AFN 822352 - Warranty Deed.pdfWARRANrY DBI YOl VOW 17 WAr*MOW P 10 1e PON U$0 W WIN Wit" OF WAMMMU 0MV 1*1 1 0 82.211 The grantor !WRY AN X'RC;1 (a widow) ofthe city of Seattle y of Icine, state ufW"hftWti,for and iUMMIftMiNaI 77FUZ TIM34-M and no/100 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ($ 5000000 domm"ll In hand paid, convey a and warrant a to CA,'.--!-1NTL-Y and "ARY A. CAT7M, his wife, the following described real estate, situate in the county of 'nohCL." state Of WaShiftiltOft: 'Ale soul;h ',io feet of 1,110 follovilaC descriLied tr:Ajt of lard: at point of InWr000tion of tno es34 li.io of tj,,a county road, vitll the section Jill* between sections vuotAty- til."de (23) all(i twouty-Ifour (24), Twwasilip twe."ty-fievell 12'11 rwWe t1ires (3) east It%, so trio true pci.,,it c- be- -L!Ancs, South alQn,L,. Said Section lit,* 1�4.5 foot; t.ie:i,je at rli,h." W1,A03 east 20 feet; t1lQ11ce South 30`3050" west 100 feet' Vion0a at ria -ht allr.les nortim eater ly 120 feet to tLe east lino or said county react; thence at ri--,,Iit a. -1r1on northerly alonj-. said east line of said county road to tiro true poisit of beginning; to portion of t)oversment lot one (1), said secticr, Z ­,f, towjiSIAP 27 north, rhe 3 east, haled fill, 2,.,: t h day of t 6. (am) . 11 .—.1-- . ............ .-J'STAL) ..... . .... (,tit i STATIi Of WxfJl County KIND lot SM mot 18 1. the undersipedl a Mdoe In sell for tie, of W bersby enetify that on thr . ..............ttay of... ------- ..» . below so ...........................k.........,» ............. ... ........ »....�......,. �...,...»...,..,..... .......,.» .� ,... to me known to be do fodtvldua l...... de W&W In ad who e,mute,d the toiveka8 Am- 1 it - I ad adweWWO that .... AIM ...........Aped and haled the, woe, aa...., .AAC.......,.. M IW vbkiaA,lbr to IM am purporee therein mentioned. Olven under my hand and ofkW nal the, day aad year bA i No" PdOc la aad lW the f1Mal N S'TA'TE OF W'ASMOTON County of ......... ............... ......� ...„ n. On We. ....... ..., .............. . day of. me pmaaaily ............. _...... ...... I ................. .... .., ....,......»,... ,.., ..aad... ........_.......... to me known to be the ......» ............ .�.......,,...... aad.,. �.. .� ,,w.,»,. of the corporation that executed the foryofnS instrument, and e,dmowtedpd nM Ineccoma to to the IM and voluntary act and dead of sold conmrsdao, hw the uses and purpawe dwela taastio 4 ad as ase$ stated - that....................................autborfaed to smut$ am Inarutamt and tbet the ant al0ne,d le the, meppeat I nail of sold corporatlon. Given under my hand and oMcW ad the day and year loot above wittes. Notary Public In sad for the State, of Waildogsw ndita ,y 4(. as • to