2020-07-09 ED! Edmonds Downtown Alliance MinutesEd! Meeting Minutes July 9, 2020 Meeting held via Zoom Meeting called to order at 8:03 am Board Members/Administration in attendance: Cheryl Farrish, Carrie Hulbert, Kali Kelnero, Matt McCulloch, Jenny Shore, Pam Stuller, Mark von Gunten City of Edmonds representatives in attendance: Cindi Cruz, Patrick Doherty Ed! Members/Guests: Kimberly Koenig (Rogue), Jen Lawson (Crow) Public Comment: No public comment, but Pam welcomed Kimberly Koenig and Jen Lawson to the meeting as potential future board members. President's Report: Matt would like Effs mission statement to be more inclusive. He proposed to add "and welcoming to everyone" at the end of the current mission statement. Kali moved to make the change and Cheryl seconded. All approved, none opposed. Matt also proposed that a racial awareness seminar would be a great item to include for our Communication and Outreach committee to consider. Approval of previous meeting minutes: Pam moved to approve the minutes of the June 11 th meeting. Jenny seconded. All approved, none opposed. New Businesses Added: none City Update: Patrick reported that the City is returning to Main Street closures on the weekends. The Mayor is strongly in favor of these closings in order to be downtown in a safe way. Restaurants benefit greatly, retailers report mixed results. Patrick also reported that there has been a task force set up to look inward at the City to see "what is the face of the City." The task force is very diverse. The City has also agreed with the Ed! Board to waive delinquency fees for the year. The third quarter dues will be due August 15th. The City also has grants available for COVID relief for businesses with 0-30 employees, with applications due by July 20th. Patrick said that the idea of "parklettes" or certain parking spaces allotted for public use was being looked into by the Parks and Rec Department, but he felt it was a long-term project and not financially realistic. The Chamber of Commerce is opening a public pledge drive to help support the Chamber. Committee Updates: Marketing: Carrie reported there is an ad on My Edmonds News, and the July article on the Ed! website will be about social distancing. Appearance & Environment: none Communication & Outreach and Administration: The annual meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 29th at 8:30 am via Zoom. Matt will do a presentation and then will announce Board nominees, who are: Jen Lawson (Crow), Kimberly Koenig (Rogue) and Matt McCulloch (Peoples Bank) for the three open-door positions Deandra Peterson (Edward Jones) and Mark VonGunten (Ten Gun Design) for the two by- appointment/office-based position available. Any other nominations are due by July 15th. Public comment for the meeting will be limited to 3 minutes per person. Meeting adjourned at 9:06 am. The next board meeting will be at 8:00 am on August 13, 2020.