20130611150635071.pdfAdauf, JoAnne From: Zu|ao[]oAnme Sent; Tuesday, June I1,2O1]J:40 PM To: 'tonidesantis@roundtransitnrg' Subject., SoundtramsitSign Permit Review b|c120I30615 |amhoping You can help nnewith this item. Since the sign will beim&a|Uedonproperty that isnot owned hySound Transit, we will need some kind of documentation from the property owner stating his permission or approval of the installation ofthe sign. This could just beaquick letter mremail. Please let me know if you have any questions. Jo&moeZu|auf | Senior E�gineeringlTechmician Eo�neer|nQDivis|on � [itynfEdmonds IZ15mAve N | [dmonds,VVa88D28 425J7J0220l324| FAX4256/2,5 /50