Incomplete_ADB-06-22.DOC March 9, 2006 Wendell Reed WR & RW, LLC th 8311 212 Street SW Edmonds WA 98026 RE: REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION TO COMPLETE YOUR ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN BOARD APPLICATION, FILE NUMBER ADB-2006-22. Dear Mr. Reed: Thank you for submitting an application for design review through the Architectural Design Board (ADB) th for the property located at 8311 212 Street SW. City staff has finished the check for completeness on th your application that was submitted on February 17, 2006, and it is determined that your application is INCOMPLETE until the following materials are submitted: 1. One Reproducible Copy: When you submitted your application, I took it in without the required reducible copy. Taken from the ADB handout, we need “One reproducible copy of all plans. This set must be either 8.5x11” or 11x17”. Please submit this required information as soon as possible. 2. Color Copies: Please provide 8 sets of color copies to illustrate what the exterior of the building will look like (type and color of exterior materials are required). I’ve enclosed the ADB Minor Projects handout, and on the back I’ve highlighted the plan elements that are still missing. 3. Height Calculation: Please submit height calculations for review. You have provided height information on the elevation plans but I don’t see any height calculations anywhere (typically they are shown on the site plan). Please note that the maximum height for structures in the Neighborhood Business (BN) zone is 25 feet. Please review enclosed handout that illustrates Height Calculation Information and contact me if you have further questions. Please respond at your earliest convenience so that your application may be processed in an expedient manner. Thank you for your interest in land use and development in Edmonds. If you have any questions about the City’s application review process and/or the schedule for your application, please contact me at 425.771.0220, extension 1778. Sincerely, CITY OF EDMONDS Gina Coccia, Planner CC: File ADB-2006-22