD " I'ERiI['1' YOSTCD CO1iPLE'r( 1' '.`.IIEARING tw AND SUBDIVISIONS a 12. Excavation and Grading: Excavation and 1Z. \ ;. Grading shall conform to the requirements outlined in Chapter 70 of the Uniform j Building Code. i3. Public Improvements Bond (see page three) 13. Letter required by 4/26/79 21 days after hearing r. �A. Monuments: (Per Section 12.10.120 14. IT Locate or provide monument at nearest -- intar 5. As-Builts: Required X 9 .UMMENTS:� f f Approved legals for each lot required a. ` Approved Plat required showing lots, b. X ?, easements, etc. Section, township and range i " A covenant is required guaranteeing c, E ; no future subdivision of this property una s !right of way to City standard is dedicated. C= ! it. t G: a. .7! /! e. a F f i 4 r � 5 e►P2. '?�_ "� s Date t A�ginec�r of Edmonds DAMS, Acting City Engineer �,'UBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT, ENGINEERING DIVISION The Engineering requirements have been completed and the subdivision can be recorded. yluthorized for recording by: Date: t. CITY OF Et TO; w d MAYOR MAYOR'S ADMIN. ASST. CHIEF of POLICE CITY ATTORNEY 0 • �t'tra ' t ,. .mot. acaALo W. LoveLL r.L.a: r r JUNacN P. GAUaaLANo �.L 8. �, Lovell-Sauerland & Associates, Inc. Surveyors 9 Development Consultants 9 Planners i r! APR. ciOr ty 23 t�19. April 19, 1979�'�+ �a'nohds 11, t I� LSA File No. 77-162 4XI 2r S L l �t 1 ! Y F i• 9 ICI Ir,I;yl '�i S r �.?,�.,,� r� kt� t a 2s i 4 �w�`� -96h lei: P ' Ct6,l, � Rszu.. tf�r'•. �,.5+.. �3:+'••' Mr. Dan Smith 'Edmonds Planning` Department RPM �� 19i� Civic Center n Edmonds, Washington, 980.20 Gt ; ut ru ,:c vtons `` 1 (a Re: Cockrum Short Subdivision (EPD No S-16 79) ; 1t a, w � I ear,Mr. Smith: Pursuant to preliminary approval of the subject short subdivision on April 5, 1979, and in satisfaction of the 4�rwr condition of said approval requiring notification of the ,,method of assuring performance in connection with installa- tion of any required public improvements, I herewith inform ry44r� you that, in lieu of actual construction,` a letter of guarantee from an as yet undetermined financial institution,, in an amount to be specified by the City Engineer, will be submitted to the City of Edmonds, prior,to recording the tii` ti�Nry, final short subdivision documents. yr4i y I , S a'r . Sincerely, w�Y, :`r,. . , Geral W. ov , P.L.S. GWL/mp -40 4t,r k 1Y 1 { � t 11 r n � i 23108 • 100TH W. EDMONDS, WASH. 98020 PHONE 775.1594 k t zi NOTICE OF EASEMENT'' AND i MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT ---•; "" -•• -` ii }' TO ALL WHOM THESE PRESENTS CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that EDITH B. COCKRUM, as her separate property, owner of, the following described property, situated in the County of Snohomish, ° State of Washington, to wit: That portion of the west half of the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 25, Township 27 North, Range 3 East, W.M., described as follows: 'Beginning at the sou0east corner of the north half of said subdivision; thence North 0132120" West, along the east line of said subdivision, a distance of 20 feet; thence South 89059107" West, parallel with the south line of the north half of said subdivision, a iistance' of 289 feet; thence North 0032120" West, a distance of 105 feet; thence South 89059107" West, a distance of 66 feet; thence North 0132120" West, a distance of 94 feet; thence South 89059107" West, a distance of 150'feet; thence South 003212011 East, a distance of`219 feet; thence = South 013.1'10" East, parallel with the east line of the south half of said subdivision, a distance of 102.50 feet; thence South 80125'01" East, a distance of 314.87 feet to an intersection with a line drawn parallel p with and lying 195 feet westerly of the east line of the south half of said subdivision; thence North 0131'10" West,' -along said parallel line, 1 a distance of 155 feet to an intersection with the north line of the south half of said subdivision; thence North'89°59'07" East, along said north line, a distance of.195 feet tothepoint of beginning.,; EXCEPT the most easterly 30 feet thereof for road. t do hereby reserve and convey unto all present and future owners, their heirs, successors end assigns, of all or any portion of the above described property and unto THE CITY OF EDMONDS,"and unto PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 OF SNO- HOMISH COUNTY and unto 'GENERAL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF THE NORTHWEST, INC., an easement for ingress and egress and for the construction, reconstruction, operation and maintenance of utilities over, under, across, through and upon the following described property, situated in the County of Snohomish, State of Washington, to wit: That portion of the west half of the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 25, Township 27 North, Range 3 East W.M., described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of the north half of said subdivision; thence S 89159107" W, along the south line of the north half of said subdivision, a distance of 195.00 feet; thence ' t S 0131'10" E, parallel with the east line of the south half of said S ' subdivision, a distance of 61.07 feet; thence S 89028150" W, a dis- tance of 27 feet to an intersection with a curve having a radius of 20 feet, from which intersection ':he radius point of said curve bears S 89*28150" W; thence northerly, along the arc of said curve and con- suming a central angle of 98*0214711, an arc distance of 34.22 feet to t a point of reverse curvature; thence westerly, along the arc of a ^� curve to the right having a radius of 65.00 feet and consuming a central angle of 1800815611, an are distance of 20.59 feet; thence N 80125101" W, a distance of 37.78 feet; thence N 9034'59" E, a dis- tance of 25.00 feet; thence S 80125101" E, a distance of 37.78 feet to I the point of curve of a curve to the left. having a radius of 40.00 feet; thence easterly, along the arc of said curve to the left and consuming a central angle of 9505413711, an are distance of 66.96 feet to an inter- section with a line drawn parallel with and lying 20 feet northerly of the south line of the north half of said subdivision; thence N 89059107" E, along said parallel line, a distance of 184.00 feet to an intersection with the east line of said subdivision; thence S 003212011 E, along said east line, a distance of 20 feet to the point of beginning. EXCEPT the most easterly 30 feet thereof for road. Page 2 of 2 Pages 1980 Maintenance or reconstruction of any roadway or utilities constructed or L41 I erved and conveyed herein, shall be —7 he easement res installed upon or within t nstruction ibilitY of and the costs of said maintenance or reco the respons rs, their heirs, 1i borne jointly and equally by the present and future owne ove described signs, of all or any portions of the ab successors and as ing with the land and shall be binding This instrument shall be a covenant runn ccessors and assigns, forever. arties hereto, their heirs, 4u upon the p this day of t my signature In witness hereunto se STATE OF COCKRUM, to me known to be On this day personally appearEd before me EDITH B g instrument, the individual described in and who executed the within and foregoin ct and deed, me as her free and voluntary a and acknowledged that shesigned the sa for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. 1980. Of official seal this day der my hand and GIVEN un ate of Washington, Notary PUDLIC III --I- residing at CITY orcoMnwoa p.w.DEPT. ENGINEERING mY. EXAMINED ' BY REMARK ~ ' � ^ ---'`-- kYR881960 .m'' `"wk� s i rn Gl1 .: 9/�( .. Z W p 2 • iD W ; OQ m v I3N W N lL� o • f 1 LLN q .s m N w� it ffi,.OZ�28 00 N M,.01 JC .0 N W 3nN3n"�' HI e o L6 d,W) W N 0 } Ar a Z 2IPP 0. M,.02, 2E e0 N \ , 00'BOI t; O 0 00 L' 00'001 tl 3 m c 6N 00.V6 O \. 40 O �J I .5 , 00 "612 ,. � ?:mil ... __r'.�_.s_ .. .._„ Jf , Z f,7 `� �_.._�.� .-`. -•. _� Cockrum Subdivision LSA File No. 77-162 PARCEL 2 That portion of the west ha f of the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 25, Town hip 27 North, Range 3 East, W.M., described as follows: Beginning at tine southeast corner of the north half of said subdivision; thence North 0 32'20" West, along the east line of said subdivision, a distance of 0 feet; thence South 89059107" West, parallel with the south line of the Korth half of said subdivision, a distance of 289 feet.; thence North 0 32'20" West, a distance of 105 feet; thence South 890 59'07" West, a distance of 66 feet; thence North 0032'20" West, a distance of 94 feet, thence South 89059107" West, a distance of 150 feet; thence South 0032120" East, a distance of 219 feet; thence South 0031110" East, parallel with the east line of the south half of said subdivision, a distanca of 102.50 feet; thence South 80,25101" East, a distance of 187.87 (feet; thence North 9134'59" East, a distance of 100.00 feet; thence South 80125'01" East, a distance of 37.78 feet to the point of curve of a curve to the left having a radius of 65.00 feet; thence easterly, along the arc of said curve to the left and consuming a central angle of 1800815611,I an are distance of 20.59 feet to a point of reverse curvature; thence easterly, along the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 20.00 f�et and consuming a central angle of 98002'47", an arc distance of 34.22 f et; thence North 89128150" East, a distance of 27.00 feet to an intersection with a line drawn parallel with and lying 195 feet westerly oflthe east line of the south half of said sub- division; thence North 0*31110" West, along said parallel line, a distance of 61.07 feet to an inters ction with the south line of the north half of said subdivision; thenc North 89059107" East, along said line, a distance of 195 feet to the point of beginning. EXCEPT the most easterly 3 feet thereof for road. SUBJECT TO AND TOGETHER WI H the terms and conditions of that certain "Notice of Easement and Maintenance Agreement" filed under Auditor's File No. , rec rds of Snohomish County, Washington. Situated in Snohomish County, Washington. CITY OF EDMONDS P. W. DEPT. ENGINEERING DIV. EXAMINED I DY 5+-DATES'/SijYa REMARKS �Gts+d�.n ✓G call ��;� i i 31980 4�I 6'1° September 18, 1979 LSA File No. 77-162 LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS FOR COCKRUM SUBDIVISION I"NTIRI PARCFI. That portion of the west half of the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 25, Township 27 North, Range 3 East, W.M., described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of the north halt' of said subdivision; thence North 0132'20" West, along the east line of said subdivision, a distance of 20 feet; thence South 89059,07" West, parallel with the south line of the north half of said subdivision, a distance of 289 feet; thence North 0132'20" West, a distance of 105 feet; thence South 891 59107" West, a distance of 66 feet; thence North0011of West, a distance of 94 feet; thence South 89*59'07" West, a distance 150 feet; thence South 0*32120" East, a distance of 219 feet; thence South 0031110" East, parallel with the east line of the south half of said subdivision, a distance of 102.50 feet; thence South 80125101" East, a distance of 314.87 feet to an intersection with a line drawn parallel with and lying 195 feet westerly of the east line of the south half of said subdivision; thence North 0131110" West, along said parallel line, a distance of 155 fees to an intersection with the north line of the south half of said subdivision; thence North 89059107" East, along said north line, a distance of 195 feet to the point of beginning. EXCEPT the most easterly 30 feet thereof for road. SUBJECT TO easements, reservations, and restrictions of record. Situated in Snohomish County, Washington. PARCEL l That portion of the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 259 Township 27 North, Range 3 East, W.M., described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of said sub- division; thence South 89159107" West, along the north line of said subdivision, a distance of 195 feet; thence South 0031110" East, parallel with the east line of said subdivision, a distance of 61.07 feet to the True Point of Beginning of this description; thence con- tinuing South 0031110" East, a distance of 93.93 feet to the northeast corner of Lot 5, Birch Addition Division No. 2, according to thq plat thereof recorded in Volume 37 of Plats, on pages 71 and 72, Records of Snohomish County, Washington; thence North 80025'01" West, along the north line of Lots 5 and 6, said pla+; of Birch Addition Division No. 2, a distance of 127.00 feet; thence North 9034159" East, a distance of 100.00 feet; thence South 80025101" East, a distance of 37.78 feet to the point of curve of a curve to the left: having a radius of 65.00 feet; thence easterly, along the arc of said curve to the left and consuming a central angle of 1800815611, an arc distance of 20.59 feet to a point of reverse curvature; thence easterly, along the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 20.00 feet and consuming a central angle of 9800214711, an arc distance of 34.22 feet; thence North 89°28'50" East, a distance of 27.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning. SUBJECT TO AND TOGETHER WITH the terms and conditions of that certain "Notice of Easement and Maintenance Agreement" filed under Auditor's File No. , records of Snohomish County, Washington. Situated in Snohomish County, Washington. CITY OF EDMONDS P. W. DEPT. ENGINEERING DIV. EXAMINEDJ(? DY DA7G� A REMAr,I<s�o%co--e= 31980 �- ... El I I »• ;=� 50'31'10'E SO•32'2d"E 819.00' ---_. w 0 0 o m OUo ... --- 0 p $ N O 32 0" W i k m mo s ;s A N9�q'89"E n 00 '0 00' Z5, y 105.00' y N 6 0. 32'20"W 93.95' o ss% o• 61.07' ice? ----- N O.31 ' 10" W 155.00' z ,.� S ^D •'�� i I � A ' •yi ^3 JO 8 iT O �J cn m x' •^, � k OL 8 TH AVENUE S. N O. 31' 10" W N 032' 20" W = O A ^I OVA 0 C n\m Nn >D (D O:kz Q zfn N A k.: � Ksi r own` . c, � GERALD W. LOVELL, P.L.S. - JURGEN P. SAUERLAND, P.L.S. LOUIS F. CAVIEZEL, P,E. " L Lovell-Sauerland & Associates, Inc. Engineers • Surveyors • Development Consultants • Planners May 15, 1979 LSA File No. 77-162 Mr. Fred Herzberg Edmonds Engineering Department Edmonds Civic Center Edmonds, Washington 98020 I Re: Gockrum Short Subdivision (Ref: EPD No. S-16-79) i Dear Mr. Herzberg: i Pursuant to conditional preliminary approval of the subject short subdivision by the Edmonds Planning Department, we submitted an applica- tion'to the 'Board `of Adjustment for, in part, approval of a variance that would eliminate the necessity for providing an additional 5 ft. utility easement along and on one side or the other of the east 165 feet ! of the existingaccess easement. A copy of the variance application form is enclosed herewith for reference. As stated in the variance application, providing a separate utility f easement on either side of the existing easement is unnecessary and, due to he location of existing improvements on the adjoining properties and " the fact that the adjoining properties are not owned by the applicant, securing sucheasements would be very difficult if not impossible. Mr. Dan Smith of the Planning Department has informed me that the easement requirement is not a proper matter for the Board of Adjustment to consider and that you would have the authority to waive such a require- ment for an additional..5 ft. utility easement along and/or on either side of the east 165 feet of the existing access easement. If you concur in such a request, please notify the Planning Department and the undersigned of your concurrence. Sincerely, rd W Lov 1 , P.L.S. GWLJmp Enc. 23106 - 100TH W. EDMONDS, WASH. 98020 PHONE 775.1593 i, Mud f i� — — Y t ( pkX•' i.Q� � 1' . — CITY OF Ei)HONDS FILE# BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT DATE 1 APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE FEE REC'T # HEARING DATE: APPLICANT Edith B. Cockrum ADDRESS 1232 - 8th Ave. S. CITY & ZIP Edmonds 98020 PHONE 778-4070 Indicate type or degree of interest in the property: owner ` OWNER: Applicant ADDRESS,CITY & ZIP above PHONE -- LOCATION OF PROPERTY(ADDRESS) 1232 - 8th Ave. S. y LEGAL DESCRIPTION -OF PROPERY: See attached description j LEGAL DESCRIPTION CHECKED &-0—PRUVEU i USE ZONE R5-6 BY PLANNING DIVISION , ZONING ORDINANCE REQUIREMENT? That no more than 3 homes be permitted access via a private' _-, ement2.. That a 5 ft utility easement be provided in addition to 20 ft. access easement. VARIANCE REQUESTED: 1 That applicant be permitted to subdivide her property in a way that will - ru-ult in a total of 5 homes being accessed by a private easement. That the requirements for a separate 5 ft utility easement be waived for the east 165 feet of the existing easement. STATEMENT OF CONDITIONS AND REASONS FOR REQUEST, IN ACCORDANCE WITH STANDARDS AND CRITERIA ATTACHED:']. Applicant wishes to subdivide her property, accessing same via a'private roadway awned b applicant, over which two other homes already have an easement. Surrounding modeiof� development precludes any alternate means of access. 2. Existing utilities are located within existing easement. Securing an additional utility easement. would be unnecessary and impractical. STATE OF WASHINGTQtN).ss COUNTY OF SNOHOMISH { Si nature f Applicant, Owner or -a -iv - �gpprpsgn On this date, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Russell H. Cockrum ,who, being duly sworn, on his/her oath deposes and says that (s)he has prepared and read the foregoing P statements and has acknowledged to me that the recitations contained therein are true, and has ;,' signed this instrument as his/her free and voluntary act and deed for the purposes therein i mentioned. i Subsc-ibed and sworn to before me this 25th d y of Aril 19 79 residing at Edmonds, o ary Pu9lic7<Tjv-'Snd for the State of Washington. '' LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR EDITH U.Y000KRUM PROPERTY That portion of the nothwest quarter of the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 25, Township 27 North, Range 3 East W.M. described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of said subdivision; thence north, 2Q feet; thence west, 289 feet; thence north, 105 feet; thence west, 66•feet;, thence north, 94 feet; thence west, 150 feet; thence south, 2.19"feet to south line of said subdivision; thence east along south. line of said subdivision to the point of beginning. LESS road. ALSO; That portion of the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 25, Township 27 North, Range 3 East W.M. described as follows; Beginning at a point on the north line of said subdivision, .195 feet wost of the northeast corner ` of said subdivision; thence N88118146" W, :.long the nog ch .line of said subdivision, 310 feet; thence 5107100" W, parallel with .the east line of said subdivision, 102.50 feet; thence S7! 42'00" Q 314.40 feet; thence NI°07100" F, L55 feet to the point oV beginning. Situated in Snohomish County Washington. �' ALLEGATIO14S OF APPLICANT I: POINT 1. The following are the special circumstances which apply to my property which deprive me of rights and privileges which are enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity under the identical zone classification. 'rJ3k SIJL't-:17d'LL1j�T Arnj,yPrt.i ae have h,nn cir_uyA ot)m1 III ::ugh a fa!3hi_on so n- to prg: nl ljde :arrP<:j hyany mNan,ot.htr th an thc; Wr•Jv'+ r-padway cons rurte Wart on a WO e sub- i�t. property. Denial of this request for, variance would deprive owner of similar 1 rights and privileges exercised by developer's of those surrounding properties. POINT-2. The variance I am requesting will not be detrimental to the public wel- fare or -injurious to the properties or improvements in the vicinity of a zone in which my propert.? is located because: most directly impactr:d, arc, tlomos already accessed via the private %gLtt1 satua havinL­an"easement over_ttle a( plir.antlo property. Pruvided that the i r.,Lt:rlsion is improved to Edmonds standards, the iulpact should be minimal and perhaps Ictttrl L,'"l�tl b�:Cat.�-iu' l.11c ei:1.SL.rI1t; t'G:.,i.1WGy lt; ,.;ii;It+.tlilllt'; leso than standard. it]111'C3. If this variance is not grafiLed, ,:ul unnecessary hardship will continue Lo the owwner of this property, the cause of which is beyond his control because: L I�l-twill;iv+_ Like au(Sliee,nt. _�' t.li__i',I:I u�t. and erlioynn:r,t of her Property _ ��' ... t1 L_ii=ii1.>jdi'll' IIC r•ctn�-ily d..te tQ th,.: J.U(1, 01' :At u1.Ct_r,+atiyG. _ i'0111'r 1. So as not to gr.vit a special privilege to me by the granting of this vuriaii(,c I submit the following conlitiuns to he imposed so as not to cause in- Ilsi'�tencJes lvith the limitdLiOns upon other properties in the vicinity and zone in which I am located. 11:IL :u+'/ r'rt;aiilwny t,on:.tr'UCLkd i1.1 1,11,.: uXL+_-n,J,.I .tulunL and/or arly illlprL,VCalleIItS IIILIJU att t la I •:. t. C'r::ul t'tnl; t J'JIII L""ht ht'utiO:;t d :;U1 ,11 v i ai.on be done in :it I,i :t iaccOrd aoce ., I uh ;II,t1] i+:abI, .;tan+.Ic,rd:. i PECr I V ED f SAC 2,5, JUN '2 !1Li l ti6 C> U T I L I Y E A S E M E N T , :'hr. Dept. IN CONSIDERATION of benefits to accrue to the grantors herein, the undersigned, THOMAS E. BELT and DORIS M. BELT his wife hereby grant to, the C11Y OF EDi10MDS a Municipal Corporation, a permanent easement for t the installation, operation, and maintenance of a storm sewer pipeline and/or other utilities over, across, through and below the follow- ing described property, and the further right to remove trees, bushes, undergrowth and other obstructions interfering with the local -ion, construction and maintenance of said J utility or utilities. . The easement and right-of-way hereby granted is located in the County of Snohomish, State of Washington, and is more particularly described as folio:•:s: The, north 10 feet of Lots 9 and 10; ALSO the east 10 feet of Lot 9 LESS the north 10 feet; all in Elm View Division C, according to the y Plat thereof recorded in Volume 35 of Plats, on pages 2 and 3, re- l i cords of Snohomish County, Washington. , + n: r f The City agrees to restore to substantial iy -the original condition such im- f provements as are disturbed during the construction, maintenance and 'repair of said utility or utilities; provided, the Grantors, their heirs or assigns shall not con- struct any permanent structure over, upon or within the permanent easement. , t DATED this }i r Day of IC_ 19 7t' t TIIOMAS E. BELT ff; DORIS I1. BELT; 1 STATE OF WASHINGTOi) I 1 k COUNTY OF ? On this day personally appeared before me THOMAS E. BELT €! i and DORIS M. DLLT to me known to he the individual s ! describud in anJ who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged } that` they signed the Snm0 as lhcir free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purpo,es tharein mentioned i GIy'Q4 under my hand and official seal this $'t� day of .1ua¢_ , 1974. A -^1 . !rr! r 1lorf!�i LA, Nl ra . hliiIAHY I'UOUIC in�x+id for the State of Washinglon, residing at F_v¢eE 1i 11 H.1SDG!: "'I fmrt F"'1+'r,S h IPi'I .1i:Q1. LYHN1'O+)P, M :b��Q�byd �h00Cd��b n ?' 6 p1 i i\ GC O'c\ uA O � N\t N` WC3'fABS'UDS,9 OO N —;18'931--- ,18'Zil ';D3 laMaguog 01 — C u Nib �N� 0..' � otld �� 0 M io-oz =— ��tt Vi ti o'h 4 d�'I,IPi QC z II z , h' may, z I N Si N Q v1 I V O 0 / 0 O, 0 CO Y1 10 O V7 Oo co cn 08 1„OZ,Z£OON An r 7 i Yt 00'9Gi M OZ,Z£OON 00G9 .00,99 ,00'Ge z�wz W MA '. 1 O W OIt. ul Ali 6 Q2 Ow A-n° pp {t5f toinOf o CD WaB .. a OV rj 4. 00G8 00'G8 a ji%l `�1119 09 i' 001 -)S I TY OF EF-)rV1'.*1Nr- CIA,.' (NI(L 'Alls"Im.111-1 11, DEPARTMENT 01: PUBLIC WOUS I DATE: -7 9 -oc 5 -LL --p TO: LCVG 2 Ai AT—"J TRANSMITTIUC: f)9.A I N A 0 4- EL4 p'r &=a I/ ru NO l.oR YOUR PILE: AS YOU REQULSTE-D: FOR YOUR INFORLvil1w & cot-u-iiFLi'r: : ----------- AS WE DISCUSSED: COMME.HT & REFURH: FOR APPROP, ACTION: FOR YOUR APPROVAJ,: 1(-(:, V LIX L% N 3 PUBLIC. WORKS DE,I)1RTI-11.11'1' By! . 1— • GERALD W. LOVELL, P.L.S. JURGEN P. SAUERLAND, P.L.S. LOUIS F. CAVIEZEL, P.E. Lovell-Sauerland & Associates, Inc. Engineers - Surveyors * Development Consultants - Planners September 6, 1979 File No. 77-162 Storm Drainage Calculations for RECEIVED Short Subdivision for Edith Cockrum $EP 10 1979 Dir. Ul Public Works Site Information Total area of proposed parking lot and roof area - 3300 sf. Average Slope 2% toward northeast corner of driveway Site Condition Brush Estimated Runoff Coefficient - 0.2 Offsite Contributing Area - Nil Using the Yrjanainen and Warren Method for simple retention/detention basin 'design, the following calculations are to determine the required volume of retention of this development. Distance to outfall from most distant point - 100 ft. at average slope of.2%. V = 1 fps. Collection time is 10 min. To = Distance + 10 min. 100 4 joall-7 min. � Y- Velocity (f.p.m.) 60(1) Intensity.= i = 1.5 in./hr., 10-year storm frequency (Chart 10). e3v- 0 Existing =*Qu = CiA = 0-.2(1.5) 3300 0.023 cf. 43560 Q Allowable ='Q Existing V' Future C - Onsite Roofs Paving 3300 sf. Qo 0.023 = 0.33 Acreage x Future Runoff Coefficient Assume orifice outlet condition. Ok T = -25 + /-1762 = 47.7 min. j QO 23106-100THW. EDMONDS, WASH. 98020 PHONE775-1593 Storm Drainage Calc. for Short Subdiv., Edith Cockrum - 2 - Sept. , 1979 Vs = 2820 T - 40 Qot = 1214 cf./Ac. `r T+25 V Total = Vs Ac C = 83 cf. ✓ Storage Provided 120 lf. 1.5 x 1.5 dry well @ .736 s = 88 cf. I t Total = 88 cf. l Sizing Orifice ;i ' Q Max = 0.023 cfs . 2g = 64.4 r h = 2.1 ft. Cd = 0.62 A = Q/Cd. 2gh = 0.003 sf. Dia. = 4A = 0.064 ft. = 0.76 in. Use 3/4" dia. orifice. i Check Q for 3/4!' orifice with 2.1 ft. head. q i s A = `rD = 0.44 in.2 = 0.003 ft.2 ' -4 Q - CdA 2gh = 0.022 cfs. OK. ASj -FP —)(1,$) L V 92&1 0 M - AL f EL p p HELM•" Itj W 1 i y IT- i ■ - -r `tea L r a t: 414 C— '"�.::Jter' � ,\ \j`".,,,,�„ i I II �•f (�';%�,"; Aq fi(`-�"' rl `\ \ ` ` \� � �' '• . �u �{ !i ma's -, I, f31 c-'=`-i_'1�]p.Y. 1 i / r...• `�... 11 1I . ,J ! ..#v i "�-'l. �y 'A��r PL E�j 0 k Ef-, 'El�� * i tt —'��7i — I , j i 11�i'•Il �y fit' y -1 M r C 7 mIT IS TH 5T. iS.W. t M u ,�. SEWER EASEMENT i !fc3 N IN CONSIDERATION of benefits to accrue to the grantorsJ)ercin, the undersigned, ` N THOMAS E. BELT and DORIS M. BELT, his wife, hereby grant to the CITY OF EDMONDS, a 3 , Municipal Corporation, a permanent easement for the Installation, operation, and 0% maintenance of a sanitary sewer,' pipeline over, across, through and below the follow- Ing describedproperty,and the further right to remove trees bushes undergrowth and other obstructions interfering with the location, construction and maintenance j of said sanitary sewer pipeline, together with the right of access to the easement ' at any time for the stated purposes. i i The easement and right-of-way hereby granted is located in the County of Snohomish, State of Washington, and is mire particularly described as follows: That portion of Lot 6, Birch Addition Division No. 2, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 37 of Plats, on pages 71'and 72, records of Snohomish County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner of said Lot 6; thence S 7614615811 E, along the north line of said Lot 6, a distance of 30.87 feet; thence S 6700011411 W, a i distance of 30.29 feet to an intersection with the west line of said Lot 6; thence N 713812611 W, along said west line, a distance of 18.00 feet to the `r point of beginning. ) r� The City agrees to restore to substantially the original condition such improve- e ments as are disturbed during the construction, maintenance and repair of said sanitary sewer pipeline; provided, the grantors, their heirs or assigns shall not construct any permanent structure over, upon or _within the permanent easement. • DATED this 19th day of September , 1979. I ' REQUIRED THOMAS E. BELT r DORiS M. BELT 1 j 81RSE SIEYIRS, Snohomish County Treasurer. 1 _; STATE OF WASHINGTON) Depur z SS. COUNTY OF SNOHOMISH) 3 On this day personally appeared before me THOMAS E. BELT and DORIS M. BELT, his wife, to me known to be the individuals described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that they signed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. '. ( GIVEN under my hand and official seal this - f 2 day of 1 1979. Notary Public in f he State of 'k`a: ng>t and ' �no residing at (_ N ' cc" 7M240 2 43 vcA599 FAt:F 30 GERALD W. LOVELL, P.L.S. " JURGEN P. SAUERLAND, P.L.S. LOUIS F. CAVIEZEL, P.E. L Lovell-Sauerland & Associates, Inc. ,S Engineers • Surveyors • Development Consultants • Planners t 9 November 5, 1979 1u�i File No. 77-162 1 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATES FOR, IMPROVEMENTS TO COCKRUM SHORT PLAT, S-16-79 �—LoisyF. Caviezel , } I' I. 23106 • 100TH W. EDMONDS, WASH. 98020 PHONE 775.1593 November 16, 1979 Edith B. Cockrum 1232 8th Avenue South Edmonds, WA 98020 SHORT SUBDIVISION - FILE NUMBER&;M00f Your short subdivision S-16-79 was approved by the City of Edmonds on April 17, 1979. It is a requirement of the Subdivision Ordinance that all conditions for recording be met and necessary documents redorded with the Snohomish County Auditor within 90 days of the subdivision hearing. Since the 90 day period has passed and recording has not been done, this subdivision has expired. If you intend to pursue the division of this property, a new application and the appropriate fees must be submitted to the Planning Division of the Community Development Department. DUANE V. BOWMAN Associate City Planner mt - CC: Lovell-Sauerland 23108 100th Avenue West Edmonds, WA 98020 Lovell-Sauerland & Associates, Inc. 23106 100th W. 'i Edmonds, Washington 98020 Attn: Louis Caviezel { �{ Dear Lou: i Subject: COCKRUM SHORT PLAT, ;S-16-79 i In response to your cost estimate for the subject sub- division, no provision has been made for labor. Please revise your estimate. Your request to submit a letter of guarantee in lieu of bonding cannot be granted. { Further, to record this subdivision the following engi- neering requirements need to be completed: a. Adequate bond b. City easement from 8th Ave. S. to existing City easement in lots 9 and 10 Elm View Addition, Division C. c. Monument at nearest intersection. d. Approved legals. e. Covenant regarding future development, If you have any questions, please contact Jerry Saterlie at 775-2525, ext. 220. �- Yours very truly, P a JAR� �EADAMS, P.E. ? City Engineer JS:vlw --Satetlie F�k'R+f�� yam, �• r�P{�o 1 }t 4 t ��x� ~ � y �• r-ram i -• i=> 50°31'10"E I SO'32 20"E I �,•102 50' 219 00' CD 0 -- ° m _ 94.00' N NO°32'20"W _Urn CD ` t ' N9° 3 0 D O Cri 1,10059 E n 0 v 01 !Cb in a NO° 32'20"W4. I I NN 0' 31' 10" IN 155. 00 C -i O �� °'a ..S • cF p aged t f � I J+ yet JNIU2107321 I y aazillotl.i.nb \ ay 8Ti4 AVENUE s• nm¢ o O N 0.31. 10" W N O° 32' 20" W a o A Y • 0 m • N O o o z N x ' Z d =O Y -i o sow' • n ` m • r En cn C NN0 r ,sIS 111', P. i7 2 Ur �' ca PO rrn NO C Evn\irn v,=� n > Y0 m z?� C2i) C Z „omC- o -I A r c ttm> ii ml i E s s A G E SIGNED R E y s DATE: SIGNED CASCADED Lt-C2375 PRINTED IN U.S.A. h NoncE or Ensfr-n:Nr AND r.k / r3 MAINIENANCI_ ACRI:I:III:NT 11080 TO ALL WHOM THESE PRESENTS CONCERN: JS Notice is hereby given that EDITH,B. COCKRUM, as her separate property,' owner of the following described property, situated in the County of Snohomish, State of Washington, to wit: That portion of the west half of the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 25, Township 27 North, Range East, W.M., described as follows Beginning at the southeast corner of the north half of said subdivision; thence North 0032120" West, along the east line of said subdivision,,a distance of 20 feet; thence South'89159'07" West, parallel with the south line of the north half of said subdivision, a 3istance of 289 feet; thence North 0*32120" West, a distance of 105 feet; thence South 89159'07" West, a distance of 66 feet; thence North 0132120 West, a distance of 94 feet; thence South 89159'07" West, a distance of 150 feet; thence South 0032120" East, a distance of 219_feet; thence South 0031110" Cast,parallel' with the cast line of the south half of said subdivision, a distance of 102.50 feet; thence South 80°25'01" East, a distance of 314.87 feet to an intersection with a line drawn parallel. with and lyijlg 195 feet westerly of tile cast line of the south half of said subdivision; thence North 0031'10" West, along said parallel line, a distance of 155 feet to an intersection with the north line of the south half of said subdivision; thence North 89159107" East, along said north line, a distance of -195 feet to the point of beginning. ; EXCEPT the most easterly 30 feet thereof for road. do hereby reserve and convey unto all present and future owners, their heirs, successors and assigns, of all or any portion of the above described property and unto,THE CITY OF EDMONDS, and unto PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 OF SNO- HOMISH COU14TY and unto GENERAL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF THE NORTHWEST, INC„ an easement for ingress and egress and for the construction, reconstruction, operation and maintenance of utilities over, under, across, through and upon the following described property, situated in the County of Snohomish, State of Washington, to wit: That portion of the west half of the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 25, Township 27 North, Range 3 East W.M., described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of the north half of said subdivision; thence S 89059107" W, along the south line of the north half of said subdivision, a distance of 195.00 feet; thence S 0*31110" E, parallel with the east line of the south half of said subdivision, a distance of 61.07 Feet; thence S 89*28150" W, a dis- tance of 27 feet to an Intersection with a curve having a radius of 20 feet, from which intersection the radius point of said curve bears S 89*28150" W; thence northerly, along the are of said curve and con- suming a central angle of 98102'47", an arc distance of 34.22 feet to a point of reverse curvature; thence westerly, along the are of a curve to the right having a radius of 65.00 feet and consuming a central angle of 18008'56", an arc, distance of 20.59 feet; thence M 80025101" W, a distance of 37.71) feet; thence N 9134159" E, a dis- tance of 25.00 feet; thence S 800;`.5101" E, a distance of 37.78 feet to the point of curve of a curve to the left having a radius of 40.00 feet; thence easterly, along the arc of said curve to the left and consuming a central angle of 95154137", an are distance of 66.96 feet to an inter- section with a line drawn parallel with and lying 20 feet northerly of the south line of the north half of said subdivision; thence N 891591071, E, along said parallel line, a distance of 184.00 feet to an intersection with the cast line of said subdivision; thence S 0032120" E, along said cast line, a distance of 20 feet to the point of beginning. EXCEPT the most easterly 30 feet thereof for road. Page 2 of 2 Pages lz- 77 cc Maintenance or,reconstruction of any roadway or utilities constructed or 1 installed upon or within the easement reserved and conveyed herein, shall be i the responsibility of and the costs of said maintenance or reconstruction borne jointly and equally by the present and future owners, their heirs, successors and assigns, of all or any portions of the above described property. This instrument shall be a covenant running with the land and shall be binding upon the parties hereto, their heirs, successors and assigns, forever. J In wanes I hereunto set my signature this day of ;`- n 1980, A.D. ty. D H U. COCKRUN ...:. } 1 STATE OF WASHINGTON) _ g SS. COUNTY OF SNOHOMISH) On this day personally appeared before me EDITH B. COCKRUM, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, $ r and acknowledged that she signed the same as her free and voluntary act and deed, 4s > for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. F: GIVEN under my hand and official seal this day of , 1980. f E k Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, a ` j residing at ij r e 77 E r�r r CITY OF EDMONDS P. W. DEPT. ENGINEERING DIV. EXAMINEDBY DAT. Q i' REMARK.y'�J�'r!_✓_ELT Cai i I Page 2 of 2 Pages r"1 NO11CL OF EASEMENT !'l REQUIRIED a AND ` MAY 2 11980 l MAVITENANCE AGREEMENT t b FIRKE IEYElugc�Ccty,TO ALL WHOM THESE PRESENTS CONCERN: puty Notice is hereby given that EDITH B. COCKRUM, as her separate property, owner of the following described property, situated in the County of Snohomish, "-% State of Washington, to wit: 3 �j That portion of the west half of the northeast quarter of the southwest qp quarter of Section 25, Township 27 North, Range 3 East, W.M., described as follows; Beginning at the southeast corner of the north half of said subdivision; thence North 0132120" West, along the east line af;said subdivision, a distance of 20 feet; thence South 85•"59'07" West, parallel with the south line of the north half of said subdivision, a Jistance of 289 feet; thence North 0132'20" West, a distance of 105 felt; thence: South 89"59107" West, a distance of 66 feet;thence North 0132120" West, a distance of 94 feet;'th-rice South 8915910711 West, a:distdne:: of i 150 feet;` thence South 0032'20" East, a di.stance'of 219 feet; thence South 0131,101, East, parallel with the cast line of the south half or said subdivision, a distance of 10' S0 feet; ;thence South 80125'01" East, a distance of 314.87 feet to an intersection with it line drawn parallel with and lyijig 195 feet westerly of the east line of the south half of said subdivision; thence North 0131110" West, along said parallel line, a distance of 155 feet to an interser.Liun wiLh the north line of 'the south half of said subdivision; thence Horth 8915910711 East, along said i north line, a distance of 195 feet to the point of beginning. , EXCEPT the most easterly 30 feet thereof for road. do hereby reserve and convey unto all present and future owners, their heirs, S successors and assigns, of all or any portion of the above' described property !� and unto,THE CITY OF.EDMONDS, and unto PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 OF 5110- H01-1I51i COUNTY and unto GENERAL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF THE NORTHWEST, INC., an '`easement for ingress and egress and for the construction, reconstruction, operation and maintenance of uti'Litias over, under, across, through and upon the following described properLy, situated in the County of Snohomish, State of, Washington, to wit: tr t That portion of the west half of the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 25, Township 27 North, Range 3 East W.M., described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of the north half of said subdivision; thence S 89"59107" W, along the south line of the north half of said subdivision, a distance of 195.00 feet; thence S 0131110" E, parallel with the east line of the south half of said ( 1 subdivision, a distance of 61.07 feet; thence S 89028150" W, a dis- tance of 27 feet to an intersection with a curve having a radius of 20 feet, from which intersection :he radius point of said curve bears of S 89"28150" W; thence northerly, along the arc said curve and con- suming a central, angle of 98"02'47", an arc distance of 34.22 feet to a point of reverse curvature; Lhence westerly, along the arc of a. curve to tire: right having a radius of 65.00 feet and consuming a central angle of 18"08'5611, an arc distance of 20.59 feet; thence N 80"25,011, W, a distance of 37.78 feet; thence N 9134159" E, a dis- tance of 25.00 feel.; thence S 80"25101" E, a distance of 37.78 feet to the point or curve of a curve Lu the left having a radius of 40.00 feet; thence easterly, along the arc of said curve to the left and consuming a central angle of 95"54137", air are distance of 66,96 feet to an inter- section with a line drawn parallel with and lying r0 feet northerly of the south line of :he north half of said subdly L.lon; thence N 89059107" E, 3 along said par•tilel line, a distance of 184.00 feet to an intersection with the cast line of said subdivision; thence S 01132120" E, along said cast line, a distance or 20 feet to the point of bu3lnning. EXCEPT the most easterly 30 feet Lhereof for road Page 2 of 2 Pages 8005210098 Maintenance or reconstruction of any roadway or utilities constructed or 1 i, installed upon or within the easement reserved and conveyed herein, shall be the responsibility of and the costs of said maintenance or reconstruction borne jointly and equally by the present and future owners, their heirs, i successors and assigns, of all or any portions of the above described i property. This instrument shall be a covenant running with the land and shall be binding upon the parties hereto, their heirs,_ successors and assigns, forever. In witness x hereunto set my signature this 19 day of 1986, A.D. WiTl1 B. COCKRUN � 1 {' ! STATE OF WASHINGTON) t ss. i COUNTY OF SNOHONISH) On this day personally appeared before me EDITH D. COCKRUM, to me known to be the individual described in and who erccuted'the within and foregoing instrument,' `deed, and acinowledged that she signed the same as her free and voluntary act and for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. GIVGN.under my, hand and official seal this 19 day of May, 1980. C%.._ .�{ is J fit` z.,� Notary blic in and for the State of Washington, resid:.ng at rdmondQ M C1 o CITY OF EDMONDS W - P. W. DEPT. ENGINEERING DIV. Q — EXAMINE' '' O J_ By f IIATiS�Lr-/lTi O ,.. C.; REMARK', �� j Page 2 of 2 Pages {c� t Y A005;)lom Or I V— 1 aa.duak Lilt IA: LWLI'�'ll 1 -11: SUBDIVISION STF,'US DATE CORMENITS -fll ?/7 1 q-21-7 17 ,e. 7 4 4Z- 00 Ili Z� wg� e 00-1 -65 4-e 71 )-"T- A a� m m I O I Z D I H r I A _ (7 r r- O O ry D A 3 < Q I v I n b Z N Q a ul m m z C? z z 0 m 0 0 x `4 w ( z z ' \ 321. 50r ni 0 0 \ D m z 03Ln .L r \ i7 N W 1� `� 1 D a /J/ m < i. 0 1 m N / A. t' 1 O. //4.'t. 0 I a b7 mtn m x 94' AL _ b a zse / 1 lU { 1A (AQ x m �3 " \� t1 1 .-� 4 105, z x t_. ti e ° _ _ z \ CID j; rn Q1 D $ o a s X$ o r J z Q i� 5 I o Ch e � '' '�i; J L —+ z mM 03 14 8. 0 0 ') Off: m N 85 m ._ m \i Zr' 3 '_'_ m ly— � D I ° mm t _ mrn ,No J i a SK x y� a m o 1 20'111111 1 11 b 0 8th AVENUE SO. v+ O I A Orn i _ z � I m x —1 00 O n z z V n ' IA A r r 14.5.00 / A � n rN s rn r ;r; I _ I I 102.50 r'', 1�1 III I I I ' I I I� t l� �m 1 w -1 Zc 4 11 m (n { I o -- CD j o 1 c v fl N I 1 - o rn m rnnm � �n Np q j w0 d rn a 3 EX WAI"Eli° METEI INSTALL I.. 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