Meadowdale Pier Scope Change Resp to Comments 10-2-09.pdfOctober 2, 2009 ENGINEERING Ann Bullis City of Edmonds ' Building.Division 2201 4FI: AvenliC South. Edmonds, WA 980132 Plan Check Number; 2008-0693 & 2008-0694 Project Name; I'i.erReplacem.ell.t (0694) & Building Repair (0693) Project Address: 16.111 76"i .Ave W Dear Ms. Bullis, Itemized below is the response to the continents contained in the Setenlber 18, 2009 letter for the above referenced project. TS tho Owner intending to alter the scope of work for current permit application BLD20080693 for this repair, or submit a new perniiL application specifically for this repair? Keep in mind that alterations inust still be made t0 (lie wood building to aCC0111€liCidratC CO31Stl-uctio-n of the pier as well as attachment to the pier, and nlllst he a separate Permit from t}1e pies' COn8t1"uCttOii since they ai'e Sep7tC l8 Structures, Fite ownerwould litre to after the scope !Jf ji o)* fn)' the c(fi'rent perinit application (BLD 2008-0693) + Ts it owner's intent that the scope of the subject repair permit includes bringing the buildinginto code compliance for occupolicy? No. Tile scope of iiialrk would be to re(Jaar.the struchue to prevent ftf)•ther alamalge. 9 The, owner leas had nearly a year to respond to the City's plali review corlllnents for doth (lie bier (BLD200801694) and wood building (BLD20080693), and have only received a partial resubmittal, By inAing this requcst while perinit applications for the wood pier replace€ileiit and vvood building repair are active, �vilat is the o�viier's schedule to submit the outstaiiding items to make the resubmittal for these applications complete so the City can continue review? Vie mwtrer' is awaiting a decision from 1 NSF Railroad hefnr'e the reponse to the Citv's plutt t•eview comments can be tomple(eif. It is the r wlier''s triter€t to Submit the otastantling items at that time. * The current permit applications expire on August 12, 2010. Does (lie owlier a(ill intend to proceed with the project to replace the pier and repair the wood building? Yes. The o€!'11et' ifttE'itf7�S t0 jJt`OCeetl with the j3ie1' rLj11t1Cement 1111d i€good I uffi ng rej)(1h j71't7Jl Cl. If you have any questions 01' comments iega.rding the respo€ises to this review please do not hesitate to call. 254 4th Me. Sou !h ' Sialcere.(y, CG 'Ing Suite 200 Eiigfttej ��'tT1Cjr1CtS:� Wt1 �at)�U 6 j / Fax. 42 5.776 s5ss C, Chevy Chase, PE E i'rincipal