P-54-1.pdfMORSE ADDITION SECTIONS 23 24 , T. 27 N,, R. �,3 E. / NO/LTN LJNE / I _ �(v 1 M.05 . ,roti. i �.. j! Conc / `h. /204/'�r\sa�`a 25:.::9 ,' Man. S 89'39'006 /lino ..� ,•�5�� /33.4/ // 252b \\ ry m", N // fp3-3 i �`� / �01 2 y� oR„ Cpm 0 r 10 ?�. stp \ �l o • q j / J 30 N69-.Tq,4O"W / Con / 34/6b ---- -- N APPROVALS �- � o � I hereby cerfiFy Phot fhe; uiithrq p/at of Ma2s6 AoorT�eN^ rs daly g��a ed %y O SIN 0 city Counc// of fhe Cify of Edmonds by 2Pso/ufian. J o w J A0,0jTVe01 7�?43 /!o ooy of NoVF4,RFe /954. M,vroe f grr�sr: ary cesee. TREASURER'S CERTIFXATE, SCALE: P 60' -T !erne 5/even" Tr car o'f � io<nish Co%niy {!/ashi ><on'da `hE fixes 017 7i76 above ,�,50� 0� Lrac���a✓e been fu//y �,up to � N OV. 4§54 year /955- 72EA5llQE2� SNO{/OM/SN Cot�*Y�. � � ��\, � Y T2EAsup�C FILING RECORD F-/ed or recur of die re J%esf o f �r f � fh/sem 2 day aft J/F,lalek-/954 and recorded /n paye _/_ ,Pecords of Sr�ahamish Couniy, l�(ash/ngfai7. 23 24 4U0/702 $NOHOM1511 @vNT'/ 0,6pory, 4elvl T02. TO THE CITY TY OF EDM N r O DS J.. R. 3 E. W. M. SNOHOMISH COUNTY. WN. "V 99°39'00"u/ /JAMES H. REID 81 ASSOCIATES 1V027H LIME vowr [oT 2. CONSULTING ENGINEERS / EDMONDS WASH. 1 �t DESCRIPTION This p/af of "MoRs� DDI 7-101V' embraces 2fiaf rmesecton 2s and Goaernrneporfior af�vei 40t 2, .5eC7'70n 24, TOW51O P z7No�/h, Qarye 3 Eos( GVM. z /3528 //960 3428 °�9 described os: Beg/nninrep y at a point 828.92 feet North ohs �o�. 2�.7a feet F05/ of the .5boh est conger of said Gov'f hof f/TenLe N. 30°38'28"E. 5G.7ofee% 7`hence N. 59°2/'40"W. /20. oO feet to file rnfersection of 7�e eos/ 1117 of-,?OA17 7 �. fiegce o%ng soideos//rare, N. 90°28'50 E. 26,9 dr�eefj (hence 5.89r64.00fec7l; fri5ence N3o°28 `So"� r5.00fee>; /20 . N&9°59' 40"lN 7`%IP/Ile 5 89°, 9'GIO E" 6125. ZJ Tee7� 7`0 7�17P Ve. 7__ /(IRVEA 89°59'40"W �^ / 7'henCe S. Z9°r6, o0"W 79.39 fee>LJ thence N 89 59'40"lei/. - /20.001,-e7'j Mre7ce 5. z9-1a'oo"w, 3/3.co {ert 7`%e%Ye AI sq -5954 341(,6 feet ro (tie true ,Dpinf of beginning. h 7 DEDICATION KNOW ALL MEN by these Oresenfs tha?' ale the Urrde�sr9rra9' pruners 17 fee irnp/e of fisc /and /rereby p/gffeal hereby declare Said o/af qnd o° q dedicpfe 2o the public forever all streets, avenues qnd easemeolS shourr hereon aV 755e vse 7`k'reaf f r o// public ourposes qnd the right to rngke a// nPCPssgry s/apes for cuts phd fi//5 on the lots hawr� �n the oriylna/ j revsovable grading 04 a// sflePts and av naes shoran fiiereon. I IN W1TNE55 WUE2EpF We have hereunto set our hands 0,120' seals 7<h/s _lip _day of �t(oy�Me��/9s¢. a°9 ACKNOWLEDGMENT 80 STATE OF N/LI5,4/NGTON� �o COVVryl Gly SNONOM/SN 5.$. %hrs /s fo cerr`ify ffJaf on Th/ sLI day of Nov_ -A4&-2 /954, hefa-e me, persona//y appeared A -P Mo25E and M42y Lv Mo25_-, h/s W//e, %rine knOWP to be. the rndwrdua/s WOO executed the urr'r`/iin ond 7l reyoinq rns6rurne'71 as owners rrr gee limp/e of 75`70 10fe ar70' ruhO acknam/ed9Pd ,1/y gpAraved by the Mayor and 7`o me that They Signed 75he Borne 0.5 7'1,-I,r fee qnd voluntary act qnd IA/ W7N--6s Gt/HEpip; I have herevrrfa 5e7f,9zy /sand and aft,Ye rnY off/cra/ seal /NEE s.—_-- ---- ��.�..-•x:`L—�e— J-1_---__-- �� NoTApueuc' rn ar7dthe Stp><e a� �gfon, do hereby cerAlfy fbaf dap to n /nc/udin9 the.:, ENGINEERS CERTIFICATE i Z Le��o F Mrdd/efon, APofe'ssiana! Land Surveyor da hereby certify fhd fh15 p/qf of 'M0, -SE ,4DD/T/aV" rs based upon on 00'00/ purvey on� subdivision op Sec/`ion 2¢, rv�nsh/o 27 North, �bnye _q,,47 s( Wm, 7hao ` causes ond 47/7 &.5 ore shocun-)%meon correctly and thof mrnufes �✓asf_ _3_ P_ M. PS,7, 177onumen7`, hove been set ond /of corners staked he ground os of Plats, rndimfed hereprr: F. Sipa f F wAH �- ouocro2. 10 eQo F. M70o�eTani Pte. Load 56rrcyor^ '�fsf 14ME5-hF. 2E/o Asscr/ATOS F 9 • `�rONR� c�\`�"