PLN20130017_US_Bank-Apprvd.pdfDate: To: From: Subject: MEMORANDUM March 26, 2013 Kernen Lien, Associate Planner Jennifer Lambert, Engineering Technician PLN20130017, Landscape Plan Revision 140 — 4th Ave S, US Bank Engineering has reviewed and approved the subject application with the following conditions to be noted in the staff report. 1) Trees shall be fell onto private property. 2) Vehicles and equipment shall be located on private property. Should it be necessary to utilize the City right-of-way to perform any of this work then the contractor shall apply for and obtain a right-of-way construction permit in advance of starting work. 3) Contractor/owner is responsible for keeping all debris on site and preventing any silt laden runoff from leaving the site and/or entering the city storm system. Thank you. City of Edmonds