OMT Occ Sep.pdfF a8c i vi i Bjorback, Leif From: Bjorback, Leif Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2012 10:05 AM To: 'rgrimes@fhoarch.com' Cc: 'mhart@wilcoxconstruction.com; Yarberry, Leonard; 'RMCADAMS@FHOARCH.COM' Subject: Old Mill Town fire rated walls-BLD2012-0273 Hi Rick, I have just approved the revision as submitted for removal of the fire rating from the walls in the common area of the second level of Old Mill Town. My understanding of this building is that fire ratings are not required because • The construction is type VB; • The building is sprinklered and therefore the corridors need not be rated; • Occupancy separations are not required between groups B and M, which are the only groups currently anticipated on the second level. (This is not the case on the first level, where the restaurant (group A2) is going in adjacent to the eye clinic (group B), requiring a 1 hour separation according to IBC Table 508.4). I am writing this to you today simply to alert you as to the current status of the code analysis for the building. At this time, fire ratings are required as per Table 508.4 for the separation of occupancies. Since there are no occupancy groups requiring separation on the second level, there is no requirement for the walls to be rated. (There is however a requirement to maintain the 1 hour floor ceiling separation between the second floor and the A2 restaurant below.) If, in the future, you or someone else should care to change the status of the occupancy separation requirements for the building, the City would entertain the prospect of altering the code analysis to allow non -separated occupancies. This would simply involve a proposal from a design professional that included a justification for non -separation based on IBC 508.3, including calculations for allowable area. If approved, this would then become part of the official City records for this building. If you have any questions about this, please contact me. Regards, Lai f -B ci-bad, Assistant Building Official City of Edmonds (425) 771-0220 6/12/2012