2021-03-11 Ed! Board MinutesEd! Board Meeting March 11, 2021 Meeting called to order: 8:03 AM Board Members/Administration in Attendance: Pam Stuller, Matt McCulloch, Jenny Shore, Kali Kelnero, Cheryl Farrish, Kimberly Koening, Mark VonGunten, Carol Sheldon, Jen Lawson, Olivia Brown -Latham, Deandra Peterson, Carrie Hulbert. City of Edmonds Representative in Attendance: Patrick Doherty and Megan Luttrell Guests: Blake Fisher (Blake Fisher Architecture & Design), Liz Morgan (FIELD), Robert Boehlke (Housewares), Rachel Dobbins (Art Walk Edmonds), Aimee Hauff (Pelindaba Lavender), Beth Sanger (OMBU Salon + Spa), Musa & Hannah Safouane (Church Key Pub), Christine Poirier (Pear Tree Consignment), Kathy Solum (Edmonds Vision Center) Roger Clayton (Arista Wine Cellars) Public Comment: N/A Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes: Kali moved to approve the minutes from the February 2021 meeting. Olivia seconded. All approved, none opposed. President's Report: Pam has been contacted by the recruiting company handling the Edmonds Police Chief position. If any business members have feedback, please contact Pam directly. There is a new Edmonds restaurant group that meets at least monthly; Kali and Pam attended the last meeting. At Ed!'s annual meeting in April, four Board positions will conclude. Positions will be voted upon at the May Board meeting. Ed! members who are interested in Board or Executive positions should contact Pam. Treasurer's Report: We have a fund balance of $9,000 more than our projected 2021 beginning fund balance. The first quarter is usually when we receive the majority of assessments. We are on pace so far this year to meet that target. This raises a question about whether we request an additional allocation of funds from the City as the point of collecting assessments is to spend these on efforts that benefit the BID. We had cut back the marketing budget significantly in 2020, so if additional funds were spent, it would likely be spent on marketing efforts, including the new Summer campaign. Any proposal to the City will be specifically geared to the intended use of funds. New Businesses Added to BID: N/A City Report: Patrick provided a City report. The federal COVID-19 relief package should provide additional funding for businesses and also for the City. The City is asking for input on Walkable Main Street. Questions include how many weeks this should run, what time and days to start/end, and other general feedback. Feedback will be sought both from the public and from businesses. The City also welcomes feedback on the Edmonds tourism website (www.visitedmonds.com). For the Fourth Avenue Arts Corridor, public feedback revealed that preservation of parking is important, suggestions to make part of the corridor one-way, and to improve the pedestrian experience with plantings, seating, etc. The City welcomes feedback on the police chief search. The firm handling this search will ensure public process/feedback is considered. Patrick fielded input from Ed! members about greater notice and clarity from the City on Walkable Main restrictions. Permits & Building Update: The last report available from the City was from January 2021. There were a few minor permitsThe only major permits were for residential projects. Committee Updates Communication & Outreach: The Committee continues to make progress on contacts to member businesses. Discussions are underway regarding potential BID expansion, especially now that Salish Crossing has a new owner. Pam and Carrie have a meeting scheduled with the new owner. There is also the possibility of expanding into the waterfront zone. Annual meeting is set for 04/28/2021. Feedback is sought on survey questions for the annual meeting. "Be a Good Neighbor" program to encourage employees to park in designated stalls versus short-term retail/restaurant parking. - Admin: The Committee met to review the Treasurer's Report, including going through the delinquent list and being creative in working with the City to set up payment plans. Marketing: There is a new feature article out about what people love about Edmonds, available online and on social media. Focus has been on the Summer marketing campaign. Working on a Summer Stroll encouraging pedestrian friendly Edmonds. The Committee is looking at ways to incorporate all business sectors, including "open hours" for by appointment businesses, working on parking issues, and partnering up by appointment and open-door businesses. Work is needed to update the website, including updating directory pages. The cost to do this will be up to $2,500, which will include the major targeted updates as well as some minor updates throughout the year. MOTION; Kimberly moved to allocate up to $2,500 towards website updates. Mark seconded. All approved, none opposed. - Appearance & Environment: No meeting this month, but work continues to collect umbrella stands. Work is also underway on how to best advertise available parking. - Grants Program: No updates. New Business: None. Meeting Adjourned: 9:20 a.m.