CRA20000003III I�! III I CA FILE NO. ' Critical Areas hecklist �? -------------------------------------------------------------- Site Information (soils/topography/hydrology/vegetation) 1. Site Address/Location: iU6 -T57 f L, WW,,- 2. Property Tax Account Number: 3. Approximate Site Size (acres or squares feet): 4. Is this site currently developed?��ys; no. If yes; how is site developed? � 4,`1T I d l G, I L ' 5. Describe the general site topography. Check all that apply. Flat: less than 5-feet elevation change over entire site. Rolling: slopes on site generally less than 15% (a vertical rise of 10-feet over a horizontal distance of 66-feet). Hilly: slopes present on site of more than 15% and less than 30% ( a vertical rise of 10-feet over a horizontal distance of 33 to 66-feet). Steep: grades of greater than 30% present on site (a vertical rise of 10-feet over a horizontal distance of less than 33-feet). Other (please describe): 6. Site contains areas of year-round standing water: ; Approx. Depth: 7. Site contains areas of seasonal standing water: ; Approx. Depth: What season(s) of the year? 8. Site is in the floodway floodplain of a water course. 9. Site contains a creek or an area where water flows across the grounds surface? Flows are year- round? Flows are seasonal? (What time of year? ), 10. Site is primarily: forested ; meadow ; shrubs : mixed urban landscaped (lawn,shrubs etc) 11. Obvious wetland is present on site: Y---- - --- ---' For City Stafr 0 Only 1 Site �s<Zoned� "` (... -- 2 SCS mapped soil type{sj? 3 Wetland inventory or CA map; mdicafes wetlaad present on;ste� 4 IX Critical Areas inventory or C A map u ;dicates; CnticaliiArea on s V . DETERMIiaTATIOiT "ce chk.doc; Rev 10/03/97 K.. City of Edmonds CRITICAL AREAS CHECKLIST The Critical Areas Checklist contained on this form is to be filled out by any person preparing a Development Permit Application for the City of Edmonds prior to his/her submittal of a development permit to the City. The purpose of the Checklist is to enable City staff to determine whether any potential Critical Areas are, or may be, present on the subject property. The information needed to complete the Checklist should be easily available from observations of the site or data available at City Hall (Critical Areas inventories, maps, or soil surveys). An applicant, or his/her representative, must fill out the checklist, sign and date it, and submit it to the City. The City will review the checklist, make a precursory site visit, and make a determination of the subsequent steps necessary to complete a development permit application. Please submit a vicinity map along with the signed copy of this form to assist City staff in finding and locating the specific piece of property described on this form. In addition, the applicant shall include other pertinent information (e.g., site plan, topography map, etc.) or studies in conjunction with this Checklist to assist staff in completing their preliminary assessment of the site I have completed the attached Critical Areas Checklist and attest that the answers provided are factual, to the best of my knowledge (fill out the appropriate column below). Owner/Applicant: Name I��o� 7 l� CL ujf-if Street Address �MONo; �/VIl/k � �Z City State Zip Telephone Signature Date c:reception\jana\cad doc Applicant Representative: Name Street Address City State Zip Sob - igriature ' Date (over) City of Edmonds Critical Areas Determination Applicant: Jamie Hawk Determination #: CA-2000-3 Project Name: N/A Permit Number: N/A Site Location: 15605 751h Place West Property Tax Acct #: 5131-000-024-04 Project Description: Non project specific Determination: Study Required Review of a topographic map and inspection of the subject site, found what appears to be a Steep Slope Hazard Area pursuant to Chapter 20.1513 of the Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) towards the west (water side). Prior to submittal of building permit applications for any development activity, the following action must be taken: Steep Slope Hazard Area Delineation Requirements To determine the extent of a Steep Slope Hazard Area, a topographic survey of the property, prepared by a Licensed Land Surveyor must be obtained. Any slope of 40% or more, with at least 20 feet of vertical rise will be classified as a Steep Slope Hazard Area. From the toe or top of the Steep Slope Hazard Area, a 50-foot buffer plus a 15-foot building setback is required. The survey is to confirm the presence of a Critical Area and locate the buffer and building setback as mandated by ECDC Chapter 20.15B. For development of any kind that is proposed within the, 50-foot buffer, the 15-foot building setback, or critical area itself, the following options may apply: A licensed geologist or geotechnical engineer may provide evidence to demonstrate that a buffer alteration down to 10 feet plus a 15-foot buffer setback will have no adverse impact upon the site, the public or any private party. This effectively reduces the requirement from a total of 65 feet from the top or toe or slope down to 25 feet. A geotechnical analysis of the site and statements regarding the setback reduction and lack of adverse impact on the public is required prior to any development permit application. 2. If development must occur within the critical area, buffer and/or setback and is not identified as an exception, a variance or Reasonable Use Exception and variance pursuant to ECDC Section 20.15B. may be possible. If the property owner wishes to apply for a specific development permit which they feel would not impact the Critical Area located on the site, they may submit their proposal to the Planning Division for review. If the Planning Division rinds that the proposed development permit will not adversely impact a Critical Area or its buffers, a conditional waiver may be issued on a project by project basis. The site is identified on the City of Edmonds Environmentally Sensitive Map. SEPA review will be required of all development applications or permits. This property is also subject to the Earth Subsidence and Landslide Hazard section of the Edmonds Co ity D velo ment C (ECDC Section 19.05). Karissa Kawamoto January 28, 2000 Name Date