LETTER FROM NEIGHBORFrom: P s <phs 36@msn.com> Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2020 4:38 AM To: Edmonds Engineering Permits<EngineeringPermits@edmondswa.gov> Cc: Craig Ruden <craigruden@hotmail.com>; Cary Gammon <carygammon@Bmail.com>; Rothstein, Isaac <issac@petersteininvestments.com> Subject: building permit #BLD 20181080 for 24304 92nd W, Edmonds Sirs, I am the owner of the adjacent property to the North and West of 24304 92nd W, Edmonds, and have been asked to let you know that I am OK with the project. Sincerely, Paul Schroeder Tax parcel # 27033600402700