2020-11-04 Diversity Commission AgendaOF EDAf O I�90 1a"�' AGENDA Edmonds DiversityCommission Brackett Meeting Room, Edmonds City Hall 121 5" Avenue North, Edmonds, WA 98020 Wednesday, November 4, 2020 6:OOPM — 8:OOPM Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/96792098046?pwd=dl Nj V VpUcHppMnFuNIJDVIM5MFBKZzO9 Meeting ID: 967 9209 8046 Passcode: 736792 6:00 P.M. — Call to Order and Land Acknowledgement: "We acknowledge the original inhabitants of this place, the Sdohobsh (Snohomish) people and their successors the Tulalip Tribes, who since time immemorial have hunted, fished, gathered, and taken care of these lands. We respect their sovereignty, their right to self-determination, and we honor their sacred spiritual connection with the land and water." - City Council Land Acknowledgment 1. Roll Call and Absences 2. Approval of Agenda 3. Approval of October 7, 2020 Meeting Summary 4. Discussion and potential approval of 2021 Grant Requests ECA Request for $500 "Kidstock! @Home Series: Joe Seamons & Ben Hunter Sherwood Elementary PSO Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee Request for $500 for School and Community Equity Awareness Outreach 5. Partnership Sub -group: Request approval of $500 for consultant to create diversity and equity "toolkit" to share with Edmonds businesses 6. Interview applicants for commissioner (three open positions) Dr. Mari Acob-Nash Dr. Patricia Franklin-Therrell Alison Alfonzo Pence Alberto Orej el Malfavon Ardeth Weed 7. Recommend to City Council for confirmation of appointments to Commission. 8. Update from the city: Patrick Doherty, Adrienne Fraley-Monillas (As time permits) 9. Commissioner's Corner (As time permits) Adjourn — 8:00 PM Next regular meeting: Wednesday, December 2, 2020, 6 PM, Via Zoom. Guiding Principles To ensure we meet our responsibilities as a Commission, we agree to • start and end our meetings on time • demonstrate our respect for our fellow Commissioners, the City of Edmonds, and the citizens we represent by: being present, being prepared, actively listening, participating in meetings, completing our individual assignments, and holding ourselves accountable • "step up and step back" • establish goals and action plans that are results oriented • establish subcommittees as needed • engage in courageous, honest, and open dialogue when faced with difficult issues or questions • utilize the "Ouch Rule" (assume positive intent; resist the temptation to be offended) • embrace the education opportunities presented through the Commission meetings • strive to make decisions by consensus. In a case where consensus cannot be reached after a reasonable attempt has been made, the Chairperson may call for a majority vote. CITY OF EDMONDS DIVERSITY COMMISSION October 7, 2020 Meeting conducted via Zoom COMMISSIONERS PRESENT Pat Valle, Chair Anabel Hovig, Vice -Chair Dean Olson Nikki Okimoto Glaros Donnie Griffin Mindy Woods Brian Potter Sarah Mixson Sekou Kon6 Council member Adrienne Fraley-Monillas, ex officio Council member Vivian Olsen GUESTS PRESENT: Mayor Mike Nelson Frances Chapin STAFF PRESENT Patrick Doherty, Director Cindi Cruz, Program Coordinator Economic Development & Community Services Arwen Marohn, Diversity Commission Coordinator 6:00 P.M. — Call to Order and Land Acknowledgement: "We acknowledge the original inhabitants of this place, the Sdohobsh (Snohomish)people and their successors the Tulalip Tribes, who since time immemorial have hunted, fished, gathered, and taken care of these lands. We respect their sovereignty, their right to self-determination, and we honor their sacred spiritual connection with the land and water." - City Council Land Acknowledgment 1. Roll Call: Pat Valle called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and read the land acknowledgement. 2. Approval of Agenda: Pat recommended adding update on Equity and Justice Task Force in New Business. Agenda approved by consensus. 3. Approval of Sep 2, 2020 Summary: Approved by consensus. 4. Public Comment: Jennifer McLaughlin shared that a group is revisiting the Harvey's Tavern Incident and how to deal with racially motivated bias in Edmonds and wants to know what we are doing in our policy committee regarding these incidents. There is a community organizing team exploring ways to connect with the Diversity Commission in partnership. There is a team of about 25 in Edmonds that are organizing and willing to be part of the support. Reach out to her or Katy Mahoney to discuss. 5. Welcoming Mayor Nelson Policy Committee crosswalk issue: The Mayor has been working on this issue for some time. There is no money currently to cover a stationed guard there and he says the problem is more seasonal. He reached out to Governor's office and WSDOT. They are working on a solution, but it may not ideal for what we want. The plan is to change the lights there and to install DRAFT Meeting Summary Diversity Commission August 5, 2020 Page 1 sensors. Edmonds will install large digital signs telling drivers to not sit in the intersection or crosswalk. The police are aware but cannot allocate someone full time. The Mayor encouraged us to vocalize our concerns to our local legislators. The Mayor is excited about the work the Equity and Justice Task Force is doing. He said every decision made will be focused through an equity lens and the recommendations that the task force is compiling. Regarding the Police Chief application process: They reposted the position in order to have at least three applicants. There will be a community panel involved in the selection process. The City will also be appointing a new municipal judge. The Mayor has requested that a member of the Diversity Commission be part of this panel for appointing the new municipal judge. Virtual neighborhood meetings: The Mayor will be participating in neighborhood zoom meetings to connect with communities. The first one is Thursday 15t'', 7:30 pm, for 5 Corners & Chase Lake Community. Budget announcement: The Mayor shared the 2021 Budget with the community online this past Tuesday. There will be money to support diversity training for staff, boards, commissions and is extended to Council. Police body cams and training will be implemented soon and currently at no cost. Chief Lawless can come and discuss with the Commission if we would like. Commissioner questions: Donnie complimented the Mayor on including members of the Diversity Commission in the Equity and Justice Task Force and for requesting a member to be part of the community panel for appointing a new municipal judge. He shared his concern about cultural bias in regard to women and African Americans within the police department and feels real systemic change needs to happen. He does not feel that Chief Lawless would be the one to do this, especially in regard to Chief Lawless' response to removing SROs from Edmonds Schools. He asked what the Mayor's perspective is on systemic change within the police department and what the Mayor is doing personally in his own department regarding supporting a diverse staff and welcoming environment to diverse people. Mayor Nelson shared his comments on his ability to get to know Police Chief Lawless and he appreciated his responses and actions within the department during COVID. He shared that the department is now more diverse than it was with the recent new hires. There is a conscious effort in changing demographics. System change more than hiring a new person, it's trying to change a culture. It requires a lot of work and investment that will take more than one person. The Mayor also shared that there will be three new candidates to choose from to lead the department going forward. Donnie inquired if any of those individuals on the list are people of color? The Mayor said he has two finalists so far and needs a third, but says the Diversity Commission will not be disappointed in one of the candidates for sure. The Mayor made a point that it is not accidental that there is a big focus is on HWY99 improvement and selective distribution of the Cares grants, small business support. A majority of these were awarded to women and people of color. He stressed that Edmonds gave more to DRAFT Meeting Summary Diversity Commission October 8, 2020 Page 2 these groups than any other surrounding city. He trying to address issues of equity when opportunities come up. Donnie stated the Mayor has an opportunity to appoint and select people of color and bring them close to the office. He wants to see more people like him and other communities in these positions and in active leadership roles. How can the Mayor personally change that? The Mayor agreed that there is work to do in regards to Donnie's concerns and moving forward on those issues he wants people of color to feel safe and trust local government and will work on making those changes. 6. Update from the City: Adrienne praised the Mayor for branching out to connect with the community through zoom and social media. She announced that the proposed 2021 Budget includes funding to a fulltime social worker. She commented that Edmonds is doing well with the budget during COVID and has around 86% revenue compared to normal. Patrick also commented on the proposed 2021 budget that would include a new position for a fulltime social worker and a one-half million dollar human services budget, which the city never had before. This budget will allow for the position and the remainder of the funds will go to direct services to people in various needs in the community. He also mentioned that the Council expanded the Cares fund grants to businesses and individuals/households. Thursday 15t', 7:30 pm next meeting neighborhood meeting will be focused on 5 Corners & Chase Lake community. They have established 9 greater neighborhood areas and every other month these zoom meetings will be held. The next one will be in December- Ballinger and HWY99 area. HWY99 budget, transportation improvements and community renewal planning effort are targeted toward the South end of HWY99. This is through State planning, public input & involvement, and then Council can adopt. Cindi with us for her last meeting. November 2" d last day and everyone expressed their gratitude for all the work she's done and her involvement in the community. 7. Old Business: a. Decals — We have ordered new decals and they are available. Staff will be available to hand them out or mail them. There is still money for more decals but the money needs to be used before end of year. b. Diversity Commission Grants & Commissioners — Notice has gone out and we are receiving applications through 21". Dean & Brian have offered to review the grant applications. 8. Subgroup Reports: a. Policy: Dean's report was submitted to the Mayor. Dean shared that the group met and discussed how we could do more work with the city codes to address response to racial incidents. Arwen researched and sent information to the group to review and discuss. DRAFT Meeting Summary Diversity Commission October 8, 2020 Page 3 b. Partnership & Outreach: Frances Chapin attended tonight's meeting and shared information on proposed arts grants program in partnership with the Diversity Commission. $5,000 would be available in supporting Diversity Commission grants that are earmarked for the arts. These would be reimbursable grants. The Art Commission would also help promote the program. They are waiting for the Council to pass the budget before proceeding. They have requested a member of the Diversity Commission participate in their panel to award larger grants in the community (those are $1,000-$10,000 grants in their $50K budget). Pat mentioned the subcommittee is working with business leaders on a toolkit to provide to businesses with equity and inclusion training and educating new employees on how to handle situations and provide equitable treatment to the community. They are meeting on 13' of October. c. Events: Anabel reflected on Reita Johnston's event last Tuesday. She noted it was a great presentation and is hoping the recording will be available soon as people are asking. She mentioned that in the future 7:00 pm would be better than beginning at 6:00 pm. The Film Series is starting back up and a news release went out this week. Pt film on October 19t1i - Sekou will emcee (give Sekou follow up) and Q&A with Pat. 21 Film on November 14th — Nikki will emcee, Q&A with Nikki & Cast Sponsors are My Edmonds News and ECA... send images and info to them. New film series for 2021 is starting in January and the topics will be presented in December. d. Placemaking Highway 99: Donnie shared the subcommittee is looking at data Southeast Edmonds HWY 99 communities and is working on putting together story lines. All this will present to the Commission. Patrick shared that a position paper filled with heartfelt story lines has more power in conveying the need for this work. 9. New Business: a. Beacon Guest View Discussion — Donnie gave a brief overview of the incident of a woman of color driving through Edmonds neighborhood and looking for address to pick up free items. A neighbor called police on her as suspicious. The police handled it well, but the neighbor did not. Donnie commented on the fact he is always leery and on guard when he is out walking. Anabel wants to have us do an editorial response including education, events, and ideas and "how to be a good neighbor." Brian mentioned including a checklist for readers to think about before making the approach to call the police. Donnie feels this is a good Edmonds police story we can share in solidarity and perhaps have an interview with the police involved. Patrick wants to wrap "all are welcome" decals in with this piece and pull it all together on "how to be a good neighbor" Nikki suggested to add this cover topic in ask a cop series. Cindi suggested the police can distribute decals and to give our decals to our partners. b. Indigenous Peoples' Day — Pat will write a piece for this soon and we will share on the city and I am Edmonds Facebook pages. Adrienne — suggested reaching out to My Edmonds News and The Beacon. DRAFT Meeting Summary Diversity Commission October 8, 2020 Page 4 c. Three new Commissioners. Patrick announced the Chair and Vice Chair will review and finalize the finalists for these positions and November's meeting will focus on final confirmation. Council has to confirm before end of year. We still need a youth commissioner, they must be an Edmonds residence and have to be high school or college student, but need not attend school in Edmonds. 10. Commissioner's Corner Pat gave an update on the Equity and Justice Task Force. Her group focuses on organizational transformation — policing and public safety. They are creating a document to find out what resources they need, who do they need to reach out to, and recommendations. Most of the previous focus has been on discussing what is equity. Now they are getting into more substance and research. Pat got approval from the Mayor to stay on after her time on the Commission to wrap this up in February. Dean will have to miss next month's meeting as he's working on processing ballots. Patrick noted that the Economic Development Commission has openings as well. The Mayor held open the process to get more diversity and there are two new female members, one who is Asian -American. Cindi highlighted that the appointment interview process for the new municipal judge replacement is November 12' and will take the whole day. Donnie volunteered to be our representative. Donnie mentioned he has not put together an MLK Event for 2021. He's thinking of doing something with the arts and arts commission & diversity commission, maybe a video virtual event. Mindy asked the Commissioners to take the Edmonds Housing Commission survey. Adrienne is glad Donnie is volunteering to be on the judicial committee with the municipal judge appointment Adjourn: Pat adjourned the meeting at 8:04 PM — Next meeting Wednesday, November 4, 2020. DRAFT Meeting Summary Diversity Commission October 8, 2020 Page 5 EDMONDS DIVERSITY COMMISSION GRANTS PROGRAM APPLICATION FORM Name of Project: Kidstock! @Home Series: Joe Seamons & Ben Hunter Date(s) of Project: January 2, 2021 Amount Requested: $500 1. Description of Project, including goals, expected attendance or reach (use additional sheets if necessary): On January 2, 2021, Edmonds Center for the Arts (ECA) will present a free online performance by nationally -acclaimed Seattle roots musicians Joe Seamons & Ben Hunter as part of our Kidstock! @Home virtual series for kids and families. JOE SEAMONS & BEN HUNTER Seattle songsters Ben Hunter & Joe Seamons give life to voices that have long been silenced in American culture. Their award -winning performances are highlighted by storytelling that, rather than bringing the past to life, vividly shows how the past still lives in the present. Through their songs, audiences witness current issues appear again and again in folk songs, dance tunes, acoustic blues, and prison ballads. During the live online performance, the artists will interact with the audience in real-time via YouTube, and the show will include educational audience engagement, such as an instrumental demonstration, historical/cultural context of a song, or a Q&A. Ben & Joe bounce from fiddle & banjo breakdowns to a cappella field hollers, early jazz to gospel songs featuring Piedmont guitar style and rattlin' bones. The duo celebrates the ways Americans have triumphed over oppression through the vitality of their art. Audiences walk away from Ben & Joe's concerts inspired to learn more about their heritage and engage more deeply with their roots and communities. The artists have founded several local youth -empowerment initiatives, including the Rhapsody Project and the Hillman City Collaboratory. In 2019, the duo was recognized by the Ethnic Heritage Council with the Gordon Ekvall Tracie Memorial Award for excellence in ethnic performance and significant contributions to the development and presentation of the traditional cultural arts in the Pacific Northwest. ECA'S KIDSTOCK! @HOME SERIES ECA is excited to announce Kidstock! @Home, a series of free, live -streamed performances throughout the 2020/21 Season. In this new virtual format, Kidstock! @Home will highlight local artists representing the beautiful tapestry of diverse cultures, traditions, and art forms we are fortunate to have in the Pacific Northwest. From November through May, ECA will stream 5 live performances of music, storytelling, dance, and theatre for our youngest audiences and their families and provide opportunities to interact and engage with artists in real-time. Though ECA's 9th year of Kidstock! must adapt and pivot to a new virtual format, we are committed to providing the same access to diverse and dynamic art experiences to Edmonds, our surrounding communities, and beyond. Since 2013, ECA has welcomed over 2,500 young people and families annually to our free, festival - style Kidstock! event featuring live performances, arts education workshops, and creative engagement opportunities. With the presentation of Joe Seamons & Ben Hunter, ECA will continue its commitment to showcasing our region's diverse cultural traditions. Our goal with this program is to strengthen our community through the celebration of America's musical heritage that acknowledges the stories that shape it. The artists will explore these traditions by facilitating cross -generational, cross-cultural interactions through the medium of music and encouraging youth to understand that America's folk and blues music is not a relic, but a thriving blend of traditions that help us learn who we are. We believe that the proposed project would align perfectly with the City of Edmonds Diversity Commission's mission to promote an environment that accepts, celebrates, and appreciates diversity within the community and will encourage young folks' curiosity about their culture and its history. 2. Target audience (relevant to Edmonds): ECA's target audience encompasses a diverse representation from the Edmonds community and surrounding region. With this virtual presentation, we hope to engage ECA's established audience of residents of Snohomish & King Counties and ECA's growing digital audience, with a focus on young families and grandparents with children, youth, and fans of American roots music. We will partner with representatives from the Edmonds, Mukilteo, and Shoreline school districts and several private schools, to expand our outreach and engage youth from diverse communities. 3. Project budget: Joe Seamons & Ben Hunter Estimated Revenue Sponsors: 2,000 Hazel Miller Foundation: $2,000 Diversity Commission: $500 TOTAL: 4,500 Estimated Expenses Artist fee: $700 Technical staff: $990 Equipment rental: $1,500 Marketing: $500 Overhead: $1,500 TOTAL: $5,190 4. Describe what would constitute a successful project: We will consider this project a success if can achieve the following: - Engage culturally and ethnically diverse youth and families and welcome new individuals of diverse ages, cultures, and backgrounds to the virtual performance - Strengthen our partnerships with local schools - In post -show conversations with attendees, we learn of increased interest in American roots music - In post -show conversations and surveys of attendees, we learn of increased interest in and appreciation of the diversity within their own communities S. Contact name(s) and information: Grants Administrator: Christina Kourteva, Director of Development, christina@ec4arts.org, Project Director: Gillian Jones, Director of Programming, gillian@ec4arts.org Signature of applicant: Christina Kourteva Date:10/21/2020 Anything else you would like to share regarding this application: Joe Seamons & Ben Hunter "Ben Hunter and Joe Seamons recently made American roots music come alive for students of the University of Washington's "Music and Community" seminar. They musically expressed in nuanced ways the meandering traditional melodies, be it in ballads, blues, or folk songs of 19th century Americans whose music they have listened to and learned well. Their research on the songs was evident in the tales they told to deliver cultural meanings and functions of the music in the lives of historic rural and urban people of the Appalachians, the Ozarks, and the American south. As we exchanged with them on issues and ideals of musical communities, it became clear to all present that they hold in high esteem the historic American musical communities even as they are actively engaged in bringing the music home to living communities of listeners today. Ben Hunter and Joe Seamons are remarkable musicians who are making their mark in the honoring of American roots music for our listening pleasure." — Patricia S. Campbell, Donald E. Petersen Professor of Music, University of Washington EDMONDS DIVERSITY COMMISSION GRANTS PROGRAM APPLICATION FORM Name of Project: Sherwood Elementary PSO Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee (DEI) School and Community Equity Awareness Outreach Date(s) of Project: January 2021-April 2021 Description of Project, including goals, expected attendance or reach (use additional sheets if necessary): Sherwood Elementary, through its Parent -Staff Organization, has recently developed a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee. The DEI goal is to facilitate collaboration with families and school administration to highlight and reduce barriers to equity in our school community. The PSO at Sherwood has been an energetic presence at the school for years, implementing numerous community -building efforts. The DEI committee's work will aim to create a more inclusive space for intersectional identities that have been historically marginalized, including families of color and LGBTQIA families. The DEI committee is meeting regularly to review data, conduct a needs assessment and a set of focus groups with diverse families, and to define an action plan for anti -racism work with our parents/guardians and with the educators in our school. Our principal Christi Kessler is an active participant, alongside a growing number of parents/guardians. We anticipate two activities in early 2021, for which we're seeking grant support —the first activity is a learning session, including an outside facilitator well -versed in anti -racism and anti -bias work in communities like ours. This session will include parents/guardians and educators from our school, with expected attendance of 50-60. Due to COVID-19, we aim to host a Zoom meeting and to have a recorded presentation available to increase accessibility. Invitations will be translated into languages that our diverse families speak at home, and the RSVP will include a request for translation support. Feedback surveys will be distributed at the learning session, to determine the new learnings that came from these experiences, as well as to understand improvement areas as we host other learning sessions in the future. The second activity will be the purchase of books for our school that will enhance the diversity of the collection. The goal is to purchase books that reflect the diversity of families who are in our community. This includes targeting books written by authors of color with main characters who are Black, Latinx, multiracial, and indigenous, and books by LGBTQIA authors with main characters who are LGBTQIA. The 500 students in our school community would all benefit from these additional books, and our greater community will effectively benefit as we lay the foundation for the next generation to have a more equitable perspective provided in their school. Our school librarian Mr. Sonnen will be consulted to ensure that the books are at a range of reading levels from K to 6th grade. Asian: 4.5% American Indian 1 Black / African Alaskan Native: 0.7% American. 5.1 % Two or More Races: 12.7% Student Diversity Hispanic 1 Latino Sherwood White: of any race(s): elementary 60.5°l0 16,5% 2. Target audience (relevant to Edmonds): Sherwood Elementary is located in Edmonds, with a feeder pattern of the southwest part of the city. This project would be focused on families and educators within our school community. 3. Project budget, including other sources of cash and/or in -kind funding, as well as requested grant funding (fill in below or use other sheets if necessary): Revenue: • Our PSO fundraises throughout the year and we have requested matching funds as part of the annual budget (an additional $400). Expenses: • $500 to stipend an outside facilitator and for translation support, if it's requested in RSVPs for the session • $400 for books related to diversity, equity, and inclusion topics, written by diverse authors 4. Describe what would constitute a successful project: A successful project would include the engagement of parents/guardians and educators in a learning session, to unpack the actions that we can take with our children in an increasingly anti -racist stance as well as to engage in anti -bias learnings for LGBTQIA. We would want to see that each participant has identified at least one action step that they will take with what they have learned, and name at least one resource that was provided that they intend to use with their student(s). We also hope that by demonstrating success with these two proposed ideas, we can obtain financial support from other community sources enabling us to annually host speakers and purchase relevant books. If the speaker event is well received, it could also be an opportunity to host events and invite families from other schools in the community as well. S. Contact name(s) and information: Cory Grandinetti, co-chair of PSO DEI Committee--corygrand@gmail.com Aurora Parrish, co-chair of PSO DEI committee—Aurora.p.parrish@gmail.com Signature of applicant Date MA{ R74L#- Ot k,,, aA f A14,9 k rt 10.25.20 10.25.20 Include letter(s) of support if applicable. Anything else you would like to share regarding this application: Submit a hard -copy or PDF of the application form and any supporting materials to Patrick Doherty, 121 51' Avenue North, Edmonds, WA 98020 or by email to Patrick. doherty&edmondswa.,gov. Questions regarding the process may also be sent to that email address. Edmonds Citizen Board and Commission Application IPLEASEPRINTOR TYPE) NOTE: Teisform ha PuMremrdm m"bes0fita Wdisdwu uponrequest Diversity Commission (aoordor Commission) Dr. Mari Acob-Nash , +.-10/08/20 Address: Day Phone: - Edmonds WA Evening Phone: same 98020 Cell: E-mail• omm- Occupational status and background:Currently, Dean of Student life, North Seattle College, past positions include Associate Vice President of International Education, Skagit Valley College Dean at Cascadia College, Executie Director of International Students Services, Edmonds College Organizational affillations:Faculty and Staff of Color Conference (with State Board of Colleges and Technical Colleges), CUSP (Council for Unions and Student Programs SBCTC) Why are you seeking this appointment? Please see attached letter- to serve my community to improve on diversity iniatives. I am Filipina and have raised multi -racial children in our Edmonds community. I am fully committed to using an equity mindset on future efforts in our city. What skills and knowledge do you have to meet the selection criteria? I have over 20 years in the Washington State College system - with diversity councils, committees, workshops and training. Please list any other Board, Commission, Committee, or official positions you currently hold with the City of Edmonds:, n/a Please return this completed form to: Edmonds City Hall 12150 Avenue North Edmonds, WA 98020 carolvn.lafavetotedmondswa.aov Phone: 425.771.0247 1 Fax: 425.771.0252 Signature ftw 4101" City of Edmonds Diversity Commission Application Re: Dr. Mari Acob-Nash Dear Diversity Commission Search Committee members i am seeking appointment to this Edmonds Diversity Commission because I truly want to be a part of the city of which I truly love and I would like to be pan of efforts that keep the city a diverse and inclusive place to live. My husband and I have committed to living and raising our family in this beautiful city, not only because of the location, but because of the values of the individuals and families that live here. The diversity of people of Edmonds keeps the culture full of variety in the arts, music, food and in its business. The variety of thought of its citizens truly creates a remarkable, vibrant place to live and I would like to make sure that this commitment to diversity is sustainable. This year, we, as citizens of this city have been faced with an incredible amount of challenges, such as COVID-19, the lockdown, our business being closed, wildfires, Black Lives Matter and the controversies surrounding the elections. I feel strongly that I want to be part of how Edmonds heals and reopens with an equity mindset. I think about some questions frequently... Who in our community has been disproportionately affected by the events of 2020? Do our communities of BIPOC (Black Indigenous People of Color) feel safe? What can we do in our community to combat the challenges facing our community with basic needs, food, shelter, jobs - are we being equitable in oat solutions? I am Filipina and my husband and children are multi -racial with ethnic backgrounds mixed with Northern European and indigenous nations. Our eclectic backgrounds have given me a rich value system that embraces other races, religions, orientations and thoughts. My deep belief is that diversity is the care to a rich and fulfilling lifestyle. My professional training is comprised of years of equity, diversity and inclusion work. In the course of my education, I have taken many for -credit courses and have continued my professional development through workshops and other trainings. Currently, I am in partnership with my college's EDI office and have embedded equity in our work. I am committed to my EDI professional training or life and plan to continue my growth in this area. In addition, I provide several introductory level EDI awareness and EDI best practice workshops. I also have given presentations over the past few years in my role as a member of the Faculty and Staff of Color Conference Committee (SBCTC). I am very interested in being part of this team and I believe I would be an asset to your commission. I would be happy to share my skills, experience and interest with you further at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, Dr. Mari Acob-Nash Edmonds Citizen Board and Commission Application (PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE) NOTE: This farm is a pub& record and maybe subject to disclosure upon request Dl;,crs:4.. (�_ OMM j ssrbn_ (Board or Commission)<Y What skills and knowledge do you haw to meet the selection criteriat tvvArsJ•j an t6 }a vCG r 2v% 2w o.Q'P r /ry S t4bf&4V 4Tor � eQrtr Please list any other Board, Commission, Committee, or official positions you currently hold with the City of Edmonds:. Please return this completed form to: Edmonds City Hall 12150 Avenue North Edmonds, WA 98020 carolvn.lafave(pdadmondswa.eov Phone: 425.772.0247 1 Fax: 425.771.0252 aevcmapo/ia Edmonds Citizen Board and Commission Application (PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE) NOTE: This form is a public record and maybe sub/ect ro disclosure upon request Diversity Commission (Board or Commission) rlame:Alison Alfonzo Pence Date:October 20, 2020 Address Day Phone: Edmonds, WA98020 Evening Phone: Ce E-mail: Oee upatlonal status and background: Currently ratted. Former professional experiences Include'. Executive Director at the Beside Human sent¢, cwn:bn, ExeaM P.wovl pis PoW Benk ® al. were ant or Community Po,:mm it, to, Gmp Fha USA, Thai Prupmm Memger to, he Mlnonry E,wei Unit C,aia, of brother or M1tlioneI Alan Pedrm center on Agly, One Conimrnay Sumer, airtcbr on cook aWYr,l HmIW 0e,n Phone,. Organizational affiliations: currently I am a member of the popery Quo of Edmonds. I am dao a member of the Seattle Humeri Service's Coalition's Justice League Task Force, a diverse group off human service members who are working b eliminate racism In the r tiMa eu, wI, o meat„ or In, seats wolerscemmman. er id n, An, nhow ww,: Pnnny Sued Ind he killed, Henn s,erne„nai1n,n. Why are you seekingthis appointment7l would like to continue my work in the city of Edmonds where my husband & I have lived for nearly 4 years. Although most of my work has been based in the Seattle & King County area, I would like to bring my expertise to Edmonds which we now call our home. What skills and knowledge do you have to meet the selection criteria?' have spent a rdetime of working towards equality for all through anti -racism, cultural competency, inclusiveness, and self awareness. Please list any other Board, Commission, Committee, or official positions you currently hold with the City of Edmonds:. None at this time. Additional comments: a 3rd generation American born women of color, my husband and I have raised our could racial children m, call III knaw wn,a,,bra m oe name bums Of 1011„1 self Ion end nu tot of:oor,nana91,, now with arrndfrol . monk, ore ¢list Me to, I Please return this completedform to: Edmonds City Hall 1215" Avenue North Edmonds, WA 98020 carolvn.lafave@ed mondswa.eov Phone: 425,771.0247 i Fax: 425.771.0252 Alison Alfonzo Pence Signature rtewsedz/aa/to City of Edmonds n i U rip Citizen Board and Commission Application v (PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE) NOTE: This form Is a public record and maybe subject to dlschus ere on request Diversity Commission (Board or Commission) Name:Alberto Orejel Malfavon AddressI1111111 Edmonds, WA 98020 Date: t 0/20/2020 Day Phone: Evening Ph Cell: E-mail Occupational status and background: currently work as a Program Manager fornpoen, local olfee In Kirkland. At Appen, we manage projects to omtamt data annolatbm far Machine Lea: nLIS and Adscral inlelligenw medals bra verely of clients around the globe_ I graduated ham the University of Washington in 2011. with a Bachelors of Science in Electrical Engineering. I've lived In the PNW since 2001, free in Pullman. WA, moving W the BedevuelSeattle area in 2003. Organizational affiliations: CompetlEor In West Coast Swing, points maintained by the typed Swing Dance Council. Member of the UWAA. Why are you seeking this appointment? I am seeking this appointment to become more Involved with the City of Edmonds and to help be a voice for the Latinx community. After gaining my citizenship In 2014, I have wanted to get more involved In politics, and as Edmonds becomes a more diverse Community, I want to make sure mat the community Is Inclusive to all members of the community. What skills and knowledge do you have to meet the selection criteria?' have experience working with diverse teams, have lived in both small and large cities, passion for learning about other experiences, different from my own. Please list any other Board, Commission, Committee, or official positions you currently hold with the City of Edmonds:. None. Additional Comments: After the 20 to election, I've bean looking for a way for me to help bring change. I want A make sure everyone appreciates diversity. and whet less represented mem be of a community feel like they can really be a part of their commu billy, and feel safe in it, Please return this completedform to Edmonds City Hall 121 5mAvenue North .rQadA."Ed �no�o%7�Ay Edmonds, WA 98020 fb�! caroWn.lafave(aledmondswa.eov Signature Phone: 425.771.0247 1 Fax; 425.771.0252 aewsee4l3o/z4 Edmonds Citizen Board and Commission Application (PLEASE PRINT On TYPE) NOTE: Thu form Is o pubOc record and moy be 3mWeut to dudosure upon request -DI ve r'9 X Coco v✓l rssiah Isoardor Commission) - a M I - r �.15 MIFFNEFMI 1111111 occupational status and background: ret'r4=J Cali; Organizational affiliations: rnLmpp6 membl-e r /n�r4- .S ca .t-er -hat- abaut Why are you seeking this appp�olMmen a nA n P I N '�i P_ Coyn vn rss In vt J )sskes l-e-WeA to What skills and knowledge do you her 5 k-111% ti Lt newldMj ae -ro '%ru)-t art, Date: 04J, 7 r l/. o — - — Day Phone:_ Evening Phone: Calk E-mail: organ/j'I`ssue o(ens.�en. Y" Please list any other Board, Commission, Committee, or official positions you currently told with the City of Edmonds:. hAv,,CP 4C50 114141E.!;T d01C A/4LG 110'V121✓/G &#1LZ6fqEA1 Additional love() -to 4ello exp� n..q Please retwa tMs completedform W. C It, , Edmonds City Hall �eu.rn 1215m Avenue North ) Edmonds, WA 98020 carohn.lafavedmedmondswa.aov Phone: 425,771.0247 1 Fax: 425.771.0252 n;Mq TO gro uYs -trek Ve_ wbl"t� ��v�le nee 7o h r, %link Signature RESUME ARDETH LVNN WEED CAREER/I-KHREMENT OWECTIVES! To contribute to a society which enables people of all ages to grow educationally, socially, emotiona lly; and spiritually with particular focus on education, ini erpersonal skills, loss and grief, and organ donation, EDUCATION: 1994 Administrative Service Credential, California State University, Chico. 1989 Administrative Preliminary Service Credential, California state University, Chico, 1970 Elementary Life Standard Teaching Credential, California State University, L.A. 1967 B.A.., University of California, Los Angeles. ADMIN19fRXFIVE AND TEACHING EXPERIENCES: 1995-1997 Superintendent/Principal, kindergarten through eighth grades. Shasta union Elementary School, Shasta, CA. Responsibilities included all administration of school and district. 1994 Superintendent/Principal, kindergarten through eighth grades. Dais Run Elementary School District, Oak Run, CA. Responsibilities included all administration of school and district. 1983-1994 Superintenden#/PrinciprilfT'eaciter, kindergarten through eighth grades. French Gulch-Whiskeytown School district, French Gulch, C.A. Responsibilities included half-time administrator of entire district and school programs, as well as teaching half-time (various assignments different years: self-contained, 3rd- 4kh-5th, 1st-2nd math, Ist language arts, 6th-7th language arts, 6th & 8th social science, K-8th rausic, K-8th wellness). 1977-1983 Teacher, second through fifth grades_ lrrench Gulch-Whiskeytown School District, French Gulch, CA, Responsibilities included planning and executing lessons for a self-contained 2-3-4-5 or 3-4-5 class, as well as music program K-8th. 1975-1977 Pr, ncfpollTeacher, eighth through twelfth grades. New Trails Residential School, French Gideli, CA. Responsibilities ineltided hiring, supervision and evaluation of staff; individualized curriculum planting; coordinating with home school districts of students; paperwork involved with administrating a private residential school; and teaebing half-time matli, language arts, history, and vocal music. 1967-1973 'reacher-, fourth through eighth grades. - Shively School, Valle Linda School District, South El Monte, CA. Responsibilities included self-contained classes: 5th grade, 3 years; 4th-5th grades, I year; 8th grade core (language arts, and social science), i year; reading lab 4th-8th grades, I year. Selected to be Master Teacher I973. RELATED EXPERIENCES ANIDAWAR-Mi 1997 California Region I Superintendent/Principal of the Year. 1992-1994 Shasta Colony Office of Education, Curriculum Council Chairperson. 1989-1991 Shasta County Library/Media Advisory Committee member. o 1989 California Region I Merit Award, Administrative Training Center. 1986-1989 Northstate Administrative'Training Center participant. 1987-1988 Shasta County School Administrators' Association Secretary, 1972-1973 Professional Singer. IINTERESTS AND PROFICIENCIES: Vocal music, reading, scuba diving, hiking; rivet- rafting, travel, quilting, guitar.