From EMAILFrom: Lien, Kernen <Kernen.Lien@edmondswa.gov> Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2020 2:14 PM To:OnlinePermits <OnlinePermits@edmondswa.gov> Subject: FW: Permit# BLD2018-1635 (garage) From: Isaac Rothstein <Isaac@petersteininvestments.com> Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2020 2:05 PM To:PlanningPermits <PlanningPermits@edmondswa.gov> Subject: RE: Permit# BLD2018-1635 (garage) Hello, During the inspection this week, Milton informed us of the need for tie-downs on the shear wall joining the two garage doors.  I've received drawing addendums and a memo to the inspector from our Engineer.  All have been attached to this email for review. Additionally, Milton had provided us verbal instructions on when to contact him for our next inspection for the garage roof-top deck.  Please advise on the specifics, as we don't have a written copy. (i.e.  OSB is installed.  Do we call for inspection now or after the deck is complete?) Sincerely, Isaac Rothstein / President Peterstein Investments LLC P:  206-486-0675 E:  isaac@petersteininvestments.com