939 PINE ST.pdfi 5, a` L , t� I APPLICATION BUILDING PERMIT ( Appl. No. .....!...` { CITY OF, EDMONDS Building Department Permit limit, one year gj%"' , APPLICATION is hereby made for a permit to construct the following work, in accordance with the accom panying plans and specifications. Two sets are submitted herewith for approval. Off-St new alter Workaddn repair ...................... ..... ......... .. Parking 1. Occupancy....._. ................. Const. type. .......... .................... Use zone.....!. : Fire zone .......................... r Address.... �r�3% .�uecJ�l :.....:........... Lot.....__............... B/ % Addn. �yy�•��....`�� ,5 "f Lot frontage.........1J.Y ................... Area...:.......:.......... Septic tank....'`` Bldg. setbacks — front.._.._._. r. side .....� .......... 1. side....... ''..� ...... rear .. D..% / Ownei��........................................... Address....... .lra.3 .... Tel. No. ........ Builder.... ... Address ......... .................. ..... Tel. No ......: Plans by......... _.... Address..........................• ............. Tel. No... ....._ } Remarks... ...:.. .......... ............... .......... ..._.. The above is a correct statement, and I agree to comply with all applicable Codes and State laws regulating the 1 work.