Department of Commerce Interagency Agreement for State Energy Program - Rooftop Solar Challenge 2 Program Amendment 1Contract Number: F14-52117-015 Amendment Number: A Washington State Department of Commerce Energy Policy Division State Energy Program Rooftop Solar Challenge H 1. Contractor 2. Contractor Doing Business As (optional) City of Edmonds 121 5th Avenue North Edmonds, WA 98020 3. Contractor Representative 4. COMMERCE Representative Rob Chave, Planning Manager Patti Miller -Crowley (invoicing) 425-771-0220, ext. 1332 360.725.3122 Rob.chave@edmondswa.gov Patti.millercrowley@commerce.wa.gov 5. Original Contract Amount 6. Amendment Amount 7. New Contract Amount (and any previous amendments) $12L00© Kim $22,000 8. Amendment Funding Source 9. Amendment Start Date 10. Amendment End Date Federal: X State: - Other: N/A: Date of amendment execution March 31, 2015 11. Federal Funds (as applicable): Federal Agency: CFDA Number: $22,000 Department of Energy 81.117 12. Amendment Purpose: The purpose of this Ammendment is to provide up to $10,000 seed money to establish a Solarize campaign for the purpose of increasing installations of rooftop solar arrays in the City, through lower bulk purchase pricing, and education and outreach. COMMERCE, defined as the Department of Commerce, and the Grantee acknowledge and accept the terms of this Contract As Amended and attachments and have executed this Contract Amendment on the date below to start. The rights and obligations of both parties to this Contract As Amended are governed by this Contract Amendment and the following other documents incorporated by reference: Contract Terms and Conditions including Attachment B — Solarize Amendment. A copy of this Contract Amendment shall be attached to and made a part of the original Contract between COMMERCE and the Contractor. Any reference in the original Contract to the "Contract" shall mean the "Contract As Amended". FOR Gr FOR COMMERCE Tony Usi 011i, State Energy Office, Director Rob C ave, Planning Manager/ Acting Development Services Director Date Date APPROVED AS TO FORM ONLY Richard McCarten Assistant Attorney General 6/4/04 Date Department of Commerce Attachment B - Solarize Amendment Contract Number: F14-52117-015 This Contract is amended as follows: Section 3 — Compensation and Funding, is hereby revised to pay an amount during budget period 1 not to exceed $22,000 for the performance of all things in Attachments A & B. ALL OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS CONTRACT REMAIN IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT. PAYMENT PER DELIVERABLE The GRANTEE shall be paid upon presenting evidence the following Deliverables have been met, regardless of actual hours spent on each deliverable: • Completion of Solarize Campaign training (Task 1.2) by NWSEED for recipient & key partners (Edmonds and community volunteer - 1 each min.) - $4,000 • Signed MOU between competitively selected installer(s) and City (Task 2.1) - $4,000 • 5 homeowners under contract for solar array installation with selected contractor(s) (identified through monitoring in Task 4.3) - $2,000 Goal: Install 20 solar arrays through Solarize Edmonds campaign following steps & timeline below: Task Apr May Jun Jul AugSep Oct Nov Dec Task 1: Initiate project 40 88 1.1 Recruit volunteers 24 1.2 Volunteer orientation/training meeting 16 1.3 Review and circulate RFP for contractor 16 1.4 Interview and support selection of contractor 24 1.5 Draft & prepare website 48 Task 2: Prepare project 40 8 2.1 Review & finalize contractor MOU 8 2.2 Prepare data tracking system 16 2.3 Draft & finalize outreach materials 16 2.4 Complete project kickoff meeting 8 Task 3: Launch project 56 24 24 3.1 Prepare public presentation materials 24 3.2 Complete public outreach (email, web, mail) 8 8 8 3.3 Schedule and complete public workshops 16 8 8 3.4 Track communications and feedback 8 8 8 Task 4: Track and complete project 24 16 4.1 Complete follow-up communications 8 4.2 Track communications and feedback 8 8 4.3 Monitor project progress and permitting 8 8 Task 5: Assessment 16 32 5.1 Assess communications 8 8 5.2 Assess permitting process 8 16 5.3 Communicate project experience 8 Total Hours (=368) 40 88 40 64 24 24 24 32 32