2020-09-03 Tree Board MinutesEdmonds Citizens' Tree Board APPROVED - MEETING NOTES September 3, 2020 The Edmonds Citizens' Tree Board Meeting was called to order at 6:02 p.m. by Board Member Frank Caruso via Zoom meeting, Edmonds, WA. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: STAFF PRESENT Barbara Chase, Co -Chair Kernen Lien, Environmental Programs Manager Frank Caruso, Co -Chair Gail Lovell Doug Petersen Bill Phipps Suzanne Juergensen Donna Murphy Ross Dimmick Alternate BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: ELECTED OFFICIAL PRESENT Diane Buckshnis, Kristiana Johnson, City Council ELECTED OFFICIAL ABSENT CALL TO ORDER: Frank Caruso called the meeting to order, reading the Land Acknowledgement Statement. ROLL CALL: All Board members were present. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Barbara Chase had minor comments on the agenda. Agenda approved unanimously. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Meeting notes from March 2020 were never approved. Minor changes made (spelling of Edmonds Elementary School principal name). Approved. Meeting Notes from August 2020 • New business: need to correct the location of tree planting at Edmonds Elementary. Changed. • City street tree manual to be complete in fall (not mid -September). Brochure will be done by Gail Lovell consulting with Suzanne Juergensen. • Minor other changes. Approved with changes. AUDIENCE COMMENTS: No audience members in attendance. OLD BUSINESS: a. Street Tree Planting Plan. Gail Lovell said she and Debra Dill are continuing to meet every other week. Ongoing. Tedious. To be finished late fall. b. Web Links Project. Suzanne Juergensen testing them. Hopes to have finished document by next meeting. c. Tree Board presentation to City Council. This was a virtual presentation. People contacted Councilmember Buckshnis and were complimentary about the direction of the Tree Board and there were various compliments on the quality of the presentation. d. Edmonds Elementary School planting. Presented by Barbara Chase. Arborist will take out the old tree. Need to set a day, probably a Saturday so it doesn't conflict with the school district arborist schedule. Agreed on September 19 at 9 am. Need 2 or 3 Tree Board people. Need to follow-up with planting but will wait until early October. Will decide on a date at the next meeting. Could spread wood chips around after removal. There are two possible tree candidates: Autumn brilliance serviceberry or vine maple. Vine maple is probably not the best choice because it likes shade. Preference in meeting for Autumn brilliance serviceberry. Budget up to $100. Suzanne Juergensen will look at purchasing. e. Tree tags. Presented by Bill Phipps. Reluctant to put tags up because some information may not be accurate. Source of monetary value is from the tree benefits calculator, which will be discontinued. There will be a new algorithm. For now, the calculator is still being used. Ross Dimmick explained his problems with the monetary value on tree tags. Phipps will hang the tags with the monetary information taped over. f. Draft tree resolution. Presented by Councilmember Kristiana Johnson. Looking at lots where trees have been taken down. Gave example of all old trees being taken down on a subdivided lot except for one. Resolution describes value of trees referencing UFMP and other organizations. Resolution has three sections: look at existing rules and regulations to evaluate how clear cutting has been allowed prior to development; regulations that could be aimed at preserving; where existing tree retention is not possible, consider ratio of tree replacement, tree bank, etc. Idea is that City Council will provide direction and general guidance as staff move forward with possible code revisions. Councilmember Buckshnis requested getting the document to read for next month. Frank Caruso: look for resolution in email; review before the next meeting. Kernen Lien will be presenting to the City Council. He will present code to the Planning Board every meeting from now to the end of the year for revisions. Will incorporate low -impact development (LID) principles. Lien will have text for Tree Board by November meeting. NEW BUSINESS: Senior Center plantings. Does the city arborist have input on parks and city streets? This is a new position; duties still being defined. Kernen Lien said arborist does not do project review —responsibility is limited primarily to parks and streets. The Senior Center went through the architectural design board, which included landscaping. This was an extensive review. Landscape plan was approved at same time as building plan. Tree Board does not review these plans. Possible visit to urban forestry nursery in Mount Vernon. Debra Dill mentioned it to Barbara Chase. Chase and Suzanne Juergensen would like to visit if somebody else drives. TREE BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS: • Perrinville. Anything that can be done about it? Kernen Lien: Development application not submitted yet. Vacation of right-of-way application. Don't know yet how many trees would be lost but critical areas will require 30% (1.49 acres) of native vegetation to remain. Question: could the city turn this into park? Councilmember Buckshnis: city didn't have the money and steep slopes limited its usefulness. Current and past dumping on site was liability. Extensive ivy on trees that would have to be removed. Wet areas. • Tree bingo suggested by Donna Murphy. Connect to tree tags and Arbor Day. • Would be good to find grant writers to preserve open space and trees. Councilmember Buckshnis: unaware of any grant programs to preserve open space unless specifically for something like salmon recovery. Will there be a developer's fee in proposed code? Forterra might be able to help on this. Suzanne Juergensen will check to see if someone from Forterra can present to us in October. Councilmember Johnson: city does have a fund to preserve open space but has not been contributing regularly and took money from the fund to cover a shortfall for the waterfront center. ADJOURN: The meeting was adjourned by Frank Caruso at 7:48 p.m. Submitted by Ross Dimmick September 20, 2020 (revised October 1, 2020)