2021-03-17 Economic Development Commission PacketAGENDA Edmonds Economic Development Commission Wednesday, March 17, 2021 6 — 8 PM Zoom Info below 6:00 P.M. — Call to Order and Land Acknowledgement: "We acknowledge the original inhabitants of this place, the Sdohobsh (Snohomish) people and their successors the Tulalip Tribes, who since time immemorial have hunted, fished, gathered, and taken care of these lands. We respect their sovereignty, their right to self-determination, and we honor their sacred spiritual connection with the land and water." - City Council Land Acknowledgment Call to Order 1. Roll Call and recognition of approved absences (5 min) 2. Approval of Agenda (2 min) 3. Approval of February 17, 2021 Meeting Summary (2 min) 4. Audience Comments (3 minutes per person) 5. City Update (5 min) 6. Project Discussion: Communication and Information Flow (20 minutes) 7. Project Committee Updates (5 minutes each) a. Data Collection & Analysis b. Neighborhood Districts & Business Zones c. Edmonds Business Portal d. Waterfront Center Opportunities e. Parking and Shuttle Service 8. Idea Pipeline (10 minutes) 9. Liaison Update (10 minutes) a. City Council b. Port of Edmonds c. Chamber of Commerce d. Planning Board 10. Roundtable Discussion (10 minutes) 11. Adjourn Next regular meeting: April 21, 2021 6PM Zoom Information: httas://zoom.us/i/98696685791?awd=RvtOZiVuK3ZCNON4QlRrM HZaSWDvQT09 Meeting ID: 986 9668 5791 Passcode: 901513 CITY OF EDMONDS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MEETING February 17, 2021 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Nicole Hughes, Chair Darrol Haug Jay Hoag Kevin Harris, Vice Chair Scott Merrick Kevin Smith Charlie Lieu Carrie Hulbert Evan Sittauer, Student -Rep COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Jamie Reece, unexcused LIAISONS PRESENT: Greg Urban, Edmonds Chamber, ex officio Vivian Olson, Councilmember, ex officio Bruce Faires, Port Commissioner, ex-officio Roger Pence, Planning Board, ex-officio COMMISSIONERS/LIAISONS ABSENT: GUESTS: None STAFF PRESENT: Patrick Doherty, Director Megan Luttrell, Program Coordinator Economic Development Commission meeting conducted via ZOOM and called to order by Nicole Hughes at 6:02 p.m. Call to Order and Land Acknowledgement 1. Roll Call and recognition of absences: Jamie absent, unexcused. 2. Approval of Agenda: Darrol moved to approve; Jay, seconded; motion passed. 3. Approval of January 20, 2021 Meeting Summary. Darrol moved to approve, Kevin Smith seconded, motion passed. 4. Audience Comments: Nicole recognized an email from former Commissioner Matt Waldron. He was contacting the Commission to bring up an issue back up that had been previously explored; moving City services up to Hwy 99 and use for City Hall building. 5. City Update: Patrick shared that Council approved an Ordinance amending the Edmonds Community Development Code to add Hotel as a permitted use on the waterfront. Daily Journal of Commerce has run a front-page story regarding the change and recognized the Commission's work on this effort. New VisitEdmonds.com is up and running. The City is working with Ed! to complement the VisitEdmonds.com efforts. We're in a preliminary phase of a satellite City Hall on or near Hwy 99. A location has been identified and preliminary research is being done; it is all contingent on Council approval. Services provided might be limited but would offer additional accessibility to citizens. Roger emphasized the need to have this effort be well planned out to lend to its success. Vivian suggested an opportunity for volunteers to provide services for tutoring. Carrie suggested to staff it with people who speak different languages. 6. Old Business DRAFT Meeting Summary Economic Development Commission February 17, 2021 Page 1 a. Data Collection & Analysis: Charlie has contacted and communicated with each Committee lead and has gathered requests. Data Collection & Analysis Committee will meet last Friday of every month and review and prioritize the requests that she has gathered. The most common theme in requests are: how has to City changed over time? How has the demographics evolved? How has the businesses community grown? Census data is one avenue to pull from. Darrol mentioned that data can help guide the public perception. Charlie explained that she met with the Mayor this week and he emphasized that the Commission is serving the Mayor and Council. Charlie asked for clarification on the directive. Patrick explained that the Code indicates the Commission serves the City leaders which encompasses the Mayor and Council. Kevin Smith mentioned that after the Neighborhood group met, they discussed the light -rail coming; it would be good from a data standpoint to understand how many homes are coming into the surrounding areas and how that might affect Edmonds. b. Neighborhood Districts & Business Zones: Kevin Smith shared that they have a standing meeting every month. Their first meeting this month they discussed each district. They will meet a second time this month to discuss priorities. Vivian feels it would be interesting to have some cross -branding between the different business districts. Kevin S. mentioned they discussed connecting with the owner of Firdale Village to discuss opportunity to redevelop. Patrick explained that the Firdale Village zoning is very specific. Kevin S. shared that they have discussed engaging the surrounding community to learn what they would like to see in Firdale Village. He further shared that they discussed the potential at the SW corner in Perrinville. There are some challenging requirements to develop that corner. If the post office moved that could be prime real estate. Westgate and Five Corners are not likely to be redeveloped at this time but there could be some zoning shifts that could provide some business attraction opportunities. Kevin S. solicited input from seasoned commissioners that might have more background on some of these areas. Roger is interested in some of the micro -corners in the City (OVD & Puget; the five corners between Westgate and Firdale). Kevin Harris recommended sharing Committee Meeting progress reports (or other forms of communication) to the Commission in between meetings to allow the Commission an opportunity to more effectively respond to Committee requests Commission feedback. Nicole added, right now we are having reporting meetings, and this would lend to the opportunity to shift the meetings to be a working platform. c. Edmonds Business Booster web portal: Kevin Harris shared the Edmonds Business Business website and walked the Commission through the website content. The Committee is in the process of conducting 1-hour interviews with content providers. Kevin H. will be synthesizing all the notes into a report which can inform a future brainstorming session with all the content providers to determine vision, barriers, gaps and how the portal can ensure the best 'user experience'.. Scott shared the interviews have been insightful; there's lots of enthusiasm behind the project. Patrick shared that for -profit businesses have contacted him to participate in the website and we need to explore how to have private sector businesses participate in a public platform. Carrie suggested seeking end user input to make sure the content is useful for their needs. A lot of the content providers are regional, statewide or multi -state, not Edmonds centric. d. Waterfront Center Opportunities: Nicole shared the spreadsheet the committee has been working on. They are working on Idea Generations: evening educational programs; parking partnership; pandemic emergence; how do we connect the dots between the open spaces and the Creative District. The committee is brainstorming ideas to engage the community to the Waterfront Center: advertising in other business districts, exploring ways to boost business DRAFT Minutes Economic Development Commission February 17, 2021 Page 2 opportunities; thinking about how to tie events into the downtown businesses; retail pop -ups at the Waterfront Center. Kevin H. asked that they check if teleconferencing is available for potential virtual/hybrid presentations. Kevin Smith shared that he toured a couple months ago and recommends that the committee tour the building. There's opportunity for people who are working from home, to utilize the meeting space. Nicole requested that Patrick arrange an in - person tour. e. Parking & Shuttle Service: Darrol led the update and shared the committee has met twice. 20 years ago, parking was not an issue. The 2003 study showed that there was not much issue in town: 350 permits total; now there are 350 employee permits and 850 resident permits. The growing restaurant climate in downtown Edmonds draws more people to the downtown core. There was a downtown parking survey done with 700 responses. The takeaway was residents want to park near their homes and employees don't want to pay for permits. The idea of a shuttle could be explored. What can the committee do in the short-term vs the long term? They can gather information for Mayor, Council and citizens to understand where the parking was and where it's at now. Carrie shared that Ed! is looking at additional afterhours parking. Jay emphasized that the growth in the region is going to impact parking and now is the time to start planning. f. Communication & Info Flow: Nicole shared that the work they're focusing on is building a framework for how to express their ideas and when to share recommendations with the Mayor and/or Council. It's also time to plan a Council report. 7. New Business: None. 8. Extended Agenda and Idea Pipeline: None. 9. Liaison Updates (3 minutes per liaison) (12 minutes) Vivian Olson (Council) shared that Council has been working on the Tree Code. As always, reach out with any input. Bruce Faires (Port) shared the north boardwalk and seawall consultants have been retained; Makers and Landau. Project is moving forward although held up by permits that can take 3-5 years. They are building a new admin building across from Anthony's; the old building will be demolished. Greg Urban (Chamber) shared he's bringing a staff member back in March. Roger Pence (Planning Board) had two items of interest to share. The Planning Board favorably commented on the Interim outdoor dining Ordinance (on private property). They also supported the Code Amendment to Broaden Applicability of the Unit Lot Subdivision Process. Public Hearings will be held on both items next week and suspect they will be favorable. He will be doing a tour of Waterfront Center tomorrow at noon if anyone wants to join. 11. Roundtable Discussion: Charlie is signing off. Jay, nothing. Evan, nothing. Kevin H. nothing. Carrie, nothing. Kevin S., kudos to everyone and energized by the work groups. Darrol, ditto of what Kevin S said. Scott, nothing. Patrick, nothing. Nicole, thank you for all the groundwork you've laid with your appointing Councilmember to support the zoning change at the waterfront. Adjourn at 8:15 p.m. Next regular meeting: March 17, 2021, 6 PM location TBA DRAFT Minutes Economic Development Commission February 17, 2021 Page 3